
BIOLOGY SEMINAR SERIES: Dr Rita Hickey, Teagasc Food Research

"Teagasc Food Research Centre (TFRC): food for health with a focus on bioactive carbohydrates" by Dr. Rita Hickey.

When: Friday, 22 February 2019

Where: IONTH, Iontas Building, North Campus

Paid research placement in your related discipline at Maynooth University

Paid research placement in your related discipline at Maynooth University

When: Thursday, 21 February 2019 to Sunday, 03 March 2019


‘Editing the Diaries of John Lee's Irish Walking Tour, 1806-1807’

Lecture to the History Research Seminar by Dr Angela Byrne (DFA Historian-in-Residence, EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum)

When: Thursday, 21 February 2019

Where: Seminar Room, First Floor, Iontas Building (MU North Campus)

Sraith Seimineár Taighde Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge, Earrach 2019

An Dr Róisín Ní Ghairbhí (Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál, Luimneach) a bheas ag tabhairt an chéad léacht i sraith seimineár Taighde Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge.

When: Thursday, 21 February 2019

Where: Léachtlann JHL4, Foirgneamh John Hume, An Campus Thuaidh

Collective Memory-Work: The potential for emancipatory learning processes with Robert Hamm

Robert Hamm, an Irish Research Council fellow (Collaborative Research Fellowships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe), will lead a presentation and discussion of Colelctive Memory Work: The potential for emancipatory learning processes

When: Thursday, 21 February 2019

Where: John Hume Building (north campus), Staff Development Room

Geograph Seminar - Dr Chaosheng Zhang, NUI Galway

Maynooth University Department of Geography invites you to attend a seminar presented by Dr Chaosheng Zhang - Towards machine learning for identification of hidden spatial patterns and relationships in big data of environmental geochemistry

When: Thursday, 21 February 2019

Where: Rocque Lab, Rhetoric House

Creation, Language, Time: A Seminar on Augustine, Confessions XI

Is language creative? Is the world a text, perhaps even a story? What is the relationship between speech and the reality of our own lives, that is, our own stories? And is time itself measured by language? These and related questions stand at the centre of Book XI of Augustine’s Confessions, to which the Department of Philosophy is devoting a seminar.

When: Thursday, 21 February 2019

Where: Arts & Humanities Institute (Iontas 1.26)

Schola Gregoriana

Polyphony, chant, and organ, with special guests Raymond O'Donnell and the College Chapel Choir.

When: Thursday, 21 February 2019

Where: College Chapel

Employer Recruitment Stand - First Derivatives

Meet First Derivatives to find out more about their Options Programme. Open to Final Year Students and Graduates from Accounting, Compuer Science, Economics, Engineering, Finance, Maths, Physics.

When: Thursday, 21 February 2019

Where: Outside the Careers Service, Arts Building

Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium - Professor Michael Fop

Professor Michael Fop, UCD, will give a talk titled "The infinite latent position cluster model for multivariate networks".

When: Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Where: MS2, Top Logic, South Campus
