Title: Scoring for the Screen
Composing music for film, television and interactive media presents an exciting and innovative creative practice for music makers. This talk presents the processes involved in creating a score from script to screen, including collaborations and technology needed to fulfil a project brief. It will also outline the potential avenues in becoming a media composer, opportunities involved and getting the gig as well as the composer's own path to working in the field.
Natasa Paulberg is an award-winning Australian/Irish composer with compositions for the concert hall, television, film, advertising and gaming. Natasa has scored many projects including the acclaimed The Hunger documentary, narrated by Liam Neeson, and performed by the RTÉ Concert Orchestra, the National Australia Bank What do you want? advertising campaign and Screen Ireland's Irish Stories on Screen promotional trailer. She has won two Best Original Score awards for the film The Yellow Dress, Best Original Score and Best Music Award from the International Sound & Film Music Festival for The Hunger, and has been nominated for two Jerry Goldsmith Awards in music for film and advertising. Natasa's piece Atomic Hope, performed by the RTÉ Concert Orchestra, was premiered at the New Music Dublin festival and the documentary feature premiered at HotDocs. Natasa also scored the RTÉ series The Island narrated by Liz Bonnin, The Irish Civil War narrated by Brendan Gleeson and has worked with Ériu Dance Company (directed by Riverdance's Breandán de Gallaí); The House of Bernardó Alba and Toćomlod for RTÉ's 2023 Culture Night.
Maynooth University Department of Music
ToggleSeminar: Natasa Paulberg (composer)
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 - 16:00
Bewerunge Room, Logic House