Prof Malcolm MacLachlan

Psychology, ALL Institute

Co-Director of the All Institute

John Hume Building
(01) 474 7470


Malcom “Mac” MacLachlan  
  BSc MSc MA PhD DipBA, C. Psychol. FPsSI, FBPS, FRESNA, MRIA  
Mac is Professor of Psychology and Social Inclusion, and Co-director of the ALL (Assisting Living & Learning) Institute at Maynooth University, Ireland. He is also the Clinical Lead for the National Clinical Programme for People with Disabilities (NCPPD) in the HSE (Irish Health Service). 

Previous appointments include holding a Personal Chair in Global Health at Trinity College Dublin, and being Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Malawi.  Mac has also held visiting professorships at the universities of Stellenbosch, Olomouc and Harvard. He has worked as clinical psychologist, academic, organisational consultant and policy adviser in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America; with government, civil society, industry and United Nations agencies.
Mac is currently Research & Innovation Lead for WHO’s Global Collaboration on Assistive Technology (GATE) programme. From 2014-2019 he was Knowledge Management Lead for the United Nations’ Partnership for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD). He is a Fellow of the Psychological Society of Ireland, the British Psychological Society, and the Rehabilitation & Engineering Society of North America; and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy. He is the recipient of a number of awards, including the American Psychological Association’s International Humanitarian Award (2014), the Royal Irish Academy’s Gold Medal for Social Science (2017) and the British Psychological Society's Award for Promoting Equality of Opportunity (2018).  

Mac has led a number of international research consortia and is currently the overall PI and Co-lead of the Smart & Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems (SHAPES) project (; working with 36 partners, across 14 European, and funded to 21m Euro. 

Having retired from 20 years as a part-time farmer he is paying back his carbon debt - between air miles and livestock emissions - with broad-leaf trees planted on perfectly good grazing pasture; much to his neighbours’ dismay.    For relaxation he sails, cycles, swims & watches the grass grow 🙂  


Year Publication
2016 Huss, T & MacLachlan, M. (2016) Equity and Inclusion in Policy Processes (EqiPP): A Framework to Support Equity and Inclusion in the Process of Policy development, Implementation and Evaluation. Dublin: Global Health Press.
2014 Mannan, H,Amin, M,MacLachlan, M (2014) The EquiFrame Manual: An analytical tool for evaluating and facilitating the inclusion of core concepts of human rights and vulnerable groups in policy documents. Dublin & Lyon: The Global Health Press & Handicap International.
2014 Alisha Ali, Dharm Bhawuk, David L. Blustein, Boston, Stuart C. Carr, Alexander Gloss, Johannes Haushofer, Ariel Kalil, Maureen E. Kenny, Saliha Kozan, Sebastian J. Lipina, Malcolm MacLachlan, Eilish McAuliffe, Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington, Laura Smith, Lori Foster Thompson, Hirokazu Yoshikawa and Kathleen Ziol-Guest. (2014) Barriers and Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid: The Role of the Private Sector in Inclusive Development. Istanbul: UNDP.
2013 MacLachlan, M.,Hand, K. (2013) Happy Nation? Prospects for Psychological Prosperity in Ireland. : Liffey PressLiffey Press.
2011 Mannan, H.,Amin, M.,Maclachlan, M.,The EquitAble Consortium (2011) The EquiFrame Manual: An analytical tool for evaluating and facilitating the inclusion of core concepts of human rights and vulnerable groups in policy documents. : The Global Health PressThe Global Health Press.
2011 MacLachlan, M.,Carr, S. C.,McAuliffe, E.,Prasad, B. (2011) The Aid Triangle: Recognising the Human Dynamics of Dominance, Justice and Identity. London: Zed. [Link] [DOI]
2006 MacLachlan, Malcolm (2006) Culture and health : a critical perspective towards global health. Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJChichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & SonsJohn Wiley & Sons. [Link]
2004 MacLachlan, Malcolm (2004) Embodiment: Clinical, Critical And Cultural Perspectives On Health And Illness. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
2003 Smyth, C.,MacLachlan, M.,Clare, A. (2003) Cultivating Suicide? Destruction of Self in a Changing Ireland. Dublin: The Liffey Press.
1998 Carr, S.C., Mc Auliffe E.,MacLachlan, M. (1998) Psychology of Aid. London: Routledge.
1998 Emerson, H., Galvin T.,MacLachlan, M. (1998) International Development Expertise in Higher Education: A database for Ireland. Dublin: IHEI.
1997 MacLachlan, Malcolm (1997) Culture and Health: Psychological Perspectives on Problems and Practice. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 MacLachlan, M. & McVeight, J. (2021) 'Macropsychology: Definition, Concept and Scope' In: Macropsychology – A population Science for Sustainable Development Goals. Switzerland : Springer. [Link]
2021 Jessica Power, Emma M. Smith, Ikenna Ebuenyi, Malcolm MacLachlan (2021) 'Assistive Technology: The Importance of a Systems Thinking Approach' In: Reading across systems thinking for global health: How can systems thinking contribute to solving key challenges in global health?. United Kingdom : Oxford University Press.
2019 MacLachlan, M., Mannan, H., Huss, T. & Scholl, M. (2019) 'Macropsychology: Challenging and changing social structures and systems' In: Handbook of Applied Social Psychology. London : Sage. [Link]
2019 Bentley, J., MacLachlan, M., Geiser, P., Mannan, H., & Zou, H. (2019) 'Disability-related global health needs' In: Handbook of rehabilitation psychology. Washington, DC, US : American Psychological Association. [Link]
2019 Bentley, J., MacLachlan, M., Geiser, P., Mannan, H. and Zou, H. (2019) 'Disability-Related Global Health Needs' In: Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology (3rd Edition). Washington: : American Psychological Association.
2019 MacLachlan, M., McVeigh, J., Huss, T., & Mannan, H. (2019) 'Macropsychology: Challenging and changing social structures and systems to promote social inclusion' In: The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Psychology. London : SAGE. [Link]
2017 Huss, T. & MacLachlan, M. (2017) 'Measuring Social Inclusion in Policy Processes using EquiFrame and EquIPP' In: Healthcare as a Human Rights Issue. Berlin : Transcript.
2012 Desmond DM, Coffey L, Gallagher P, MacLachlan M, Wegener ST, O'Keeffe F (2012) 'Limb amputation' In: Oxford Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology. : Oxford University Press. [Full-Text]
2004 MacLachlan, MALCOLM (2004) 'Culture, Empowerment and Health' In: Critical health psychology. London : Sage.
2004 MacLachlan, Malcolm, Mulatu, Mesfin Samuel (2004) 'Health Psychology, Cross-Cultural' In: Encyclopaedia of Applied Psychology: Volume II. New York : Acaedmic Press.
2001 MacLachlan, M (2001) 'Cultivating health' In: Cultural Perspectives on Promoting Health. John Wiley & Sons, LTD. England. Chichester : Wiley.
1998 MacLachlan, M (1998) 'Promoting health: Thinking through context' In: A Healthier Future? Healthcare Management in ireland. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
1996 MacLachlan, Malcolm (1996) 'From Sustainable Change to Incremental Improvement: The Psychology of' In: Psychology and the developing world. Westport, CT : Greenwood Publishing Group.
1995 Carr, SC,MacLachlan, M,Campbell, D (1995) 'Psychological research for development: Towards tertiary collaboration' In: Proceedings Volume 1: The Fourth International Symposium on the Role of Universities in Developing Areas. Melbourne : UNESCO/INRUDA/IDTC/RMIT.
1995 Carr, SC,MacLachlan, M (1995) 'Managing motivational gravity through African-Asian synergy' In: Afro-Asian Psychology: Social and Organizational Perspectives, Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. Bangi, Malaysia : University of Malaysia Press.
1994 Bowa, M,MacLachlan, M (1994) 'No congratulations in Chichewa: Deterring achievement motivation in Malawi' In: Research and development (Vol. III). Zomba : University of Malawi Press.
1987 MacLachlan, M,FISHER, S (1987) 'Self-esteem in affective disorder' In: Clinical Psychology: Research and Developments. London : Croom Helm Ltd.
2017 MacLachlan, Malcolm (2017) 'Sailing as an Intervention' In: Maritime Psychology. : SpringerSpringer.
2017 MacLachlan, Malcolm (2017) 'Maritime Psychology: Definition, Scope and Conceptualization' In: Maritime Psychology. : SpringerSpringer.
2017 McVeigh, Joanne,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Stilz, Ralf,Cox, Henriette,Doyle, Niamh,Fraser, Alistair,Dyer, Marianne (2017) 'Positive Psychology and Well-Being at Sea' In: Maritime Psychology. : SpringerSpringer.
2016 Hand, Karen,Carr, Stuart C,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2016) 'Stepping Up by Stepping Out: Sustaining Humanitarian Work Psychology' In: Humanitarian Work Psychology and the Global Development Agenda: Case Studies and Interventions. London : Routledge.
2016 MacLachlan, M., Mannan, H. and McVeigh, J. (2016) 'Disability and Inclusive Health' In: Disability & Human Rights in a Global Age. London : Palgrave.
2014 MacLachlan, M., & McAuliffe, E. (2014) 'Global Health' In: Barriers and Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid. The Role of the Private Sector in Poverty Reduction: Prospects for Private Sector Led-Interventions. Istanbul : UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Inclusive Development.
2014 MacLachlan, M (2014) 'Health, Empowerment & Culture' In: Critical Health Psychology. London : Sage.
2014 McWha, I., Carr S. C. MacLachlan M.,Mji G. (2014) 'Challenges and Opportunities to Developing South-North Programme Partnerships' In: Internationalizing the Curriculum in Organizational Psychology. : SpingerSpinger.
