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Professor Hana Cervinkova (B.A., Temple University, Philadelphia, M.A., Ph.D., Anthropology, New School for Social Research in New York, 2004) is a political and educational anthropologist with a geographic focus on East and Central Europe. In her early publications, she built on her ethnographic research in the Czech military focusing on the cultural and political paradoxes of post-socialist transformation in the liminal period of intensive post-Cold War civil-military restructuring. Her recent work highlights issues of nationalism, racism and memory as they emerge in the everyday educational and political discourses and practices in Poland and the Czech Republic. She is also involved in collaborative research analysing changes in higher education in Central Europe and Ireland. The politics of memory and history figure prominently in her urban-based research, much of which she has dedicated to exploring and making public the silenced heritage of the formerly multicultural societies of Central Europe. Cervinkova also published on anthropology of post-socialism and post-colonialism and participatory and action research methodologies.
Cervinkova's research work is interwoven with her pedagogical practice. She designs her classes to foster critical thinking and active learning through the nurturing of anthropological imagination, which encourages seeing people and issues in cross-cultural dimensions. She developed and led a number of international grants and initiatives, including a Horizon 2020-funded European doctoral training scheme (EDiTE – European Doctorate in Teacher Education, 2016-2020). She is a recipient of several teaching awards, including the 2016 Award for Excellence in Education Abroad Curriculum Design and the Maynooth University Teaching Award 2022-23.
Prior to moving to Maynooth, Cervinkova worked in Central Europe holding a number of leadership positions in academia and in the public sector. She was the Rector of the University of Lower Silesia (Wroclaw, Poland) and a member of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic). At the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), she served as an elected member of the Executive Committee (2013 – 2016) and the Association’s Vice-President (2015-2016). In the public sphere, as the President of Centennial Hall in Wroclaw, a UNESCO World Heritage site, she developed and implemented major preservation projects, which included the acquisition and management of significant public investment funds to help save one of Europe's most important early-Modernist architectural complexes of the 20th century.
Research Interests
I am an educational, political and urban anthropologist with a geographic focus on East and Central Europe. In my early publications, I built on my ethnographic research in the Czech military focusing on the cultural and political paradoxes of post-socialist transformation in the liminal period of intensive post-Cold War civil-military restructuring. My current work highlights issues of nationalism, citizenship, racism, memory and belonging as they emerge in the everyday educational and political discourses and practices in Poland and the Czech Republic. I am also involved in collaborative research analysing changes in higher education in Central Europe and Ireland. The politics of memory and history figure prominently in my continuous urban-based research, much of which I have dedicated to exploring and making public the silenced heritage of the formerly multicultural societies of Central Europe. I also published extensively on anthropology of post-socialism and post-colonialism and participatory and action research methodologies.
Research Projects
Start date
End date
Historical Memory and Citizenship Education in Poland
Principal Investigator
EDiTE - European Doctorate in Teacher Education
National Coordinator
KREAS - Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions for the Success of Europe in an Interrelated world, Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (OP RDE)
Key Researcher for Anthropology
KREATIVITA - Creative Partnership for Inclusive School - Kreativní partnerství pro inkluzivní školu
Keeping It Modern - conservation management plan for Centennial Hall (UNESCO World Heritage Site
Educational Action Research
Principal Investigator
Youth Participatory Action Research – People with Disabilities and Local Citizen Participation
Principal Investigator
Anthropology of Landscape in European Protected Areas
Partner Institution Coordinator and Researcher
Czech Migration Trends after 1989
Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Central Europe
Project Director and Principal Investigator
Anthropology and Education
Principal Investigator
Making Anthropology Matter, European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech Association for Social Anthropology (CASA)
Grant from the Czech Academy of Sciences for the international conference co-organized by the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Prague, October 14 – 15, 2015
Czech and Polish Schools after 1989 - Continuity and Change. A Comparative Study of Borderland Regions
Qualitative Research of Personal Assistance Services for People with Disabilities
Principle Investigator
Action Research in Teacher Education. IV Seminar in the Series Educational Action Research
Principal Investigator
Bringing the Violence Back In: Military Professionalization and the Formation of the Czech State after Socialism
Principal Investigator
Problems of Retention in the Czech Air Force
Principal Investigator
Peer Reviewed Journal
Bacher, S., Cervinkova, H., Kraler, C., Rasiński, L. (2022) 'Independence, Interdisciplinarity, Internationality: Toward “Higher Bildung” in Doctoral Education'. Educational Forum (Forum Oświatowe), 34 (1):43-54. [Link] [Full-Text]
Biesta G.; Heugh K.; Cervinkova H.; Rasiński L.; Osborne S.; Forde D.; Wrench A.; Carter J.; Säfström C.A.; Soong H.; O’Keeffe S.; Paige K.; Rigney L.I.; O’Toole L.; Hattam R.; Peters M.A.; Tesar M. (2021) 'Philosophy of education in a new key: publicness, social justice, and education; a South-North conversation'. Educational Philosophy and Theory, . [DOI][Full-Text]
Lotar Rasiński, Miroslav Dopita, Hana Cervinkova (2021) 'Neoliberalism’s Paradoxical Effect and European Doctoral Educational Reforms in Post-socialist Europe'. Critical Education, 12 (9):1-19. [Link] [Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova, Juliet D. Golden (2020) 'Remembering and Belonging. Jewish Heritage and Civic Agency in Poland's Haunted Urban Spaces'. Urbanities. Journal of Urban Ethnography, 10 (Supplement 3):128-146. [Link][Full-Text]
Beth C. Rubin, Hana Cervinkova (2020) 'Challenging Silences: Historical Memory and Democratic Citizenship Education in Poland and Guatemala'. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 51 (2):178-194. [Link][DOI][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (2020) 'Citizenship after COVID‐19: thoughts from Poland'. Social Anthropology, 28 (2). [Link] [Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (2020) 'Locations of Culture in Educational Anthropology and Ethnography/Miejsca kultury w antropologii i etnografii edukacyjnej'. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji / Issues in Early Education, 51 (4).
