Dr Delma Byrne

Sociology, ALL Institute

Associate Professor

TSI Building
2nd Fl
(01) 708 3723


My research interests focus on social stratification and the sociology of education in particular, and the role of education in shaping life chances over the life-course, including labour market experiences. I have been working on these research areas for some time now, having worked on these issues during my time as a Research Assistant and Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin (2001-2003 and 2007-2010 respectively) and at the University of Edinburgh where I obtained a PhD in Educational Sociology (2003-2007).

There is a particular focus on inequalities relating to child poverty, gender, social class, race/ethnicity, disability and special educational needs in my work. This work cross-cuts research in comparative education and labour market transitions,  with a particular focus on the structure of education systems, youth transitions and the graduate labour market. I also examine processes that influence educational inequalities, including the role of Ai on youth transitions

I use a variety of research designs, research methods and data to include the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods in empirical educational research, which underpins my teaching in the fields of sociology and education. My use of data includes both cross-nationally comparative data such as the European Labour Force Survey, EU-SILC and Reflex data, as well as longitudinal data such as the Growing up in Ireland data, and new  qualitative data collection. I enjoy working with colleagues and students to develop new insights into these areas.

Read some of my recent papers and research:

2025: Review of ethical and methodological practice for research or consultation with children and young people who experience child poverty (for DCEDIY)  gov.ie - Review of ethical and methodological practice for research or consultation with children and young people who experience poverty 

2024: Shadow Education uptake among final year students in Irish secondary schools: Wellbeing in a high stakes context - Delma Byrne and Selina McCoy Shadow Education Uptake in Ireland: Inequalities and Wellbeing in a High-Stakes Context

2024: Professor Delma Byrne on the new power structure in Irish Education: AI Professor Delma Byrne on the new power structure in Irish education: AI - Insight 

2022: 'Gender stereotyping in mothers’ and teachers’ perceptions of boys’ and girls’ mathematics performance in Ireland' Selina McCoy, Delma Byrne & Pat O’Connor P. Oxford Review of Education https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03054985.2021.1987208 

Research Interests

Stratification in Education and Training and the Labour Market, School-to-Work Transitions, Graduate Labour Market, Poverty & Social Inequality: Gender, Social Class, Race/Ethnicity/Migrant Status Inequality, Comparative Data Analysis, Social Science Research Methods (Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods)

