Wednesday, April 26, 2023 - 15:30 to 17:00
2.31 MUSSI Seminar room Iontas
This Spring semester MUSSI will introduce a new ‘Early Career Research Skills’ Seminar Series to take place (roughly) bi-weekly on Wednesdays 15:30 - 17:00 in the MUSSI seminar room 2.31. The next workshop will be "Getting the next job; career paths" with speakers, Rob Kitchin Carla Kayanan and Olga Ryazanova The goal of the series is to bring together PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, early career researchers, and senior PIs for a focused discussion on the fundamental skills that are important for advancing your academic career (at any stage). The series is organised by Kevin Credit and Rob Kitchin, and each session will include a panel of early- and senior-career speakers and plenty of time for open dialogue on each topic. We encourage all of the MUSSI graduate students, postdocs, and ECRs to attend, as well as any others throughout the university who might be interested. The afternoon scheduling will also provide an opportunity for (much-needed) social engagement If you are interestd in hearding more about this seminar series, please register your interest here