Prof Karen Till

I am a cultural geographer, feminist scholar, curator, creative writer, and activist who engages in collaborative research about place, memory and creative practice. Working with artists, community leaders, and activists, my research facilitates pedagogical and creative spaces that invite diverse publics to advance practices of memory-work and an ethics of care to repair places in cities wounded by state-perpetrated violence. At Maynooth Geography, I direct the Space&Place Research Collaborative (Ireland). I am a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, co-convene the Feminist Counter-Topographies Reading Group, and am founding co-convener of the Mapping Spectral Traces network of artists, practitioners and scholars.
My book in progress, Wounded City, highlights the significance of place-based memory-work and ethical forms of care at multiple scales that may contribute to creating more socially just futures. Through geo-ethnographic research and stories from Berlin, Bogotá, Cape Town, Dublin, Minneapolis, and Roanoke, I examine the significance of place in personal and social memory-work and an ethics of care, to address the ongoing legacies of forms of state-perpetrated and systemic violence. My curatorial work invites artists, practitioners, community leaders, scholars and publics to explore how creative practices might enable more responsible and sustainable approaches to caring for places, shared environments and cities.
I received a Ph.D. in Cultural Geography at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1996), a research M.A. in Cultural and Urban Geography (1991) and B.A. in Ecosystems (1986) at the University of California, Los Angeles. Previously I held tenured posts in Geography at Louisiana State University, University of Minnesota, and Royal Holloway, University College London, and in Urban Planning, and Government and International Affairs at Virginia Tech University.
Research Interests
Research Projects
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Till Karen E. (Ed) (2020) Earth Writings: Bogs, Forests, Fields and Gardens. Maynooth: MU Department of Geography, Cassagh Press. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Till, Karen E. (2010) Mapping Spectral Traces (ed. volume and exhibitions catalogue). Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech College of Architecture and Urban Affairs. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Till, Karen E. (2005) The New Berlin: Memory, politics, place. Minneapolis, MN USA: University of Minnesota Press. |
Edited Book
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Karen E. Till (Ed.). (2020) Earth Writings: Bogs, Forest, Fields and Gardens. Maynooth: Cassagh Press; Maynooth University Department of Geography, [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Cronin, Nessa and Till, Karen E (Ed.). (2018) Embodied Geographies of The Nation. Cork University Press: The Irish Review, | |
2013 | Till, Karen E (Ed.). (2013) Interventions in the Political Geographies of Walls. London: Political Geography Elsevier, | |
2012 | Silberman M, Till K, Ward J (Ed.). (2012) Walls, borders, boundaries: Spatial and cultural practices in Europe. New York: Berghan Press, second printing 2014, | |
2001 | Adams, Paul, Hoelscher, Steven, Till, Karen E (Ed.). (2001) Textures of Place: Rethinking Humanist Geographies. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, | |
2001 | Al-Falconer Hindi, Karen and Till, Karen E (Ed.). (2001) The New Urbanism and Neotraditional Town Planning. Oxford: Taylor and Francis: Urban Geography, |
Web Page
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, TravAct Coolock, and Maynooth Geography, Ed. Karen E. Till and Rachel McArdle (2022) Traveller Community Mapping Coolock StoryMap: Storied Places of Belonging and Unbelonging. Online: [Web Page] [Link] | |
2020 | Till Karen E. with webdesign by Cathy Fitzgerald (2020) Earth Writings: Reorienting relations to Irish Bogs, Forests, Fields, Gardens and Waters. [Web Page] [Link] [Full-Text] |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Karen E. Till (2021) 'Troubling national commemoration in Dublin, London and Liverpool: ANU Production and CoisCéim Dance Theatre’s These Rooms'. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 8 (2):267-289. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2019 | Till Karen E. (2019) 'Challenging gender discrimination in Irish Geography'. Irish Geography, 52 (1):105-110. [Link] | |
2018 | Till, Karen E. (2018) 'Waiting ‘For the City to Remember’: Archive and Repertoire in ANU’s These Rooms'. The Irish Review, 54 :34-51. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Till, Karen E., with Kaufman, Emily and Woodward, Christine (2018) 'Place, Memory and Archive: An Interview with Karen Till'. DISCLOSURE, 27 . [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Cronin, Nessa and Till, Karen E. (2018) 'Public Geographies of the Nation: An Introduction'. The Irish Review, 54 :1-7. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2016 | Till, Karen E. and McArdle, R. (2016) 'The Improvisational City: Valuing urbanity beyond the chimera of permanence'. Irish Geography, 48 (1):47-79. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Till K.; McArdle R. (2015) 'The improvisional city: Valuing urbanity beyond the chimera of permanence'. Irish Geography, 48 (1):37-68. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Till, KE; Sundberg, J; Pullan, W; Psaltis, C; Makriyianni, C; Celal, RZ; Samani, MO; Dowler, L (2013) 'Interventions in the political geographies of walls'. Political Geography, 33 :52-62. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Till, Karen E. (2013) 'Walls, Resurgent Sovereignty and Infrastructures of Peace'. Political Geography, 33 :52-53. [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Till, KE (2012) 'Wounded cities: Memory-work and a place-based ethics of care'. Political Geography, 31 :3-14. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Till K. (2012) 'Reply: Trauma, citizenship and ethnographic responsibility'. Political Geography, 31 (1):22-23. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Till, Karen E. (2010) 'Greening the City? Artistic re-visions of sustainability in Bogotá'. E-MISFERICA, 7 . [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Till, Karen E. (2010) 'Urban Remnants: Place, memory, and artistic practice in Berlin and Bogota'. ENCOUNTERS, 1 :75-88. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Jonker, Julian and Till, Karen E. (2009) 'Mapping and excavating spectral traces in post-apartheid Cape Town'. Memory Studies, 2 :1-31. [Full-Text] | |