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
A Statistical Baseline Analysis of Child Poverty Principal Investigator 01/11/2019 05/12/2019
Review to identify the supports and barriers for lone parents in accessing higher education and to examine measures to increase participation PI 06/07/2016 30/09/2016 20153
Tender for the Provision of a Review of the DARE/HEAR Scheme PI 01/11/2012 31/05/2013 0
Working Out? Family Employment and Childcare Strategies and the Impact on Child Well-Being Principal Investigator Dr Delma Byrne is a PI on the Irish Research Council/TUSLA research project titled 'Working out? Family employment and childcare strategies and the impact on child well-being'. Using all available cohorts of the Growing up in Ireland data, as well as new qualitative data collection, the project seeks to consider how family employment and childcare strategies impact on child well-being from infancy to middle childhood across a range of cognitive and non-cognitive measures. Furthermore, the qualitative phase of the research will shed new light on how families in diverse economic circumstances negotiate the childcare market and how decision-making around childcare is informed by concerns around child well-being. Due to the timing of the data collection, the project will also examine the impact of the current economic crisis on households and the impact on child well-being. The research team is inter-disciplinary, drawing on insights from Sociology and Psychology, and Dr Catriona O'Toole at the Department of Education is Associate Investigator. 01/10/2012 30/10/2013
TBC PI 01/10/2012 31/10/2012 0
The social and community benefits of adult education Co-Investigator 01/06/2018 01/08/2018
ERC Support StG Delma Byrne PI 24/08/2017 24/05/2018 2442
The Irish Graduate Labour Market in European Comparative Aspect (unfunded) Primary Investigator This study is concerned with linking higher education with labour market trajectories through academic fields of study, graduate mobility, and the interface between higher education and the labour market. A key objective of the study is to arrive at a better understanding of the post-Higher Education (HE) labour market trajectories and lives of graduates by educational levels and by fields of study. In doing so, the research seeks to promote a better understanding of the relationship between HE and the labour market. Given that this research area is in its infancy in the Irish context, this study seeks to primarily gain insights from existing national and European data collection on graduates. As a result, the study will draw considerably on secondary data analysis. 01/06/2017 01/06/2019
The Position of the Middle Class in European Countries Contributor The objective of this common project is to provide an overview of the position of the middle class in several European countries, and the impact of EU-policies on the middle class. The position and development of the middle class will have both country-specific and distinctly European aspects. The project seeks to map the position of the middle class and the shifts that have taken place across European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, France, Finland, Ireland). The project is co-ordinated by Arjen Siegmann at CDA Research Institute / VU University Amsterdam, and incudes researchers from University of Antwerp, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, HfWU Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Institute of Public Affairs in Poland, Fundacion Faes in Spain, LUISS Guido Carli in Ital, France Stratégie and University of Turku. 01/03/2017 30/09/2017
A Review of Barriers and Supports Impacting on Lone Parent Access to Higher Education Principal Investigator An independent review to identify the supports and barriers for lone parents in accessing higher education and to examine measures to increase participation, July-December 2016. Investigators Dr Delma Byrne (PI, MU Departments of Sociology and Education) Dr Mary Murphy (MU Department of Sociology) Dr Olive Sweetman (MU Department of Economics) Clíona Murray (PhD Candidate, MU Department of Education) Research Body Department of Education and Skills in conjunction with the Higher Education Authority (HEA), the Department for Social Protection (DSP), and the Department for Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) The project seeks to: • Use the current quantitative evidence base available and desk research to better understand how lone parents currently fare in higher education • Use desk research and qualitative interviews with lone parent advocacy groups, lone parents and DSP Case Officers to identify the supports and barriers for lone parents in accessing higher education • Use desk research and insights obtained from previous steps, to recommend and cost measures to increase participation by lone parents in higher education. 01/07/2016 27/04/2017
Making a Difference? The influence of St Ultans integrated care and education service on educational attainment Principal Investigator 01/05/2012 01/09/2012
Assisting a school to prepare an equality action plan Principal Investigator 01/04/2012 01/06/2012
The use of collaborative technology in Irish schools Principal Investigator 01/12/2011 01/04/2012
Innovation Voucher Programme PI 11/11/2011 01/03/2012 0
Working Out? Family strategies in household employment and childcare and the impact on child well-being PI 01/09/2012 31/08/2013 0
National Evaluation of the DARE/HEAR Widening Access to Participation in Higher Education Principal Investigator The HEAR and DARE schemes seek to improve access to higher education for students from long-term educationally disadvantaged households, and students with a disability. The evaluation draws on the use of existing administrative data, as well as new qualitative data collection. In evaluating the schemes, we consider the profile of applicants, in terms of individual, school and regional characteristics; and compare the profile and outcomes of HEAR and DARE applicants relative to all other CAO applicants in terms of (i) CAO choices, (ii) participation in Higher Education and (iii) progression from first year to second year in higher education. The evaluation team is inter-disciplinary, drawing on insights from Sociology of Education and Economics of Education, with Dr Aedin Doris and Dr Olive Sweetman at the Department of Economics as Associate Investigators. 01/10/2012 30/06/2013
Thresholds of Inequality: A Cross National Evaluation of Effectively Maintained Inequality in Education Co-Investigator Dr Delma Byrne is Co-Investigator with Professor Samuel Lucas at the University of California, Berkeley, of an EQUALSOC Research Group on Effectively Maintained Inequality: A Cross National Assessment of Educational Inequality'. The project is a thematic work programme of the EQUALSOC International Network of Excellence, funded under the EU 7th Framework Programme. The research group includes partners from eighteen European and International countries, with the objective to interrogate the structure of educational systems across institutional contexts, and their role in the reproduction of social inequality. In doing so, we also consider the political economy of skill formation across diverse institutional contexts. 01/01/2011 01/01/2015


