Here you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ's) about the Student Assistance Fund (SAF). If your question is not listed below please email [email protected].


What is the Student Assistance Fund (SAF)?
SAF Eligibility
SAF Application/ Reapplication
Meeting with the Student Budgeting Advisor (SBA)
SAF Supporting Documents
SAF Outcome/ Assessment/ Payment
SAF Appeal
SAF Data Confidentiality & Data Protection


What is the Student Assistance Fund (SAF)?


Q: What is the purpose of the Student Assistance Fund?

The Student Assistance Fund (SAF) is one of a number of sources of funding available to students while studying at Maynooth University, ​designed to help students meet some of the extra costs associated with being at university. The Student Assistance Fund provides financial support to full or part-time students who are experiencing financial difficulties while attending college. Students can apply for the Student Assistance Fund to help with either temporary or ongoing financial difficulties. The Student Assistance Fund is designed to provide a source of financial support in addition to a SUSI grant.

The purpose of the SAF is to:

  • support students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are under-represented in higher education and who have temporary or ongoing needs for financial support.
  • provide emergency financial assistance for other students experiencing exceptional financial difficulties.

Students can be awarded funds from the SAF to cover various college-related costs such as:

  • books and class materials,

  • rent, heating, lighting, and other utility bills (including mobile phone data plans that you may require to participate and continue in university),

  • food,

  • essential travel,

  • childcare,

  • medical costs,

  • family difficulties e.g. bereavement.

This list of costs is not exhaustive. However, tuition fees, registration fees, student loan repayments or any costs borne by your college are not covered by the Student Assistance Fund.


Q: What are the official guidelines for the Student Assistance Fund?

The SAF is managed by the Higher Education Authority. For more information on the SAF, you can view the Higher Education Authority's SAF page on




SAF Eligibility - Who can and cannot apply?


Q: Who can apply to the Student Assistance Fund?

You must fulfil the following basic eligibility requirements AND meet the requirements of each Fund: see SAF Eligibility - Who can apply? 

Q: Who cannot apply to the Student Assistance Fund?

You must fulfil the following basic eligibility requirements AND meet the requirements of each Fund: see SAF Eligibility - Who can apply?  

Students who are not eligible to apply to the SAF are advised to make an appointment/ attend a drop-in clinic with the Student Budgeting Advice Service.


Q: My household income in 2023 is over the income limit for SAF but there has been a recent change of circumstances in my family's financial situation. Can I apply to the SAF?

If your household income in 2023 was above the maximum SAF income threshold of €73,727 but there has been a change in circumstances since then which now brings the household income below the SAF threshold, you can apply to the General SAF. You will have the opportunity to give detail about the change of circumstances on the application form. You will be requried to provide household income documents and may be required to provide documents evidencing the change of circumstances e.g. redundancy/reduced income due to illness etc. Please note that you must also satisfy the general eligibility criteria- please refer to SAF Eligibility - Who can apply?  

Q: I have been advised that I will receive HEAR/ACCESS SAF funding. Can I also apply to the General SAF?

Yes, provided you meet the eligibility criteria you can apply to the General SAF. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply?


Q: I am a student who received funding from the HEAR/ACCESS SAF last year but I am not receiving it this year. Can I apply to the General SAF?

Yes, provided you meet the eligibility criteria you can apply to the General SAF. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 


Q: I am repeating a year of college. Can I apply to the SAF?

Yes, provided you meet the eligibility criteria you can apply to the General SAF. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply?  Being a repeat student does not exclude you from making an application to the SAF. However please note that tuition fees, registration fees, student loan repayments or any costs borne by your college are not covered by the Student Assistance Fund. 
As repeat students often have higher college costs, you may also wish to book an appointment or attend one of the drop-in clinics for the Student Budgeting Advice Service for advice on financial planning, welfare, SUSI and other funding options. 

Q: I am receiving supports under the Fund for Students with Disabilities. Am I eligible to apply to the SAF?

Yes, provided you meet the eligibility criteria you can apply to the General SAF. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 

Q: I am a student at Maynooth enrolling in a higher education institution outside the Republic of Ireland. Am I eligible to apply to the SAF?

If you are a registered Maynooth University student on Erasmus abroad or studying abroad for a year as part of an international degree course, you may apply to the SAF. The application process is online and, where a meeting with the Student Budgeting Advisor is required, it can be on Teams or by phone. As Maynooth University students studying abroad sometimes have additional college costs, you may also wish to book an appointment for the Student Budgeting Advice Service for advice on financial planning, welfare, SUSI, and other funding options. If you are not a Maynooth University student however, you cannot apply to SAF; the fund is available only through Irish publicly-funded colleges


Q: Can I apply to the SAF if I am participating in a Foundation/ Certificate/ Return to Learning course?

