Consultations on the Academic Promotions Review
Earlier this year, the University established a Steering Group to conduct a review and revise the schemes for Academic Promotions at Maynooth University. This Steering Group is chaired by Prof. Mark Rogers, former UCD Deputy President/Registrar and Acting President. The work of the Steering Group commenced in March 2024 and it considered the current schemes, the review reports prepared by Professor Jim Walsh, and information about academic promotion schemes in other universities.
Based on these discussions some early ideas were formulated and discussed in a series of consultation events in June 2024. Following these consultations, the steering group has had further meetings, modified the proposals in light of the feedback, and developed draft documents to provide further clarity on the detail of the proposals. These documents are now available for consultation and feedback.
All members of academic staff are invited to attend the December consultations which will focus on the draft Academic Promotions document pack. Further opportunities for feedback will also be available at the December Faculty and Academic Council meetings. The consultation document pack is linked below.
Please see all consultation documents in the following folder (note that a MU staff login is required to view these files):
Academic Promotions Review Draft Document Pack
The Academic Promotions Consultation Document pack contains the following documents:
- Introduction and Key Changes to Academic Promotions
- Draft Academic Promotions Policy
- Draft Academic Promotions Framework
- Academic Promotions FAQ Document
- Draft Application Form
- Draft Teaching and Supervision Report
- Draft Promotions Appeal Procedure
Consultation Schedule
Colleagues are invited to provide feedback through a number of fora: at Academic Council, Faculty Meetings and through a series of workshops, as well as in writing through the feedback form linked below.
Please complete the form below to register for one of the in-person or online workshop consultations. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about the venue following registration.
Registration Form: Academic Promotions Review Consultations: December 2024
List of opportunities to provide feedback | |
Academic Council | 4 November and 16 December |
Faculty Meetings | 2-3 December |
On-Campus Workshop | Monday 9 December, 14.00-16.00 |
On-Campus Workshop | Tuesday 17 December, 14.00-16.00 |
On-Campus Workshop | Thursday 19 December, 10.00-12.00 |
On-Campus Workshop | Thursday, 16 January, 14.00-16.00 |
Online Workshop | Friday 13 December, 10.00-12.00 |
Written Submissions | Via Microsoft Forms any time up to 10 January 2025 |
Feedback on the Academic Promotions Document Pack
Colleagues also have the opportunity to provide any supplementary written feedback they may wish to add through the form below. Please note that the deadline for written feedback is 5pm on Friday 10 January 2025.
December Academic Promotions Review: Written Feedback Form
If you have any queries in relation to this consultation process, please contact