Juliet Golden, Hana Cervinkova (2019) 'On the Peripheries of Memory: Tracing the History of the Old Jewish Cemetery in Wrocław’s Urban Imaginary'. Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and, 5 (2):121-140. [Link][Full-Text]
Richard Biegel, Hana Cervinkova, Jaroslav Ira, Jiří Janáč, Luďa Klusáková, Linda Kovářová, Tomáš Masař, Peter Pavúk, Jakub Rákosník, Jan Randák, Vítězslav Sommer, Matěj Spurný, Radka Šustrová, Daniela Tinková, Zdeněk Uherek, Jan Zdichynec (2019) 'Adaptační procesy a jejich aktéři v modernizující se Evropě (Adapting to European Modernization: Processes and their Actors)'. Historická sociologie, (1):93-116. [Link][DOI][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova, Pawel Rudnicki (2019) 'Neoliberalism, Neoconservatism, Authoritarianism. The Politics of Public Education in Poland'. Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 17 (2):1-23. [Link][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova, Juliet Golden (2016) 'Laboratoria Miejskie Europy Środkowej: miasta, pamięć i krytyczne tożsamości obywatelskie w edukacji międzynarodowej (Urban Labs Central Europe. Cities, Memory and Critical Civic Identities in International Education)'. Pedagogical Studies (Studia Pedagogiczne), 69 :51-67. [Link][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (2016) 'Producing Homogeneity as a Historical Tradition. Neo-conservatism, Precarity and Citizenship Education in Poland'. Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 14 (3):43-55. [Link][Full-Text]
Michal Buchowski, Hana Cervinkova (2016) 'Teaching Anthropology in Poland'. Anuac: Rivista dell'Associazione Nazionale Universitaria Antropologi Culturali, 5 (2):47-51. [DOI][Full-Text]
Ulf Hannerz, Christoph Brumann, Hana Cervinkova, Beng-Lan Goh, László Kürti, Pál Nyíri, Dan Rabinowitz, Antonius C. G. M, Robben, Nandini Sundar, Shinji Yamashita (2015) 'Writing Futures: An Anthropologist’s View of Global Scenarios'. Current Anthropology, 56 (6):797-818. [Link][DOI]
Hana Cervinkova, Zdenek Uherek (2014) 'Conference Report. Rethinking Anthropologies in Central Europe for Global Imaginaries'. Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology, 12 (1&2):89-90. [Link]
Hana Cervinkova (2014) 'Przestrzenie publiczne i edukacja ku demokracji uczestniczącej (Towards Public Spaces for Participatory Democratic Education)'. Zoon Politikon, 5 :25-33. [Link]
Hana Cervinkova, Jessica Robbins-Ruszkowski, Zdenek Uherek (2014) 'Editorial, Critical Anthropologies in/of Central Europe'. Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology, 12 (1&2):1-3. [Link][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova, Juliet D. Golden (2014) 'Staging encounters through anthropological and pedagogical practices in urban central Europe'. Cesky Lid, 101 (1):194-34. [Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (2013) 'Etnografia edukacyjna i badania w działaniu: z warsztatu kształcenia nauczycieli (Educational Ethnography and Action Research in Teacher Education: A Case Study)'. Educational Forum (Forum Oświatowe), 48 (1):123-137. [Link][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (2013) 'Anthropological perspectives on democratic citizenship education and globalization'. Educational Studies (Studia Edukacyjne), (27):253-262. [Link][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (2013) 'The Kidnapping of Wroclaw's Dwarves: The Symbolic Politics of Neoliberalism in Urban East-Central Europe'. East European Politics and Societies, 27 (4):743-756. [Link][DOI][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (2012) 'Feminist Theory, Anthropology and Engagement'. Wroclaw Ethnological Journal (Zeszyty Etnologii Wroclawskiej), 16 (1):25-36. [Link]
Hana Cervinkova (2012) 'Badania w działaniu i zaangażowana antropologia edukacyjna (Action Research and the Anthropology of Education)'. Terażniejszość-Człowiek-Edukacja (Contemporary – Learning – Society), 57 (1):7-17. [Link]
Hana Cervinkova (2012) 'Conference Report/Participation and Education. Action Research as Citizenship Education'. Educational Forum (Forum Oświatowe), 47 (2):195-196. [Link]
Hana Cervinkova (2012) 'Nauczanie do zmiany społecznej. Uczestniczące badania w działaniu ludzi młodych i zaangażowane badania etnograficzne: studium przypadku (Teaching for Change through Youth Participatory Action Research and Engaged Ethnographic Inquiry)'. Educational Forum (Forum Oświatowe), 46 (1):267-283. [Link][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (2012) 'Postcolonialism, postsocialism and the anthropology of east-central Europe'. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 48 (2):155-163. [Link][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (2011) 'International Learning Communities for Global and Local Citizenship'. European Journal For Research On The Education And Learning Of Adults, 2 (2):181-192. [Link][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova, Boguslawa Dorota Golebniak, Rozalia Ligus, Beata Zamorska (2011) 'Conference Report/Kongresy International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR). Sevilla 2005; San Diego 2008; Rome 2011'. Educational Forum (Forum Oświatowe), 47 (1):319-325.
Hana Cervinkova (2009) 'The Phantom of the Good Soldier Svejk in the Czech Army Accession to NATO (2001-2002)'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURE, POLITICS AND SOCIETY, 22 (3):359-371. [Link][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (2008) 'Bolączki męskości na buzerplatz: oficerowie czeskiej armii w ‘okresie przejścia’ (Maladies of Manhood in the Buzerplaz: Czech Military Officers in Transition)'. Wroclaw Ethnological Journal (Zeszyty Etnologii Wroclawskiej), 10 (1):5-20. [Link]
Hana Cervinkova (2004) 'Time to Waste: Notes on the Culture of the Enlisted in the Professionalizing Czech Military'. The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies, 1 (1):1-11. [Link][DOI][Full-Text]
Hana Cervinkova (1999) 'Interview with Clifford Geertz'. Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology, 2 (3&4):221-225. [Link]
Jerzy Ilkosz, Hana Cervinkova, Grzegorz Grajewski, Jendrzej Nawara, Jadwiga Urbanik (2016) Centennial Hall in Wroclaw: Conservation Management Plan. Wroclaw, Poland and Los Angeles, USA: Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw and The Getty Foundation. [Link]
Jana Polachova Vastatkova, Paweł Rudnicki, Tomas Bouda, Hana Cervinkova, Miroslav Dopita, Katarzyna Gawlicz, Mirosława Nowak-Dziemianowicz, Jitka Plischke, Michaela Prasilova, Marcin Starnawski, Pavla Vyhnalkova (2015) Promeny ceske a polske pohranicní skoly poskytující povinne vzdelavaní po roce 1989. Olomouc, Czech Republic: Univerzita Palackeho v Olomouci.
