Prof Fergus Ryan

Law, Motherhood Project, Sexualities and Gender, ALL Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences
Gaeilge agus fáilte
Head of School/ Associate Dean of Social Sciences
Fergus Ryan is Head of School and a professor of law at the School of Law and Criminology, Maynooth University. He is a graduate and former scholar of Trinity College, University of Dublin, from which he holds an LLB (Hons) and a PhD.
Fergus has over 25 years' experience teaching and researching law, with a particular focus on family law, constitutional law, gender, sexual orientation, and human rights. From 1998 to 2013, Fergus taught at the Dublin Institute of Technology, at which he served as Head of the Department of Law from 2003 to 2009 and again in 2013. Fergus has also been a visiting lecturer at the School of Law, Trinity College, Dublin (2002-5), teaching Family Law, at UCD, and at the Law Society of Ireland. From 2002 to 2018, he served as internship director for the University of Tulsa College of Law Summer Abroad programme in Dublin, placing over 300 US law students as interns during that period. He has served as a visiting scholar in Child and Family Law at the Children and Family Law Center at Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas and as a visiting lecturer at Vilnius University in Lithuania.
Fergus' publications include (with Dug Cubie) Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Law in Ireland: Cases, and Materials (Round Hall 2004); (with Judy Walsh), The Rights of De Facto Couples, (IHRC 2006); Contract Law (Round Hall 2006); Constitutional Law (3rd edn, Round Hall 2018); Civil Partnership: Your Rights Explained (GLEN, 2009); and The Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 (Round Hall 2011).
Fergus has advised the Equality Authority, the Irish Human Rights Commission and the Law Reform Advisory Committee of Northern Ireland on issues of family law and human rights. He has assisted in drafting legislation and legislative amendments for several members of Seanad Éireann, including the Adoption (Identity and Information) Bill 2015. He has also written and spoken widely on family law issues, in particular civil partnership and cohabitation, and appears regularly on national and local TV and radio speaking about a variety of legal issues.
Fergus is a former President of the Irish Association of Law Teachers, a position in which he served from 2003-4 and again from 2013-14. He is the Irish representative on ECSOL (the European Commission on Sexual Orientation Law) and was, formerly, chair of One Family.
Fergus has over 25 years' experience teaching and researching law, with a particular focus on family law, constitutional law, gender, sexual orientation, and human rights. From 1998 to 2013, Fergus taught at the Dublin Institute of Technology, at which he served as Head of the Department of Law from 2003 to 2009 and again in 2013. Fergus has also been a visiting lecturer at the School of Law, Trinity College, Dublin (2002-5), teaching Family Law, at UCD, and at the Law Society of Ireland. From 2002 to 2018, he served as internship director for the University of Tulsa College of Law Summer Abroad programme in Dublin, placing over 300 US law students as interns during that period. He has served as a visiting scholar in Child and Family Law at the Children and Family Law Center at Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas and as a visiting lecturer at Vilnius University in Lithuania.
Fergus' publications include (with Dug Cubie) Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Law in Ireland: Cases, and Materials (Round Hall 2004); (with Judy Walsh), The Rights of De Facto Couples, (IHRC 2006); Contract Law (Round Hall 2006); Constitutional Law (3rd edn, Round Hall 2018); Civil Partnership: Your Rights Explained (GLEN, 2009); and The Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 (Round Hall 2011).
Fergus has advised the Equality Authority, the Irish Human Rights Commission and the Law Reform Advisory Committee of Northern Ireland on issues of family law and human rights. He has assisted in drafting legislation and legislative amendments for several members of Seanad Éireann, including the Adoption (Identity and Information) Bill 2015. He has also written and spoken widely on family law issues, in particular civil partnership and cohabitation, and appears regularly on national and local TV and radio speaking about a variety of legal issues.
Fergus is a former President of the Irish Association of Law Teachers, a position in which he served from 2003-4 and again from 2013-14. He is the Irish representative on ECSOL (the European Commission on Sexual Orientation Law) and was, formerly, chair of One Family.
Research Interests
In recent years, my research has focussed on the legal aspects of civil partnership, cohabitation and the legal recognition of non-traditional families with children. I also have a strong research interest in sexual orientation law, in how the law regulates sexuality, and transgender recognition. I have a general research interest in family law and child law, (especially marriage law), and have written and researched in the areas of constitutional law, immigration law and contract law.