Year Publication
2020 Angelika Paseka and Delma Byrne (2020) Parental Involvement Across European Education Systems: Critical Perspectives. Oxon and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis.
2010 Byrne, D., and Smyth, E. (2010) Behind the Scenes? A Study of Parental Involvement in Second Level Education. : The Liffey Press in association with the ESRI & DES.
2010 Byrne, D., and Smyth, E. (2010) No Way Back? The Dynamics of Early School Leaving. : The Liffey Press in association with the ESRI, NCCA & DES. [Full-Text]
2005 Smyth, E., Byrne, D., and Hannan, C. (2005) The Transition Year Programme: An Assessment. : The Liffey Press in association with the ESRI.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2020 Cronin, M., Murphy, C., Doyle, D.M., Byrne, D., and Murphy, M. (2020) 'Refugees' Access to Higher Education in Ireland' In: Refugees and Higher Education: Trans-national Perspectives on Access, Equity and Internationalization. Leiden : Brill | Sense. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004435841
2020 Byrne, D., and Murray, C. (2020) 'Gender and Knowledge Production in the Teaching Professions' In: Producing knowledge, reproducing gender: Power, production and practice in contemporary Ireland. New York : Syracuse University Press.
2019 Paseka, A; Byrne, D (2019) 'Parental Involvement Across European Education Systems Critical Perspectives Introduction' In: PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT ACROSS EUROPEAN EDUCATION SYSTEMS: CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES. ABINGDON : ROUTLEDGE.
2019 Byrne D. (2019) 'Ireland: Parental involvement in Ireland' In: Parental Involvement Across European Education Systems: Critical Perspectives. [DOI]
2019 Paseka A.; Byrne D. (2019) 'Parental involvement across European education systems: A critical conclusion' In: Parental Involvement Across European Education Systems: Critical Perspectives. [DOI]
2017 McCoy S.; Byrne D. (2017) 'Student retention in higher education' In: Economic Insights on Higher Education Policy in Ireland: Evidence from a Public System. [DOI]
2017 Byrne, D (2017) 'The Middle Class in Ireland’' In: No Robots: The Position of Middle-Class Households in Nine European Countries. The Netherlands : Quantes.
2012 Darmody, M., Smyth, E., Byrne, D., and McGinnity, F. (2012) 'New School, New System: The experiences of immigrant students in Irish schools' In: Bekerman, Zvi; Geisen, Thomas(Eds.). International Handbook of Migration, Minorities and Education. : Springer.

