Dr Angela McGinn

Dr. Angela McGinn is a lecturer at Department of Adult Education in Maynooth University and the Centre for Military History and Strategic Studies with the Irish Defence Forces. Angela holds an MSc. in Social and Organisational Psychology from UCD, an MEd. in Adult Education from the University of Sheffield and a PhD in Management from the University of Bath. Her research interests lie the intersections of narrative and discursive identity studies, gender and history, and promoting reflexivity in adult and professional military education.
Research Interests
PhD - School of Management, Bath University
Focusing on identity work and identity regulation within the Irish Defence Forces
Previous Research
The role of the self concept in determining motivation in adult students: A case for possible selves. Unpublished M.Ed thesis: University of Sheffield
Facilitating Learning: The experience of students on access courses in the National College or Ireland: UACE conference paper
Commitment to learning: Women and their experience of access courses in Higher Education: Book Chapter in Women and Education in Ireland, Vol 1
The business case for equal opportunities in the ESB: Policy Research Centre, National College of Ireland
Women in management: A Human resources development project: Research for the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Women’s Rights
Report for the Eastern Health Board on the provision of childcare: European Commission Childcare Network
Other Journal
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Teaching Interests
Social Research Methodology
Social Psychology
Organisational Psychology
Psychology as applied to Adult Education
Critical Thinking
Social Psychology
Organisational Psychology
Psychology as applied to Adult Education
Critical Thinking