MU Data Hackathon

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 - 09:00 to Thursday, April 9, 2020 - 09:00
Department of Mathematics & Statistics

About the hackathon!

Calling all students to exercise your data skills!
This event will run from Tuesday March 10 to Thursday April 9 2020. It is open to any MU undergraduate student. Groups of up to 5 students welcome.

Register to take part with Catherine Hurley [email protected] by Tuesday March 10 at 6pm.

The data

GAA National Football league results from 2001-2017 - the data comes from Data world.

For your convenience, the data is on the Department's Rstudio server at SharedFiles/DataHack/gaa.csv

On the server you can read in the data as:

gaa <- read.csv("SharedFiles/DataHack/gaa.csv",header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
gaa$Date<- as.Date(gaa$Date, "%d/%m/%Y")

Alternatively you can download the data to your own computer.

Your analysis

You can pose a question that interests you about the data, or some subset of the data. Your project should then consist of a short, maximum 3 page report giving results of the analysis. Your report should consist of text, tables and graphs.

The report should list:

  • The research question(s)
  • Background/significance of the research
  • The methods used to obtain and analyse the data
  • The results of the analysis (tables, charts, graphs, significance, confidence intervals, descriptive text)
  • The conclusion should have some general remarks, including discussion of limitations of findings, reasonableness of any assumptions made, possibilities of future work/studies that should be conducted, etc.
  • Feel free to use whatever software you like, R, Excel, Minitab….
  • You can include code used to get your results as an appendix.

Deadline for submission: Printed submissions should be handed in to the Mathematics and Statistics Department office, room 207, Top floor, Logic House by 4pm on Thursday April 9.

Available help

Help will be available in the Maths & Stats Department Ground floor lab in Logic House on Thursday 3-4 on March 12, 26 and April 2nd. It is suggested that you organise your group to meet up there on March 12 to get started. You are also welcome to get help from Statistics lecturers during their office hours.

Grand finale and prizes

There will be a grand finale for this event after its conclusion. Prizes are kindly sponsored by the MU Department of Mathematics and Statistics. All participants are invited. The time and place will be announced later.