Hana Cervinkova (2014) Jesteśmy sobie potrzebni. Asystent osobisty osoby niepełnosprawnej w ramach projektu ,,Sprawni w pracy”. Wroclaw, Poland: ULS Academic Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2006) Playing Soldiers in Bohemia: An Ethnography of NATO Membership. Prague Series in Sociocultural Anthropology. Prague: Set Out. Prague: Set Out. Prague Studies in Sociocultural Anthropology.
Edited Book
Hana Cervinkova and Mark Maguire (Ed.). (2025) The Worlds of Irish Anthropology. Oxford: Sean Kingston Press,
Hana Cervinkova (Ed.). (2019) Antropologia i edukacja. Etnograficzne badania edukacyjne w tradycji amerykanskiej (Anthropology and Education). Wroclaw, Poland: ULS Academic Press,
M. Schratz, H. Cervinkova, G. Halasz, M. Pol, L. Tinoc (Ed.). (2019) European Doctorate in Teacher Education – Researching Policy and Practice. Wroclaw, Poland: ULS Academic Press, [Link]
Hana Cervinkova, Michal Buchowski, Zdenek Uherek (Ed.). (2015) Rethinking Ethnography in Central Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, [DOI]
Hana Cervinkova, Dorota Golebniak (Ed.). (2013) Edukacyjne badania w działaniu (Educational Action Research). Warsaw: Scholar Academic Press,
Hana Cervinkova, Dorota Golebniak (Ed.). (2010) Badania w działaniu: Pedagogika i antropologia zaangażowane (Action Research: Engaged Pedagogy and Anthropology). Wroclaw, Poland: ULS Academic Press,
Hana Cervinkova (Ed.). (2008) Animatorzy społeczni na rzecz osób niepełnosprawnych: Animacja środowiska na pograniczu (Youth Participatory Action Research at the Borderlands). Wroclaw, Poland: UMWD,
Book Chapter
Mark Maguire and Hana Cervinkova (2025) 'Situating the Worlds of Irish Anthropology' In: The Worlds of Irish Anthropology. Oxford : Sean Kingston Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2025) 'Foreword: on the cultural intimacies of race' In: Migration and Race: Central and Eastern European Perspectives. London : Routledge.
H. Cervinkova, L. Rasiński (2025) 'De-privatizing the Public in Poland: Education, Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance' In: Forms of Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance, Volume Two. Loondon : Palgrave Macmillan. [DOI]
Hana Cervinkova, Lotar Rasinski (2023) 'Public Parents. Reclaiming publicness of education in the new tyrannies' In: The New Publicness of Education. Democratic Possibilities After the Critique of Neo-Liberalism. Oxon, New York : Routledge. [DOI][Full-Text]
H. Cervinkova, K. Schultz (2022) 'Lessons of compassion: What we learned about leadership during the COVID-19 Crisis' In: Corona Chronicles 3.0: Learning to Live and Living to Lead in a Post-COVID reality. Lewes, DE : Dio Press.
H. Cervinkova, J.D. Golden (2021) 'On the Peripheries of Memory. Tracing the History of the Old Jewish Cemetery in Wrocław’s Urban Imaginary' In: Diversity in the East-Central European Borderlands Memories, Cityscapes, People. Stuttgart : ibidem-Verlag. [Link][DOI]
M. Schratz, H. Cervinkova, G. Halasz, M. Pol, L. Tinoca (2019) 'Conclusion: The Edite Journey – Institutional Impact And Personal Transformations' In: European Doctorate in Teacher Education – Researching Policy and Practice. Wroclaw, Poland : ULS Academic Press. [Link]
Hana Cervinkova (2019) 'Edukacja międzykulturowa w czasach przegrzania. Budowanie mostów w i z przestrzeni polskiego pogranicza' In: Człowiek pogranicza: wyzwania humanistycznej edukacji. Białystok, Poland : University of Bialystok Press.
M. Schratz, H. Cervinkova, G. Halasz, M. Pol, L. Tinoca (2019) 'Introduction: European Doctorate In Teacher Education – Setting The Scene' In: European Doctorate in Teacher Education – Researching Policy and Practice. Wroclaw, Poland : ULS Academic Press. [Link]
Hana Cervinkova, Juliet D. Golden (2019) 'Wrocławska Hala Stulecia - zmienność historycznej pamięci i tożsamości w kulturowym krajobrazie miasta (Centennial Hall in Wrocław - Shifting Historical Memory and Identity in an Urban Cultural Landscape' In: Pamięć i miejsce. Perspektywa społęczno-edukacyjna. Gdansk, Poland : Gdansk University Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2019) 'Nauczanie i uczenie się antropologii w edukacji nauczycieli' In: Antropologia i edukacja. Etnograficzne badania edukacyjne w tradycji amerykańskiej. Wroclaw, Poland : ULS Academic Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2019) 'Engagements and Disengagements in Contemporary Polish Anthropology' In: Twilight Zone Anthropology. Voices from Poland. Canon Pyon, UK : Sean Kingston Publishing.
Jerzy Ilkosz, Hana Cervinkova, Grzegorz Grajewski, Jadwiga Urbanik (2018) 'Hala Stulecia we Wrocławiu: konserwatorski plan zarządzania' In: Architektura XX wieku, jej ochrona i konserwacja w Gdyni i w Europie. Gdynia, Poland : Urząd Miasta Gdyni.
Hana Cervinkova, Juliet D. Golden (2017) 'The Containment of Memory in the Meeting Place: City Marketing and Contemporary Memory Politics in Central Europe' In: Diversity and Local Contexts: Urban Space, Borders, and Migration. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan.
Hana Cervinkova (2016) 'Zobaczyć niewidzialnego Innego: antropologia kulturowa w programie studiów pedagogicznych w Polsce' In: Antropologia wobec dyskryminacji. Warsaw : Warsaw University Press.
Hana Cervinkova, Jerzy Ilkosz (2016) 'Re-Learning Early-Modernist Concrete for the 21st Century: Construction and restoration of Centennial Hall in Wroclaw (1913-2013)' In: La sauvegarde des grandes oeuvres de l'ingenierie du XXe siecle. Lausanne, Switzerland : Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Hana Cervinkova (2016) 'Antropologia edukacyjna i badania uczestniczące w działaniu wobec neoliberalnej polityki miasta spotkań' In: Przyszłość wielokulturowości w Polsce? Nowe wyzwania dla antropologii kulturowej i etnologii. Wroclaw, Poland : Polish Ethnological Society.
Michal Buchowski, Hana Cervinkova (2015) 'On Rethinking Ethnography in Central Europe: Toward Cosmopolitan Anthropologies in the Peripheries' In: Rethinking Ethnography in Central Europe. New York : Palgrave Macmillan.
