Maynooth University is pleased to be a part of Generation Study Abroad and increase the number of study abroad students from the United States at our institution by continuing to foster and develop meaningful and reciprocal relationships with new and existing partner institutions in the US.
Generation Study Abroad is a five-year initiative of the Institute of International Education (IIE) to mobilize resources and commitments with the goal of doubling the number of U.S. students studying abroad by the end of the decade. The initiative, which is timed to coincide with IIE's centennial in 2019, will highlight IIE's commitment to study abroad and encourage purposeful, innovative action to get more Americans to undertake a meaningful international experience through academic study abroad programs, as well as internships, service learning, and non-credit educational experiences.
Currently, fewer than 10 percent of all U.S. college students study abroad at some point in their academic career, according to the Open Doors Report on International and Educational Exchange published by IIE with support from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Generation Study Abroad aims to grow participation in study abroad so that the annual total reported will reach 600,000 by the end of the decade.
Maynooth University has experienced a considerable growth in study abroad students from the US in recent years. We have developed significant relationships with our partners and have built on these over a number of years which has resulted in an increased flow of students from partner universities. We are committed to continuing these meaningful partnerships and developing new relationships.
The Maynooth University Strategic Plan sets out the direction of the University and its contribution to education and research until 2017 and focuses on key areas such as a radical enhancement of undergraduate education, developing centres of excellence for research, doubling international student mobility and collaborating with other institutions domestically and internationally. It specifically outlines that we will increase international student mobility, by doubling the number of international students attending Maynooth and the number of Maynooth students with an international experience as part of their degree.
Maynooth University will award 50 x €1,000 GSA Scholarships to US students who meet the criteria and apply to study at Maynooth University for a full academic year from September 2016. Further details in relation to the application process and requirements will be released soon.
Ireland's Minister of Education and Skills, Jan O'Sullivan, approved Education in Ireland to participate in Generation Study Abroad and and will provide $100,000 to IIE’s Generation Study Abroad fund which will see Ireland participating as a Lead Signature Partner. These scholarships, in addition to the Maynooth University scholarships, will greatly enhance Ireland’s visibility and international profile and ensure it's attractiveness is maintained by educating the next generation of US leaders, entrepreneurs and decision makers.
Department of Education and Skills press release.
About the Generation Study Abroad Initiative.