2008 | Till, Karen E. (2008) 'Artistic and Activist Memory-work: Approaching place-based practice'. Memory Studies, 1 :95-109. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Morin, Karen and Till, Karen E. (2007) 'Exploring transnational feminist practice: Heather Merrill's An Alliance of Women: immigration and the politics of race'. Gender, Place, and Culture, 14 :745-763. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Till, Karen E. (2006) 'Memory Studies'. History workshop, 62 :325-341. [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Forest, Benjamin, Johnson, Juliet and Till, Karen E. (2004) 'Post-Totalitarian Identity: Public memory in Germany and Russia'. Social and Cultural Geography, 5 :357-380. [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Till, Karen E. (2004) 'Emplacing Memory Through the City: The New Berlin'. German Historical Institute Bulletin, 35 :73-83. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Till, Karen E. (2001) 'New Urbanism and Nature: Green marketing and the neo-traditional community'. Urban Geography, 22 :220-248. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Till, Karen E. (2001) 'Returning Home and to the Field'. Geographical Review, 91 :46-56. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Till, Karen E. (2001) 'Fragments, Ruins, Artifacts, Torsos'. 29 :70-73. [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Falconer Al-Hindi, Karen and Till, Karen E. (2001) '(Re)placing the New Urbanism Debates: Towards an interdisciplinary research agenda'. Urban Geography, 23 :189-201. [Full-Text] | |
1999 | Till, Karen E. (1999) 'Staging the Past: Landscape designs, cultural identity and Erinnerungspolitik at Berlin's Neue Wache'. Cultural Geographies, 6 :251-283. [Full-Text] | |
1993 | Till, Karen E. (1993) 'Neotraditional Towns and Urban Villages: The cultural production of a geography of 'otherness''. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D, 11 :709-732. [Full-Text] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Karen E Till (2022) 'Mapping Forms of Brutality in Berlin' In: Larissa Fassler: Viewshed. Berlin : Distanz. | |
2022 | Karen E Till (2022) 'Forms of Brutality: Cartographier les formes de brutalité a Berlin (translation of Mapping Forms of Brutality in Berlin)' In: Larissa Fassler: Viewshed. Berlin : Distanz. | |
2022 | Karen E Till (2022) 'Die Kartierung von Forms of Brutality in Berlin (translation of 'Mapping Forms of Brutality in Berlin')' In: Larissa Fassler: Viewshed. Berlin : Distanz. | |
2021 | Till Karen E (2021) 'Dignifying the Ruins: A former girl's school in Berlin' In: The New Urban Ruins: Vacancy, Urban Politics and International Experiments in the Post-Crisis City. Bristol : Policy Press. | |
2020 | Niamh McDonald, Kate Antosik-Parsons, Karen E. Till, Gerry Kearns and Jack Callan (2020) 'Campaigning for choice: Canvassing as feminist pedagogy in Dublin Bay North' In: After Repeal: Rethinking Abortion Politics. London, UK : Zed Books. | |
2020 | Till Karen E.; Geoghegan S; O'Sullivan S; (2020) 'Grafting: Feminist Urban Ecologies' In: Hard/Graft: Conversations on Planting a Commons. Dublin : Dublin: Common Ground. | |
2020 | Till Karen E.; O'Sullivan S; (2020) 'Community Orchards in Dublin 8: Planting Feminist Urban Ecologies of Care through Hard/Graft' In: Earth Writings: Bogs, Forests, Fields and Gardens. Maynooth : Cassagh Press. | |
2020 | Karen E. Till (2020) 'Curator/Editor’s Note: Learning to Live Together: Staying with the Trouble”' In: Earth Writings: Bogs, Forests, Fields and Gardens. Maynooth : Cassagh Press. | |
2020 | Kavanagh Aoife and Till Karen E. (2020) 'Ethnography' In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Second Ed. New York : Elsevier. | |
2019 | Till, Karen E. (2019) 'Martina O'Brien's Quotidian: Citizen-Scientists and Centres of Calculation' In: Every Single Morning. Kildare : Creative Ireland Kildare County Council Arts Services. | |
2018 | Till, Karen E. (2018) 'Active Witnessing: Learning From Asylum Archive' In: Asylum Archive. Ireland : Asylum Archive. [Link] | |
2019 | Kearns, Gerry and Till, Karen E. (2019) ''The Wrath of the Rain': The Lifeworlds of Irish Cultural Practice' In: Irish Lifeworlds. Cork : University of Cork. | |
2014 | Till Karen E. (2014) 'Art, memory, and the city in Bogotá: Mapa Teatro's artistic encounters with inhabited places' In: Making Place: Space and Embodiment in the City. Bloomington : Indiana University Press. | |
2012 | Silberman Marc, Till Karen E., and Ward Janet (2012) 'Introduction: Walls, borders, boundaries' In: Walls, Borders, Boundaries: Spatial and Cultural Practices in Europe. New York : Berghan. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) 'Creative Urban Emplacements: From City Sites to Place-Based Practices' In: Kunst – Raum – Stadt/ Art – Space – City. Berlin : Deutscher Kunstverlag. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) 'Field Findings' In: The Red Stables Summer School. Dublin : Dublin City Arts Council. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) 'Resilient Politics and Memory-Work in Wounded Cities: Rethinking the City through the District Six in Cape Town, South Africa' In: Collaborative Resilience: Moving from crisis to opportunity. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) 'Interim Use at a Former Death Strip? Art, Politics and Urbanism at Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum' In: The German Wall: Fallout in Europe. Basingstoke and New York : Palgrave Macmillan. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) ''A footstep amidst the ruins'' In: Urban Constellations. Berlin : Jovis. | |