Hana Cervinkova, Michal Buchowski (2015) 'Afterword' In: Rethinking Ethnography in Central Europe. New York, USA : Palgrave Macmillan.
Hana Cervinkova (2014) 'Na ratunek wrocławskim krasnoludkom: antropologia zaangażowana w neoliberalnej przestrzeni miejskiej' In: Historie, społeczeństwa, przestrzenie dialogu: studia postzależnościowe w perspektywie porównawczej. Krakow, Poland : TAiWPN Universitas.
Hana Cervinkova (2014) 'Centennial Hall in Wroclaw: Re-envisioning a protected urban landscape against the backdrop of changing European borders and identities' In: Landscape Anthropology in European Protected Areas. Stavanger, Norway : Stavanger University Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2014) 'Banished Books Return to Wroclaw: Professor Fritz Stern Donates his Book Collection to the University Library , Wroclaw: University of Wroclaw, pp. 35-36' In: Re-thinking Europe: The Fritz Stern Wroclaw Professorship. Wroclaw, Poland : Wroclaw University Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2013) 'Przywracając pamięć miastu: z antropologiczno-pedagogicznych badań w działaniu' In: Edukacyjne badania w dzialaniu. Warsaw, Poland : Scholar Academic Press.
Boguslawa D.Golebniak, Hana Cervinkova (2013) 'Wprowadzenie (Edukacyjne badania w dzialaniu)' In: Edukacyjne badania w dzialaniu. Warsaw Poland : Scholar Academic Press.
Hana Cervinkova, Jerzy Ilkosz (2013) 'Revalorization of Centennial Hall and the Exhibition Grounds in Wroclaw (2007-2011) : Issues in Historic Preservation and Sustainability' In: Proceedings of the 12th International Docomomo Conference The Survival of Modern From Coffee Cup to Plan, August 7-10, 2012 in Espoo, Finland. Porvoo : Bookwell Oy.
Hana Cervinkova (2012) 'Nauczanie do zmiany społecznej: uczestniczące badania w działaniu ludzi młodych i zaangażowane badania etnograficzne: studium przypadku (Teaching for Change through Youth Participatory Action Research and Engaged Ethnographic Inquiry)' In: Nauczyciel: programowe (nie)przygotowanie (Teacher: Her Systematic (Un)preparedness). Wroclaw, Poland : ULS Academic Press.
Boguslawa Dorota Golebnia, Hana Cervinkova (2010) 'W poszukiwaniu emancypacyjno-transformacyjnego wymiaru badań pedagogicznych i antropologicznych' In: Badania w działaniu : pedagogika i antropologia zaangażowane. Wroclaw, Poland : University of Lower Silesia Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2009) 'Etnograficzne wyobrażenia społeczności w okresie zmiany: przyczynek do antropologii działania' In: Antropologiczne badania zmiany kulturowej: społeczno-kulturowe aspekty transformacji systemowej w Polsce. Wroclaw, Poland : Katedra Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej.
Hana Cervinkova (2009) 'Migs and Cadres on the Move: Thoughts on the Mimetic Dimensions of Postsocialism' In: Postsocialist Europe : Anthropological Pers. New York, Oxford : Berghahn Books.
Hana Cervinkova (2007) 'Antropologia kulturowa i edukacja' In: Nauczyciel - Tożsamość - Rozwój. Krakow, Poland : Pedagogical Academy Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2006) 'My Wroclawianie: Społeczna przestrzeń miasta' In: Uczenie się w przestrzeniach pamięci (Learning in the Spaces of Memory). Wroclaw, Poland : Lower Silesia Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2006) 'Time to Waste: Notes on the Culture of the Enlisted in the Professionalizing Czech Military' In: Dedovshchina in the Post-Soviet Military: Hazing of Russian Army Conscripts in a Comparative Perspective. Stuttgart (Germany) : Ibidem-Verlag.
Hana Cervinkova (2005) 'The Maladies of Manhood in the Buzerplatz. Czech Military Officers in 'Transition'' In: Spaces of Masculinity. Oxon (UK), New York (IUSA) : Routledge.
Hana Cervinkova (2005) 'Anthropology and the Politics of Learning. Notes on the Alternative Practice of Anthropology in the Post-Socialist Context' In: Anthropology of Europe. Teaching and Research. Prague, Czech Republic : Set Out.
Hana Cervinkova (2002) 'Trzydzieści lat Po fakcie. Uwagi o programie interpretacyjnym Clifforda Geertza (Thirty Years After the Fact: Reflections on the Interpretative Program of Clifford Geertz)' In: Clifford Geertz. Lokalna lektura. Krakow : Jagiellonian University Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2002) 'Z Clifford Geertzem rozmawia Hana Cervinkova' In: Clifford Geertz. Lokalna Lektura. Krakow, Poland : Jagellonian University Press.
Hana Cervinkova (2000) 'Třicet let poté: Úvaha o interpretativním programu Clifforda Geertze' In: Interpretace kultur. Prague, Czech Republic : Sociological Publishing House SLON.
Hana Cervinkova (1998) 'Doslov (Robert Murphy: Afterword)' In: Úvod do kulturní a sociální antropologie (Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology). Prague, Czech Republic : Sociological Publishing House SLON.
Clifford Geertz/Hana Cervinkova, Vaclav Hubinger, Hedvika Humlickova (2000) Book - Interpretation of Cultures/Interpretace kultur. New York, USA/Prague, Czech Republic: [Translation]
Robert Murphy/Hana Cervinkova (1998) Book - Cultural and Social Anthropology: An Overture/Úvod do kulturní a sociální antropologie. New Jersey, USA/Prague, Czech Republic: [Translation]
Conference Publication
Hana Cervinkova (2018) Celebrating Fritz Stern’s Legacy in Wrocław The Fritz Stern Professorship of the City of Wrocław for Anne Applebaum Anne Applebaum . In: Hana Cervinkova, Urszula Klobuszewska eds. Celebrating Fritz Stern’s Legacy in Wrocław The Fritz Stern Professorship of the City 02/10/2019- 03/10/2019 [Link]
Hana Cervinkova, Jerzy Ilkosz (2012) International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, SAHC 2012 . In: Jerzy Jasienko eds. Centennial Hall in Wrocław : Challenges of Construction and Preservation Wrocław, Poland, 15/10/2012- 17/10/2012 [Link]
Other Publication
Červinková, H. (2025) Foreword: On the cultural intimacies of race.[Link]
Other Journal
Hana Cervinkova (2021) 'Covid-19 – výpověď o důvěře vlády a fungování zdravotnictví'Sociologický bulletin, :32-34. [Link]
Hana Cervinkova (2020) 'Elmer S. Miller'Anthropology News, (February 14) . [Link][DOI]
Hana Cervinkova (2014) 'Edukacja i badania naukowe ku demokracji uczestniczącej i sprawiedliwości społecznej : inspiracje z Chicago'Animacja Życia Publicznego. Analizy i rekomendacje, 17 (4) :53-55. [Link]
Hana Cervinkova (2011) 'Edukacyjne badania w działaniu: w poszukiwaniu emancypacyjnego wymiaru badań pedagogicznych i antropologicznych'Animacja Życia Publicznego: Analizy i Rekomendacje, 5 (2) :7-11.
