Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities, aims to address the inherent and inherited heteronormative, gendered and racist bricks and mortar of Digital Humanities (DH). The “Full Stack” metaphor means we are concerned with how biases and exclusions manifest all layers and stages of a digital project, including data models, algorithms, archival descriptions, access rights and tool functionality. Our research involves applying an intersectional feminist lens to digital projects and systems, including archives. Intersectional feminism recognises the myriad ways that different identities interact within what Patricia Hill-Collins refers to as the “matrix of domination” (1990).
Our project builds on an application of intersectionality, offered by Hill-Collins, that endeavours to “build participatory, democratic, interpretive communities across differences of experience, expertise and resources” (2019). We aim to collaborate with a wide range of communities, including archivists, artists, scholars, coders and activists working on digital projects whose values reflect an intersectional feminist ethos.
This online session will discuss our work, focusing on the biases and exclusions our project seeks to highlight and outlining our engagement with community archives, in particular, to amplify the voices, concerns and needs of marginalised groups.
This research/project was funded by UKRI-AHRC and the Irish Research Council under the ‘UK-Ireland Collaboration in the Digital Humanities Research Grants Call’ (grant numbers AH/W001667/1 and IRC/W001667/1). FSFDH project website Twitter @FullStackFem
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