2010 | Till, Karen E. (2010) 'Mapping Spectral Traces' In: Till, Karen E(Eds.). Mapping Spectral Traces. Blacksburgh, VA : Virginia Tech College of Architecture and Urban Affairs. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Till, Karen (2009) 'Re/Staging the City: Artistic Urban Encounters' In: Brejzik, Thea, Greisenegger, Wolfgang and Wallen, Lawrence(Eds.). Space and Truth/Raum und Wahrheit: Monitoring Scenography 2. Zurich : Zurich University of the Arts/Züricher Hochscule der Künste (ZHdK). | |
2009 | Watson, Annette and Till, Karen E. (2009) 'Ethnography and Participant Observation' In: Handbook of Qualitative Geography. Thousandoaks, CA : Sage. | |
2009 | Till, Karen E. and Jonker, Julian (2009) 'Spectral Ground in New Cities: Memorial Cartographies of Cape Town and Berlin' In: Memory Culture and the Contemporary City: Building Sites. Basingstoke and New York : Palgrave Macmillan. | |
2009 | Till, Karen (2009) 'Ethnography' In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Vol. 3. Oxford : Elsevier. | |
2008 | Till, Karen (2008) 'Unresolved Remainders: Memory, photography and place in Judith Tucker’s Tense' In: Tucker, Judith(Eds.). Exhibition catalogue for Tense: Judith Tucker. Leeds : Wild Pansy Press. | |
2008 | Till, Karen (2008) 'Mapping Traces: Touring Munich with Stih+Schnock/Kartierung der Spuren: Eine Stadtreise durch Munich mit Stih+Schnock' In: Stih, Renata and Schnock, Frieder(Eds.). Zeige Deine Sammlung: Jüdische Spuren in München/Show Your Collection: Jewish Traces in Munich. Nuremburg : Verlag für Moderne Kunst. | |
2004 | Till, Karen (2004) 'Political Landscapes' In: Companion to Cultural Geography. Oxford : Blackwell. | |
2003 | Till, Karen (2003) 'Construction Sites and Showcases: Tourism, Maps, and Spatial Practices of the New Berlin' In: Mapping Tourism. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press. | |
2003 | Till, Karen (2003) 'Places of Memory' In: A Companion to Political Geography. Oxford : Blackwell. | |
2001 | Till, Karen (2001) 'Re-Imagining National Identity: “Chapters of Life” at the German Historical Museum in Berlin' In: Textures of Place: Rethinking Humanist Geographies. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota. | |
2001 | Hoelscher, Steven, Adams, Paul and Till, Karen E. (2001) 'Place in Context: Rethinking Humanist Geographies' In: Textures of Place. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press. [Full-Text] | |
2000 | Till, Karen E. (2000) 'Verortung des Museums: Ein geo-ethnographischer Ansatz zum Verständnis der sozialen Erinnerung (Placing Museums: A geo-ethnographic approach to social memory)' In: Beier, Rosmarie(Eds.). Geschichtskultur in der zweiten Moderne: Vom Präsentieren des Vergangenen (Historical Culture in the Second Modern Age). Berlin: campus : Routledge. | |
1998 | Till, Karen (1998) 'Anthropology' In: Sharp, Joanne and McDowell, Linda(Eds.). A Feminist Glossary of Human Geography. London : Arnold. | |
1998 | Till, Karen (1998) 'Authentic, authenticity' In: Sharp, Joanne and McDowell, Linda(Eds.). A Feminist Glossary of Human Geography. London : Arnold. | |
1998 | Till, Karen (1998) 'Author, death of' In: Sharp, Joanne and McDowell, Linda(Eds.). A Feminist Glossary of Human Geography. London : Arnold. | |
1998 | Till, Karen (1998) 'Feminist anthropology' In: Sharp, Joanne and McDowell, Linda(Eds.). A Feminist Glossary of Human Geography. London : Arnold. | |
1998 | Till, Karen (1998) 'Gaze' In: Sharp, Joanne and McDowell, Linda(Eds.). A Feminist Glossary of Human Geography. London : Arnold. | |
1998 | Till, Karen (1998) 'Landscape' In: Sharp, Joanne and McDowell, Linda(Eds.). A Feminist Glossary of Human Geography. London : Arnold. | |
1998 | Till, Karen (1998) 'Text, textuality, intertextuality' In: Sharp, Joanne and McDowell, Linda(Eds.). A Feminist Glossary of Human Geography. London : Arnold. | |
1998 | Till, Karen (1998) 'Vision, visual, visuality' In: Sharp, Joanne and McDowell, Linda(Eds.). A Feminist Glossary of Human Geography. London : Arnold. |
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Till Karen E. Curator with artist Martina O'Brien (2019) Quotidian. [Exhibition] | |
2019 | Till Karen E. Curator with artists Monica de Bath, Cathy Fitzgerald, Pauline O’Connell and Seodín O’Sullivan (2019) Earth Writings: Bogs, Forests, Fields, Gardens. [Exhibition] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Till, Karen E. curator; artists: Biggs, Iain; Jarvis, Beatrice; Nedelkovic, Vukasin; Sweeney, Moira (2018) The Earth As Our Home: Artistic Conversations and Journeys. Illuminations Gallery: [Exhibition] | |
2017 | Till, Karen E. (2017) Land/Edge (1): The Search for Sisyphus. Cork: [Exhibition] | |
2017 | Till, Karen E. (2017) Mapping Spectral Traces Ireland. Maynooth University: [Exhibition] [Link] | |
2016 | Till, Karen E. (2016) Worlding Place: A relational perspective. Cregan Library: [Exhibition] | |
2012 | Cronin, Nessa and Till, Karen E. (2012) Body -- Space -- Memory. Galway City: [Exhibition] | |
2012 | Ronan, Marissa and Till, Karen E. (2012) Conversations: To the Point. [Exhibition] [Link] | |
2010 | Sims, Deborah and Till, Karen E. (2010) Mapping Spectral Traces. Blacksburg, VA: [Exhibition] |
Year | Publication | |
2015 | Till, Karen E. (2015) Fishing for the River: An Dothra Guardians in Martina O’Brien’s Casting Territory. Maynooth University: [Blog] [Link] | |
2013 | Till, Karen E., with Bolger, David, Boss, Owen and Lowe, Louise (2013) Geography Goes to the Movies. Maynooth University: [Blog] [Link] | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) Bernadette: Notes on A Political Journey. Maynooth University: [Blog] [Link] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2011 | Till, K (2011) Review of 'Memorial Museums: The Global Rush to Commemorate Atrocities'. LONDON: [Book Review] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
1998 | Till, K (1998) Review of Foote, Ken, 1997, Shadowed Ground: America's landscapes of violence and tragedy. Annals of the Association of American Geographers: [Book Review] | |
1997 | Till, Karen (1997) Review of Haden, Dolores, 1995, 'The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History'. North Carolina: [Book Review] | |
1996 | Till, K (1996) Review of Renneberg, M. and Walker, M. (eds), 1994, 'Science, Technology and National Socialism'. Elsevier: [Book Review] | |
