MU Green Week, 24th-28th March, is here.
Please be advised that all the events are at the planning stage and nothng has been confirmed yet!
All events are free, and everyone is welcome!
There will be an Expo in TSI, a film screening, eco-workshops, the Circus of Climate Horrors (ICARUS), a carnival, and a walk to celebrate Mental World Day, to name but a few. We will show you how to reduce energy bills, mend your clothes, showcase biodiversity on and off campus, and discuss climate action!
Main venues:
- TSI Foyer
- JH (outside green)
- MSU (Info Centre, Silken Thomas & The Venue)
*Note: Green Week events will be filmed, and photographs will be taken; if you do not wish to be filmed, please inform Mireia Guardino-Ferran, MGC coordinator
We are looking forward to meeting you all then!
Bígi Linn!
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