Hana Cervinkova (1996) 'Disability and the Other in Cultural Anthropology'Mystery & Intelligibility: History of Philosophy as Pursuit of Wisdom, 30 (1&2) :56-63. [Link]
Published Report
Hana Cervinkova, Agnieszka Dwojak-Matras, Ewa Kurantowicz (2006) Strategies of Lifelong Learning: Access and Implementation in Practice. A Handbook for Regional Educators. ULS Academic Press, .
Agnieszka Zembrzuska, Hana Cervinkova, Hana Novotna (2005) Wroclaw and Hradec Kralove: Teaching Socio-cultural Anthropology in Polish and Czech High Schools. International Institute for the Study of Culture and Education, .
Hana Cervinkova (2016) Letter from Wroclaw. Remembering Fritz Stern. New York, USA: [Article] [Link]
Hana Cervinkova (2015) Our Ann: Feminist-Scholar-Friend. Warsaw, Poland/New York, USA: [Article]
Hana Cervinkova (2011) What Václav Havel Meant to Me?. New York, USA: [Article] [Link]
Hana Cervinkova, Lotar Rasinski (2016) Introduction. European Perspectives in Transformative Education. Wroclaw, Poland: [Foreword]
Newspaper Articles
Hana Cervinkova and John Paul Newman (2022) Opinion: Russia’s invasion is a response to Ukraine’s pro-democratic and pro-western ambitions. Ireland: [Newspaper Articles] [Link]
Hana Cervinkova (2017) Wreszcie zaczęły nas góry łączyć, zamiast dzielić (Polish Czech Dialogue on the Mountaintops). Wroclaw, Poland: [Newspaper Articles]
Hana Cervinkova (2016) Zmarł Fritz Stern - wielki przyjaciel Wrocławia [WSPOMNIENIE]. Wroclaw, Poland: [Newspaper Articles] [Link]
Hana Cervinkova, Wojciech Szymanski (2012) Nie jestem patriotką. Ale głosuję. Wroclaw, Poland: [Newspaper Articles]
Hana Cervinkova (2011) Wielokulturowość w służbie budowy miasta. Wroclaw, Poland: [Newspaper Articles]
Online Database
Hana Cervinkova and Juliet Golden (2020) The Memory Keeper of the New Jewish Cemetery. EU: [Online Database] [Link]
Hana Cervinkova and Juliet Golden (2020) From Solidarity to ‘Hyde Park’: Saving the Old Jewish Cemetery in Wroclaw. EU - Good Practices Database: [Online Database] [Link]
Working Paper
Hana Cervinkova (2001) The Good Soldier Svejk Comes to NATO: Some Grotesque Aspects of Czech International Politics. New York: [Working Paper]
Conference Contribution
Hana Cervinkova, Lotar Rasinski (2023) Forms of Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance Publicness, Education and the Legitimacy of Governance Montecatini Terme, Italy, 28/07/2023-31/07/2023.
Hana Cervinkova and Juliet D. Golden (2021) Suspended Present: Downloading the Past and Gaming the Future in a Time of Pandemic Furnishing of Public Memory New York, USA, 21/04/2021-23/04/2021.
H. Cervinkova and J. D. Golden (2021) Pedagogies of Memory. Public Education as Long-Distance Solidarity Sociology of Education SIG Symposium: Recharting Solidarities with/as Education, Reimagining educational research, AARE 2021 Australia, 29/11/2021-02/12/2021.
H. Cervinkova and J.D.Golden (2021) Sociology of Education SIG Symposium: Recharting Solidarities with/as Education, Reimagining educational research, AAARE 2021 Pedagogies of Memory. Public Education as Long-Distance Solidarity Australia, 29/11/2021-02/12/2021.
Hana Cervinkova and Juliet D. Golden (2021) Democracy and Diversity Furnishing of Public Memory New School for Social Research, TCDS, 17/07/2021-17/07/2021.
Hana Cervinkova, Juliet D. Golden (2020) Resilience for European Cultural Heritage Unpacking Resilience in the Context of Jewish Urban Material Heritage in Contemporary Poland Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 05/03/2020-06/03/2020.
Hana Cervinkova and Beth Rubin (2020) Memory as a Dialogue? History for Young People A Deafening Silence: Race and History in Polish and U.S. Elementary Classrooms Berlin, Zoom, 09/09/2020-11/09/2020.
Hana Cervinkova (2020) How do we talk about ‘other’ geographies in/of Europe? Decolonial perspectives on Central & South-East Europe How do we talk about ‘other’ geographies in/of Europe? Decolonial perspectives on Central & South-East Europe Regional Studies Association, ZOOM, 23/09/2020-23/09/2020.
Hana Cervinkova (2020) The Return of the Colonial: Understanding the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates and Decolonial Struggles The Return of the Colonial: Understanding the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates and Decolonial Struggles London, Zoom, 10/09/2020-10/09/2020.
Hana Cervinkova (2019) Cłowiek pogranicza – wyzwania humanistycznej edukacji, XIV konferencja naukowa z cykłu “Edukacja międzykulturowa” Pedagogiczne wynajdywanie kultury (Pedagogical Invention of Culture) Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Poland, 21/05/2019-22/05/2019.
Hana Cervinkova (2019) Seminar series of the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy Historical Memory and Democratic Citizenship Education Maynooth University, Ireland, 02/10/2019-.
Hana Cervinkova, Juliet D. Golden (2019) IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress, Session sponsored by the Commission on Urban Anthropology, Imagining and Practising Solidarities in Urban Contexts (H. Cervinkova, G. Prato – Convenors) Practices of Remembering and Belonging: Jewish Heritage and Civic Agency in Poland’s Haunted Urban Spaces Poznan, Poland, 27/08/2019-31/08/2019.
