Dr Ana María Sánchez Rodríguez

Ana María Sánchez Rodríguez is a researcher and a social activist. She holds a PhD in Public Policy from the University of Massachusetts Boston and a MSc in NGO Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has worked in human rights and social development at the federal and local governmental levels in Mexico. She was selected as an Inter-American Grassroots Development fellow for the 2015–16 cycles and the Irish Research Council Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme (CAROLINE) 2017. Her postdoctoral research is on scaling up social community innovations of organizations of persons with disabilities.
She has explored scaling up good practices in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia focusing on disability and gender and collaborating with multiple stakeholders in Mexico, India, Lao PDR, France, and Ireland. Her research interests are disability, scaling for social impact, civil society organizations, human rights, gender, and ethics. Ana Maria’s research contributes to a critical analysis of policy interventions that address inequality and inclusion.