You can only apply to SAF if your course is of at least one year's duration leading to a qualification at Level 6-10 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply?
You can check your course level on Course Finder. If you find that the course you are taking is under Level 6 (e.g. the Return to Learning course is Level 5), you cannot apply to the SAF. However, the Student Budgeting Advisor may be able to advise you of other funds that might be available to you - make an online or in-person appointment or attend one of the SBA's drop-in clinics. 

Q: I am registered on a part-time course at Maynooth University/St.Patrick's Pontifical University. Can I apply to the SAF?

Yes, you can apply to the SAF if you are a part-time student and your course is of at least one year's duration leading to an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification at Level 6-10 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 
You can check your course level on Course Finder. If you find that the course you are taking is under Level 6 (e.g. the Return to Learning course is Level 5), the Student Budgeting Advisor may be able to advise you of other funds that might be available to you - make an online/in-person appointment or attend one of the drop-in clinics. 

Q: I am a postgraduate student. Can I apply to the SAF?

Yes, provided you satisfy the eligibility criteria you can apply to the SAF.  Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 

Q: I have heard that there is special funding from the Student Assistance Fund for students of the Professional Masters in Education (PME). How do I access it?

Previously, funding was ring-fenced for PME Primary or Secondary students. There is no longer specific ring-fenced funding for PMEs but you can apply to the General SAF. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 

Q: I am receiving a student grant from SUSI. Can I apply to the SAF?

Yes, provided you satisfy the SAF eligibility criteria you can apply to the SAF.  Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 

Q: I am in receipt of a scholarship/bursary. Can I apply to the SAF?

Yes, provided you satisfy the SAF eligibility criteria you can apply to the SAF. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 
Please note that students in receipt of a scholarship or bursary to the value of €2,000 per year or more will be required to meet with the Student Budgeting Advisor (SBA) as part of the application process e.g. Tier 1 or Tier 2 recipients of the 1916 Bursary or Tier 2 recipients of the Kickstart Scholarship. Students will be given guidance on this when they apply to SAF.

Q: I applied to SAF and was required to meet with the Student Budgeting Advisor but wasn’t recommended for funding. What can I do?

You must meet the SAF eligibility criteria and your household income must be under the maximum SAF limit of €73,727 in 2023. If you do not satisfy the eligibility and income criteria, this is likely why you were not recommended for funding. The criteria cannot be appealed. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply?
If you do meet the eligibility and income criteria but the Student Budgeting Advisor (SBA) decided not to recommend you for SAF support for some other reason, you can still make an independent application to SAF but the lack of a recommendation from the SBA will be taken into account. You should contact the SBA at [email protected] to discuss the reason that you were not recommended for SAF and to indicate if you wish to make an unsupported application. Your application will be forwarded to the SAF team, and a decision made by a SAF sub-committee of the Student Financial Supports Steering Committee.



SAF Application/ Reapplication


Q: How do I Apply to the SAF?

  • General SAF - the application form opens in October and is online. See the SAF homepage.

  • HEAR/ACCESS SAF - only certain students supported by the Maynooth Access Programme (MAP) are eligible for the HEAR/ACCESS SAF. If you are eligible for this fund, MAP will contact you by email from [email protected] in mid to late October, with instructions on how to get your funding.  Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? to find out who is eligible for the HEAR/ACCESS SAF. Note that students who are eligible for the HEAR/ACCESS SAF can also apply to the General SAF.


Q: What is the application process?

Application process for General SAF:

All students may apply to the General SAF, subject to eligibility. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 

  1. The online application form opens in October on the SAF homepage. When you complete the online application form, you will receive an automatic confirmation of your submission.

  2. Your application will then be verified for eligibility and registration, and you will be emailed from [email protected] with next steps. You must complete the required steps within the given deadline. See General SAF for more information. 

  3. You will be notified of an outcome. Awards are subject to eligibility, full completion of your application within the given deadline, committee decision and available funding. You may appeal the outcome but are advised to contact [email protected] before you do so to discuss the basis of your appeal. The flat rate award amount is set by the Student Financial Support Steering Committee and cannot be appealed. Please note that you may apply to the SAF more than once in the same academic year.


Application process for the HEAR/ACCESS SAF:

Only certain students supported by the Maynooth Access Programme (MAP) are eligible for the HEAR/ACCESS SAF. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply?

  1. If you are eligible for this fund, MAP will confirm your eligibility and will invite you to complete a short application form within a strict deadline. Students who are eligible for this fund who are repeating will also be required to take a call/meet online with a MAP Advisor to determine their final eligibility. Turn to Teaching students who may be eligible for this fund will also be asked to provide proof of household income for 2023 to determine their eligibility (income must be under €46,790 in 2023). This process will be initiated by an email from the SAF team [email protected]

  2. When you complete the HEAR/ACCESS SAF application form, your application will be verified for eligibility and progressed to the Student Assistance Fund committee for decision. You will be notified of the outcome and, if approved, when the payment will reach your account. 