Research Projects
Book Chapter
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | D. Ferri; F. Ryan (2023) 'Revisiting the Debate on Irish “Semi-Presidentialism”: Tradition or Evolution?'. DPCE Online, 57 (1). [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Fergus Ryan (2021) 'Book Review of Lydia Bracken, Same-Sex Parenting and the Best Interests Principle. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020'. Irish Jurist, 65 (65):196-198. [Full-Text] | |
2021 | Fergus Ryan (2021) 'Book Review: G. Shannon, Child and Family Law'. Irish Journal of Family Law, . | |
2021 | Fergus Ryan (2021) 'Decriminalisation Revisited: PP v The Judges of Dublin Circuit Court, the DPP, Ireland and the Attorney General [2019] IESC 26'. Irish Supreme Court Review, . [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Fergus Ryan (2018) 'Unfinished Business? Equality and Family Diversity in the Wake of the Irish Marriage Referendum'. Irish Journal of Family Law, (2018) 21(3) Irish Journal of Family Law (3):59-69. [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Fergus Ryan (2017) 'Book Review: Niamh Howlin and Kevin Costello (eds) Law and the Family in Ireland 1800-1950, Palgrave, London, 2017'. Irish Jurist, 58 :204-208. [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Fergus Ryan (2016) 'The Rise and Fall of Civil Partnership'. Irish Journal of Family Law, . | |
2016 | Fergus Ryan (2016) 'Book Review: Daniele Gallo, Luca Paladini and Pietro Pustorino (eds.) Same-Sex Couples before National, Supranational and International Jurisdictions (Springer-Verlag, 2014) in International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON) (Oxford University Press 2016)'. International Journal of Constitutional Law, . [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Fergus Ryan (2015) 'Ireland’s Marriage Referendum: A Constitutional Perspective DPCE Online (Diritto Pubblico Comparato Ed Europeo) 2015-2'. DIRITTO PUBBLICO COMPARATO ED EUROPEO, DPCE Online (Diritto Pubblico Comparato Ed Europeo) 2015-2 . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Fergus Ryan (2014) '“Playing Away from Home on an Uneven Pitch?” Spouses, Civil Partners and Adultery in Irish and UK Law'. Irish Journal of Family Law, (2014) 17(2) Irish Journal of Family Law 41-51 . | |
2012 | Dr Fergus Ryan (2012) 'Out of the Shadow of the Constitution: Civil Partnership, Cohabitation and the Constitutional Family'. Irish Jurist, 48 :201-248. [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Dr Fergus Ryan (2008) 'The General Scheme of the Civil Partnership Bill 2008: Brave New Dawn or Missed Opportunity?'. Irish Journal of Family Law, 11 . | |
2006 | Dr Fergus Ryan (2006) 'Recognizing Family Diversity: Children, One Parent Families and the Law'. Irish Journal of Family Law, 9 . | |
2006 | Dr Fergus Ryan (2006) 'Sexual Orientation and the Management of a Diverse Workplace: Law and Best Practice'. To be added, 5 . [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Fergus Ryan (2005) 'Casenote: Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza in (2005) 27:3 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 355-368'. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, . | |
2004 | Dr Fergus Ryan (2004) 'Marriage at the Boundaries of Gender: The ‘Transsexual Dilemma’ Resolved?'. Irish Journal of Family Law, [2004] 1 Irish Journal of Family Law 15 . | |
2001 | Dr Fergus Ryan (2001) 'Law at the Margins: The Displacement of Law as a Framework of Governance (2001) 19 (no. 3) Dickinson Journal of International Law (Penn State Uni.) 407'. (2001) 19 (no. 3) Dickinson Journal of International Law (Penn State Uni.) 407 . [Full-Text] | |
2000 | Dr Fergus Ryan (2000) 'Sexuality, Ideology and the Legal Construction of ‘Family’; Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association'. Irish Journal of Family Law, [2000] 3 Irish Journal of Family Law 2 . | |
1997 | Fergus Ryan (1997) '“‘Queering’ the Criminal Law: Some thoughts on the Aftermath of the Decriminalisation of Homosexuality”'. Irish Criminal Law Journal, 1997) 7 Irish Criminal Law Journal 38-47 . |
Conference Contribution
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Fergus Ryan (2022) Identities on the Move: Country Report: Ireland. None, . [Link] | |