Co-edited Journal Issue

Year Publication
2017 Lucas, S.R., and Byrne, D. (2017) American Behavioral Scientist: Special Issue on Effectively Maintained Inequality. [Co-edited Journal Issue]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 McCoy, S.; Byrne, D. (2024) 'Shadow Education Uptake in Ireland: Inequalities and Wellbeing in a High-Stakes Context'. British Journal of Educational Studies, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Selina McCoy, Delma Byrne & Pat O’Connor (2022) 'Gender stereotyping in mothers’ and teachers’ perceptions of boys’ and girls’ mathematics performance in Ireland'. Oxford Review of Education, 48 (3):341-363. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 O’Sullivan K.; Byrne D.; Robson J.; Winters N. (2019) 'Who goes to college via access routes? A comparative study of widening participation admission in selective universities in Ireland and England'. Social Inclusion, 7 (1InequalitiesinAccesstoHigher):38-51. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Byrne D.; McCoy S. (2017) 'Effectively Maintained Inequality in Educational Transitions in the Republic of Ireland'. American Behavioral Scientist, 61 (1):49-73. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Lucas S.; Byrne D. (2017) 'Seven Principles for Assessing Effectively Maintained Inequality'. American Behavioral Scientist, 61 (1):132-160. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Lucas, S.R., and Byrne, D. (2017) 'Effectively Maintained Inequality: An Introduction'. American Behavioral Scientist, 61 (1):3-7. [Full-Text]
2016 Byrne, D (2016) 'Determinants and Effects of School Age Childcare on Children's Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Outcomes at Age 13'. Economic And Social Review, 47 :543-575. [Full-Text]
2015 Byrne, D (2015) 'Review of Irish Higher Education: A Comparative Perspective, by Patrick Clancy'. All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (AISHE-J), 7 (2):2381-2384. [Full-Text]
2015 McGuinness S.; Byrne D. (2015) 'Born abroad and educated here: examining the impacts of education and skill mismatch among immigrant graduates in Europe'. IZA JOURNAL OF MIGRATION, 4 (1). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Darmody, M; Byrne, D; McGinnity, F (2014) 'Cumulative disadvantage? Educational careers of migrant students in Irish secondary schools'. Race Ethnicity and Education, 17 :129-151. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Banks, J; Byrne, D; McCoy, S; Smyth, E (2014) 'Bottom of the class? The leaving certificate applied programme and track placement in the Republic of Ireland'. Irish Educational Studies, 33 :367-381. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 O'Connell, PJ; Byrne, D (2012) 'The Determinants and Effects of Training at Work: Bringing the Workplace Back in'. European Sociological Review, 28 :283-300. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 McCoy, S; Byrne, D; Banks, J (2012) 'Too Much of a Good Thing? Gender, 'Concerted Cultivation' and Unequal Achievement in Primary Education'. Child Indicators Research, 5 :155-178. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 McCoy, S; Byrne, D (2011) ''The sooner the better I could get out of there': barriers to higher education access in Ireland'. Irish Educational Studies, 30 :141-157. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Byrne, D., McGinnity, F., Smyth, E. and Darmody, M. (2010) 'Immigration and School Composition in Ireland'. Irish Educational Studies, Special Issue on 'Race', migration and education in a globalised context, 29 :271-288. [Full-Text]
2008 Byrne, D., and Ozga, J. (2008) 'BERA Review 2006: Education Research and Policy'. Research Papers in Education, Research Papers in Education, 23 :377-405. [Full-Text]
2007 Grimes, M., Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and Byrne, D (2007) 'Language Approaches Used with Deaf Pupils in Scottish Schools: 2001-2004'. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12 :530-551. [Full-Text]
2006 Darmody, M. and Byrne, D. (2006) 'An Introduction to Computerised Analysis of Qualitative Data'. Irish Educational Studies, 25 :121-133. [Full-Text]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2022 Delma Byrne and Selina McCoy (2022) 'Shadow Education uptake among final year students in secondary schools in Ireland: Wellbeing in a high stakes context' ESRI Working Paper, . [Link]
2015 O'Toole, C., and Byrne, D. (2015) 'A Whole New Spectrum of Queries, Concerns and Anxieties' Children's Research Digest, 2 (2) :9-14. [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2017 2017 (2017) International Conference CNESCO/Sorbonne Universities Early School Leaving: The Irish Experience
2013 Byrne, Delma, Dr Catriona O'Toole (2013) Growing up in Ireland Annual Conference, 27th November, Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin 'Working out? Family Employment and Childcare Arrangements and their Influence on Child Well Being from Infancy to Middle Childhood
2012 Byrne, D., and Darmody, M. (2012) Addressing the Concept and Evidence of Institutional Racism in Education in Ireland, Proceedings of the Racism and Education Conference and Networking Event, 2012 Edited by Karl Kitching and Alicia Curtin Educational Careers of Migrant Students in Ireland