2014 Carr, Stuart C,McAuliffe, Eilish,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2014) 'Servants of empowerment' In: Industrial and Organizational Psychology Help the Vulnerable: Serving the Underserved. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
2013 Uduma, Ogenna,Glavey, Sarah,Doyle, Sarah O’Reilly,Hennessy, Martina,Barry, Frank,Jones, Mike,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2013) 'Research Capacity Building in Africa: Perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Impacting on the Doctoral Training for Development Programme in Africa' In: Enacting Globalization: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on International Integration. London : Palgrave Nacmillan.
2013 Carr, SC,Eltayeb, S,MacLachlan, M,Marai, L,McAuliffe, E,McWha, I (2013) 'Aiding international development: Some fresh perspectives from industrial and organizational psychology' In: Using Industrial-Organizational Psychology for the Greater Good: Helping Those Who Help Others. Washington : American Psychological Association.
2013 MacLachlan, M., Cromie S. Liston P. Kavanagh B.,Kay A. (2013) 'Psychosocial and organisational aspects of work at sea and their implications for health and performance' In: Textbook of Maritime Medicine (2nd Ed.). : Norwegian Centre for Maritime MedicineNorwegian Centre for Maritime Medicine.
2012 MacLachlan, M. (2012) 'Rehabilitation psychology and global health' In: Oxford Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology. : Oxford University PressOxford University Press.
2012 Carr, S.c., De Guzman J. M. Eltyeb S. Furnham A. MacLachlan M. Marai L.,McAuliffe E. (2012) 'Introducing Humanitarian Work Psychology' In: Humanitarian Work Psychology. : PalgravePalgrave.
2012 MacLachlan, M., Ni Mhaille G. Gallagher P.,Desmond D. (2012) 'Embodiment and appearance: Disability and rehabilitation' In: Oxford Handbook of Appearance Psychology. : Oxford University PressOxford University Press.
2012 Tumwebaze, C.,MacLachlan, M. (2012) 'Teacher motivation in Uganda' In: Humanitarian Work Psychology. : Palgrave MacmillanPalgrave Macmillan.
2012 MacLachlan, M.,Mannan, H. (2012) 'Health care access' In: Encyclopedia of Global Studies. : SAGESAGE.
2012 McWha, I., Carr S. C.,MacLachlan M. (2012) 'Facilitating the process of globally distributed development-focused research teams' In: Humanitarian Work Psychology. : PalgravePalgrave.
2011 Wazakili, M.,Chataika, T.,Mji, G.,Dube, K.,MacLachlan, M. (2011) 'Social inclusion of people with disabilities in poverty reduction policies and instruments: initial impressions from Malawi and Uganda' In: Disability & Poverty: A Global Challenge. : The Policy PressThe Policy Press.
2010 Schaffalitzky, L, Gallagher P. Desmond D.,MacLachlan, M. (2010) 'Adaptation to amputation and prosthetic use' In: Amputation, Prostheses and Phantom Limb Pain: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. : Springer-VerlagSpringer-Verlag.
2009 Mji, G., Gcaza S. Melling-Williams N.,MacLachlan, M. (2009) 'Disability Networking for Development: Introducing the African Network for Evidence to Action on Disability (AfriNEAD)' In: Disability & International Development: Towards Inclusive Global Health. : SpringerSpringer.
2009 MacLachlan, M.,Swartz, L. (2009) 'Disability and International Development: The Challenges' In: Disability & International Development: Towards Inclusive Global Health. : SpringerSpringer.
2009 Griffiths, M., Mannan H.,MacLachlan, M. (2009) 'Disability Advocacy, Empowerment and International Development Policy' In: Disability & International Development: Towards Inclusive Global Health. : SpringerSpringer.
2009 O'Sullivan, C.,MacLachlan, M. (2009) 'Childhood Disability in Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone: An Exploratory Study' In: Disability & International Development: Towards Inclusive Global Health. : SpringerSpringer.
2009 MacLachlan, M. (2009) 'Psychosocial research and global issues in reparations and prosthetics' In: Reparations and Prosthetics. : The Clemens Nathan Research CentreThe Clemens Nathan Research Centre.
2008 McWha, I, MacLachlan M. Carr S. C.,McWhar I. (2008) 'The Interdisciplinary Research Workshop Process' In: Interdisciplinary Research for Development: Content & Process Challenges. New Delhi : Global Development Network.
2008 MacLachlan, M., Carr S. C.,McWha I. (2008) 'Why Interdisciplinary Research for Development?' In: Interdisciplinary Research for Development: Content & Process Challenges. : Global Development NetworkGlobal Development Network.
2007 Ni Mhurchadha, S.,Schaffalitzky, Gallagher,P.,MacLachlan, M. (2007) 'Psychological Fit of a Prosthetic Arm: An illustrative case study using repertory grid analysis' In: Psychoprosthetics: The State of the Knowledge. : SpringerSpringer.
2007 Gallagher, P., Desmond D.,MacLachlan M. (2007) 'Psychoprosthetics' In: Psychoprosthetics: The State of the Knowledge. : SpringerSpringer.
2007 MacLachlan, M.,McGee, S. (2007) 'Psychology and Cultural Psychiatry' In: Handbook of Cultural Psychiatry. : Cambridge University PressCambridge University Press.
2004 MacLachlan, Malcolm, Gallagher, Pamela (2004) 'Imagining the body' In: Enabling Technologies: Body Image and Body Function. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingston.
2004 Gow, D.,MacLachlan, M.,Aird, C. (2004) 'Reaching with Electricity: Externally-Powered Prosthetics and Embodiment' In: Enabling Technologies: Body Image & Body Function. : Churchill LivingstonChurchill Livingston.
2004 Caball, M.,MacLachlan, M. (2004) 'Social Science as a Natural Resource: Towards Developing Irish Social Science Research' In: Social Science in the Knowledge Society. : Liffey PressLiffey Press.
2004 MacLachlan, M.,Smyth, C. A. (2004) 'Binge Drinking: Towards Constructive Action' In: Youth Culture and Binge Drinking: Contrasting Perspectives. : Liffey PressLiffey Press.
2004 MacLachlan, M. (2004) 'Open Forum Discussion' In: Youth Culture & Binge Drinking: Contrasting Perspectives. : Liffey PressLiffey Press.
2004 Gallagher, P.,MacLachlan, M. (2004) 'Thinking Through Enabling Technologies: Guidelines for Development & Implementation' In: Enabling Technologies: Body Image & Body Function. : Churchill LivingstonChurchill Livingston.
2003 MacLachlan, M. (2003) 'Cultural Dynamics: transition and identity in modern Ireland' In: Mosaic or Melting Pot? Living with diversity. : European Cultural Foundation & Royal Irish AcademyEuropean Cultural Foundation & Royal Irish Academy.
2003 MacLachlan, M.,Mc Auliffe, E. (2003) 'Poverty and Process Skills' In: Poverty and Psychology. : Klewer Academic/Plenum PublishersKlewer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
2003 Raymond-McKay, M.,MacLachlan, M. (2003) 'Critical Incidents for Emergency Relief Workers' In: Development, Methods & Approaches: Critical Reflections. : Oxfam: Development in Practice Readers SeriesOxfam: Development in Practice Readers Series.
2002 MacLachlan, M. (2002) 'Die Arbeit mit Psychotrauma: Personliche, kuterelle and kontextuelle Probleme [Working with Psychotrauma: Personal, Cultural and Contextual Reflections]' In: Uberleban am Abgrund: Psychotrauma & Menschenrechte. : Drava VerlagDrava Verlag.
2000 Glennon, S.,MacLachlan, M. (2000) 'Medicine in Ireland: Acculturation, coping and mental health of international students' In: Cultivating Pluralism: Cultural, Psychological and Social Perspectives on a changing Ireland. : Oak Tree PressOak Tree Press.
2000 Heron, S.,Barry, J.,Fitzgerald, M.,MacLachlan, M. (2000) 'The Psychosocial Health of Irish Traveller Mothers' In: Cultivating Pluralism: Cultural, Psychological and Social Perspectives on a Changing Ireland. Dublin : Oak Tree Press.
2000 Orr, D.,MacLachlan, M. (2000) 'Socrates in Ireland: Field-dependence and homesickness among international students' In: Cultivating Pluralism: Cultural, Psychological and Social Perspectives on a Changing Ireland. Dublin : Oak Tree Press.
2000 MacLachlan, M.,O'Connell, M. (2000) 'A State of Diversity?' In: Cultivating Pluralism: Cultural, Psychological and Social Perspectives on a Changing Ireland. Dublin : Oak Tree Press.
1998 MacLachlan, M. (1998) 'Health and Welfare in Malawi' In: Perspectives in Malawian Psychology: A Reader for Students. Zomba : Zikomo Press.
1997 Munroe, D., Carr, S.C., MacLachlan, M., Bishop, G. & Kwang, N.A. (1997) 'A Brief History of The Inventory for Measuring Efficiency (TIME): Preliminary Cross-cultural Data from Singapore and Australia' In: Progress in Asian Social Psychology. Chichester : John Wiley & Sons.
1997 Carr, Stuart C,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1997) 'Motivational gravity' In: Culture and Motivation. London : Routledge.