Hana Cervinkova (2019) VI posiedzenie Zespołu Metodologii Badań Pedagogicznych przy Komitecie Nauk Pedagogicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk Nauczanie i uczenie się antropologii w edukacji nauczycieli (Anthropology in Teacher Education) Warsaw, Poland, 01/04/2019-.
Hana Cervinkova (2019) Parent Engagement as Power: Empowering Children, Schools and Societies, 12th Biennial Conference of the European Research Network About Parents in Education (ERNAPE Toward Inclusive Imaginaries of Belonging: Poland’s Parents and Schools on the Frontlines of the Struggle for Educational Equity and Justice Gdansk, Poland, 19/09/2019-20/09/2019.
Hana Cervinkova, Luda Klusakova (2018) Resilience of Heritage in Resilient Cities Understanding Resilience in Urban Contexts. Anthropological and Historical Use of the Concept Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 15/11/2018-16/11/2018.
Hana Cervinkova (2018) Cities in Flux: Ethnographic and Theoretical Challenges Contested Urban Heritage: The Politics of Remembering and Belonging in Poland’s Haunted Lands Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK, 28/11/2018-29/11/2018.
Hana Cervinkova (2018) 1st Forum of Doctoral Researchers in Education “Ways of Seeing” and “Ways of Looking” in Ethnographic and Action Research in Education Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, 20/03/2019-22/03/2019.
Hana Cervinkova (2018) 1st Forum of Doctoral Researchers in Education Sociocultural Anthropology in Educational Research Institute of Education, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 21/03/2018-.
Hana Cervinkova (2018) Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) 2018 Spring Conference Central European Teacher Education Amidst Global Flows University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland, 07/06/2018-09/06/2018.
Hana Cervinkova (2018) Diversity and Local Contexts: Adaptation and Heritage Heritage and Historical Politics in Wroclaw’s Urban Landscape Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 24/05/2018-25/05/2018.
Hana Cervinkova, Beth C. Rubin (2017) AAA Annual Meeting Global Policyscapes and Historical Memory: Ethnographies of Democratic Citizenship Education in Poland and Guatemala, paper in the panel Navigating Educational Processes, Policies, and Practices: Work with Im/migrant and Refugee Youth around the Globe Washington D.C., USA, 29/11/2017-03/12/2017.
Hana Cervinkova (2017) Adult learning and communities in a world on the move. ESREA Research Network: Between Global and Local. Adult Learning and Communities Producing Homogeneity in an “Overheated” World Wroclaw, Poland, 25/05/2017-27/05/2017.
Hana Cervinkova (2017) International Festival - Transformation by Globalization Bridge Builders The College at Brockport, State University of New York, USA, 04/04/2017-04/04/2017.
Hana Cervinkova (2017) New Nationalisms: Sources, Agendas, Languages The Nation and the Phantomic Other. Producing Citizenship in the Polish School Curriculum The Academy of Europe and University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 25/09/2017-27/09/2017.
Hana Cervinkova, Juliet D. Golden (2017) 13th Annual Conference, Forum on Education Abroad Urban Laboratories. Pedagogies for Critical Global Citizenship Seattle, USA, 30/03/2017-02/04/2017.
Hana Cervinkova (2016) Action Research in the Social Sciences Anthropological and Educational Action Research Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sociology, University of Zielona Gora, Poland, 16/03/2016-.
Hana Cervinkova (2016) EASA Biennial Conference The changing tectonics of precarisation and citizenship in Poland, paper in the panel Precarisation in Welfare Milan, Italy, 19/07/2016-23/07/2016.
Hana Cervinkova (2016) 5th Transdisciplinary Symposium on Qualitative Research Participatory Action Research - Reactivation Słupsk, Poland, 18/05/2016-21/05/2016.
Hana Cervinkova, Juliet D. Golden (2016) International Conference of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ethnology in the 3rd Millenium: Topics, Methods, Challenges Re-Envisioning An Early Modernist Urban Landscape in Contemporary Poland Smolenice, Slovakia, 19/10/2016-21/10/2016.
Hana Cervinkova (2016) 20th Anniversary of the University of Lower Silesia Education in “Overheated” Times ULS, Wroclaw, Poland, 15/09/2017-15/09/2017.
Hana Cervinkova (2016) VI. International Conference on Critical Education Producing Homogeneity as a Historical Tradition. Neo-conservatism, Precarity and “New” Citizenship Education in Poland Middlesex University London, UK, 10/08/2016-13/08/2016.
Hana Cervinkova (2015) AEDUCA Conference Ethnography and Action Research in Working with Non-Traditional Doctoral Students Palacky University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 08/10/2015-08/12/2015.
H. Cervinkova, J. Larson, K. Hegburg, M. Kennedy, J. Kubik, T. Zarycki (2015) Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies Rountable - Portable Practices of Critical Social Inquiry: Taking East Central Europe Global Philadelphia, USA, 20/11/2015-.
Hana Cervinkova (2015) Keeping it Modern: Tools for Conserving Modern Heritage – Conservation and Management Plans Centennial Hall in Wroclaw The Getty Foundation and the C20 Society, London, UK, 19/07/2015-21/07/2015.
Hana Cervinkova (2015) Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Historical Memory and European Citizenship Education in Poland; panel Policyscapes of Education Reform: Vertical Case Studies of Educational Policy Appropriation Across National Settings Chicago, USA, 14/04/2015-17/04/2015.
Hana Cervinkova (2015) 5th International Conference on Critical Education, Analyze, Educate, Organize: Critical Education for Social and Economic Justice Seeing the Invisible Other. Cultural Anthropology in Teacher Education in Poland Wroclaw, Poland, 14/06/2015-16/06/2015.
Hana Cervinkova (2015) Making Anthropology Matter, European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech Association for Social Anthropology (CASA) Seeing the Invisible Other – Anthropology and Teacher Training in Central Europe Prague, Czech Republic, 14/10/2015-15/10/2015.
Hana Cervinkova (2015) 14th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education “We Need Each Other”. Experiencing Personal Assistance Services in Poland University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland, 22/06/2015-24/06/2015.
Hana Cervinkova (2014) Rethinking Anthropologies in Central Europe for Global Imaginaries The Symbolic Politics of Urban Neoliberalism Prague, Czech Republic, 26/05/2014-27/05/2014.
Hana Cervinkova (2014) 113th American Anthropological Association Meeting In with the others or out in day care: Producing Homogeneity as a Historical Tradition, paper in the panel Regulating Subjects: (Neo)liberalisms and Governmentalities in the Education of Im/migrant Youth Washington D.C., USA, 03/12/2014-07/12/2014.
Hana Cervinkova (2014) Syracuse Abroad University Plenary Pedagogies of Memory Syracuse University, USA, 05/02/2014-.
