
Horizon Europe Information Session

Interested in learning more about Horizon Europe funding for Cluster 5 (Climate Energy and Mobility) and Cluster 6 (Food, Bio-economy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment)? Come along and hear from the experts! We are delighted to welcome the Irish National Contact points for Cluster 5 and Cluster 6 in a joint information workshop as part of Maynooth University Research Week 2023. The event will be of interest to those familiar with Horizon Europe as well as those wishing to learn more. Tickets are free but there are a maximum of 25 places available so please book early to ensure your spot.

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: 1.33 Iontas

Panel Discussion and MaynoothSparks 2023 Events

The Research Development Office is once again hosting MaynoothSparks during Research week: This year the broad theme is “Collaboration”, and we’ll have a range as speakers with interesting stories to tell about what Collaboration means to them and their work. Each speaker will have 6 minutes for their talk and be limited to maximum of 12 slides, which will make for a fast-moving, diverse, and enjoyable event.

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: Training room C&D, Library

How can digital technologies help us to improve our health and wellbeing?

How can digital technologies help us to improve our health and wellbeing?

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: IVI Boardroom, 23, Eolas

FACSP PhD Research Events

"A series of PhD research presentations and thematic discussions organised by PhD researchers in the FACSP. Agenda: 9.00: Academic speed-dating for PhD researchers 9.00 – tea/coffee, informal welcome 9.30: Academic speed-dating for PhD researchers 10.30: The meaning of the humanities, panel discussion 11.30: Lunch 12.30: Practice-based research across disciplines, roundtable 13.30: Mingle, end of the event

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: 1.37, Iontas

Research Night ALL Institute

"Learn about some of our current projects from how we are promoting STEM education and careers in Ireland to SocioEconomically Disadvantaged (SED) girls to how we are shifting the traditional focus of nature-based solutions towards its co-benefits for biological, psychological, social and environmental health (360-Health). Further details to our research event. "

When: Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Where: TBC

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network (DN) EnTrust

This will be a 30-minute presentation by Dr. Zohreh Pourzolfaghar from the School of Business on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network (DN) EnTrust. EnTrust is funded by the European Commission Doctoral Networks project based in Innovation Value Institute – IVI - (MSCA-DN-101073381– EnTrust HORIZON – MSCA – 2021 – DN) programme under the Horizon Europe (HORIZON) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. MSCAs are the European Union’s flagship funding programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training of researchers. The EnTrust Doctoral Network will train a cohort of 11 Doctoral Researchers (DRs) in an intersectoral, international and interdisciplinary setting with the aim to establish a new generation of Data Executives that are able to advance the state of the art in sharing data in a fair, transparent, and trusted environment.

When: Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Where: John Hume Boardroom

Maynooth University Strategic Plan 2023-2028 Launch

The launch of the Maynooth University Strategic Plan 2023-2028 will be held by University President Professor Eeva Leinonen. Registration will be required, for further information please see: or email into

When: Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Where: TSI, Lecture Theatre 1, North Campus

Hidden Irelands: Migrant Histories from the Free State to the Republic, 1930-1970 

This interdisciplinary event brings together Dr Jack Crangle of the Department of History at Maynooth, and Dr Karl O’Hanlon of the English Department, to share snapshots of their research on migrant histories in twentieth-century Ireland, followed by a conversation and audience Q & A.

When: Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Where: 1.37, Iontas Building, North Campus Maynooth

Engaging with the Arts in Early Learning and Care: Exploring the Draft Principles for Arts Facilitation

This event will introduce and workshop the draft principles for arts facilitation promoting play and creativity in Early Childhood Education and Care, which have emerged from an engaged research project conducted by Dr Tríona Stokes, Maynooth University/ Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education. Tríona is a former primary teacher and has previously served as an artist in residence. Please register here

When: Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Where: TSI 240

Supporting inclusive education in and through EU policy and research: the TUTOR project

This workshop offers an opportunity to explore how an European funded research project on inclusive education is working to create and support inclusive education in and through EU policy and research spaces. This workshop will discuss how we can create greater sharing of practice and knowledge flows between educators, stakeholders and policy-makers through research and CPD in European Erasmus programmes. The TUTOR Project is a European Union funded Teacher Academy project which aims to create partnerships between teacher education and training providers to set up Teacher Academies on inclusion in teacher education across Europe. TUTOR intends to foster a more inclusive environment in education, that is open to students from migrant, LGBTQI+, and socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds, with a particular focus on an intersectional approach that safeguards the elements of tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion.

When: Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Where: Room SE014, Ground Floor, School of Education Building