  3. There are set awards for the HEAR/ACCESS SAF: Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply?  Students eligible for the payment of €1,000 will receive €500 in Semester 1 (mid to late Nov) and will automatically receive €500 in Semester 2 (mid to late Feb) provided they are still registered and engaged in their studies; students eligible for one payment of €500 only will be paid in Semester 1 (mid Nov). 

  4.  If you do not complete the HEAR/ACCESS SAF online form within the given deadline your application may be closed after approximately 4 weeks. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]e  or your MAP Advisor, if applicable, and we will do our utmost to assist you.

  5. The HEAR/ACCESS SAF award amount is fixed by the Student Financial Support Steering Committee and may not be appealed. 

  6. Students who are funded from the HEAR/ACCESS SAF can also apply to the General SAF.


Q: Can I apply again to the SAF in the same academic year?

  • You can apply to the General SAF more than once per academic year, provided the application window is still open and funding is available. 

  • Students who are eligible to apply to the HEAR/ACCESS SAF can only apply to the HEAR/Access SAF once, but can also apply to the General SAF and can do so more than once per academic year, subject to the application window and available funding. 

Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply?


Q: If I was approved for SAF funding this semester/year, does this mean that I will automatically be funded next semester/ next year?

  • If you were previously funded in this academic year from the General SAF but need more financial support, you need to make a new application to the General SAF. Funding is not automatically granted each semester.

  • If you are eligible for the €1,000 payment from the HEAR/ACCESS SAF (paid as €500 in Semester 1 and €500 in Semester 2), you do not have to re-apply to the HEAR/ACCESS SAF to receive your Semester 2 HEAR/Access SAF payment. Remember: Students who are eligible for the HEAR/ACCESS SAF can also apply to the General SAF.


Q: If my application to the SAF was not approved, can I apply again?

This depends on why you were not approved:

  • If you do not meet the eligibility criteria for SAF, you cannot apply again. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 

  • If your application to the General SAF was not approved because you did not complete your application by uploading correct and complete supporting documents, you can apply again provided  the application form is open and funding is available. There is no guarantee of funding support from the General SAF. 

  • If your application was not approved because your household income in 2023 was above the maximum SAF income limit of €73,727 you cannot apply for SAF. Please note that if your household income circumstances have changed since 2023 and the household income is now within the SAF limit, you can apply to SAF and indicate the change of circumstances on the application form. You will be required to provide household income documents and should provide documents evidencing the change of circumstances e.g. redundancy/pension/unemployment/illness. Contact [email protected] to discuss this.

  • If you were a student who was eligible to apply to the HEAR/Access SAF but whose application was not approved, you will not be able to apply to that particular fund again. You can however apply to the General SAF, subject to eligibility. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 


Q: I didn’t receive an email to upload supporting documents after completing an online application to the General SAF. What should I do?

When you complete an online application to the General SAF, you should receive an email to upload supporting documents within 24-72 hours . At certain times of year this may take longer if staff are on annual leave e.g., over the Christmas holiday period. At other times of year, allow 72 hours and if you still cannot locate the email, check your spam folder first then you can contact [email protected] to follow up on your application. Remember that all correspondence will be sent to your official or email address.


Meeting with the Student Budgeting Advisor (SBA)


Q. When is a meeting with the Student Budgeting Advisor (SBA)or attendance at a budgeting information session required as part of an application to SAF?

A meeting with the SBA may be required for applications to the General SAF. The SAF team will advise students if a meeting is required. Applicants will be differentiated as follows:

  1. Students with a household income under €50,840 in 2023 will be prioritised for funding and will be assessed on a Means Tested basis for their first application to the General SAF in the 2024/25 academic year i.e.  they will only be required to provide their supporting income documents; a meeting with the SBA will not be required. 

  2. Students whose household income is above €50,840 but under €73,727 will be assessed on an Exceptional basis. They will be required to meet with the SBA/attend an information session + provide household income documents + provide bank statements unless they were funded from the Exceptional SAF in the previous academic year 2023/24. If funded from the Exceptional SAF in 2023/24 a meeting with the SBA may not be required for the first application in the 2024/25 academic year

  3. Students who re-apply to the SAF in the same academic year will be assessed on an Exceptional basis and will be required to meet with the Student Budgeting Advisor/attend a budgeting information session + provide household income documents + provide bank statements. This includes students funded from the HEAR/ACCESS SAF in 2023/24 who apply to the General SAF.


Q. I am applying for the General SAF and have been emailed to make an appointment with the Student Budgeting Advisor (SBA) but I cannot get an appointment. My application cannot progress unless I meet with the SBA. What should I do?

