Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - 13:00 to 16:15
on line
Join us in celebration of the career of our colleague Martin Charlton.
Speakers will reflect on his work and how it has inspired their own research (sessions 1 & 2, 13.00-15.05), and reminisce on and celebrate the life of our dearly missed friend (session 3: 15.15-16.15)
Register here
Session 1: 13.00-14.05 |
Prof. Chris Brunsdon, Director, National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG) (Chair) Prof. Lex Comber, University of Leeds Prof. Richard Harris, University of Bristol Prof. Michael Batty, University College of London Tomoki Nakaya, Tohoku University Dr. Binbin Lu, Wuhan University |
Break 14.05-14.15 | |
Session 2: 14.15-15.05 |
Prof. Andy Large, Newcastle University Prof. Paul Harris, Rothamsted Research Prof. Mike Goodchild, University of California, Santa Barbara Dr. Jeneen Naji, MU Media Studies Bruce McCormack, IRLOGI |
Session 3: 15.10-16.15 |
Personal reflections on the career of Martin Charlton All participants are welcome to contribute to this session with opening remarks by Prof. Rob Kitchin, MUSSI Prof. Ray O’Neill, MU Prof. Linda Connolly, MUSSI Prof. Mary Gilmartin, MU Dept. of Geography and Dr. Kylie Jarrett MU Media Studies Prof. Mark Boyle, MU Dept. of Geography |