
Research cluster event: Performance, Practice & Interactivity

The Performance, Practice & Interactivity Research Cluster hosts its inaugural research event, featuring contributions from many of the cluster members across the University.

When: Friday, 14 November 2014

Where: Bewerunge Room, Logic House

Gender Representation & Decision Making in Ireland: Challenges and Opportunities

Sponsored by Maynooth University Department of Sociology & Faculty of Social Science

When: Thursday, 13 November 2014

Where: Iontas Building (NIRSA Conference Room, second floor) North Campus

Field trip to Newgrange, Dowth, Mellifont and Monasterboice

Explore the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Newgrange and Dowth and the monastic remains at Monasterboice and Mellifont.

When: Saturday, 25 October 2014

Where: Newgrange, Dowth, Monasterboice & Mellifont

Seminar: A Clash of Civilizations? Austria-Hungary, Serbia and the European Order 1903-1918

Centre for European and Eurasian Studies event

When: Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Where: Seminar Room One, Iontas Building

Red Stripe Symposium: The Historical Novel in Late Capitalism: Problems and Possibilities

Red Stripe is a broadly left-wing reading group committed to stimulating radical critical thought and literary and cultural theory in contemporary Ireland.

When: Saturday, 18 October 2014

Where: NIRSA Conference Room, 2nd floor, Iontas Building

Field Trip to Hill of Tara & Tlachtga

Explore the Hill of Tara, Teltown & Tlachtga

When: Friday, 17 October 2014

Where: Hill of Tara & Tlachtga

Redressing the Imbalance Between Financial Service Consumer and Provider in Ireland

Dr. Stuart Stamp will speak at an upcoming seminar hosted by the Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM). Dr. Stamp's talk entitled "Redressing the imbalance between financial service consumer and provider in Ireland" will take placeon Thursday, October 16th, from 12.30-13.15 in Room 110, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham.

When: Thursday, 16 October 2014

Where: Room 110, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham

Social Justice Week: Hugh Frazer Seminar

Contributing to Maynooth Social Justice Week, a seminar on Children’s Rights and Child Poverty will be led by Hugh Frazer with a response from Helen Johnston.

When: Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Where: Hall E, Arts Block, Maynooth University

Department of Law Guest Lecture: Liam Herrick

Liam Herrick will give a lecture on ‘Recent Developments in Irish Penal Policy’, this coming Tuesday.

When: Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Where: John Hume Lecture Theatre 2 (North Campus)

Beyond the Western Front WWI Conference

Beyond the Western Front: the forgotten theatres, contingents and campaigns of the First World War

When: Saturday, 11 October 2014 to Sunday, 12 October 2014

Where: Iontas and John Hume Buildings, North Campus, Maynooth University