1996 | Till, Karen (1996) Review of Lowenthal, David, 1996 'Possessed by the Past: The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History'. American Geographical Society: [Book Review] |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Till Karen E. (2021) 250th Anniversary Geography Plenary Lecture Seeking Commemorative Justice: Memory-Work in Wounded Cities Charleston, South Carolina, . | |
2020 | Till Karen E. (2020) Landscape and Goodness - Landscape Research Group conference Invited Keynote Panel Discussion. ‘Geo-Ethnography, Place and Care, and the Earth As Our Home’ Online, 10/12/2020-. | |
2019 | Till, Karen E. (2019) Traversing the the Gap: Relevance as a Transformative Force at Sites of Public Memory, Mellon Conference ‘Witnessing Difficult Pasts: Commemorative Justice, Memory-Work, and a Place-Based Ethics of Care’ 9-11 Memorial Museum, New Yor, USA, 19/06/2019-21/06/2019. | |
2019 | Till, Karen E. (2019) Beyond These Rooms: The Intersection Between Art and History ANU and CoisCéim Theatre as Creative Nomads: Lines of Flight in THESE ROOMS Tate Modern Liverpool, 07/02/2019-07/02/2019. | |
2019 | Niamh McDonald, Kate Antosik-Parsons, Karen E. Till, Gerry Kearns, Jack Callan (2019) EU Geo and Conference of Irish Geographers Canvassing as Feminist Pedgagogy NUI Galway, 15/05/2019-18/05/2019. | |
2018 | Till, Karen E. (2018) Conference of Irish Geographers 'In honour of Anne Buttimer's mytho-poetic way of knowing' Maynooth University, . | |
2018 | Till, Karen E. (2018) McCrady Plenary Lecture: Sewanee University of the South Invited Plenary Lecture: ‘Difficult Pasts and the Care of Place: Memory-Work as Imagining More Just Futures’ Sewanee University of the South, McCrady Plenary Lecture, (Sewanee, Tennessee, April 2018) Sewanee University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee USA, 27/04/2018-27/04/2018. | |
2018 | Till, Karen E. (2018) Conference of Irish Geographers 'Waiting for the City to Remember': Archive and Repertoire in ANU Productions and CoisCéim's THESE ROOMS' Maynooth University, 10/05/2018-12/05/2018. | |
2017 | Till, K.E. (2017) The Archive Plenary Lecture and Masterclass: ‘Archiving Bodies with Place: Re-inhabiting Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rising in These Rooms (2016)’. Centre for Social Theory, University of Kentucky, Plenary Lecture, and interdisciplinary postgraduate masterclass and interview, for special theme on ‘The Archive’ University of Kentucky, . | |
2017 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2017) Conference of Irish Geographers Art&Geography 1: Navigating Spaces of Transgression University College Cork, 04/05/2017-06/05/2017. | |
2017 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2017) Conference of Irish Geographers Art&Geography 4: Workshop: Making Philosphy Space University College Cork, 04/05/2017-06/05/2017. | |
2017 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2017) Conference of Irish Geographers Art&Geography 2: Disruptive Practices: Occupying Difficult Spaces University College Cork, 04/05/2017-06/05/2017. | |
2017 | Till, Karen E. (2017) American Association of Geographers Annual Conference Archiving Bodies With Place: Re-Inhabiting Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rising with These Rooms Boston, MA USA, 10/04/2017-14/04/2017. | |
2017 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2017) Conference of Irish Geographers Art&Geography 3: Alternative Engagements: Counter-Mappings University College Cork, 04/05/2017-06/05/2017. | |
2017 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2017) Conference of Irish Geographers Supporting Women in Geography Ireland Roundtable University College Cork, 04/05/2017-06/05/2017. [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Till, K.E. (2017) Art and Civil Society Invited ‘Art and Civil Society’ Lecture. ‘Publicly Engaged and Place-Based Artistic Research’. Limerick School of Art and Design, Limerick Institute of Technology, for MA SPACE (Social Practice and the Creative Environment), in partnership with CREATE Ireland (Limerick, October 2017) Limerick, 15/10/2017-. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E. (2016) Bodies Politic: The Casement Project Symposium These Rooms: Memory, Body Place Maynooth University, 23/02/2016-23/02/2016. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E. (2016) The Geographical Turn Field Walk: Moore Street 1916-2016 Dublin, 07/11/2015-07/11/2015. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2016) Conference of Irish Geographers Art and Geography 2: (Re)Mapping Public Space through the Body Dublin College University, St. Patrick's College, 05/05/2016-07/05/2016. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E. (2016) Mapping Places 8: The Place of the Wound Body/Place as Thresholds: ANU’s 2016 Triptych Maynooth University, 18/10/2016-18/10/2016. | |
2016 | Till, K.E. and Kearns, G. (2016) Landscape Values: Place and Praxis ‘Emplacing who we are, what we are: The embodied and historical geographies of ANU’s production, “Laundry,”’ Landscape Values: Place and Praxis, Centre for Landscape Studies, NUI Galway, Galway, July 2016 National University of Ireland Galway, 02/07/2016-. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E. (2016) Conference of Irish Geographers Plenary Panel Discussion ANU’s 1916-2016 Triptych: Emplacing Ireland through the female body Dublin College University, St. Patrick's College, 05/05/2016-07/05/2016. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E. (2016) Memory Studies Book Launch Book Launch of Cara Levey's (2016) Fragile Memory, Shifting Impunity: Commemoration and Contestation in Post-Dictatorship Argentina and Uruguay University College Cork, Department of Latin American Studies, 05/09/2016-11/03/2018. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E. (2016) Mapping Spectral Traces 8: The Place of the Wound’ International Conference of Artists and Academics Maynooth University, 14/10/2016-20/10/2016. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E. (2016) Precarious Times Attending to Spectral Traces and Wounded Places: The embodied historical geographies of ANU Productions’ Laundry Curtain University, Perth, Australia, 06/12/2016-06/12/2016. | |