Hana Cervinkova (2014) “Multiculturalism” Today: Aspirations, Realities and Debates, European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) Memory, History and City Marketing in Central Europe Wroclaw, Poland, 13/05/2014-15/05/2014.
Hana Cervinkova (2014) 115th E. Gellner Seminar Memory, Heritage and City Marketing in the Neoliberal Era Prague, Czech Republic, 30/10/2014-.
Hana Cervinkova (2013) Histories, Societies, Spaces of Dialogue. Post-Dependence Studies in a Comparative Perspective Postsocialism, Postcolonialism and Educational Anthropology of Engagement Wroclaw University and the Center for Post-Dependence Studies of Warsaw University, Wroclaw, Poland, 27/05/2013-28/05/2013.
Hana Cervinkova, Jerzy Ilkosz (2013) La restauration des grandes oeuvres de l'ingęnierie du XX siècle Re-learning Early Modernist Concrete for the 21st Century: Construction and Restoration of Centennial Hall in Wroclaw - Breslau (1913-2013) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 22/05/2013-.
Hana Cervinkova (2013) Education in the Times of Crises. Reproduction, Resistance, Change Kidnapping the Dwarves in the Meeting Place. Educational Action Research Facing Neoliberal City Marketing Faculty of Education, University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland, 16/04/2013-17/04/2013.
Hana Cervinkova (2013) Wenner-Gren Workshop Postcolonial Pedagogies of Anthropological Practices, Beyond Socialism and Postsocialism: Contemporary Ethnographic Perspectives on Central/Eastern Europe University of Lower Silesia, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Wenner-Gren Foundation, Wroclaw, Poland, 16/05/2013-.
Hana Cervinkova, Juliet D. Golden (2013) Cities Across the Globe: People and Places Across Borders City and the Symbolic Politics of Neoliberalism in Central Europe Great Cities Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, 20/11/2013-21/11/2013.
Hana Cervinkova and Marel Pawlak (2013) Senate of Czech Republic, Institute of Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, International Organization for Migration Czech and Polish Migration Flows after 1989 and 2004, New Emigration from the Czech Republic after 1989 Prague, Czech Republic, 30/09/2013-01/10/2013.
Hana Cervinkova and Juliet D. Golden (2013) 112th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Future Publics, Current Engagements Pedagogies of Memory and the Neoliberal Politics of Containment in Urban Central Europe, paper in the panel Historical Memory and Silence: Bids for Citizenship in Modern Times Chicago, Illinois, USA, 20/11/2013-24/11/2013.
Hana Cervinkova, Jerzy Ilkosz (2012) Opening Plenary at the 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions Centennial Hall in Wroclaw. Challenges of Construction and Preservation Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 15/10/2012-18/10/2012.
Hana Cervinkova (2012) Committee of Educational Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences Sociocultural Spaces of Everyday Learning: Perspective of Engaged Educational Anthropology University of Białystok, Poland, 17/09/2012-22/09/2012.
Hana Cervinkova and Jerzy Ilkosz (2012) The Survival of Modern. From Coffee Cup to General Plan Revalorization of Centennial Hall and the Exhibition Grounds in Wroclaw (2007-2011): Issues in Historic Preservation and Sustainability Docomomo International Conference, Helsinki/Espoo, Finlandia, 08/04/2012-10/04/2012.
Hana Cervinkova (2012) Reinventing the European Experience: Culture, Politics and Diversity in U.S. Education Abroad Crossing Borders: Decentering and Re-centering Europe Forum on Education Abroad, Dublin, Ireland, 05/12/2012-07/12/2012.
Hana Cervinkova (2012) Diversity and Local Contexts: Urban Space, Borders and Migration Engaged Educational Anthropology and Ideologies of Urban Development Institute of Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Commission on Urban Anthropology (CUA) of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) and UNESCO − MOST Programme, Prague, Czech Republic, 25/05/2012-26/05/2012.
Hana Cervinkova (2011) 32nd Annual Ethnography in Education Forum: Immigration and Migration: Ethnography in Education in Dynamic Times and Spaces International Urban-Based Action Ethnography for Youth Empowerment Center for Urban Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 25/02/2011-26/02/2011.
Hana Cervinkova (2011) Educational Action Research Educational Action Research - Towards Emancipatory Pedagogical and Anthropological Research Collegium Civitas, Warszaw, Poland, 09/09/2011-.
Hana Cervinkova (2011) 110th Annual American Anthropological Association Meeting Learning in the Spaces of Memory: International Urban Education for Local and Global Citizenship, paper in the panel Negotiating Citizenship Education amid Conflict: Ethnographic Perspectives from the United States, Europe and Central America Montreal, Canada, 16/11/2011-20/11/2011.
Hana Cervinkova (2010) Educational Theories under Fire Action Research. Engaged Pedagogy and Anthropology University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland, 23/11/2010-.
Hana Cervinkova (2010) VII Pedagogical Congress Praxis, Research, Engagement. Anthropologists as Educational Practitioners Toruń, Poland, 20/09/2010-21/09/2010.
Hana Cervinkova (2010) European Association of Social Anthropologist Biennial Conference (EASA) Retelling Urban Heritage Through Action Anthropology, paper in a session co-convened with Pauline Lipman, Methodologies of Participation and Engagement Maynooth University, Ireland, 24/04/2010-27/04/2010.
Hana Cervinkova (2009) Anthropology of Europe, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Practicing Action Anthropology in the Post Socialist Context: Challenges of Emancipatory Research Poznan, Poland, 15/10/2009-16/10/2009.
Hana Cervinkova (2009) 10th International Docomomo Technology Seminar on Concrete Conservation Challenges, DOCOMOMO International, Wroclaw University of Technology, Museum of Architecture, Centennial Hall Centennial Hall in Wroclaw: Issues in Management of the 20th Century UNESCO Site Wroclaw, Poland, 23/10/2009-24/10/2009.
Hana Cervinkova (2009) Erasmus Lecture Anthropology Engaging the World Roskilde University, Denmark, 29/09/2009-.
Hana Cervinkova (2008) Congress of the International Society for Culture and Activity Research (ISCAR) Ethnographic Methodologies toward Learning and Acting for Diversity in Urban Spaces San Diego, USA, 07/09/2008-12/09/2008.