1996 Carr, S.C. and MacLachlan, M. (1996) 'Does Africa need psychology for development?' In: Why Psychology? (Selected Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society.). Wollongong : APA.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2021 MacLachlan, Malcolm, McVeigh, Joanne (Ed.). (2021) Macropsychology A Population Science for Sustainable Development Goals. New York City: Springer, [Link]
2019 Natasha Layton & Johan Borg (Editors-in-Chief) Diane Bell, Vinicius Delgado Ramos, Ikenna Ebuenyi, Alice Guo, Mac MacLachlan, Florence Monro, Daniela Moye Holz, Giulia Oggero, Emma Tebbutt, Wei Zhang (Co-Editors) (Ed.). (2019) Global Perspectives on Assistive Technology. Volumes 2. Geneva: World Health Organization, [Link]
2019 Natasha Layton & Johan Borg (Editors-in-Chief) Diane Bell, Vinicius Delgado Ramos, Ikenna Ebuenyi, Alice Guo, Mac MacLachlan, Florence Monro, Daniela Moye Holz, Giulia Oggero, Emma Tebbutt, Wei Zhang (Co-Editors) (Ed.). (2019) Global Perspectives on Assistive Technology. Volumes 1. Geneva: World Health Organization, [Link]
2017 MacLachlan, M (Ed.). (2017) Maritime Psychology: Research in Organizational and Health Behavior at Sea. New York: Springer,
2014 Ahmimed, C., MacLachlan, M. & Mannan, H (Ed.). (2014) Policies & Processes for Social Inclusion: Possibilities from South East Asia. Jakarta: UNESCO,
2012 Carr, S. C., MacLachlan, M. & Mannan, H. (Eds.) (Ed.). (2012) Humanitarian work psychology. London: Palgrave Macmillan,
2010 Carr, S. C., MacLachlan, M. & McWha, I. (Eds.) (Ed.). (2010) Are Developmental Discrepancies Undermining Performance? Special Issue of International Journal of Psychology, 45 (5), 321-380. -: International Journal of Psychology,
2009 MacLachlan, M.,Swartz, L (Ed.). (2009) Disability & International Development: Towards Inclusive Global Health. New York: Springer,
2008 MacLachlan, Malcolm,Carr, Stuart C,McWha, Ishbel (Ed.). (2008) Interdisciplinary research for development: A workbook on content and process challenges. New Delhi: Global Development Network, [Link]
2008 Gallagher, P., Desmond D.,MacLachlan, M (Ed.). (2008) Psychoprosthetics: The State of the Knowledge. London: Springer,
2005 Carr, S.C.,MacLachlan, M (Ed.). (2005) Knowledge Flow and Capacity Development: Special Issue of Higher Education Policy. Paris: UNESCO/IAU/Palgrave,
2004 MacLachlan, M.,Gallagher, P (Ed.). (2004) Enabling Technologies: Body Image and Body Function. Ediburgh: Churchill Livingstone,
2004 MacLachlan, M.,Smyth, C. A (Ed.). (2004) Binge Drinking & Youth Culture: Differing Perspectives. Dublin: Liffey Press,
2004 MacLachlan, M.,Caball, M (Ed.). (2004) Social Science in the Knowledge Society. Dublin: Liffey Press,
2001 MacLachlan, M (Ed.). (2001) Cultivating Health: Cultural Perspectives on Promoting Health. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons,
2000 MacLachlan, M.,O'Connell, M (Ed.). (2000) Cultivating Pluralism: Cultural, Psychological and Social Perspectives on a Changing Ireland. Dublin: Oak Tree Press,
1998 MacLachlan, M.,Carr, S. C (Ed.). (1998) Perspectives in Malawian Psychology: A Reader for Students. Zomba: Zikomo Press,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 Ebuenyi, I., Smith, E., Munthali, A., Msowoya, S., Kafumba, J., Jamali, M., & MacLachlan, M. (2021) 'Exploring equity and inclusion in Malawi’s National Disability Mainstreaming Strategy and Implementation Plan'. International Journal for Equity in Health, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2021 Fleur Heleen Boot, Ritu Ghosh, John Gerard Dinsmore, Malcolm MacLachlan (2021) 'Views and Experiences of People with Intellectual Disabilities to Improve Access to Assistive Technology: Perspectives from India'. Disability, Cbr & Inclusive Development, 31 (4):40-65. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 O’Sullivan, K., McGrane, A., Long, S., Marshall, K., & MacLachlan, M. (2021) 'Using a systems thinking approach to understand teachers perceptions and use of assistive technology in the republic of Ireland'. Disability & Rehabilitation, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Masdeu Yelamos, G., Carty, C. and MacLachlan, M. (2021) 'Assessing and improving the national reporting on human rights in and through Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport (PEPAS)'. International Journal of Sport Psychology, . [Full-Text]
2020 Smith, E., MacLachlan, M., Ebuenyi, I., Holloway, C., & Austin, V. (2020) 'Developing inclusive and resilient systems: COVID-19 and assistive technology'. Disability & Society, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2020 Boot, F. H., MacLachlan, M., & Dinsmore, J. (2020) 'Are there differences in factors influencing access and continues use of assistive products for people with intellectual disabilities living in group homes?'. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, :1-10. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Smith, E., Toro Hernandez, M., Ebuenyi, I., Syurina, E., Barbareschi, G., Best, K., Danemayer, J., Oldfrey, B., Ibrahim, N., Holloway, C., & MacLachlan, M. (2020) 'Assistive Technology Use and Provision During COVID-19: Results From a Rapid Global Survey'. International Journal Of Health Policy And Management, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Smith, E. , Ebuenyi, I., Kafumba, J., Jamali-Phiri, M., MacLachlan, M., & Munthali, A. (2020) ') An overview of assistive technology products and services provided in Malawi'. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2019 Boot FH; MacLachlan M; Dinsmore J; (2019) 'Are there differences in factors influencing access and continues use of assistive products for people with intellectual disabilities living in group homes?'. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 McVeigh, J., & MacLachlan, M. (2019) 'A silver wave? Filipino shipmates’ experience of merchant seafaring'. Marine Policy, 99 :283-297. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Kazanga, I., Munthali, A. C., McVeigh, J., Mannan, H., & MacLachlan, M. (2019) 'Predictors of utilisation of skilled maternal healthcare in Lilongwe district'. International Journal Of Health Policy And Management, 8 (12):700-710. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Munthali, A. C., Swartz, L., Mannan, H., MacLachlan, M., Chilimampunga, C., & Makupe, C. (2019) '“This one will delay us”: barriers to accessing health care services among persons with disabilities in Malawi'. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41 (6):683-690. [Link] [Full-Text]
2019 McVeigh, J., MacLachlan, M., Vallières, F., Hyland, P., Stilz, R., Cox, H., & Fraser, A. (2019) 'Identifying predictors of stress and job satisfaction in a sample of merchant seafarers using structural equation modeling'. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 (FEB):1-13. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Boot F.; Owuor J.; Dinsmore J.; Maclachlan M. (2018) 'Access to assistive technology for people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review to identify barriers and facilitators'. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 MacLachlan M.; Banes D.; Bell D.; Borg J.; Donnelly B.; Fembek M.; Ghosh R.; Gowran R.; Hannay E.; Hiscock D.; Hoogerwerf E.; Howe T.; Kohler F.; Layton N.; Long S.; Mannan H.; Mji G.; Odera Ongolo T.; Perry K.; Pettersson C.; Power J.; Delgado Ramos V.; Slepičková L.; Smith E.; Tay-Teo K.; Geiser P.; Hooks H. (2018) 'Assistive technology policy: a position paper from the first global research, innovation, and education on assistive technology (GREAT) summit'. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, 13 (5):454-466. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Smith R.; Scherer M.; Cooper R.; Bell D.; Hobbs D.; Pettersson C.; Seymour N.; Borg J.; Johnson M.; Lane J.; Sujatha S.; Rao P.; Obiedat Q.; MacLachlan M.; Bauer S. (2018) 'Assistive technology products: a position paper from the first global research, innovation, and education on assistive technology (GREAT) summit'. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, 13 (5):473-485. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 MacLachlan M.; Scherer M. (2018) 'Systems thinking for assistive technology: a commentary on the GREAT summit'. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, 13 (5):492-496. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 MacLachlan, M., McVeigh, J., Cooke, M., Ferri, D., Holloway, C., Austin, V., & Javadi, D. (2018) 'Intersections between systems thinking and market shaping for assistive technology: The SMART (Systems-Market for Assistive and Related Technologies) Thinking Matrix'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (12):1-15. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Vergunst R.; Swartz L.; Hem K.; Eide A.; Mannan H.; MacLachlan M.; Mji G.; Schneider M. (2018) 'The perceived needs-access gap for health services among persons with disabilities in a rural area within South Africa'. Disability and Rehabilitation, :1-7. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Smith E.; Gowran R.; Mannan H.; Donnelly B.; Alvarez L.; Bell D.; Contepomi S.; Ennion L.; Hoogerwerf E.; Howe T.; Jan Y.; Kagwiza J.; Layton N.; Ledgerd R.; MacLachlan M.; Oggero G.; Pettersson C.; Pousada T.; Scheffler E.; Wu S. (2018) 'Enabling appropriate personnel skill-mix for progressive realization of equitable access to assistive technology'. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, 13 (5):445-453. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 McVeigh, J., MacLachlan, M., Coyle, C., & Kavanagh, B. (2018) 'Perceptions of well-being, resilience and stress amongst a sample of merchant seafarers and superintendents'. Maritime Studies, :1-20. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Boot, F. H.,Dinsmore, J.,Khasnabis, C.,MacLachlan, M. (2017) 'Intellectual Disability and Assistive Technology: Opening the GATE Wider'. Front Public Health, 5 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Doyle, N., MacLachlan, M., Fraser, A., Stilz, R., Lismont, K., Cox, H., & McVeigh, J. (2016) 'Resilience and well-being amongst seafarers: Cross-sectional study of crew across 51 ships'. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 89 (2):199-209. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Mannan, H., Eltayeb, S., MacLachlan, M., Amin, M., McVeigh, J., Munthali, A., & Van Rooy, G. (2013) 'Core concepts of human rights and inclusion of vulnerable groups in the mental health policies of Malawi, Namibia, and Sudan'. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 7 (1):1-13. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Groce, Nora Ellen,Rohleder, Poul,Eide, Arne Henning,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Mall, Sumaya,Swartz, Leslie (2013) 'HIV issues and people with disabilities: A review and agenda for research'. 77 :31-40. [Link] [Full-Text]
