Prof Michael Dunne


Head of Department

Arts Building
(01) 708 3697


Michael Dunne (b. Dublin, 1962)  BA (1983), MA (1985) University College, Dublin
LPh (1987), DPhil (1993) Gregorian University, Rome

I am the author or editor of ten books and over forty other substantive writings including articles, reviews and dictionary entries, with a further four books forthcoming and a number of articles accepted for publication.  My work has been published in Ireland, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and has been translated into Portuguese and Chinese.  My books have been published by leading publishers such as Oxford University Press, Peeters, Brepols, Brill and numerous articles have been published in internationally recognized journals in the field, such as Medieval Studies, Viator, Speculum, and Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge.The substantial nature of my publications for the History of Ideas, was recognised by my being made a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, and in addition, by being elected to the professional body for scholars of Medieval Philosophy, the Société internationale pour l’étude de la philosophie médiévale (SIEPM) and to the international commission of the Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale (SISPM).I have attracted many research students at masters and doctoral level with whom I have worked on some of the more advanced aspects of medieval thought.  As organiser of the annual Aquinas Lecture series, I am able to invite internationally recognized experts in Medieval Philosophy to come to Maynooth University and to share their expertise with both staff and students.Since returning to Ireland in 1992, I have been a leader in promoting research into medieval Irish thinkers.  Central to my research and scholarship is an ongoing project of investigating Ireland’s hitherto largely unexplored medieval philosophical heritage which could potentially be very attractive to North American students.  Apart from my own publications in the field, I have been the moving force behind the organisation and publishing of the papers of international conferences held in Ireland on this theme and of medieval philosophy in general.  The hosting of the 21st Annual Colloquium of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy was the most significant event in the field to have ever taken place in Ireland.  Contacts which were made during this colloquium have enabled discussions around ongoing international cooperation on the question of Toleration, Equality and Difference.I am currently working on editions of the following authors: Peter of Ireland, Geoffrey of Aspall, Simon of Faversham, Richard FitzRalph, and Robert Holcot.
Research Publications Professional Teaching