Published Report

Year Publication
2025 Delma Byrne; Joshua Moody; Jane Gray; Aphra Kerr (2025) A Review of Ethical and Methodological Practice for Research or Consultation with Children and Young People who Experience Poverty. DCEDIY, . [Link] https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/5e96f-review-of-ethical-and-methodological-practice-for-research-or-consultation-with-children-and-young-people-who-experience-poverty/
2020 Byrne, D., and Fitzgerald, C. (2020) Evaluation of Doodle Families: A Family Literacy Initiative. Childhood Development Initiative, .
2020 Byrne, D., and Treanor, M. (2020) Income, Poverty and Deprivation among Children - A Statistical Baseline Analysis. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, . [Link]
2019 McCoy, S., Byrne, D., O’Sullivan, J., and Smyth, E. (2019) The Early Impact of the Revised Leaving Certificate Grading Scheme on Student Perceptions and Behaviour. The Economic and Social Research Institute, .
2017 Byrne, D., and Murray, C. (2017) An Independent Review to Identify Supports and Barriers for Lone Parents in Accessing Higher Education and to Examine Measures to Increase Participation. Department of Education and Skills, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2015 Byrne, D. and O'Toole, C. (2015) The Influence of Childcare Arrangements on Child Well Being from Infancy to Middle Childhood. TUSLA in association with Maynooth University, . [Full-Text]
2015 Byrne, D., Doris, A., Sweetman, O., Casey, R., and Raffe, D. (2015) An Evaluation of the HEAR and DARE Supplementary Admission Routes to Higher Education. IUA, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2010 8. McCoy, S., Byrne, D., O’Connell, P.J., Kelly, E. and Doherty, C. (2010) Hidden Disadvantage? A Study of the Low Participation in Higher Education by the Non Manual Group. ESRI/HEA, .
2010 O’Connell, P.J., Russell, H., Watson, D., and Byrne, D. (2010) Changing Workplace: A Survey of Employees’ Views and Experiences. National Centre for Partnership and Performance, . [Full-Text]
2010 Banks, J., Byrne, D., McCoy, S. and Smyth, E. (2010) Engaging Young People? Student Experiences of the Leaving Certificate Applied. Report Commissioned by the NCCA and Published as an ESRI Research Series Publication 15, in associat, . [Full-Text]
2009 Byrne, D., McCoy, S., and Watson, D. (2009) School Leavers’ Survey 2007. ESRI in association with DES, . [Full-Text]
2009 Smyth, E., Darmody, M., McGinnity, F. and Byrne, D. (2009) Adapting to Diversity: Irish Schools and Newcomer Students. ESRI, . [Full-Text]
2005 Byrne, D. and Raffe, D. (2005) Establishing a UK ‘home international’ comparative research programme for post-compulsory learning LSRC. Report commissioned and published by the Learning and Skills Development Agency UK, . [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2021 Hall T.; Byrne D.; Bryan A.; Kitching K.; Chróinín D.N.; O’Toole C.; Addley J. (2021) COVID-19 and education: positioning the pandemic; facing the future. [Editorial] [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2020 Byrne, D., Doris, A., and Sweetman, O. (2020) The effects of affirmative action in higher education admissions policy in the Republic of Ireland Inclusive Education and Society in a Time of Change: Policies and Practices European Sociological Association Sociology of Education Network RN10 Online, 20/08/2020-21/08/2020.
2019 Byrne, D. (2019) Open Policy Debate on Reducing Child Poverty Hosted by the Minister for Children Youth Affairs, Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) in association with the Children’s Rights Alliance Department of Children and Youth Affairs DCYA, 13/12/2019-13/12/2019.
2019 Byrne, D, and Treanor, M. (2019) Lone Parents and Maternal Access to Education/Training in Ireland and Scotland Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Annual Conference (SLLS), 2019 Potsdam, .
2018 Byrne, D. (2018) Graduate Lives in Transition 26th Annual Transitions in Youth (TIY) Conference Mannheim, Germany, .
2017 Byrne, D (2017) Field of Study and Early Graduate Outcomes Before and During the Recession RC28, Increasing mobility and reducing inequality: What guidance is provided by sociological research? Columbia University, New York, 08/08/2017-10/08/2017.
2017 Byrne, D. (2017) Invited Speaker, Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Effectively Maintained Inequality in Ireland Ayr, Scotland, .
2017 Byrne, D. (2017) ECER Annual Conference 2017 The Educational Strategies of Minority Ethnic Parents in Ireland Copenhagen, .
2017 Byrne, D. (2017) ECER Annual Conference 2017 Chair of Plenary, Parental Involvement: Commonalities and Similitaries Across Europe Copenhagen, .
2013 Byrne, D., and Lucas, S.R. (2013) 'Theory and Method in the Assessment of Effectively Maintained Inequality in Comparative Perspective’ Session on Equalsoc Research Group ‘Effectively Maintained Inequality: A Cross National Assessment of Educational Inequality’ at International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee on Social Stratification and Social Mobility (RC28) 'Opportunity, Meritocracy and Changing Patterns of Social Inequality Iowa City, USA, .