2012 VanRooy, G., Amadhila, E., Mannan, H., McVeigh, J., MacLachlan, M., & Amin, M. (2012) 'Core concepts of human rights and inclusion of vulnerable groups in the Namibian policy on orthopaedic technical services'. Disability, Cbr & Inclusive Development, 23 (3):24-47. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Mannan, H., MacLachlan, M., McVeigh, J., & the EquitAble Consortium (2012) 'Core concepts of human rights and inclusion of vulnerable groups in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities'. Alter - European Journal Of Disability Research, 6 (3):159-177. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Carr, Stuart C,McWha, Ishbel,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Furnham, Adrian (2010) 'International–local remuneration differences across six countries: Do they undermine poverty reduction work?'. 45 (5):321-340. [Full-Text]
2009 Manafa, Ogenna,McAuliffe, Eilish,Maseko, Fresier,Bowie, Cameron,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Normand, Charles (2009) 'Retention of health workers in Malawi: perspectives of health workers and district management'. 7 (1). [Full-Text]
2009 MacLachlan, Malcolm (2009) 'Rethinking global health research: towards integrative expertise'. 5 (1). [Full-Text]
2009 McAuliffe, Eilish,Bowie, Cameron,Manafa, Ogenna,Maseko, Fresier,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Hevey, David,Normand, Charles,Chirwa, Maureen (2009) 'Measuring and managing the work environment of the mid-level provider–the neglected human resource'. 7 (1). [Full-Text]
2009 Coffey, L; Gallagher, P; Horgan, O; Desmond, D; MacLachlan, M (2009) 'Psychosocial adjustment to diabetes-related lower limb amputation'. Diabetic Medicine, 26 :1063-1067. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Miji, G., MacLachlan, M., Melling-Williams, N. and Gcaza, S. (2009) 'Realising the Rights of Disabled People in Africa: Special Issue of Disability & Rehabilitation'. Disability and Rehabilitation, 31 :1-6. [Full-Text]
2009 De Silva, Mary,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Devane, Declan,Desmond, Deirdre,Gallagher, Pamela,Schnyder, Ulrich,Brennan, Muireann,Patel, Vikram (2009) 'Psychosocial interventions for the prevention of disability following traumatic physical injury'. (4). [Full-Text]
2007 Gallagher, Pamela,Horgan, Olga,Franchignoni, Franco,Giordano, Andrea,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2007) 'Body image in people with lower-limb amputation: a Rasch analysis of the Amputee Body Image Scale'. 86 (3):205-215. [Full-Text]
2006 Walsh-Daneshmandi, Anne,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2006) 'Toward effective evaluation of environmental education: Validity of the children's environmental attitudes and knowledge scale using data from a sample of Irish adolescents'. 37 (2):13-23. [Full-Text]
2006 Desmond, Deirdre M,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2006) 'Coping strategies as predictors of psychosocial adaptation in a sample of elderly veterans with acquired lower limb amputations'. 62 (1):208-216. [Full-Text]
2006 Desmond, Deirdre M,O’neill, Kieran,De Paor, Annraoi,McDarby, Gary,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2006) 'Augmenting the reality of phantom limbs: three case studies using an augmented mirror box procedure'. 18 (3):74-79. [Full-Text]
2006 Desmond, DM; MacLachlan, M (2006) 'Affective distress and amputation-related pain among older men with long-term, traumatic limb amputations'. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 31 :362-368. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2005 Kiernan, Gemma,Guerin, Suzanne,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2005) 'Children's voices: qualitative data from the ‘Barretstown studies’'. 42 (7):733-741. [Full-Text]
2005 Desmond, Deirdre M,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2005) 'Factor structure of the Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scales (TAPES) with individuals with acquired upper limb amputations'. 84 (7):506-513. [Full-Text]
2005 Carr, Stuart,MacLachlan, Mac,McAuliffe, Eilish (2005) 'Psychology of aid'. .
2005 Desmond, DM; MacLachlan, M (2005) 'Factor structure of the trinity amputation and prosthesis experience scales (TAPES) with individuals with acquired upper limb amputations'. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 84 :506-513. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2005 Carr, Stuart C,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2005) 'Knowledge Flow and Capacity Development: An Introduction to the Special Issue'. 18 (3):199-205. [Link] [Full-Text]
2005 Desmond, Deirdre M,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2005) 'The factor structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in older individuals with acquired amputations: a comparison of four models using confirmatory factor analysis'. 20 (4):344-349. [Full-Text]
2004 Gallagher, Pamela,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2004) 'The Trinity amputation and prosthesis experience scales and quality of life in people with lower-limb amputation 1'. 85 (5):730-736. [Full-Text]
2004 Kiernan, Gemma,Gormley, Michael,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2004) 'Outcomes associated with participation in a therapeutic recreation camping programme for children from 15 European countries: Data from the ‘Barretstown Studies’'. 59 (5):903-913. [Full-Text]
2004 Desmond, Deirdre M,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2004) 'Psychosocial perspectives on postamputation rehabilitation: a review of disease, trauma, and war related literature'. 16 (2).
2003 MacLachlan, M., Desmond, D. & Horgan, O. (2003) 'Psychological Correlates of Illusory Body Experiences'. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 40 :59-66. [Full-Text]
2002 Kiernan, Gemma,Maclachlan, Malcolm (2002) 'Children’s perspectives of therapeutic recreation: Data from the ‘Barretstown Studies’'. 7 (5):599-614. [Full-Text]
2002 Gallagher, Pamela,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2002) 'Evaluating a written emotional disclosure homework intervention for lower-limb amputees'. 83 (10):1464-1466. [Full-Text]
2002 Desmond, Deirdre,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2002) 'Psychosocial issues in the field of prosthetics and orthotics'. 14 (1):19-22. [Full-Text]
2002 Desmond, D,MacLachlan, M (2002) 'Psychological issues in prosthetic and orthotic practice: a 25 year review of psychology in Prosthetics and Orthotics International'. 26 (3):182-188. [Full-Text]
2001 Gallagher, Pamela,Maclachlan, Malcolm (2001) 'Adjustment to an artificial limb: a qualitative perspective'. 6 (1):85-100. [Full-Text]
2001 Campbell, Danielle,Carr, Stuart C,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2001) 'Attributing “Third World Poverty” in Australia and Malawi: A Case of Donor Bias? 1'. 31 (2):409-430. [Full-Text]
2000 Gallagher, Pamela,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2000) 'Development and psychometric evaluation of the Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scales (TAPES)'. 45 (2). [Full-Text]
1998 Carr, Stuart C,Chipande, Rose,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1998) 'Expatriate aid salaries in Malaŵi: A doubly demotivating influence?'. 18 (2):133-143. [Full-Text]
1998 Carr, Stuart C,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1998) 'Actors, observers, and attributions for Third World poverty: Contrasting perspectives from Malawi and Australia'. 138 (2):189-202. [Full-Text]
1998 Ager, Alastair,Maclachlan, Malcolm (1998) 'Psychometric properties of the Coping Strategy Indicator (CSI) in a study of coping behaviour amongst Malawian students'. 13 (3):399-409. [Full-Text]
1997 Page, Richard C,Weiss, James F,Wright, Lori Stowers,McAuliffe, Eilish,Ugyan, Jigme,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1997) 'Self-awareness of participants in a long-term Tibetan Buddhist retreat'. 29 (2). [Full-Text]
1996 Ager, Alastair,Cam, Stuart,Maclachlan, Malcolm,Kaneka-chilongo, Benjamin (1996) 'Perceptions of tropical health risks in Mponda, Malawi: Attributions of cause, suggested means of risk reduction and preferred treatment'. 12 (1):23-31.
1996 Carr, Stuart C,McLoughlin, David,Hodgson, Matthew,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1996) 'Effects of unreasonable pay discrepancies for under-and overpayment on double demotivation'. .
1995 Maclachlan, Malcolm,Nyirenda, Tony,Nyando, Clifford (1995) 'Attributions for admission to Zomba Mental Hospital: implications for the development of mental health services in Malawi'. 41 (2):79-87. [Full-Text]
1994 MacLachlan, Malcolm,Carr, Stuart C (1994) 'Managing the AIDS crisis in Africa: in support of pluralism'. 8 (4):45-53. [Full-Text]
1993 Shaba, A (1993) 'Palliative versus curative beliefs regarding tropical epilepsy as a function of traditional and medical attributions'. 39 (8):165-167. [Full-Text]
1992 McAuliffe, E,MacLachlan, M (1992) 'Consumers’ views of mental health services: the good, the bad and some suggestions for improvements'. Clinical Psychology Forum, 47 :16-20.
