Gale Primary Sources Roadshow Event

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 10:00 to 16:00
The Library Foyer

Gale Primary Sources Roadshow Event
Get help from experts to find primary sources for your research or teaching!
Are you looking for more primary sources for your research or studies? Have you hit a brick wall in your dissertation or are you searching for a source which will take your thesis to the next level?
On Tuesday 31 January, experts from publisher Gale Cengage will be coming to the John Paul II Library to give you the chance to discover the resources and materials available at Maynooth University. These include The Times Digital Archive, The Economist Historical Archive, Making of Modern Law as well as every book published during the Eighteenth Century.

This is a great chance to have an informal chat with product experts who can show you the best way to find primary sources for your essays, as well as learn how to use powerful tools like term frequency. A wealth of historical materials to support your studies and research are only a few clicks away and this is a great, informal way to quickly learn how to find them and use them to elevate your essays.
If you’re interested, the Gale Cengage team will be in the library foyer from 10:00 to 16:00 with freebies and chocolate!