  • You may be given the option to attend a budgeting information session instead of an indiviual meeting with the SBA. Attendance at the budgeting information session will ensure that your application can progress to the next stage. A number of sessions may be offered and you can attend the session of your choice, but ensure that you do so in good time and within the given deadline for your application. The sessions (when offered) are group sessions, you don't have to participate but you will be required to sign in to log your attendance. 
  • If you prefer to have an individual appointment with the SBA, you will get access to the SBA calendar in the confirmation email sent to you when you make your application to the SAF.  Please be aware however that appointments with the Student Budgeting Advice Service (SBAS) can be booked up many weeks in advance at certain busy times of year. If an appointment is not available, you can: 
    • Keep checking the SBA calendar to see if a slot opens. New appointment slots are added/freed up daily.

    • If you have an emergency situation, attend one of the SBA’s drop-in clinics in the Student Services building, North Campus.


Q. If a meeting with the Student Budgeting Advisor (SBA)/attendance at a budgeting information session is required as part of my application to the General SAF, what happens at the meeting/information session?

If a meeting with the SBA is required as part of your application to the General SAF, you will be notified in the email you are sent after your application to SAF is accepted, and your application cannot progress until the meeting/session is completed.

  • You may be given the option to attend a budgeting information session instead of an indiviual meeting with the SBA. Attendance at the budgeting information session will ensure that your application can progress quickly to the next stage. A number of sessions may be offered and you can attend the session of your choice, but ensure that you do so in good time and within the given deadline for your application. The sessions (when offered) are group sessions, giving information on managing your costs while in college; you don't have to participate but you will be required to sign in to log your attendance. When attendance at the session has been logged, our application can then progress to document upload stage. The amount of funding awarded is usually a set rate, dependent upon available funding each year.  


  • If you prefer to have an individual appointment with the SBA, please be aware that an individual appointment may mean that your application is slowed down, due to the demand for appointments. You can make an in-person or online appointment. At the individual meeting, you may be requiried to complete a budget sheet. The SBA will provide you with "one to one" advice and guidance on managing your money and helping you budget for university. This may include support and advice on:
    • Managing your money, having regard to your income and University expenses.

    • Welfare information, for you and/or your family.

    • SUSI application/award rate. Students with SUSI late applications/ change of circumstances applications can request that the SBA is ‘joined’ as a third party to their SUSI application.

    • Planning for fee payment.

    • Managing exceptional costs.
      Student Assistance Fund and other funding options, and what supporting documents you may need for a SAF application.
      Other supports that may benefit you.

The SBA will review your situation with you and, if you are eligible, make a recommendation for an amount of SAF funding support based on your circumstances.  Your application will then be progressed to the next stage and you will be emailed to upload supporting documents. 


Q. I applied to SAF and was required to meet with the Student Budgeting Advisor but wasn’t recommended for funding. What can I do? 

You must meet the SAF eligibility criteria and your household income must be under the maximum SAF limit of €73,727 in 2023. If you do not satisfy the eligibility and income criteria, this is likely why you were not recommended for funding. The criteria cannot be appealed. Please refer to SAF Eligibility – Who can apply? 

If you do meet the eligibility and income criteria and the Student Budgeting Advisor (SBA) decided not to recommend you for SAF support for some other reason, you can still make an independent application but the lack of a recommendation from the SBA will be taken into account. You should contact the SBA at [email protected] to discuss the reason why you were not recommended for SAF and you can ask the SBA to initiate an unsupported application for you. Your application will be forwarded to the SAF team, and a decision made by a SAF sub-committee of the Student Financial Support Steering Committee.


SAF Supporting Documents


Q: I have been told I will need to upload household income documents. How do I know what documents to submit?

  • Students who are eligible to apply for the HEAR/ACCESS SAF do not need to provide documents to complete their application to the HEAR/ACCESS SAF. 

  • Students applying to the General SAF will be provided with a Household Income Documents Checklist  and MAY be required to provide bank statements. Do not email supporting documents.  You will be provided with a link to securely upload your doucments. Data protection rules are strictly observed concerning your confidential information.  Read more about SAF Confidentiality and the sharing of your data.

Q: I have been told I will need to upload my bank statements. How do I get my online bank statements? 

If you have been directed to provide bank statements, you must provide 3 months statements for your own bank account/s: include your current, savings, Revolut summary page, Credit Union etc. Make sure your statements show 3 complete months (no gaps) and that at least one of the pages for each account shows your name, for verification purposes. If you have online banking or a mobile banking app you can usually download your bank statements within 24 hours. Follow the steps outlined below for each of the main Irish financial institutions. If you do not have online banking, you can usually go to a branch of your bank and request a statement to be issued to you or contact your bank branch directly.
AIB - eStatement Guide to Online Statements - AIB Internet Banking
Bank of Ireland - Digital Banking with Bank of Ireland
Credit Union - you can ring your credit union for a paper statement to be posted out or to set up online access so that you can download your statement electronically.
Permanent TSB - Support and FAQ | Permanent TSB
Revolut - Viewing my account statements on Revolut Help Center


Q: How do I create scans/electronic copies of my paper documents?