2017 MacLachlan, M. (2017) 'Still Too POSH to Push for Structural Change? The Need for a Macropsychology Perspective'. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 10 (3):403-407. [Full-Text]
2017 Visagie, S., Eide, A. H., Mannan, H., Schneider, M., Swartz, L., Mji, G., ... & MacLachlan, M. (2017) 'A description of assistive technology sources, services and outcomes of use in a number of African settings'. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, 12 (7):705-712. [Full-Text]
2017 Chinyama, Mathews Junior,MacLachlan, Malcolm,McVeigh, Joanne,Huss, Tessy,Gawamadzi, Sylvester (2017) 'An analysis of the extent of social inclusion and equity consideration in Malawi’s National HIV and AIDS policy review process'. International Journal Of Health Policy And Management, . [Full-Text]
2017 Owuor, J.,Larkan, F.,MacLachlan, M. (2017) 'Leaving no-one behind: using assistive technology to enhance community living for people with intellectual disability'. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 12 (5):426-428. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Nasser, Khaled,MacLachlan, Malcolm,McVeigh, Joanne (2017) 'Social Inclusion and Mental Health of Children with Physical Disabilities in Gaza, Palestine'. Disability, Cbr & Inclusive Development, 27 (4):5-36. [Full-Text]
2017 Gilmore, B.,MacLachlan, M.,McVeigh, J.,McClean, C.,Carr, S.,Duttine, A.,Mannan, H.,McAuliffe, E.,Mji, G.,Eide, A. H.,Hem, K. G.,Gupta, N. (2017) 'A study of human resource competencies required to implement community rehabilitation in less resourced settings'. Hum Resour Health, 15 (1). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 McVeigh, J.,MacLachlan, M.,Gilmore, B.,McClean, C.,Eide, A. H.,Mannan, H.,Geiser, P.,Duttine, A.,Mji, G.,McAuliffe, E.,Sprunt, B.,Amin, M.,Normand, C. (2016) 'Promoting good policy for leadership and governance of health related rehabilitation: a realist synthesis'. Globalization and Health, 12 (1). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 MacLachlan, M. (2016) 'Promoting organisational justice in medicine and health science research and practice'. Bmj, 352 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Bentley, Jacob A,Bruyère, Susanne M,LeBlanc, Jeanne,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2016) 'Globalizing rehabilitation psychology: Application of foundational principles to global health and rehabilitation challenges'. Rehabilitation Psychology, 61 (1). [Full-Text]
2016 Martin, G.,MacLachlan, M.,Labonte, R.,Larkan, F.,Vallieres, F.,Bergin, N. (2016) 'Globalization and Health: developing the journal to advance the field'. Global Health, 12 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Munthali, Alister C,Mannan, Hasheem,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Swartz, Leslie (2016) 'Seeking Biomedical and Traditional Treatment is a Spiritual Lapse Among Zionists: A Case Study of the Zion Church in Malawi'. Ufahamu: A Journal Of African Studies, 39 (2). [Full-Text]
2016 Hussey, M.,MacLachlan, M.,Mji, G. (2016) 'Barriers to the Implementation of the Health and Rehabilitation Articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in South Africa'. Int J Health Policy Manag, 6 (4):207-218. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Tebbutt, Emma,Brodmann, Rebecca,Borg, Johan,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Khasnabis, Chapal,Horvath, Robert (2016) 'Assistive products and the sustainable development goals (SDGs)'. Globalization and Health, 12 (1). [Full-Text]
2016 Cho, H. Y.,MacLachlan, M.,Clarke, M.,Mannan, H. (2016) 'Accessible Home Environments for People with Functional Limitations: A Systematic Review'. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 13 (8). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Hevey, D.,Hand, K.,MacLachlan, M. (2015) 'Happiness in texting times'. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (1436):1-6. [Full-Text]
2015 MacLachlan, M.,Mannan, H.,Huss, T.,Munthali, A.,Amin, M. (2015) 'Policies and Processes for Social Inclusion: Using EquiFrame and EquIPP for Policy Dialogue Comment on "Are Sexual and Reproductive Health Policies Designed for All? Vulnerable Groups in Policy Documents of Four European Countries and Their Involvement in Policy Development"'. International Journal Of Health Policy And Management, 5 (3):193-6. [Full-Text]
2015 Vergunst, R.,Swartz, L.,Mji, G.,MacLachlan, M.,Mannan, H. (2015) ''You must carry your wheelchair'--barriers to accessing healthcare in a South African rural area'. Glob Health Action, 8 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Khasnabis, C.,Mirza, Z.,MacLachlan, M. (2015) 'Opening the GATE to inclusion for people with disabilities'. Lancet, 386 (10010):2229-30. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Eide, A. H.,Mannan, H.,Khogali, M.,van Rooy, G.,Swartz, L.,Munthali, A.,Hem, K. G.,MacLachlan, M.,Dyrstad, K. (2015) 'Perceived Barriers for Accessing Health Services among Individuals with Disability in Four African Countries'. PLoS ONE, 10 (5). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 O'Dowd, Jessica,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Geiser, Priscille (2015) 'Towards a Core Set of Clinical Skills for Health-Related Community Based Rehabilitation in Low and Middle Income Countries'. Disability, Cbr & Inclusive Development, 26 (3):5-43. [Full-Text]
2014 MacLachlan, M.,Mannan, H. (2014) 'The World Report on Disability and its implications for rehabilitation psychology'. Rehabil Psychol, 59 (2):117-24. [Link] [DOI]
2014 Munthali, A. C.,Mannan, H.,MacLachlan, M.,Swartz, L.,Makupe, C. M.,Chilimampunga, C. (2014) 'Non-use of Formal Health Services in Malawi: Perceptions from Non-users'. Malawi Medical Journal : The Journal Of Medical Association Of Malawi, 26 (4):126-32. [Full-Text]
2014 Carr, Stuart C,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2014) 'Humanitarian work psychology'. Psychologist, 27 (3):160-163.
2014 MacLachlan, Malcolm (2014) 'Macropsychology, policy, and global health'. American Psychologist, 69 (8). [Full-Text]
2014 MacLachlan, M., Amin, M., Mji, G., Mannan, H., McVeigh, J., McAuliffe, E., ... Dube, A. K. (2014) 'Learning from doing the EquitAble project: Content, context, process, and impact of a multi-country research project on vulnerable populations in Africa'. African Journal Of Disability, 3 (2):1-12. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Daly, M.,Baumeister, R. F.,Delany, L.,MacLachlan. M. (2014) 'Self-control and its relation to emotions and psychobiology: Evidence from a Day Reconstruction Method study'. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 37 (1):81-93. [Full-Text]
2014 Kachaje, Rachel,Dube, Kudakwashe,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Mji, Gubela (2014) 'The African Network for Evidence-to-Action on Disability: A role player in the realisation of the UNCRPD in Africa'. African Journal Of Disability, 3 (2). [Full-Text]
2014 Gerdin, M.,Clarke, M.,Allen, C.,Kayabu, B.,Summerskill, W.,Devane, D.,MacLachlan, M.,Spiegel, P.,Ghosh, A.,Zachariah, R.,Gupta, S.,Barbour, V.,Murray, V.,von Schreeb, J. (2014) 'Optimal evidence in difficult settings: improving health interventions and decision making in disasters'. Plos Med, 11 (4). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Schneider, M.,Eide, A. H.,Amin, M.,MacLachlan, M.,Mannan, H. (2013) 'Inclusion of vulnerable groups in health policies: Regional policies on health priorities in Africa'. African Journal Of Disability, 2 (1):1-9. [Full-Text]
2013 NiMhurchadha, S., Gallagher P. MacLachlan M.,Wegener S. (2013) 'Identifying successful outcomes and important factors to consider in upper limb amputation rehabilitation: An international web-based Delphi survey'. Disability & Rehabilitation, 35 (20):1726-1733. [Full-Text]
2013 Amadhila, E., Van Rooy G. McVeigh J. Mannan H. MacLachlan M.,Amin M. (2013) 'Equity and core concepts of human rights in Namibian health policies'. Harvard Africa Policy Journal, .
2013 Mannan, H.,MacLachlan, M. (2013) 'Disability and health: A research agenda'. Social Inclusion, 1 (1):37-45. [Full-Text]
2013 Bedri, N.,Amin, M.,Elkhatim, A.,Eldin, A. G.,MacLachlan, M.,Mannan, H. (2013) 'Core concepts of human rights and vulnerable groups in nutrition policy of Sudan'. International Journal Of Nutrition And Food Sciences, 2 (6):352-359. [Full-Text]
2013 Eide, A.H, Braathen, S.H., Amin, M , MacLachlan, M. & Mannan, H. (2013) 'Inclusion and human rights in International Health Policies'. Alter - European Journal Of Disability Research, 7 :153-162.
2013 MacLachlan, M.,Mannan, H. (2013) 'Is disability a health problem?'. Social Inclusion, 1 (2):139-141. [Full-Text]
2012 MacLachlan, M.,Amin, M.,Mannan, H.,El Tayeb, S.,El Khatim, A.,Swartz, L.,Munthal, A.,Van Rooy, G. (2012) 'Inclusion and human rights in African health policies: Using EquiFrame for comparative and benchmarking analysis of 51 policies from Malawi, Sudan, South Africa & Namibia'. PLoS ONE, 7 (5). [Full-Text]
2012 Mannan, H., El Tayab S. MacLachlan M.,Amin M. (2012) 'Human rights and social inclusion in the disability and rehabilitation policies of Sudan, Malawi, Namibia and South Africa'. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 23 (2):67-81.
2012 Mannan, H, MacLachlan M.,McAuliffe E. (2012) 'The Human Resources Challenge to Community Based Rehabilitation: The need for a scientific, systematic and coordinated global response'. Disability, Cbr & Inclusive Development, 23 (4):6-16. [Full-Text]
2012 MacLachlan, M.,Kavanagh, B.,Kay, A. (2012) 'Maritime health: a review with suggestions for research'. Int Marit Health, 63 (1):1-6. [Link] [Full-Text]
2012 Mannan H, Amin M,MacLachlan, M. (2012) 'Non-communicable disease priority actions and social inclusion'. The Lancet, 379 (9812):17-18. [Full-Text]
2012 Uduma, O., Doyle S. Glavey S. Peltzer K. Omololu F. Ager A. K. Tumwesigye N. M. Baguma P. Mariam D. H. Munthali A. Mfutso-Bengo M. Ijsselmuiden C.,Maclachlan M.. (2012) ''Enhancing research capacity in Africa: A SWOT analysis of the international doctorate in Global Health', policy & practice: A development education review'. Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review, 15 :101-112.
2012 Maclachlan, M.,Khasnabis, C.,Mannan, H. (2012) 'Inclusive health'. Trop Med Int Health, 17 (1):139-41. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Van Rooy, G., Amadhila E. M. Mufune P. Swartz L. Mannan H.,MacLachlan M. (2012) 'Perceived barriers to accessing health services among people with disabilities in rural northern Namibia'. Disability & Society, 27 (6):761-775. [Full-Text]
2012 Hand, K.,MacLachlan, M. (2012) 'An unequal balance?: The effects of unequal pay systems on societal motivation in Ireland'. The Irish Journal Of Psychology, 33 (2-3):129-136.