2017 | Fergus Ryan (2017) Laws and Families Database: Income, troubles and legal family formats in Ireland. INED, . [Link] | |
2017 | Fergus Ryan (2017) Laws and Families Database: Migration and legal family formats in Ireland. INED, . [Link] | |
2017 | Fergus Ryan (2017) Laws and Families Database: Death and legal family formats in Ireland. INED, . [Link] | |
2014 | Fergus Ryan for the Equality Authority (2014) Observations on the General Scheme of the Gender Recognition Bill 2014. Equality Authority, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Fergus Ryan - with GLEN and ICCLPlain English review by NALA (2012) Known Your Rights - The Rights and Obligations of Civil Partners and Same-sex Couples. GLEN/ICCL, . [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Fergus Ryan (2009) Civil Partnership: Your Questions Answered. GLEN, . | |
2006 | Judy Walsh, Fergus Ryan (2006) The Rights of De Facto Couples. Irish Human Rights Commission, . |
Electronic Article
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Fergus Ryan (2018) Ireland’s 8th Amendment: Repeal or Retain?. [Electronic Article] [Link] | |
2017 | Fergus Ryan (2017) Marriage equality?: 'There is no excuse for confining civil partnership solely to gay couples' The Journal, 27 February 2017. [Electronic Article] | |
2017 | Fergus Ryan (2017) The Constitution at 80. Brainstorm: [Electronic Article] [Link] |
Electronic Publication
Newspaper Articles
Year | Publication | |
2016 | Fergus Ryan (2016) The marriage equality plebiscite is not just unnecessary, it's positively sadistic, The Guardian, November 7, 2016. Australia: [Newspaper Articles] [Link] | |
2016 | Fergus Ryan (2016) Don't think of same-sex marriage as radical and disruptive... it actually goes to heart of tradition and family, Belfast Telegraph, August 6, 2016. [Newspaper Articles] [Link] | |
2012 | Fergus Ryan (2012) Cohabiting couples must consider financial obligations, Irish Times, February 27, 2012. [Newspaper Articles] | |
2011 | Fergus Ryan (2011) Divorce link to transgender recognition is questionable, Irish Times, July 25, 2011. [Newspaper Articles] | |
2007 | Fergus Ryan (2007) “Comment: Proposed Amendment Raises More Questions than it Answers”, Sunday Business Post, February 25, 2007. [Newspaper Articles] | |
2001 | Fergus Ryan (2001) “Nice Treaty will enable EU to add new members” The Echo, May 31, 2001. [Newspaper Articles] | |
2000 | Fergus Ryan (2000) Nice Treaty will enable EU to add new members, The Echo, May 31, 2000. [Newspaper Articles] |
Year | Publication | |
2014 | Senator Averil Power, Fergus Ryan (2014) Adoption (Identity and Information) Bill 2014. [Statute] [Link] |
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Teaching Interests
At Maynooth University, I currently teach Family Law. At Maynooth, I previously taught Child Law, Gender, Sexuality and Law, Contract Law, Constitutional Law, Tax Law, Company Law, and Business Law. I have also previously led the Applied Legal Research module and currently contribute to the PhD Research Methodologies module led by my colleague Prof. Delia Ferri.
Between 2016 and 2022, I taught a module on the Law of Persons on the joint UCLy-MU BCL Études Juridiques.
I continue to contribute to an MU-wide electives on Gender and Sexuality in Society and Culture and a Civil Society module for Applied Social Studies.
At TU Dublin, I taught Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Contract Law, Core Legal Skills, European Union Law, Law for Social Care, Jurisprudence and Media. I have also contributed to modules in Family Law and Child Law at the Law Society and a module on Equality at UCD.
I have previously taught Family Law at Trinity College Dublin (School of Law, 2002-2005).
Between 2016 and 2022, I taught a module on the Law of Persons on the joint UCLy-MU BCL Études Juridiques.
I continue to contribute to an MU-wide electives on Gender and Sexuality in Society and Culture and a Civil Society module for Applied Social Studies.
At TU Dublin, I taught Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Contract Law, Core Legal Skills, European Union Law, Law for Social Care, Jurisprudence and Media. I have also contributed to modules in Family Law and Child Law at the Law Society and a module on Equality at UCD.
I have previously taught Family Law at Trinity College Dublin (School of Law, 2002-2005).