If you have paper documents, you will need to create scanned electronic copies of them to upload online. There are a number of ways to create a scanned electronic copy of your document:

Use your smartphone camera:

  • Scan your paper documents using the free app Microsoft Lens (Android / iPhone) combined with your camera. You can also follow these 8 steps using the Notes app on your iPhone.

  • If using the camera alone to take photos, ensure the screenshots are of good quality and all information is visible.

  • Save your electronic documentation onto your pc/laptop/USB key/phone.  Open to the email recommending you for SAF and browse to the location of your scanned documents to upload them.

Use a printer/scanner:

  • There are 7 printers with scanning functions around Maynooth University (locations are listed in Copy & Print Services)

  • At a printer, swipe your Student ID card and set the document that you wish to scan face up on the top tray of the printer and click Scan on the printer’s screen.

  • Your scanned document will be emailed to you as an attachment to your address.

  • Save your electronic documentation onto your pc/laptop/USB key/phone. Open the email recommending you for SAF and browse to the location of your scanned documents to upload them.

  • It is not advisable to use the Maynooth Webprint facility to remotely print confidential documents.

If you are still having difficulty creating an electronic version of your documents, contact [email protected]. Supporting documents will not be accepted in hard paper form or by email. 

Q: How do I include the supporting documents in my application?
You will be requested by email from [email protected] to submit your documentation online via a secure upload link. Note: Supporting documentation will be uploaded onto a secure server and data protection rules are strictly observed concerning your confidential information. Do not email supporting documents. Read more about SAF confidentiality and data protection.


Q: I submitted my documents online but haven’t received any follow up email. What should I do?

You will receive a confirmation email immediately upon submitting your documentation. This is an automated email which simply logs that you have uploaded documents. To find it, check the inbox/spam folders of your official or email address. This email does not mean that your documents have been reviewed; due to the volume of applications it may be some days/weeks before your application is processed. Applications are processed in date and time order of submission of documents. When your application is reached, you will receive a follow up email from [email protected] after your documents have been reviewed. We endeavour to review your documents and follow up with you as soon as possible after receiving your documents. Keep an eye on your inbox for emails from [email protected] as you may be asked for more information.

Q: I am in receipt of SUSI and the required supporting document is the 3 pages of my SUSI letter. Where can I get this?

You can find all 3 pages of your SUSI letter in the correspondence section of your online SUSI account. Your online SUSI letter may be password protected. You should save a copy which is not password protected onto your device and upload that version in support of your SAF application. Tip: save a copy of your SUSI award letter onto your device, as it will be removed from your online SUSI account in Semester 2. You can also email [email protected] for a hard copy to be posted out to you and you can scan and upload that version, but this will take some time and will delay your application. 

Q: How do I know what the family/household income is if I am in receipt of a grant/fee payment from SUSI?

If you are in receipt of a SUSI payment for fees/maintenance, check the ‘reckonable income’ on page 3 of your award letter for the 2024/25 academic year. This is the gross family income for 2023. Find all 3 pages of your SUSI letter in the correspondence section of your online SUSI account. Your online SUSI letter may be password protected. You should save a copy which is not password protected and upload that version in support of your SAF application. Alternatively, you can email [email protected] for a hard copy to be posted out to you and you can scan and upload that version. You should save a copy of your SUSI award letter onto your device, as it will be removed from your online SUSI account in Semester 2.

Q: How do I know what the family/household income is if I am not in receipt of a grant/fee payment from SUSI?

Students who are not in receipt of SUSI for fees and/or maintenance payment must provide evidence that the gross family income in 2023 was under the SAF threshold of €73,727 . Please refer to SAF Eligibility - Who can apply?

  • The income documents you will be required to provide depends on your family’s earning situation e.g., PAYE earners must provide a Statement of Liability for 2023. You will be provided with a Household Income Documents Checklist when you apply to the SAF.

  • If you are not in receipt of  SUSI in 2024/25 because you are repeating a year but you were in receipt of  SUSI in the previous academic year, you can check the ‘reckonable income’ on page 3 of your award letter for 2023/24. This is the gross family income for 2022. You can provide your SUSI letter for 2023/24 + 3 months recent payslips for the household income earners, to evidence current income.   If you have not retained your SUSI letter from 2023/24 you can email [email protected]e for a hard copy to be posted out to you. Your should submit a scan of your SUSI letter which is not password protected. 

Q: When I check the Housheold Income Documents Checklist, I find that I have to provide income documents for my parents/ guardians. Why is this? Can I be assessed on my own income? What if I am living independently but can’t prove that I am?

Students are assessed on family income if they are dependents. To be assessed on your own income, you must be living independently. 'Living independently' has a strict definition: you must be living away from the family home from at least the October of the year BEFORE the first year of entry to university, with no financial support whatsoever from your parents/guardians. Renting during term time is not living independently.