2016 | Sarsfields-Collins, Louise, Brown, Sasha, and Till, Karen E. (2016) Conference of Irish Geographers Exploring Dublin’s Housing and Homeless Crisis through Practice-Based Research Partnerships Dublin College University, St. Patrick's College, 05/05/2016-07/05/2016. | |
2016 | Till, K.E. (2016) Seminar Series. Université d’Artois Invited Visiting Professor Lecture: ‘Art and Memory in Wounded Cities’, Université d’Artois, Paris (November 2016) Paris, 15/11/2016-. | |
2016 | Till, K.E. (2016) Mapping Spectral Traces 8: The Place of the Wound’ Invited Plenary Lecture: ‘Wounded Places and the Possibilities of Spatial Justice’, for ‘Mapping Spectral Traces 8: The Place of the Wound’ international symposium (Maynooth, October 2016) Maynooth University, 15/10/2016-15/10/2016. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2016) Conference of Irish Geographers Art and Geography 3: Deep Mapping Dublin College University, St. Patrick's College, 05/05/2016-07/05/2016. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2016) Conference of Irish Geographers Art and Geography 1: Irish Memorial Cartographies Dublin College University, St. Patrick's College, 05/05/2016-07/05/2016. | |
2016 | Till, Karen E. (2016) Memory Studies Research Symposium Caring for Place: Memory-work as intergenerational right and responsibility University College Cork, Department of Latin American Studies, 05/09/2016-05/09/2016. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2015) Conference of Irish Geographers Art&Geography 1: (Re)theorising embodied practice: Power, memory and public geographies Belfast, Northern Ireland, 21/05/2015-26/05/2015. | |
2015 | Till, K.E. (2015) Seminar Series. Architecture and Urban Studies Invited Visiting Professor Plenary: ‘The Problems with Resilience: Rethinking the City through a Place-Based Ethics of Care’, University of Concepción, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies, Chile (September, 2015) Concepcion, Chile, 16/10/2015-. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E. (2015) International Conference of Critical Geographers ‘Precarious Radicalism on Shifting Grounds: Towards a Politics of Possibility’ Place as relational ground for ethical and shared responsibility Ramallah, Palestine, 26/07/2015-30/07/2015. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E. (2015) CORP_REAL: Bodies in Conflict Bodies, Landscape and Violence in Cape Town and Bogotá Galway, 27/03/2015-29/03/2015. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E. (2015) The Geographical Turn Panel on Space, Place and the Environment Royal Irish Academy, 06/11/2015-06/11/2015. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E. (2015) Conference of Irish Geographers Art&Geography 2: Stories about place and emotional geographies Belfast, Northern Ireland, 21/05/2015-24/05/2015. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E., Cronin, Nessa, Kearns, Gerry and Collins, Tim (2015) Conference of Irish Geographers Art&Geography 3: The Artist as Geographer Belfast, Northern Ireland, 21/05/2015-12/03/2018. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E. (2015) Precarious Geographies: Insecurity, Solidarity and Geopolitics Discussant for Keynote by Alison Mountz, ‘The Death of Asylum and the Enforcement Archipelago’ Galway, 30/03/2015-31/03/2015. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E. (2015) International Conference of Historical Geographers Decolonising the Self/Body: The ‘Work’ of Memory and Care through Place London, 05/07/2015-10/07/2015. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E. (2015) Interventionism, Precarity and the Politics of Critique Precarious Geographies: Insecurity, Solidarity and Geopolitics Galway, 30/03/2015-31/03/2015. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E. (2015) Conference of Irish Geographers A Hero for Our Community? Reimagining Cúchullain in 2016 through trans/local myths, maps and murals: A project by Maynooth University MA Geographers and Bradóg Regional Youth Service Belfast, Northern Ireland, 21/05/0201-26/05/2015. | |
2015 | Till, K.E. (2015) Seminar Series, School of Geography, University of Oxford Invited Lecture: ‘Decolonising urban imaginaries: Land justice, memory-work and care in wounded cities’, Department of Geography, University of Oxford (October 2015) Oxford, UK, 15/10/2015-. | |
2015 | Till, K.E. (2015) Seminar Series. Department of Architecture, Valdivia University, Chile Invited Visiting Professor Plenary: ‘The Improvisional City: Valuing Interim Spaces in Berlin, Dublin and Christchurch’, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Geography, Universidad Austral de Chile (Valdivia) (September 2015) Valdivia, Chile, 18/09/2015-. | |
2015 | Till, Karen E. in conversation with Lowe, Louise and Connolly, Craig (2015) The Geographical Turn Changing the Optic: Questioning National Narratives through Place-Based Performance Gallery of Photography Dublin, 07/11/2015-07/11/2015. | |
2014 | Till, Karen E. (2014) Institute of Australian Geographers and New Zealand Geographical Society Annual Conference Imagining Urban Ecologies Differently: From Violent Geographies to Places of Care Melbourne, Australia, 11/07/2014-15/07/2014. | |
2014 | Till, K.E. (2014) Seminar Series. African Centre for Cities Invited Lecture: ‘Political and Affective Ecologies of the City’, African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town (July 2014) Cape Town, South Africa, 15/07/2014-. | |
2014 | Till, K.E. (2014) People Matter: The Human Impacts of Planned Redevelopment Plenary Paper Panel: ‘Renew: Geographical Imaginations, Memory-Work and Caring for Place’, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Planning and Urban Studies Symposium, People Matter: The Human Impacts of Planned Redevelopment (September 2014) Cambridge MA, USA, 15/09/2014-. | |
2014 | Till, K.E. (2014) Right to the City Invited Lecture: ‘Memory-Work, Caring for Place and the Right to the City: Lessons from the Global South’, as part of the ‘Right to the City’ interdisciplinary working group, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (November 2014) Paris, France, 10/10/2014-. | |
2014 | Till, K.E. (2014) Seminar Series. Department of Geography, University of Canterbury Invited Lecture: ‘More than Resilience: A place-based ethics of care and intergenerational memory-work in post-Apartheid Cape Town’, University of Canterbury Geography Department Research Seminar Series (May 2014) University of Canterbury, Canterbury, New Zealand, 15/05/2014-. | |