2013 Byrne, D., McCoy, S. (2013) Retention and Progression at Higher Education Invited Speaker, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) HEPRU Higher Education Policy Seminar Series Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) HEPRU Higher Education Policy Seminar Series, 25th January 2013, .
2013 Byrne, D. and O’Toole, C. (2013) Childcare and Child Development at Age Three: A Cross Sectional Analysis of Growing up in Ireland Data 43rd Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, 6-9th November 2013, Radisson Blu Hotel and Spa, Sligo Sligo, .
2013 Byrne, D., Doris, A. and Sweetman, O. (2013) Summary of Findings from the National Evaluation of the HEAR and DARE Schemes Higher Education Authority (HEA) National Access Office (NAO) Conference 'How Equal? Access to Higher Education in Ireland', November 7th, Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin Dublin, .
2013 Byrne, D, with McCoy, S., and Banks, J. (2013) 'Boys are Good at Maths! Gender Stereo-typing in Parents' and Teachers' Evaluations of Childrens' Math Performance' American Educational Research Annual Meeting 2013 San Franciso, CA, .
2013 Byrne, D. and Cummins, L. (2013) Navigating the Childcare Market: the role of social class dynamics Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference, ''Educational Policy in Changing Times: Consultation, Implementation and Impact' Limerick, 21st-23rd March 2013, .
2013 Byrne, D., and Lucas, S. R. (2013) Thresholds of Educational Inequality: A Cross-National Assessment of Effectively Maintained Inequality Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI) Annual Conference Athlone, May 2013, .
2013 Byrne, D. and O'Toole, C. (2013) Learning experiences in early years: an investigation using the Growing up in Ireland dataset Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference, ''Educational Policy in Changing Times: Consultation, Implementation and Impact' Limerick, 21st-23rd March 2013, .
2012 Byrne, D. (2012) Changes in Secondary Level Education and Social Stratification in Ireland: Effectively Maintained Inequality? American Educational Research Annual Meeting 2012 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, .
2012 Byrne, D., O'Toole, C. (2012) Using Growing up in Ireland to Explore Family Employment and Childcare Dynamics in a Context of Child Well-Being Presentation Prepared for New Perspectives on Family Change in Ireland, NUI Maynooth, 11th-12th December 2012 Maynooth, .
2012 Byrne, D., Malone, R. (2012) Transforming the Transition: Irish Students and the Transition to Higher Education Paper Presented at AERA ESAI Symposium 'Educational Research in a Time of Transformation: Perspectives from Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland', AERA Vancouver April 14th 2012 Vancouver, Canada, .
2012 Byrne, D., with Banks, J., and McCoy, S. (2012) Self-fulfilling Prophecy? Academic Expectations Among Teachers and Parents of Children with SEN Paper Presented at Growing up in Ireland Annual Conference 2012 Dublin, .
2011 Byrne, D., and McCoy, S. (2011) 'Effectively Maintained Inequality in the Republic of Ireland: The Stratifying Effects of How Math Teaching is Organised' American Educational Research Annual Meeting 2011 Iowa City, Iowa, .
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) Member -
Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI) Member -
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Member -
European Transitions in Youth Network (TIY) Member -
Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies Member -
Centre for Longitudinal Studies in Ireland Member -
European Sociological Association Sociology of Education Research Network 10 Memer -
Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) President 31/03/2014 - 31/03/2017


Committee Function From / To
Board Member, Council of Economic and Social Studies Board Member 18/02/2020 - 18/02/2025
Session Chair, Leave No One Behind: Public Employment Services & Guidance for a 21st Century Ireland, Maynooth University Chair 17/06/2019 - 17/06/2019
Independent Expert, Steering Group for the Joint Research Programme on Community Development and Social Inclusion between Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and Pobal Independent Expert 01/04/2020 - 01/04/2021
Member, European Social Survey, National Steering Committee Member 01/04/2018 -
Academic Advisory, International Academic Advisory Group, Irish Research Council funded Coalesce project ACA PES – A Collaborative Approach to Public Employment Services Academic Advisor 01/02/2020 - 01/02/2021
Member, Irish Universities Association (IUA) HEAR Review Working Group Member 04/11/2019 -

Other Activities

Ministerial Briefing on Child Poverty and Inequality

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2023 Niamh Burke PhD
2020 Eamonn McCauley PhD
2020 Angela Feeney PhD
2019 Clíona Murray PhD
2019 Rosario Ryan PhD
2012 John McGinnity PhD