If you apply to SAF based on living independently you will be asked for supporting documents to evidence this:

  • Students in receipt of SUSI will be required to upload their 3-page SUSI award letter for 2024/25 (SUSI has assessed your full income situation including your living situation and this will suffice for SAF). Find all 3 pages of your SUSI letter in the correspondence section of your online SUSI account. Your online SUSI letter may be password protected. You should save a copy which is not password protected and upload that version in support of your SAF application. Alternatively, you can email [email protected] for a hard copy to be posted out to you and you can scan and upload that version.

  • Students not in receipt of SUSI must provide their own household income documents for 2023. The income document will depend on your income source e.g., PAYE earners must provide a Statement of Liability for 2022 (refer to the Household Income Documents Checklist that you receive when you apply for SAF). You will also be required to provide proof of living independently i.e., proof of home ownership OR proof of renting from at least the October of the year BEFORE the year of entry to university + an up-to-date utility bill in your own name (not a mobile phone bill).

Students who are living independently who cannot provide the documentary evidence should contact [email protected] and, in addition, if required to have a consultation with the Student Budgeting Advisor as part of the SAF application, should discuss this difficulty in the meeting. Every effort will be made to be as flexible as possible where there are exceptional circumstances leading to significant financial hardship.

Q: When I check the Household Income Documents Checklist, I find that I have to provide income documents for my parents/ guardians but I am unable to get these documents. Can I be assessed on my own income?

First, you should assure your parents/guardians that the documents are used solely for the purpose of your application to the SAF and not for any other reason. Your parents/guardians may contact [email protected] or [email protected] with any concerns they may have. If you still cannot get the required supporting documents, you should contact [email protected] and explain your difficulty and, in addition, if you are required to have a consultation with the Student Budgeting Advisor as part of your SAF application, you should mention this difficulty when you have your meeting. Every effort will be made to assist you and to be as flexible as possible where there are exceptional circumstances leading to significant financial hardship.

Q: When I check the Household Income Documents Checklist I find that I must submit a Statement of Liability (P21). Can I submit some other document instead e.g., a payslip or an Employment Detail Summary (P60)?

Where the household income is from PAYE earnings, you must submit all pages of the Statement of Liability for 2023 (formerly a P21 - see Sample Statement of Liability page 1). A payslip only shows montly/weekly earnings from one source. An Employment Detail Summary (formerly a P60) shows total earnings from one employer only and does not take account of any additional income, such as another job or a spouse’s income. A Statement of Liability gives details of total household income, tax credits, tax reliefs and PAYE tax paid for a particular tax year. The owner of the Statement of Liability can request the document from their online Revenue account, a process which may take up to 2 weeks. The income earner must have an online Revenue account. In exceptional circumstances, an Employment Detail Summary may be accepted. For queries, please contact [email protected]

Q: When I check the Household Income Documents Checklist, I find that I must submit a Notice of Self-Assessment (Chapter 4 return). Can I submit another document instead e.g., a set of accounts or other document from an accountant?

Where the household income is from self-employed earnings, you must submit all pages of the Notice of Self-Assessment return (Chapter 4 return) for 2023- see Sample Notice of Self-Assessment page 1. In general, only this official Revenue certified income document will be accepted. The owner of the Notice of Self-Assessment can request the document from their online Revenue account, a process which may take up to 2 weeks. In exceptional circumstances, an alternative document may be accepted. For any queries, please contact [email protected]


Q: When I check the Household Income Documents Checklist, I find that I must submit a Social Welfare Statement. Can I submit another document instead e.g., a Social Welfare payslip?

Where the household income is from Social Welfare payments earnings, you must submit all pages of the Social Welfare Statement for 2023 - see Sample Social Welfare Statement page 1. In general, only this official Social Welfare certified income document will be accepted. The owner of the Social Welfare Statement can request the document from their online MyWelfare account, a process which may take up to 2 weeks, or request it from their local Social Welfare office. In exceptional circumstances, an alternative document may be accepted. For any queries, please contact [email protected]e. 


Q: When I check the Household Income Documents Checklist I find that I must submit proof of household income for 2023. My household income in 2023 is over the maximum SAF income limit of €73,727 but there has been a change in my/my family’s circumstances since 2023 and the income is now lower?

When income documents are required, they must be for 2023. SUSI recipients can provide their 3 page SUSI letter for 2024/25 -  the reckonable income on page 3 is the household income for 2023. Students who are not in receipt of SUSI must provide other income documents for 2023 (refer to the Household Income Documents Checklist you receive when you apply for SAF).  If there has been a significant decrease in income since 2023, you should provide evidence of this (e.g., Notice of Cessation of Employment/Retirement/current payslips/current social welfare documentation), in addition to your 2023 income document. You should contact [email protected] to discuss this or alternatively, if you are required to have a consultation with the Student Budgeting Advisor as part of your application, you should discuss this issue in the meeting. Every effort will be made to assist you and to be as flexible as possible where there are exceptional circumstances leading to significant financial hardship. Please note that students who have had a change of circumstances since their SUSI application can contact SUSI to discuss their situation as change of circumstances may impact the rate of SUSI award. 