2014 | Till, K.E. (2014) Seminar Series. Centre for Metropolitan Studies Plenary Panel Discussion/Debate: ‘Metropolitan Temporalities’, Centre for Metropolitan Studies, Technical University, Berlin, and the International Graduate Program (Berlin-NY-Toronto) conference (Berlin, November 2014) Berlin, Germany, 15/11/2014-. | |
2014 | Till, Karen E. (2014) 'Metropolitan Temporalities’ Conference, Centre for Metropolitan Studies, Technical University Berlin Place and Memory Berlin, Germany, 20/11/2014-22/11/2014. | |
2014 | Till, Karen E. (2014) 'Metropolitan Temporalities’ Conference, Centre for Metropolitan Studies, Technical University Berlin Questioning the Temporalities of Metropolitan Memory Berlin, Germany, 20/11/2014-22/11/2014. | |
2013 | Till, Kaen E. (2013) Art and Geography: Aesthetics and practices of spatial knowledge Performing Wounded Places: Mapa Teatro’s Cartographic Quicksand Lyon, France, 11/02/2013-13/02/2013. | |
2013 | Till, Karen E. (2013) Conference of Irish Geographers Learning from Artists: Mapa Teatro’s Cartographic Quicksand Galway, 10/05/2013-12/05/2013. | |
2013 | Till, K.E. (2013) Seminar Series. Department of Geography, Queens University Belfast Invited Lecture: ‘Wounded Dublin: Granby Park and a Place-Based Ethics of Care’, Department of Geography, Queens University Belfast (November 2013) Belfast, Northern Ireland, 15/11/2013-. | |
2013 | Till, Karen E. (2013) American Association of Geographers Annual Conference Moving to Berlin Discussion Panel Los Angeles, CA, 09/04/2013-13/04/2013. | |
2013 | Till, Karen E. (2013) American Association of Geographers Annual Conference ‘(Re)Public Art/KUSTrePUBLIK: Berlin’s new Center for Art and Urbanism Los Angeles, CA, 09/04/2013-13/04/2013. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) 32nd International Geographical Congress From Sites of Memory to Memory-Work: Towards a Place-Based Ethics of Care Cologne, Germany, 26/08/2012-30/08/2012. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) Finnish Geographers Annual Conference Retheorizing the City: Towards a Place-Based Ethics of Care Helsinki, Finland, 26/10/2012-27/10/2012. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) American Association of Geographers Annual Conference Film Critic/Discussant for: ‘The Legend of Pancho Barnes' by Dydia DeLyser New York City, NY, 24/02/2012-28/02/2012. | |
2012 | Till, K.E. (2012) International Geographical Union Keynote Paper Panel: ‘From Sites of Memory to Memory-Work: Towards a Place-Based Ethics of Care,’ International Geographical Union international conference (Cologne, July 2012) Cologne, Germany, 15/07/2012-. | |
2012 | Till Karen E. (2012) American Association of Geographers Annual Conference Art and Geography: Mappings 1: Haunted Landscapes and Acts of Viewing New York City, NY, 24/02/2012-28/02/2012. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) City Seminar Speaker Series, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge Wounded Cities Cambridge, UK, 07/02/2012-07/02/2012. | |
2012 | Cronin, Nessa and Till, Karen E. (2012) Learning Landscapes Symposium Learning Journeys: Mapping Place through Memory and Imagination Kinvara, Ireland, 09/03/2012-12/03/2012. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. and McArdle, R. (2012) Close to Home: Artists Explore the Local symposium/exhibition Attending to Place through Art and Geography Leeds, UK, 20/07/2012-20/07/2012. | |
2012 | Till, K.E. (2012) Forgotten War and Occupation Heritage Invited paper: ‘‘‘Living Landscapes” in postwar Europe: A place-based approach to belonging, rights and responsibilities’, Forgotten War and Occupation Heritage Symposium, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Univ. of Cambridge (2012) Cambridge, UK, 15/08/2012-. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) Mapping Spectral Traces V: Bodies, Space, memory International and interdisciplinary conference co-organiser Galway, 19/04/2012-21/04/2012. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) American Association of Geographers Annual Conference Curating as Geographical Practice: Panel Discussion New York City, NY, 24/02/2012-28/02/2012. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) Forgotten War and Occupation Heritage Symposium 'Living Landscapes' in postwar Europe: A place-based approach to belonging, rights and responsibilities McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, 25/08/2012-26/08/2012. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) American Association of Geographers Annual Conference Art and Geography 1-4: Special Series of Papers, Discussions, Field Trips New York City, NY, 24/02/2012-28/02/2012. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) American Association of Geographers Annual Conference Interim Spaces: Creative Practice in Capital Cities New York City, NY, 24/02/2012-28/02/2012. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. and Kearns, Gerry (2012) American Association of Geographers Annual Conference Capital Cities 1-3: Special Sessions New York City, NY, 24/02/2012-28/02/2012. | |
2012 | Till, Karen E. (2012) Mapping Spectral Traces 5: Bodies, Space, Memory Mapping the Body in Bogotá Galway, 19/04/2012-21/04/2012. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) Zeitgeist Memory Project: Placing Memory Berlin’s Interim Spaces: Creative Interventions by KUNSTrePUBLIK University of Birmingham, 15/02/2011-15/02/2011. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) Injured Cities, Urban Afterlives Wounded Cities Center for Critical Analysis of Social Difference and Engendering Archives Project, Columbia University, NYC, 14/10/2011-15/10/2011. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) Conference of Irish Geographers Plenary Panel Discussion Exploring International Geography Society Networks Limerick, 12/05/2011-14/05/2011. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) Memory: Place, politics, practice Geoethnographic Practice University College Cork Graduate School College of Art, Celtic Studies and Social Science, 04/11/2011-04/11/2011. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) Making the Built Environment Work Summer School Qualitative, ethnographic and creative research practice Maynooth University, 14/05/2011-16/05/2011. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) Memory: Place, politics, practice Memory Methodologies Graduate School Graduate School College of Art, Celtic Studies and Social Science, University College Cork, 04/11/2011-04/11/2011. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) Political Geography Annual Plenary Lecture: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference Wounded Cities Seattle, WA, 13/04/2011-15/04/2011. | |
