The Atlas of the Island of Ireland contains hundreds of socio-economic variables at the Small Area (SA) level. This atlas has been developed under the Evidence-Based Planning theme of the Ireland Northern Ireland Cross-border Cooperation Observatory (INICCO-2) CrosSPlaN-2 funded research programme which responds to the need for sustained support to territorial cooperation in the Irish border region.
The Atlas of the Island of Ireland has been jointly developed by the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD) and the All-Island Research Observatory (AIRO).  Prepared under the Evidence-Informed Planning element of the Cross-Border Spatial Planning and Training Network (CroSPlaN II) programme, this  project is part-financed by the European Union’s INTERREG IVA programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.
We are most grateful for the funding that was made available to support this project: the development of this hard back Atlas; the development of the on-line digital Atlas and the hosting of a series of census seminars and data days. We are also most grateful to the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government (DELCG) for their financial assistance in co-funding the printing of this Atlas and funding the preparation of the All-Island Deprivation Index.
The Atlas of the Island of Ireland principally maps census data available in both Ireland and Northern Ireland. Two main organisations are responsible for gathering and disseminating this key demographic, social and economic information. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) in Ireland are responsible for the development of the Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS) and are available at both the Electoral Division (ED) and Small Area (SA) geographical scale. We are particularly grateful to Deirdre Cullen, Gerry Walker, Aileen Healy and the staff at the Census Division for assisting us on this project and developing additional tables that were not available through SAPS. The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) have provided all of the required statistical information for Northern Ireland.

Justin Gleeson

The final outputs from this project are available to view and download using the links below:
The Atlas of the Island of Ireland on-line Mapping Viewer
Download a PDF version of the hard back Atlas here (please note - this is a large file 23mb). To request a physical copy of the Atlas please contact AIRO