Astrophysics Research
Maynooth University has a long track record of research in astrophysics with high involvement in projects such as Planck, and Herschel. Postgraduate students and staff are presently researching projects which will be launched on the Planck or Herschel satellites. Graduates of the department have gone on to work with JPL and NASA.
Research Groups
Maynooth University has the following astrophysics research groups:
- Terahertz Space Optics
- Far Infrared Astronomy
- Cosmology
- Terahertz Computing
- Star and Planet Formation
For a listing of experimental physics research groups go to: Experimental Physics Research.
For a listing of all research groups in the department go to: Our Research.
International Collaborations
The Astrophysics Research Groups are involved in collaborative research projects with the following facilities:
- Planck Surveyor Satellite
- Herschel Space Telescope
- PRISM (Polarised Radiation Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission)
- Fisica (Far Infrared Space Interferometer Critical Assessment)
- QUBIC (Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology)
- SAFARI (SpicA FAR-infrared Instrument)