Journal of Geographical Systems (JGS) recently announced their 2021 Paper of the year. The Journal of Geographical Systems (JGS) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal that aims to encourage and promote high-quality scholarship on new theoretical or empirical results, models and methods in the social sciences. It solicits original papers with a spatial dimension that can be of interest to social scientists. Coverage includes regional science, economic geography, spatial economics, regional and urban economics, GIScience and GeoComputation, big data and machine learning. Spatial analysis, spatial econometrics and statistics are strongly represented.
The objective of the JGS Best Paper Award is to encourage and recognize excellent scholarship published in the journal in the preceding year. For the year 2021, one paper in particularly stood out to the judges, a decision on the winner rests with the editors-in-chief of the journal. The winning paper was deemed to properly represents the broad scope of a journal that covers the fields of GIScience and spatial planning, as well as spatial statistics and econometrics.
We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2021 JGS Best Paper Award is the contribution by Prof Chris Brunsdon (NCG & MUSSI, Maynooth University) and Prof Alexis Comber(University of Leeds).
Their paper "Opening practice: supporting reproducibility and critical spatial data science" can be viewed here