Trauma in Conflict Group 
The Trauma in Conflict Group is a sharing and learning platform hosted by Maynooth University- Edward M. Kennedy Institute. It gathers practitioners of various disciplines including, science, conflict intervention (mediation, peace building and conflict coaching), international development, counseling and psychotherapy, visual arts among others. 
The Trauma in Conflict Group emerged after a Seminar organised by the Edward M. Kennedy Institute in July 2015 where 25 participants reflected on the topic of Collective Trauma in Conflict Scenarios and expressed interest in continuing learning about it. At that event, Patty Abozaglo- Adjunct Faculty of the Kennedy Institute at Maynooth University, presented her experience in South America using body based educational approaches such as Capacitar and Laban Dance and Body Movement with women and men affected by protracted conflict in Colombia and social conflict caused by extractive industry in Northern Peru.
In 2018, three meetings will take place every three months. 


Wednesday 11 April

Wednesday 30 May

Wednesday 12 September

Wednesday 21 November
Time: 3.30 pm to 6 pm 

If you are interested in being part of this initiative, please  contact Patty Abozaglo
[email protected]