Q: I have applied for SUSI but what if I’m still waiting for SUSI to deal with my application/my appeal?

You can let the Student Assistance Fund team know that you are waiting for an outcome from SUSI. This may however delay your application. Contact [email protected] and every effort will be made to assist you.

Q: What if I’m running into delays in getting the required supporting documents?

Generally your application cannot be progressed without the required supporting documents so contact [email protected] and explain the issue. We may be able to offer advice.

Q: I applied to the SAF. Can I get my confidential documents back?

You will be asked to scan and upload your supporting financial documents via a secure link, so this will not arise as you will retain the originals. You should be careful when scanning your confidential documents and be sure not to leave soft copies on any public computers you have used for scanning. Do not email your confidential documents.

Please see SAF Data Confidentiality for our confidentiality/data protection assurance on how we handle and retain all your application information.


Q: I am waiting/my parents or guardians are waiting on Revenue to provide a Statement of Liability (P21)/Notice of Self-Assessment. Will this delay my application?

Yes, your application may be delayed. Your application cannot be finalised without the required supporting documents. Applicants are strongly advised to start gathering the required supporting documentation as early as possible in the application process. The income earner must have an online Revenue account and this can take up to 2 weeks to get, when you first register for it. You will receive an email when you apply to SAF with a link to a Household Income Documents Checklist which will provide guidance on what documents to provide and how to get them. Contact [email protected] where there are exceptional circumstances around getting the required documents.  



SAF Outcome/ Assessment/ Payment


Q: How long will the application process take?

This depends upon how quickly you can submit the full and correct supporting documents and on the volume of applications to the SAF. If you submit your documents immediately upon request, your application could be finalised within 2-3 weeks. Otherwise allow 3-6 weeks, depending upon submission of your complete and correct supporting documents. Applications are brought to the SAF sub-committee of the Student Financial Supports Steering Committee, which sits fortnightly during the academic year.


Q: Will I be notified of the outcome of my application?

Yes. an email will be sent to your official or email address with the outcome and the amount of the award.

Q: How much can I receive from the SAF?

There are different awards under each Fund. Please refer to SAF Eligibility - Who can apply?


Q: If I am approved for SAF, how do I receive payment?

You will be given a secure link to register your bank details online with the University. This is in the email you will get when your application for SAF is accepted (the Next Steps email). Select the Student Electronic Fund Transfer procedure on the Maynooth University Student Fees & Grants webpage. This is the only way to register your bank account details with the University. MAP will never contact you directly for these details. 

You can immediately register your bank details with the University using this procedure, even before you have uploaded supporting documents or before you know the outcome of your application. This avoids delays in payment if you are approved.  If you have any difficulties registering your bank details, you should contact [email protected] in the Maynooth University Fees and Grants Office.

If you are approved for SAF support, payment will be made directly by the Fees & Grants Office to your bank account. Payments cannot be processed to Credit Union accounts. 


Q: I have been approved for SAF funding. When will I receive payment?

Students who are approved for funding from the SAF will be notified by email that payment will be made to their bank account within 10 working days from the date of the approval email. When calculating the 10 working days, do not count weekends or public holidays. You should also check that you have registered your bank details with the University- please refer to the FAQ If I am approved for SAF, how do I receive payment? or  select the Student Electronic Fund Transfer procedure on the Maynooth University Fees & Grants Office webpage.

If you have registered your bank account details and the 10 working days have passed but you still have not received payment, you should contact [email protected] in the Maynooth University Fees & Grants Office.

Q: I do not have a bank account/ I only have a Credit Union account/ I only have a Revolut account. How will I be paid if my application is successful?

Payments cannot be processed to Credit Union accounts. Payment will only be made by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) to an active Irish registered bank account which now includes Revolut accounts. If you do not have a bank account/Revolut account in your name, in order to receive your SAF payment, you could register the bank account of a trusted family member with the University via the Student Electronic Fund Transfer procedure on the Maynooth University Fees and Grants Office webpage. When you have set up your own bank account you can then re-register your own bank details at a later stage; student bank accounts usually do not attract fees.

Q: My bank details have changed since I was last paid. What do I do?/ I registered my bank details with the university before, do I have to do it again?

You only need to re-register your bank details with the university if your bank details have changed since you last registered - please refer to the Student Electronic Fund Transfer procedure on the Maynooth University Fees and Grants Office webpage.

Q: Why was the amount I was approved for different to the amount I was first told?