2012 Mannan, H., Boostrom C. MacLachlan M. McAuliffe E. Khasnabis C.,Gupta N. (2012) 'A systematic review of the effectiveness of alternative cadres in community based rehabilitation'. Human Resources for Health, 10 (1):20-28. [Full-Text]
2012 Eide, A.H., Amin M. MacLachlan M. Mannan H. Braathen S. H.,Schneider M. (2012) 'Social inclusion and human rights in the international health policies of three European donors: Norway, Ireland and UK'. Disability, Cbr & Inclusive Development, 23 (4):24-40.
2012 Schaffalitzky, E.,Gallagher, P.,Maclachlan, M.,Wegener, S. T. (2012) 'Developing consensus on important factors associated with lower limb prosthetic prescription and use'. Disability and Rehabilitation, 34 (24):2085-94. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 McWha, I. and MacLachlan, M. (2011) 'Exploring relationships between workers in organisations focused on poverty reduction'. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 26 :485-499.
2011 MacLachlan M, Mannan H.,McAuliffe E. (2011) 'Staff skills not staff types for community based rehabilitation'. Lancet, 377 (9782):1988-1989. [Link] [Full-Text]
2011 Schaffalitzky, E.,Gallagher, P.,Maclachlan, M.,Ryall, N. (2011) 'Understanding the benefits of prosthetic prescription: exploring the experiences of practitioners and lower limb prosthetic users'. Disabil Rehabil, 33 (15-16):1314-23. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Maclachlan, M.,Mannan, H.,McAuliffe, E. (2011) 'Access to health care of persons with disabilities as an indicator of equity in health systems'. Open Med, 5 (1). [Link] [Full-Text]
2011 Mji, G., Gcaza S. Swartz L. MacLachlan M.,Hutton B. (2011) 'An African way of networking around disability'. Disability & Society, 26 (3):365-368. [Full-Text]
2011 Amin, M.,MacLachlan, M.,Mannan, H.,El Tayeb, S.,El Khatim, A.,Swartz, L.,Munthali, A.,Van Rooy, G.,McVeigh, J.,Eide, A.,Schneider, M. (2011) 'EquiFrame: a framework for analysis of the inclusion of human rights and vulnerable groups in health policies'. Health and Human Rights, 13 (2):1-20. [Link] [Full-Text]
2011 Daly, M.,MacLachlan, M. (2011) 'Heredity links natural hazards and human health: Apolipoprotein E gene moderates the health of earthquake survivors.`'. Health Psychology, 30 (2):228-235. [Full-Text]
2011 Berry, Mary O’Neill,Reichman, Walter,Klobas, Jane,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Hui, Harry C,Carr, Stuart C (2011) 'Humanitarian work psychology: The contributions of organizational psychology to poverty reduction'. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32 (2):240-247. [Full-Text]
2011 Fisher, S, Kabir B. Lahiff E.,MacLachlan, M. (2011) 'Knowledge, attitudes, practices and implications of safe water management and good hygiene in rural Bangladesh; assessing the impact and scope of the BRAC WASH programme'. Journal Of Water & Health, 9 (1):80-93. [Full-Text]
2011 Daly, M., Delaney L. Doran P. P.,MacLachlan M. (2011) 'The role of awakening cortisol and psychological distress in diurnal variations in affect: A day reconstruction study'. Emotion, 11 (3):524-532. [Full-Text]
2010 Desmond, D.,MacLachlan, M. (2010) 'Prevalence and characteristics of phantom limb pain and residual limb pain in the long term following upper limb amputation'. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 33 (3):279-282. [Full-Text]
2010 Daly, M., Delaney L. Harmon C. Doran P.,MacLachlan, M. (2010) 'Naturalistic monitoring of daily affect: A Day Reconstruction Study'. Health Psychology, 29 (2):186-195.
2010 Carr, S. C.,McWha, I.,Maclachlan, M.,Furnham, A. (2010) 'International-local remuneration differences across six countries: do they undermine poverty reduction work?'. Int J Psychol, 45 (5):321-40. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Lahiff, E., Mariam D. H. Mfutso-Bengo J. M. Omololu F. Baguma P. K. Tumwesigye N. M. Peltzer K. Clarke M. Rhatigan J. Ager A. K. Ijsselmuiden C.,MacLachlan M. (2010) 'Indigo: An international doctorate for health systems research'. Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review, 11 :99-111. [Link]
2010 Gallagher, P.,Franchignoni, F.,Giordano, A.,MacLachlan, M. (2010) 'Trinity amputation and prosthesis experience scales: a psychometric assessment using classical test theory and rasch analysis'. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89 (6):487-96. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Mannan H, Maclachlan M. (2010) 'Human resources for health: focusing on people with disabilities'. Lancet, 375 (9712). [Full-Text]
2009 MacLachlan, M. (2009) 'Health in the Inter-land'. Journal of Health Psychology, 14 (5):647-650. [Full-Text]
2009 MacLachlan, M. (2009) 'Rethinking global health research: towards integrative expertise'. Global Health, 5 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 De Silva, M.,Maclachlan, M.,Devane, D.,Desmond, D.,Gallagher, P.,Schnyder, U.,Brennan, M.,Patel, V. (2009) 'Psychosocial interventions for the prevention of disability following traumatic physical injury'. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, (4). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 MacLachlan, M., De Silva M. Patal V.,Devine D. (2009) 'Preventative Psychosocial Interven tions Following Traumatic Physical Injury: Who, What, When?'. Open Rehabilitation, 2 :86-88. [Full-Text]
2009 Drysdale, D. G.,Shem, K.,Walbom, A.,Miner, M. D.,Maclachlan, M. (2009) 'Phantom sensations in people with complete spinal cord lesions: a grounded theory perspective'. Disability and Rehabilitation, 31 (4):267-76. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Barry, Sarah,Hederman, Lucy,Maclachlan, Mac,McAuliffe, Eilish,Normand., Charles (2009) 'Organisational Learning and Accountability - opportunity for an Irish contribution to aid effectiveness?'. Trocaire Development Review, :159-175. [Link]
2009 McAuliffe, E.,Bowie, C.,Manafa, O.,Maseko, F.,MacLachlan, M.,Hevey, D.,Normand, C.,Chirwa, M. (2009) 'Measuring and managing the work environment of the mid-level provider--the neglected human resource'. Human Resources for Health, 7 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Schaffalitzky, E., NiMhurchadha S. Gallagher P. Hofkamp S. MacLachlan M.,Wegener S. T. (2009) 'Identifying the values and preferences of prosthetic users: A case study series using the repertory grid technique'. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 33 (2):157-166. [Full-Text]
2009 Forsyth, C.,MacLachlan, M. (2009) 'Head office attitudes towards inter-organisational learning in Irish non-governmental organisations'. Knowledge Management For Development, 5 (1):4-20. [Full-Text]
2009 MacLachlan, M.,Mannan, H.,McAuliffe, E. (2009) 'Global health initiatives and country health systems'. Lancet, 374 (9697). [Link] [DOI]
2009 Manafa, O., McAuliffe E. Maseko F. Bowie C. Normand C.,MacLachlan, M. (2009) 'Factors for mid level provider's motivation: the Malawi health workers and district management perspectives'. Human Resources for Health, .
2008 Meehan, T.,MacLachlan, M. (2008) 'Self construction in schizophrenia: a discourse analysis'. Psychology & Psychotherapy, 81 :131-142. [Full-Text]
2008 Carr, Stuart C,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Reichman, Walter,Klobas, Jane,Berry, Mary O'Neill,Furnham, Adrian (2008) 'Organizational psychology and poverty reduction: Where supply meets demand'. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, 29 (7):843-851. [Full-Text]
2008 Samman, E., Mc Auliffe E.,MacLachlan M. (2008) 'The Role of Celebrity in Endorsing Poverty Reduction through International Aid'. International Journal Of Non-Profit And Voluntary Sector Marketing (Special Issue On Poverty And Marketing, 14 :137-148. [Full-Text]
2007 Negusse, Haile,McAuliffe, Eilish,MacLachlan, Malcolm (2007) 'Initial community perspectives on the health service extension programme in welkait, Ethiopia'. Human Resources for Health, 5 (1). [Full-Text]
2007 Gallagher, P.,Horgan, O.,Franchignoni, F.,Giordano, A.,MacLachlan, M. (2007) 'Body image in people with lower-limb amputation: a Rasch analysis of the Amputee Body Image Scale'. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 86 (3):205-15. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2006 Desmond, D., O'Neill K. De Paor A. McDarby G.,MacLachlan M. (2006) 'Augmenting the Reality of Phantom Limbs: Three case studies using an augmented mirror box procedure'. Journal Of Prosthetics & Orthotics, 18 :74-79. [Full-Text]
2006 Desmond, D.,MacLachlan, M. (2006) 'Pain and Affective Distress amongst Individuals with Long-Term Acquired Limb Amputation'. Journal Of Pain & Symptom Management, 31 :362-368.
2006 MacLachlan, M. (2006) 'Towards a Global Health contribution for Critical Health Psychology'. Journal of Health Psychology, 11 :361-365. [Full-Text]
2006 Desmond, D. M.,MacLachlan, M. (2006) 'Coping strategies as predictors of psychosocial adaptation in a sample of elderly veterans with acquired lower limb amputations'. SOC SCI MED, 62 (1):208-16. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2006 Dalton, S., Carr S. C. Bolith F.,MacLachlan, M. (2006) 'Transactional Analysis of AIDS Advertising'. Transactional Analysis Journal, . [Full-Text]
2006 Walsh-Daneshmandi, A.,MacLachlan, M. (2006) 'Towards effective evaluation of Environmental Education: Validity of the CHEAKS using data from a sample of Irish Adolescents'. Journal of Environmental Education, 37 :13-23.
