
Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium - Hannah Comiskey, TCD and the ADAPT Centre

Hannah Comiskey, TCD and the ADAPT Centre will give a talk titled 'Estimating public and private contraceptive method supply shares at national and subnational administration levels, using Bayesian hierarchical models'

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: MS2

Humanities Research Snapshots

This informal event brings together researchers from across the Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy to give a tantalising glimpse of their ongoing research.

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: 1.37, Iontas

Publishing Strategically to enhance your Research Impact 

"This talk will examine how to identify the best quality/highest impact journals to publish your research output in, the benefits of and options available to publish Open Access. It will also look at how to improve the visibility and dissemination of your published work. Ciarán Quinn, Research Support Librarian, MU Library "

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: Online via Zoom

An examination of open research data in incubation centres in Irish Universities. An engaged research approach.

This will be a 30-minute presentation by Dr. Gail Sheppard from the School of Business on the institutional set up of incubation centres in Irish Universities from a public-private partnership perspective. The focus is on university incubation centres involved in connected health and the challenges they face in contemporary times in relation to open research data. The presentation will share insights from a successful application for national funding. It will outline the value of public-private partnership collaborations for academics and universities.

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: John Hume Boardroom

3 Minute Thesis Competition

3 Minute Thesis Competition for research students

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: Hamilton Institute Seminar Room (317), Eolas Building

Eyes on Dublin: A close look at the Data Stories 3D model

This is an opportunity to view the Data Stories 3D model of Dublin up close, with an emphasis on housing.

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: MUSSI, 2.38 Graduate Research Offices, 2nd Floor, Iontas Building

3 Minute Thesis Competition

Watch a series of 3 minute presentations by the Maynooth University postgraduate student community to a non-specialist audience about their research projects. The presentations will be timed and the top three presenters will be awarded a prize. If you are thinking about research studies in 2024, this is a great opportunity to find out more.

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: TSI Building, Lecture Room 109 : TSI109

Publishing in the Irish Journal of Management - an international, double blind, peer reviewed, ranked, online, open access journal in the Management discipline 

Dr Marian Crowley-Henry, School of Business, will be presenting online, on an event hosted by the library regarding my editorship of the peer reviewed, international, online, open access Irish Journal of Management, ranked on the list of quality management journals

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: Online via Zoom

From pathogenicity to sustainability-all about the fungal kingdom

Fungal researchers from Maynooth University will deliver four talks on diversity and the health implications of fungi, their influence on food safety and their potential for use in innovative future foods.

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: Rye Hall

Critical-Feminist dialogues in the emancipatory potential of education with Sara Tolbert

Join us at Critical-Feminist dialogues in the emancipatory potential of education with Sara Tolbert on Wed 25th Oct 2023. This is the first fireside chat of the Critical and Feminist (C&F) Research Policy Analysis ESAI Special Interest Group

When: Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Where: Via Zoom