2011 | Karen E. Till (2011) Mapping Spectral Traces IV: An Overview Introduction to Conference main themes Maynooth University, 25/05/2011-28/05/2011. | |
2011 | Karen E. Till (2011) Injured Cities, Urban Afterlives Plenary keynote for international and interdisciplinary symposium, with exhibitions and workshops Center for Critical Analysis of Social Difference and Engendering Archives Project, Columbia University, New York, 14/10/2011-15/10/2011. | |
2011 | Till, Karen E. (2011) Conference of Irish Geographers Caring through Place: Towards a social “right to the city” Limerick, 08/05/2011-10/05/2011. | |
2010 | Till, Karen E. (2010) Architectural Studio: Towards Ethical Practice Working with Diverse Communities in Post-Conflict Contexts Department of Architecture, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 09/10/2010-09/10/2010. | |
2010 | Till, Karen E. (2010) Embodied Placemaking in Urban Public Space Witnessing and Performing Place: Memory Traces of Displacement in Wounded Cities Centre for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 08/10/2010-08/10/2010. | |
2009 | Till, Karen E. (2009) Inaugural Symposium, Department of Tourism and Transnational Studies, Dokkyo University, Japan Tourism as a Democratising Practice: The District Six Museum, South Africa, Following Apartheid Dokkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 16/11/2009-16/11/2009. | |
2009 | Till, Karen E. (2009) Landscape and Memory Workshop: London Urban Laboratory Interim Spaces as Living Repositories of Memory and Forgetting University College London, 12/05/2009-12/05/2009. | |
2009 | Till, Karen E. (2009) Conceptualizing Space and Place in the Literature, Language, Culture and Film of the German-speaking world The Creative Potential of Space and Place: Artistic memory-work in Berlin and Cape Town Georgetown University, 12/11/2009-12/11/2009. | |
2009 | Till, Karen E. (2009) World Performance Project, Mapping Memory International Symposium Performing Place, Mapping Remnants: Inhabiting Wounded Cities Yale University, 05/05/2009-06/05/2009. | |
2009 | Till, Karen E. (2009) Beyond Tourism: Performing Memory, Place, and Identity: 21st International Forum Memory-Work in Interim Spaces: Place-based artistic practices in Berlin and Bogotá Dokkyo University, Tokyo, 13/11/2009-15/11/2009. |
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Bresnihan P; de Bath M; Cronin N; Fitzgerald C; Kearns G; O’Connell P; Till K E.; O’Sullivan S; (2019) Tírdhreach Feasach: Irish Environments in Transition Podcasts. [Podcast] [Link] |
Honors and Awards
Outreach Activities
Organisation | Type | Description | |
Granby Park Pop-Up Park | Civic Society | Research Team and Academic Advisor to Upstart's Granby Park Pop-Up Park, Dublin, August-September 2013 [Link] | |
Commonage and Butler Art Gallery | Civic Society | Invited Creative Writer for: ‘Re-Collecting’ project curated by Commonage for the Butler Art Gallery, Kilkenny. Explorations and research about the Evans' House (future home to an extended Butler Art Gallery) resulted in an artistic publication, public walk, and public discussion. [Link] | |
CREATE Ireland, Space&Place, Ómós Aite | Civic Society | Organised an artist, scholar, activist and practitioner feminist practice afternoon workshop with visiting Professor Linda McDowell and Space&Place and Ómós Aite members. Supported by CREATE Ireland. [Link] | |
Art and Ecology Summer School: Red Stables | Civic Society | Guest Speaker and Closing Discussant for ‘Field Findings: Conversations with artists and naturalists’, part of the Art and Ecology Summer School, Red Stables, St. Anne’s Park, Dublin. | |
Mapping Spectral Traces | Civic Society | Founding Co-Convener, 2011-present. Mapping Spectral Traces international network of artists, scholars and practitioners includes partner institutions and members in Australia, Ireland, the US and the UK. We regularly curate international and transpractice symposia that include papers, workshops, field excursions, exhibitions, and dance and musical performances. [Link] | |
Irish Housing Network | Civic Society | Research Team member for Apollo House Volunteer Study project. [Link] | |
Dublin Central Housing Action Community Kitchen | Civic Society | Volunteer for Community Kitchen for those in housing need and for those in Direct Provision. [Link] | |
Architecture and Urban Studies University of Concepción Chile | Civic Society | Radio interview with Architecture and Urban Studies media director, University of Concepción, Laura Rodriguez translator. | |
Samuel Beckett Theatre, Trinity College Dublin | Civic Society | Co-host and post-film commentary/interview for Matthew Gandy's documentary film Irish premier, 'Natura Urbana: The Bracken of Berlin'. [Link] | |
Space&Place Research Collaborative | Civic Society | Director of transpractice and interdisciplinary network of artists, activists, community leaders, practitioners and scholars interested in issues exploring space and place. Events include public workshops, symposia, excursions, exhibitions, networking opportunities, walkshops, and other activities. [Link] | |
Irish Housing Network Mapping Workshops | Civic Society | Co-Organiser of mapping and public data workshops, including on open-access GIS (QGIS), for IHN members, volunteers and MU students and staff wishing to research the Irish housing crisis. | |
Dublin Biennial PopUp 2012 | Civic Society | Co-curator of series of walks, workshops, films, installations and conversations by Irish artists and practitioners exploring a range of contemporary issues [Link] | |