2006 Desmond, D., Shelvin M.,MacLachlan M. (2006) 'Dimensional Analysis of the Coping Strategy Indicator in a sample of elderly veterans with acquired limb amputations'. Personality & Individual Differences, 40 :249-259. [Full-Text]
2005 Guerin, S.,Kiernan, G.,MacLachlan, M. (2005) 'Children's Voices: Qualitative data from the Barretstown Studies'. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42 :733-741. [Full-Text]
2005 Smyth, C. L.,MacLachlan, M. (2005) 'Confirmatory factor analysis of the Trinity Inventory of Precursors to Suicide (TIPS) and its relationship to hopelessness and depression'. Death Studies, 29 (4):333-50. [Link] [DOI]
2005 McAuliffe, E.,MacLachlan, M. (2005) 'Turning the Ebbing Tide: Knowledge Flows and Health in Low-income Countries'. Higher Education Policy, 18 :231-242. [Full-Text]
2005 Desmond, D. M.,Maclachlan, M. (2005) 'The factor structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in older individuals with acquired amputations: a comparison of four models using confirmatory factor analysis'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20 (4):344-9. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2004 MacLachlan, Malcolm,Smyth, Caroline,Breen, Fiona,Madden, Tonya (2004) 'Temporal acculturation and mental health in modern Ireland'. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 50 (4):345-350. [Full-Text]
2004 Gallagher, P.,Maclachlan, M. (2004) 'The Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scales and quality of life in people with lower-limb amputation'. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85 (5):730-6. [Link] [Full-Text]
2004 Smyth, C. A.,MacLachlan, M. (2004) 'The context of suicide: An examination of life circumstances thought to be understandable precursors to youth suicide'. Journal of Mental Health, 13 :83-92.
2004 Cullinan, S.,MacLachlan, M. (2004) 'Critical Incidents for Irish International Development Workers: Building on Experience'. Administration, 51 :87-109.
2004 MacLachlan, M.,McDonald, D.,Waloch, J. (2004) 'Mirror treatment of lower-limb phantom pain: A case study'. Disability and Rehabilitation, 26 :901-904.
2004 Kiernan, G.,Gormley, M.,Maclachlan, M. (2004) 'Outcomes Associated with Participation in a Therapeutic Recreation Camping Programme for children from 15 European countries: Data from the 'Barretstown Studies''. Social Science & Medicine, 59 :903-913. [Full-Text]
2004 Horgan, O.,MacLachlan, M. (2004) 'Psychosocial Adjustment to Lower-Limb Amputation: A Review'. Disability and Rehabilitation, 26 :837-850. [Full-Text]
2004 Desmond, D. M.,MacLachlan, M. (2004) 'Psychosocial Perspectives on Postamputation Rehabilitation: A Review of Disease -, Trauma -, and War-Related Literature'. Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 16 :77-93.
2004 Kiernan, G.,Gormely, M.,MacLachlan, M. (2004) 'The Revised - Perceived Illness Experience Scale (R-PIE): Data from the Barretstown Studies'. BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE, 30 :23-31.
2002 Watters, P., Carr S. C.,MacLachlan M. (2002) 'Non-linear Regression Modelling of Traditional and Biomedical approaches to HIV/AIDS prevention in Malawi'. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 12 :55-64. [Full-Text]
2002 Curran, M. J.,Bunting, B.,MacLachlan, M. (2002) 'Health and Acculturation of the Irish Diaspora in Britain'. Irish Journal of Psychology, 23 :222-233.
2002 Kiernan, G.,MacLachlan, M. (2002) 'Children's Perspectives on Therapeutic Recreation: Data from the Barretstown Studies'. Journal of Health Psychology, 7 (5):599-614.
2002 Gallagher, P.,MacLachlan, M. (2002) 'Application of the Emotional Disclosure Paradigm to people with Lower Limb Amputations'. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83 :1464-1466.
2002 Desmond, D.,MacLachlan, M. (2002) 'Psychosocial Issues in the Field of Prosthetics and Orthotics'. Journal Of Prosthetics & Orthotics, 12 (2):12-24. [Full-Text]
2002 Desmond, D.,MacLachlan, M. (2002) 'Psychosocial issues in prosthetic and orthotic practice: a 25 year review of psychology in Prosthetics & Orthotics International'. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 26 :182-189.
2001 Campbell, D., Carr S. C.,MacLachlan, M. (2001) 'Attributing Third World poverty in Australia and Malawi: A case of Donor Bias?'. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31 :409-430. [Full-Text]
2001 Gallagher, P., Allen D.,MacLachlan, M. (2001) 'Phantom Limb Pain & Stump Pain: A Comparative Analysis'. Disability & Rehabilitation, 23 :522-530.
2001 Gallagher, P.,MacLachlan, M. (2001) 'Amputation: A Qualitative Perspective'. Journal of Health Psychology, 6 :85-100.
2001 Fell, M.,Kenny, G.,MacLachlan, M. (2001) 'Caring for Older People: Does Day-Care benefit Carers?'. Irish Journal of Psychology, 22 :223-237.
2001 Kiernan, G.,Laurent, J.,Joiner, T. E., Jr.,Catanzaro, S. J.,MacLachlan, M. (2001) 'Cross-cultural examination of the tripartite model with children: data from the Barretstown studies'. Journal of Personality Assessment, 77 (2):359-79. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2000 Gillespie, A., Peltzer K.,MacLachlan, M. (2000) 'Returning Refugees: Psychosocial problems and mediators of mental health among Malawian returnees'. Journal of Mental Health, 9 (2):165-178. [Full-Text]
2000 Gallagher, P., MacLachlan, M. (2000) 'Positive meaning in amputation and thoughts about the amputated limb'. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 24 (3):196-204. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2000 Gallagher, P.,MacLachlan, M. (2000) 'The Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scales (TAPES)'. Rehabilitation Psychology, 45 (2):130-154. [Full-Text]
2000 MacLachlan, M. (2000) 'Cultivating Pluralism in Health Psychology'. Journal of Health Psychology, 5 (3):373-382. [Full-Text]
2000 Maureen, Raymond-McKay,Malcolm, MacLachlan (2000) 'Critical Incidents in Emergency Relief Work (Incidents critiques dans le travail humanitaire en situations d'urgence Maureen Raymond-McKay et / Incidentes Críticos no trabalho de assistência emergencial / Incidentes críticos en el trabajo de socorro de emergencias)'. Development in Practice, 10 (5):674-686. [Link]
2000 Walsh-Danishmandi, A.,MacLachlan, M. (2000) 'Environmental Risk to the Self: Factor analysis and development of sub-scales for the Environmental Appraisal Inventory (EAI) with an Irish sample'. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 20 :141-149. [Full-Text]
1999 MacLachlan, M.,Carr, S. C. (1999) 'The Selection of International Assignees for Development Work'. Irish Journal of Psychology, 20 :39-57.
1999 Carr, S. C.,MacLachlan, M. (1999) 'Work Motivation in Malawi: neither Flat Earth nor Babel'. Journal of International Development, 11 (1):141-144.
1999 Gallagher, P.,MacLachlan, M. (1999) 'Psychological adjustment and coping in adults with prosthetic limbs'. BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE, 25 (3):117-24. [Link] [DOI]
1999 Page, R.C., Weiss J. F. Stowers-Wright L. Mc Auliffe E. Ugyan J.,MacLachlan, M. (1999) 'The Impact of External Phenomena on Participants in a Long-Term Tibetan Buddhist Retreat'. Journal Of Transpersonal Psychology, 31 (1):23-26.
1999 MacLachlan, M., Page R. C. Mc Auliffe E. Tabony R. S.,Altschul (1999) 'The Effect of participation at a Four year Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Centre on Psychological Well-Being'. Counseling & Values, 10 :224-232.
1999 Cornish, Flora,Peltzer, Karl,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1999) 'Returning strangers: the children of Malawian refugees come ‘home’?'. Journal of Refugee Studies, 12 (3):264-283.
1998 Ager, A.,MacLachlan, M. (1998) 'Psychometric properties of the coping strategy indicator (CSI) in a study of coping behaviour amongst Malawian students'. Psychology & Health, 13 (3):399-410. [Full-Text]
1998 Carr, S. C.,MacLachlan, M. (1998) 'Psychology in Developing Countries: Reassessing its impact'. Psychology and Developing Societies, 10 (1):1-20. [Full-Text]
1998 MacLachlan, M.,Page, R.,Robinson, G. L.,Nyirenda, T.,Ali, S. (1998) 'Patient's Perceptions of Chamba (Marijuana) Use in Malawi'. Substance Use and Misuse, 33 (6):1-7. [Full-Text]
1998 Ali, S., Nyirenda A.,MacLachlan, M. (1998) 'The Influence of traditional Beliefs and Practices on Modern Chamba Use in Malawi'. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 8 (1):70-83.
1998 Carr, S.C., Chipande R.,MacLachlan, M. (1998) 'Expatriate aid salaries in Malawi: A doubly demotivating influence?'. International Journal of Educational Development, 18 (1):133-143. [Full-Text]
1998 Carr, Stuart C,Taef, Hoda,De MS Ribeiro, Rosaura,Maclachlan, Malcolm (1998) 'Attributions for Third World Poverty: Contextual Factors in Australia and Brazil'. Psychology and Developing Societies, 10 (2):103-114. [Full-Text]
1998 Carr, S. C.,MacLachlan, M. (1998) 'Actors, Observers, and Attributions for Third World Poverty: Contrasting Perspectives from Malawi and Australia'. Journal Of Social Psychology, 138 (2):189-202. [Full-Text]
1997 Maclachlan, Malcolm,Carr, Stuart C,Fardell, Sean,Maffesoni, Gail,Cunningham, James (1997) 'Transactional analysis of communication styles in HIV/AIDS advertisements'. Journal of Health Psychology, 2 (1):67-74. [Full-Text]
1997 MacLachlan, M.,Namangale, J. J. (1997) 'Tropical illness profiles: the psychology of illness perception in Malawi'. Public Health, 111 (4):211-3. [Link] [Full-Text]
1997 Maclachlan, Malcolm,Chimombo, Moira,Mpemba, Naomi (1997) 'AIDS education for youth through active learning: A school-based approach from Malawi'. International Journal of Educational Development, 17 (1):41-50. [Full-Text]
1997 Carr, SC,MacLachlan, M,Heathcote, A,Heath, RA (1997) 'The Approaches to Study Inventory in Malawi: A lesson for educational testing?'. Psychology Teaching Review, 6 :157-169. [Full-Text]
1997 Carr, Stuart C,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Kachedwa, Michael,Kanyangale, Macdonald (1997) 'The meaning of work in Malaŵi'. Journal of International Development, 9 (7):899-911. [Full-Text]
1997 MacLachlan, M,Carr, S (1997) 'Psychology in Malawi-Towards a constructive debate'. Psychologist, 10 (2):77-79.
1997 Page, Richard C,McAuliffe, Eilish,Weiss, James F,Ugyan, Jigme,Wright, Lori Stowers,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1997) 'Self-awareness of participants in a long-term Tibetan Buddhist retreat'. Journal Of Transpersonal Psychology, . [Full-Text]
1997 Carr, Stuart C,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Campbell, Danielle (1997) 'Development through educational collaboration: facilitating social equity'. Higher Education Policy, 10 (1):81-91. [Full-Text]
1996 Maclachlan, Malcolm,Ager, Alastair,Brown, Joanna (1996) 'Health locus of control in Malawi: a failure to support the cross-cultural validity of the HLOCQ'. Psychology and Health, 12 (1):33-38.