Edited Journal Issue
Bacher, S., Cervinkova, H., Kraler, C., Rasiński, L. (2022) Toward “Higher Bildung” in Doctoral Education. [Edited Journal Issue] [Link]
Katarina Blennow, Hana Cervinkova and Tilman Grammes (2022) Journal of Social Science Education (2021-4): Classroom ethnography and rituals in schools. Bielefeld, Germany: [Edited Journal Issue] [Link]
Hana Cervinkova and Orsolya Kalman (2016) European Doctorate in Teacher Education. [Edited Journal Issue] [Link]
H. Cervinkova, J. Robbins-Ruszkowski, Z. Uherek (2014) Critical Anthropologies in/of Central Europe, Cargo. Journal for Cultural/Social Anthropolog. [Edited Journal Issue]
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)
Member of the Executive Committee
01/01/2013 - 31/12/2016
Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
01/07/2022 -
Academia Europaea
Elected Member
13/07/2022 -
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)
Vice President
01/01/2015 - 31/12/2016
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE)
01/01/2011 -
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences’ (IUAES)
01/12/2018 - 13/07/2020
International Urban Symposium (IUS)
01/01/2015 -
Czech Association for Social Anthropology (CASA)
01/01/2012 -
International Committee for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement (DOCOMOMO)
01/01/2009 -
Honors and Awards
Awarding Body
Teaching Hero Award
The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and the Union of Students in Ireland
Elected Member of the European Academy
Academia Europaea
Award for Excellence in Education Abroad Curriculum Design
Forum on Education Abroad, Seattle, USA
Awards for Exceptional Achievements in Research, International Cooperation and Teaching
President of the University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland
Milton Moses Prize in Anthropology
Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
New School for Social Research Scholarship 1998-2000
New School for Social Research, New York, USA
Model Study-Abroad Program
The United States National Collegiate Honors Council
Merito de Wratislavia
Lord Mayor of Wroclaw
Research Fellow of the School of Architecture and the Built Environment (2009-2012)
University of Westminster, London, UK
Winner of the University Writing Competition
New School for Social Research, New York, USA
Recognition for Excellence in Research and Teaching
Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship
Rotary International
Transregional Center for Democratic Studies Graduate Fellowship 1997-2000
New School for Social Research, New York, USA
Start date
New School for Social Research, New York, U.S.A.
New School for Social Research, New York, U.S.A.
Master of Arts
Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Bachelor of Arts
Teaching Interests
I teach compulsory undergraduate and postgraduate Anthropology modules, including first-year UG and PG introductions to Anthropology and third-year UG module on globalisation. Since 2022-23, I have been coordinating a collaborative university-wide second-year UG elective module on race and racism.
I have developed and led a number of international grants and initiatives focused on learning and teaching, including a Horizon 2020-funded European doctoral training scheme (EDiTE – European Doctorate in Teacher Education, 2016-2020) and award-winning international study programs in partnership with North American universities (Syracuse University, New School for Social Research, State University of New York). As an Associate Dean for International Education and Research, I was instrumental in establishing international doctoral programmes (in English and Czech languages) in the field of Education at the University of Lower Silesia, Poland and well as other international doctoral training initiatives (Horizon 2020, international school with New School for Social Research, etc.). MODULES COORDINATED AND CO-COORDINATED AT MAYNOOTH UNIVERSITY:
Understanding Culture and Society (AN163)
Introducing Anthropology (AN167)
Anthropology Matters (AN169)
Globalisation (AN309)
Shifting Worlds. Theories and Ethnographies of Global Change (AN348)
Anti-Racism (AN215 and AN216)
Lives Under Covid-19: Anthropological Insights into the Pandemic (AN347)
Key Concepts in Anthropology I (AN670)
Key Concepts and Ethnographic Practice I (AN618)
Graduate Seminar in Anthropology (AN677, AN678)
Nationalisms, Racism, Citizenship
Inclusion, Diversity, Educational Anthropology
Urban Anthropology, Memory and Heritage
Qualitative Research Methods
Public and Engaged Anthropology
Kerstin Mattsson, “I am a soldier, not a woman” Performing Gender in the Swedish Armed Forces, Creole MA Thesis (Stockholm U. and Maynooth U.), 2020 Katharina Kurz, Education in the digital age - An ethnography of the (ab-) normal as university goes online, 2021, Abdullahi El-Tom Prize for the Best MA Thesis
William F. Stringer, How to Blow Up a Mini-Public. An Ethnographic Study of Extinction Rebellion Activism and Scotland’s Climate Assembly, 2022, Abdullahi El-Tom Prize for the Best MA Thesis
Marta Magdalena Paczuska, Identity, Memory and Place in a Divided Capital. Celebrating and Narrating the Warsaw Uprising in Contemporary Poland, 2022
Lucy McCann, Education, who does it belong to? Experiences of First- Generation Irish Traveller Students in Formal Education, 2022
Clare Dowd, “I Feel like a Fraud: Imposter Syndrome”: An Ethnographic Thesis of Mature Students and Lone Parents in Maynooth University, 2022
Theresa Ann Collins. The Social and Cultural Practice of Knitting, 2023
Hajna Detre-McGrath. Living as a Person with Autism in the Modern World, 2023
Emma Rice, At the Threshold: The Domestic and Familial Experiences of Irish Hosts Providing Private Hospitality to Ukrainian Refugees, 2023 Abdullahi El-Tom Prize for the Best MA Thesis.
Katharina Kurz, Relationalities in Digital Futures: Re-imagining University Education in a Hybrid World (Supervisors: Hana Cervinkova and Sharon Todd), John & Pat Hume Doctoral Awardee, 2022
William F. Stringer, Climate Activism and Democracy: Ethnography of a Transnational Environmental Movement (Supervisor - Hana Cervinkova), John & Pat Hume Doctoral Awardee, 2023-2027
Eva Maria Felix, The Atomic Shadow: Chernobyl, Ukraine, & Ecologies of War (Principal Supervisor - Hana Cervinkova and Co-Supervisor Mark Maguire), John & Pat Hume Doctoral Awardee, 2024 – 2028
Grace Zhou, Theorizing Settler Socialism: Economy, Identity, and Power in Post-Socialist Central Asia, Irish Research Council GOI Postdoctoral Fellow, 2022-2025
Josefine Wagner, Learning Friendship: A Cross-Cultural Study of Social Belonging in Education, post-doctoral researcher from the Department of Teacher Education and School Research at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, co-hosted by the Department of Anthropology (Hana Cervinkova) and the Department of Education (Sharon Todd), January - June 2024
Dr Justyna Kowal,Academic Mentor for Dr Justyna Kowal (University of Wroclaw),Memory and History in Contemporary Polish Theatre, Arqus European University Alliance Post-Doctoral Mentoring Programme, September 2023 – June 2024