Dance Ireland, in partnership with Dublin Dance Festival and the European Dance House Network | Civic Society | Invited Plenary Atelier Discussion Panel for: ‘Who Am I? An Exploration of how artistic identity is maintained in a nomadic life'. A symposium curated by Dance Ireland, in partnership with Dublin Dance Festival and the European Dance House Network (Dublin, December 2015). [Link] | |
Bradóg Regional Youth Service | Civic Society | Mapping projects of 'favourite places' with young people, working in collaboration with youth workers and MA Geography students. [Link] | |
Upstart | Civic Society | Working with Youth Ambassador Reconciliation Exchange Program between NEELB (Belfast) and Bradóg Regional Youth Service (North Dublin), which worked to create different projects for Granby Park | |
A Playful Street | Civic Society | Research Team Member for 'A Playful Street', creating healthier and safer streets for young people in North Dublin; a project of A Playful City. Includes landscape assessment, policy assessment, community charities, and community events. [Link] | |
‘Desde La Ventana’ Programme, Radio UACh Valdivia, Chile | Civic Society | Radio interview with Carolina Ihle and Laura Rodriguez, ‘Desde La Ventana’ Radio UACh Programme, Sponsored by the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Geography, University of Valdivia, Chile. [Link] | |
Goethe Institute and Irish Museum of Modern Art | Civic Society | Speaker and chair of closing discussion for interdisciplinary and international symposium: JOCHEN GERZ : PARTICIPATION, COMMEMORATION. AND PUBLIC SPACE. [Link] | |
BurrenBeo Trust | Civic Society | Hands-on ‘Learning Journeys’ workshop leader at the public ‘Learning Landscapes’ Symposium, Kinvara, Ireland. [Link] | |
El Mercurio, Santiago Chile | Civic Society | Interview and work cited in: Macarena Garcia, “RECORRIDO: El doloroso pasado de la ciudad traducido en seis museos: Berlín: la ruta por una historia violenta,” El Mercurio (Santiago, Chile) [Link] | |
Dublin Culture Connects | Policy Makers | Academic Advisory Board for Cultural Mapping Project. [Link] | |
It Takes A Village: The National Neighbourhood (Dublin) | Civic Society | Book Launch of Dorothy Smith's 'Put Yourself in the Picture' project, with Coolock National Neighbourhood group, cosponsors Dublin Culture Connects and Irish Museum of Modern Art. [Link] | |
Space&Place Research Collaborative | Civic Society | Co-Founder and Director of Space&Place Founding Director of Irish Research Collaborative, 2011-present. This translocal scholarly, creative and activist network, based in the Department of Geography at the Maynooth University consists of artists, practitioners, community leaders, activists and scholars. We regularly partner with individuals, groups and institutions in Dublin and Kildare County, as well as with the Ómós Áite: Space/Place Research Group at the Centre for Irish Studies at the National University of Ireland Galway. Thematic foci that have developed through projects and members over the past two years include: Art and Geography, Urban Public Spaces, Landscapes and Environments, and Publicly Engaged Research and Creative Practices. From our Art and Geography cluster, three related subareas have also emerged in: Memory and Place, Health Geographies and the Arts, and Bodies and Space. Interdisciplinary research, curatorial and creative projects include: public lectures, conferences and symposia; exhibitions, performances, and installations; publications; and co-mentoring. Note: Co-founding co-director, originally in Minneapolis (in 1998). [Link] | |
Side-Alley Studios and DAAS Lab, Virginia, USA | Civic Society | Participation in public documentary about my creative and public engagement work related to curating/organising the ‘Mapping Spectral Traces’ symposium and exhibitions, in Traces: A creative documentary. [Link] | |
Upstart and Bradóg Regional Youth Service | Civic Society | Historical artistic project centring on the myth of Cú Chulainn. Youth did research about the legend and connected it to their daily lives and the stories of 1916. | |
Granby Park | Civic Society | Volunteered as a park ranger and committee leader for Dublin's first pop-up park. [Link] | |
Royal Dublin Society Library and Archive; The Waterways Centre, Dublin; and CREATE | Civic Society | Exhibition catalogue essay, public discussion and field walk as part of Martina O'Brien's exhibition 'CASTING TERRITORY: A Contemporary River Keepers’ Index of Lesser Known Patterns' (at RUA RED, Royal Dublin Society Library and Archive, and The Waterways Centre, Dublin (2015). Funded by CREATE and Maynooth Geography. [Link] | |
Irish Housing Network Research Team | Civic Society | Part of research advisory board and team working on a range of projects investigating the Irish housing crisis. | |
Irish Museum of Modern Art | Civic Society | ‘Art, Memory and Place in Wounded Cities’. Public lecture as part of the ‘Art, Memory, Place’ IMMA Public Lecture/Outreach Programme. [Link] | |
Irish Museum of Modern Art | Civic Society | Discussant for 'Remembering and Forgetting' panel, part of the international and interdisciplinary 'Art|Memory|Place' symposium [Link] | |
Irish Museum of Modern Art | Civic Society | Post Lecture Discussion Host/Interviewer with Keynote Speaker Andreas Huyssen for Art|Memory|Place international and interdisciplinary symposium [Link] | |
Connect the Dots | Civic Society | Invited Discussion Facilitation Leader for the 'Reusing Dublin' discussion, with artists, planners, policy makers, urban scholars and activists to create alternative solutions to vacant spaces in Dublin. D-Light Studios Dublin. [Link] | |
rish Museum of Modern Art | Civic Society | Symposium Moderator and Closing Comments: ‘Jochen Gerz: Participation, Commemoration, Public Space’, Goethe Institute Dublin and Irish Museum of Modern Art (Kilmainham, Dublin, November 2014 [Link] | |
Vancouver Art Gallery | Civic Society | Plenary Public Lecture: ‘Finding Space: Artful Explorations of the Interim’, part of the Making Space: Creating Good Cities? conference, Vancouver Art Gallery, 2010 [Link] | |
A Playful City | Policy Makers | 'Walkshop' in the Sherrif Street area on making cities more playful for younger people from the perspective of urban design and spatial justice. [Link] |