  • If you were approved for SAF and a meeting with the SBA was not required, the award is genearlly a set rate (flat rate) award. The set rate depends upon the available funding each year and is fixed by the Student Financial Support Steering Committee; in 2023 the set rate award was €600. If the funding runs low, the flat rate award may be decreased. The flat rate award cannot be appealed. However, students who need additional support can apply to the General SAF again in the same semester/academic year, subject to the availability of funding.

  • If you were approved for SAF and attended a Student Budgeting information session, the award is generally a flat rate award; in 2023 the award was €500.  If you have an individual meeting with the Student Budgeting Advisor, the award may be based on  your individual situation as presented at the meeting with the SBA. The information available to the SBA does not include your supporting documents as these are submitted after the meeting, the full application information is reviewed by the SAF Committee and the final decision on amount is made by the committee. The SAF sub-committee will consult with the SBA before amending the award amount. The amount may be amended upwards or downwards at Committee. You may appeal the decision but should contact [email protected] first to discuss the reason for the amended award. Students who are in need of additional support can apply to the SAF again in the same semester/academic year, subject to available funding.


Q: Are there other sources of funding available to students as well as or  instead of the SAF?

Yes. For more information on other sources of funding or advice see Student Help or the Student Budgeting Advice Service, Student Emergency Fund, Short Term Loan/Emergency Food Vouchers. See also 1916 Bursary or , Kickstart Scholarship, undergraduate scholarships, postgraduate scholarships. 

Q: When does the Student Assistance Fund open/close?

The Student Assistance Fund opens in October of each academic year - see the SAF homepage for the confirmed open date; an email is sent to all students official MU email address when the SAF opens. 

  • The General SAF is open to all students subject to eligibility - see SAF Eligibility - Who can apply? The General SAF will remain open until available funds are exhausted or until the closing date. The closing date will be announced on the SAF homepage. You are advised to apply to the General SAF as early as possible in the academic year. You do not need to belong to a target group to apply to the SAF but, where demand exceeds the available funding, target groups in line with the National Access Plan for higher education, may be prioritised for support.  As soon as the Fund has been fully disbursed no further awards can be made, regardless of eligibility.

  • The  HEAR/ACCESS SAF has a strict application deadline. This fund is only open to certain students supported by the Maynooth Access Programme (MAP) - see SAF Eligibility - Who can apply? If you are eligible for this fund, you will be contacted directly by [email protected] in October and informed of the open and close dates and how to apply.




SAF Appeal


Q: How do I make an appeal to the SAF?

Please note that to apply to SAF you must meet the basic eligibility and income requirements. The SAF criteria cannot be appealed.

Who can appeal?

  1. Students who are not awarded funding may wish to appeal this decision.

  2. Students who were awarded funding may wish to appeal the amount awarded. Please note however, if approved for funding

    • Students who are not required to meet with the Student Budgeting Advisor as part of their SAF application will receive a flat rate award. The flat rate award is dependent on the amount of funding available each year and is a set rate which cannot be appealed

    • Students who are required to have a meeting as part of their application may receive a flat rate award (if they attend a budgeting information session) or an individualised amount based on their circumstances (if they attend an individual meeting with the SBA). The flat rate award cannot be appealed; the individualised award amount may be appealed.

Grounds for appeal?

There are strict grounds of appeal.You can appeal the decision if you believe that your application was not correctly considered. This might arise if you believe that your application was unsuccessful because of a failure to take account of one or more documents submitted or if you believe an error was made by MAP in relation to a document you submitted.
An application must have been fully completed and considered by the SAF sub-committee before an appeal can be made. As part of an appeal, a student can revise an application or submit new information and the appeal may then be referred to the Student Budgeting Advisor for review.

How to appeal?

  • Requests for an appeal must be made in the form of an email to [email protected] within 10 working days of the original decision being communicated to you. Requests for an appeal after this date will not be considered. You must clearly outline the failure to take account of one or more documents submitted and/or where you believe an error occurred in the review of your application. Any other means of requesting an appeal will not be accepted.

  • Appeal emails should be sent to [email protected] and cc [email protected] using SAF Appeal in the subject line, within 10 working days of the original decision being communicated to you.

The appeal process

SAF appeals will be considered by an Appeals Board which consists of 3 members of the Student Financial Support Steering Committee, excluding the Director of Access (or an alternate who may have been involved in the original decision). A Maynooth Students’ Union representative will always be invited to be on the Appeals Board. Students will be informed by email of the decision of the Appeals Board. The decision of the Appeals Board is final.
For any queries in relation to the appeals process contact [email protected]. We strongly advise that before you appeal that you review the grounds for appeal as set out above and clearly outline how your appeal comes within those grounds. You may contact [email protected] to discuss the basis of your appeal.








Government of Ireland and HEA logos 2020

The Student Assistance Fund (SAF) is managed by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) on behalf of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.