Seminar - New Forms of employment and Work in the Digital Age

Sulpture, Iontas building, North Campus
Monday, March 12, 2018 - 14:00 to 16:00
Meeting Room 1, first floor of Eolas Building, North Campus, Maynooth University

The Political Economy, Work and Social Inequality (PEWSI) research cluster, MUSSI, and the Department of Sociology, would like to invite you to a talk on ‘New Forms of employment and Work in the Digital Age’
by Irene Mandl, Head of the Employment research unit of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), Dublin, Ireland.
With short responses from Dr. Aileen O’Carroll (MUSSI/DRI) and Dr. Anne O’Brien (Media Studies), both members of PEWSI.
While public and policy debates are emerging at both European and national level on the ‘future of work’ and ‘new forms of employment’, there does not seem to be a harmonised understanding across Europe what the latter refers to. To help overcoming this challenge in debating an important issue, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) conducted a research study on , mapping the emerging work and employment trends across Europe. At the same time, digital technologies such as automation (the replacement of human resources by machines) and digitisation (the use of sensors and rendering devices to translate production into the digital domain) are observed to affect the labour market structure, employment relations and working conditions – but not necessarily are to be classified as “new employment forms”. Both aspects will be discussed in this presentation.

Bio: Irene Mandl is Head of the research unit ‘Employment’ at Eurofound. She holds a master’s degree in International Business Administration and one in Business and Law. Before joining Eurofound, she worked in policy-oriented socioeconomic research in Austria in the fields of employment and labour market, as well as entrepreneurship and industry analysis.

At Eurofound, she is mainly involved in research on labour market developments (including new forms of work and employment, digitalisation or restructuring and related public policy approaches) and topics in the intersection of employment and entrepreneurship (such as job creation, workplace practices, small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and scale-ups or internationalisation).


Some links to recent relevant reports at Eurofound.
New forms of employment:

Working  anytime, anywhere:

Strategic employee sharing:

Forthcoming – July 2018. Working papers and concept papers available  - Automation, digitisation and platforms: implications for work and employment: 

With the kind support of MUSSI and the Department of Sociology.

All welcome.