The Department of Anthropology awards prizes to students each year, in various different categories.  Below is a list of Prize Winners that have been awarded over the past few years:

2023-24 Prize Winners

Best 1st Year Student in Anthropology (joint winners)

Paula Lynch headshot

Paula Lynch

"I am honoured to receive this award. My experience with the Anthropology Department has been a good one and all that a student could hope for.  The Department lecturers and tutors made the learning experience so rewarding through a variety of teaching methods. The foundations and sometimes challenging texts were thoroughly set out and teased out further through the tutorials. The lecturers and tutor were so approachable.2

Ciaran O'Sullivan


Best 2nd Year Student in Anthropology


Philip Treacy headshot

Philip Treacy

"Returning to education has been a joy in Maynooth and I'm particularly happy to have found a subject in Anthropology that is interesting, important and fun. I've been very lucky to have the quality of lecturers and staff Maynooth has provided to help us along the way with a diverse and thorough module selection."


Best BA Thesis

  Eva Felix

The Maynooth Anthropology Department allowed me the freedom to pursue my own academic interests while fostering a supportive academic environment rooted modern anthropological theory. I am indebted to everyone in departmentfor giving me the tools needed to succeed.


Academic Excellence in the Final Year

Aine Ni Dhonngaile


Luke Doyle headshot

Luke Doyle

"Maynooth truly is a place where passions come alive, and if Anthropology is your calling, then there’s no better place to pursue it."

Emma OToole headshot

Emma O'Toole

"Thank you so much to everyone at the Anthropology department for opening my eyes to the complexities and nuances of human communities and cultures. This subject has developed my ability to question taken for granted norms and to see the world as a unique, beautiful and at times conflicting place. Thank you to all my lecturers from the department for inspiring me and for sharing their insightful research with us. I am in awe of all of you!"


Eva Felix

I can confidently say that I view the world differently and see humanity in a more empathetic light now that I've read Anthropology. The connections that make us human are so beautiful yet so fragile. They deserve to be cherished and understood.


John Gough headshot

John Gough

"Studying Anthropology in Maynooth has been an adventure I will never forget."



Achievement Award


Christopher O'Brien

"Studying at Maynooth University has been an incredible journey of learning and self-discovery. The Anthropology Department provided a supportive and engaging environment where I could explore my interests deeply. The faculty's passion and dedication inspired me to push my boundaries and think critically about the world around me. I'm incredibly grateful for the friendships I've made and the opportunities I've had to grow during my time here."


Anthropology Community Award

Deirdre Byrne headshot

Deirdre Byrne

"Taking Anthropology at Maynooth University has been one of the highlights of my life. I am very grateful to receive this award which is a reflection on the Anthropology Department and the Maynooth University community to include, encourage and invest in its students throughout their academic journey.

Each of the inspiring Anthropology modules allowed me to discover a broad range of fascinating topics and to view our world in a different light. I would like to thank the Department and my lecturers for their continued support and encouragement, and my colleagues who shared this amazing journey with me."



2022-23 Prize Winners

Best 1st Year Student in Anthropology

Theresa Mc Gaurant headshot

Theresa McGauran

"I have enjoyed every minute of my time studying anthropology in Maynooth and I am delighted to receive the award. Thank you to all the lecturers and staff . Your support and encouragement have been fantastic and have made studying anthropology in Maynooth such a rewarding experience."

Best 2nd Year Student in Anthropology

Dylan O'Sullivan

"Studying anthropology in Maynooth has been an engaging and eye-opening experience for me. I am very grateful to have been surrounded by such a lovely and helpful community of staff and students during my studies here thus far."

Best 3rd Year Student in Anthropology

Rodrigo Souza Silva

"Studying Anthropology at Maynooth has truly been a life-changing experience for me. As a mature student, I received all the support needed to return to education and excel in my studies. The anthropology department at Maynooth is extremely nurturing, providing a supportive environment where I was able to thrive."

Best Undergraduate Thesis (joint winners)

Aaron Williams

"Studying Anthropology at Maynooth has changed how I see and engage with the world, and I am grateful to receive this award. I owe a massive thank you to my informants and interviewees who agreed to help with my research and also to my thesis supervisor, Ana Ivasiuc".

Rodrigo Souza Silva

"Working on a thesis, advised by Prof. Hana Cervinkova, was a great opportunity to develop research skills and engage in relevant topics around culture and politics, something I am very passionate about."

Achievement Award

Lucy Mullins

Community Award

Hope Boyle

"I have thoroughly enjoyed doing Anthropology as part of my degree. I am grateful to all the lecturers and staff who work for the department as they were very supportive the whole way through. I am delighted to receive this award and I would highly recommend that people take up Anthropology as part of their studies. It is a very positive learning experience and helps broaden your mind!"


Fiona Larkan Memorial Prize for Best Postgraduate Student

Jane Forte

"I consider my time studying with the Anthropology Department at Maynooth to be one my great life experiences, it is a warm and encouraging environment where my mind has been challenged and opened to new ways of thinking."

Abdullahi El-Tom Prize for Best MA Thesis

Emma Rice

"Studying anthropology has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience, allowing me to learn about the complexities of human cultures and societies. One of the most rewarding aspects has been my MA research, which I conducted under the guidance of Professor Červinková . This project provided me with the opportunity to delve deeply into a topic of personal interest, and to apply theoretical frameworks to real-life scenarios.  I strongly encourage others to pursue anthropology as their subject of study."


2021-22 Prize Winners

Best 1st Year Student in Anthropology

John Gough

"I am really enjoying studying Anthropology in Maynooth. Thank you to all the lecturers and tutors who make it challenging and fun."


Best 2nd Year Student in Anthropology

Andrew Newman

"Studying Anthropology has been a deeply enriching experience which has shattered my preconceptions and instilled a profound sense of curiosity in exploring everyday life."

Best 3rd Year Student in Anthropology

Olivia Daly

“I had such a wonderful experience studying anthropology with this department, and winning the awards really bolstered the idea of returning for a master's.”

Best Undergraduate Thesis

Hazel Gregan 

“Thank you for all your support over the 3 years of my studies, it was always a pleasure and a fantastic learning experience.”

Achievement Award

Hajna Detre McGrath

"Anthropology has really opened my eyes, I see things in different perspectives. It's an amazing journey with the Department." 

Community Award

Susie Gaynor

"Anthropology has really opened my eyes up to new possibilities and new ways of thinking. I've really enjoyed my 3 years at Maynooth and would encourage anyone thinking of doing Anthropology to do it."

Fiona Larkan Memorial Prize for Best Postgraduate Student

Colin Willox

"Studying anthropology at the graduate level after a business degree and almost ten years out of academia was initially a challenge. However, it became a pleasure learning from the faculty at the Anthropology Department and alongside my peers. We managed to pull it off despite the remote learning thrust upon us. Prof. David Prendergast and Prof. Hana Cervinkova helped smooth out and enrich the experience beyond what I could have expected. Thanks!"

Abdullahi El-Tom Prize for Best MA Thesis

William Stringer

"Researching my MA thesis was the highlight of my MA studies, working with my supervisor Professor Hana Cervinkova was a transformative and enriching experience."