1996 Carr, Staurt,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1996) 'Towards a Malawian Psychology'. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 1 (6):100-119.
1996 MacLachlan, M. (1996) 'Creating a Psychology for Development'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY, 14 (2):142-147.
1996 Carr, Stuart C,Powell, Vanessa,Knezovic, Maria,Munro, Don,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1996) 'Measuring motivational gravity: Likert or scenario scaling?'. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 11 (5):43-47. [Full-Text]
1996 MacLachlan, M. (1996) 'Identifying problems in community health promotion: an illustration of the Nominal Group Technique in AIDS education'. J R Soc Health, 116 (3):143-8. [Link] [Full-Text]
1996 Ager, Alastair,Cam, Stuart,Maclachlan, Malcolm,Kaneka-chilongo, Benjamin (1996) 'Perceptions of tropical health risks in mponda, malawi: Attributions of cause, suggested means of risk reduction and preferred treatment'. Psychology & Health, 12 (1):23-31. [Link] [DOI]
1996 Carr, S. C.,McLoughlin, D.,Hodgson, M.,MacLachlan, M. (1996) 'Effects of unreasonable pay discrepancies for under- and overpayment on double demotivation'. Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr, 122 (4):475-94. [Link]
1995 MacLachlan, M.,Namangala, J. J.,Kabambe, S. (1995) 'Towards AIDS prevention and education at the University of Malawi'. Cent Afr J Med, 41 (6):174-8. [Link]
1995 Kanyangale, Mac Donald,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1995) 'Critical incidents for refugee counsellors: An investigation of indigenous human resources'. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 8 (1):89-101.
1995 MacLachlan, Malcolm,Banda, Dixie Maluwa,Mc Auliffe, Eilish (1995) 'Epidemic psychological disturbance in a Malawian secondary school: a case study in social change'. Psychology and Developing Societies, 7 (1):79-90. [Full-Text]
1995 Carr, SC,MacLachlan, M,Schultz, RF (1995) 'Pacific Asia psychology: ideas for development?'. South Pacific Journal Of Psychology, 8 :2-18.
1995 Carr, Stuart C,MacLachlan, Malcolm,Zimba, Charles G,Bowa, Mabvuto (1995) 'Community aid abroad: A Malawian perspective'. The Journal Of Social Psychology, 135 (6):781-783.
1995 Maclachlan, Malcolm,Mapundi, Jotham,Zimba, Charles G,Carr, Stuart C (1995) 'The acceptability of a western psychometric instrument in a non-western society'. The Journal Of Social Psychology, 135 (5):645-648.
1995 MacLachlan, M.,Nyirenda, T.,Nyando, C. (1995) 'Attributions for admission to Zomba Mental Hospital: implications for the development of mental health services in Malawi'. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 41 (2):79-87. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
1995 Carr, Stuart C,Maclachlan, Malcolm,Zimba, Charles G,Bowa, Mabvuto (1995) 'Managing motivational gravity in Malawi'. The Journal Of Social Psychology, 135 (5):659-662.
1994 Carr, Stuart C.*,amp,Maclachlan, Malcolm** (1994) 'Family health care in Malawi: sustainable community alternative for AIDS management'. Ife Psychologia : An International Journal, 2 (2):94-105. [Link] [Full-Text]
1994 MacLachlan, M.,Carr, S. C. (1994) 'Managing the AIDS crisis in Africa: in support of pluralism'. J Manag Med, 8 (4):45-53. [Link] [Full-Text]
1994 MacLachlan, Malcolm,Carr, Stuart C (1994) 'From dissonance to tolerance: Toward managing health in tropical cultures'. Psychology and Developing Societies, 6 (2):119-129. [Full-Text]
1994 Maclachlan, Malcolm,Carr, Stuart C (1994) 'Pathways to a Psychology for Development: Reconstituting, restating, refuting and realising'. Psychology and Developing Societies, 6 (1):21-28. [Full-Text]
1993 MacLachlan, M. (1993) 'Perceptions of Health Risks in Malawi: AIDS and Lightning Strikes'. Ife Psychologia : An International Journal, 1 :166-174.
1993 Carr, SC,MacLachlan, M (1993) 'The social psychology of development work: The double demotivation hypothesis'. Malawi Journal Of Social Science, 16 :1-8.
1993 MacLachlan, M (1993) 'Splitting the difference: how do refugee workers survive?'. Changes-Sheffield-, 11 :155-155.
1993 MacLachlan, M. (1993) 'Sustaining health service developments in the 'Third World''. J R Soc Health, 113 (3):136-7. [Link]
1993 Maclachlan, Malcolm (1993) 'Sustaining human resource development in Africa: The influence of expatriates'. Management Education And Development, 24 (2):167-171. [Full-Text]
1993 Carr, S,MacLachlan, M (1993) 'Asserting psychology in Malawi'. Psychologist-Leicester-, 6 :408-408.
1993 Maclachlan, Malcolm,Mc Auliffe, Eilish (1993) 'Critical incidents for psychology students in a refugee camp: Implications for counselling'. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, .
1993 MacLachlan, Malcolm,Carr, Stuart (1993) 'Demotivating the Doctors: The Double Demotivation Hypothesis in the Health Services of Less-developed Countries'. Journal of Management in Medicine, 7 (6):6-10. [Full-Text]
1993 MacLachlan, Malcolm (1993) 'Depression is not necessary for pessimism in performance appraisal'. Medical Science Research, .
1993 MacLachlan, M,Carr, SC (1993) 'Marketing psychology in a developing Country: An innovative application in Malaŵi'. Psychology Teaching Review, 2 (1):22-29.
1993 Pengani, D,Carr, SC,MacLachlan, M,Ager, A (1993) 'Medical versus traditional attributions for psychiatric symptomatology in the tropics: which reflects greater tolerance?'. Medical Science Research, 21 (15).
1993 Maclachlan, Malcolm (1993) 'Mental health in Malawi: Which way forward?'. Journal of Mental Health, 2 (3):271-274.
1993 MacLachlan, Malcolm (1993) 'Mixed self-valence in depression'. Medical Science Research, .
1993 Shaba, B.,MacLachlan, M.,Carr, S. C.,Ager, A. (1993) 'Palliative versus curative beliefs regarding tropical epilepsy as a function of traditional and medical attributions'. Cent Afr J Med, 39 (8):165-7. [Link] [Full-Text]
1992 McAuliffe, Eilish,MacLachlan, Malcolm (1992) 'Clinicians′ Resistance to Consumer Satisfaction Surveys: What They Never Tell You'. Journal of Management in Medicine, 6 (3):47-51.
1992 MacLachlan, Malcolm,McAuliffe, Eilish (1992) 'Overcoming Clinicians′ Resistance to Consumer Satisfaction Surveys'. Journal of Management in Medicine, 6 (3):52-56.
1992 MacLachlan, M. (1992) 'Managers as social surgeons'. Health Manpow Manage, 18 (4):21-2. [Link]
1992 MacLachlan, Malcolm (1992) 'Debriefing in brief'. Industrial and Commercial Training, 24 (10).
1991 MacLachlan, M. (1991) 'Theory in Practice: Good Marketing, Good Protection, Good Science?'. Clinical Psychology Forum, 33 :24-27.
1991 MacLachlan, M,Connacher, AA,Jung, RT (1991) 'Psychological aspects of dietary weight loss and medication with the atypical beta agonist BRL 26830A in obese subjects'. International Journal of Obesity, 15 (1):27-35.
1991 MacLachlan, M.,McAuliffe, E. (1991) 'Human resource development: the hidden resource'. Health Serv Manage, 87 (6):263-4. [Link]
1990 MacLachlan, M. (1990) 'Power, Money and Status'. Clinical Psychology Forum, 25 :17-19.
1987 Hood, Bruce M,MacLachlan, I Malcolm,Fisher, Shirley (1987) 'The relationship between cognitive failures, psychoneurotic symptoms and sex'. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 76 (1):33-35.
1985 MacLachlan, I Malcolm (1985) 'Learned resourcefulness, depression and self esteem'. Ircs Medical Science: Psychology & Psychiatry, .
1985 MacLachlan, I. Malcolm (1985) 'Psychometric contamination in correlational studies of depression and self-esteem'. Ircs Medical Science: Psychology & Psychiatry, 13 (5-6):443-444.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2019 Oggero, G. & MacLachlan, M. (2019) 'Identifying a set of core skills to enable the provision of priority assistive products' Law Magazine, 2 :225-246. [Link]
2019 Boot, F.H., Ghosh, R., Dinsmore, J. & MacLachlan, M. (2019) 'Including the views and experiences of people with intellectual disabilities to improve access to assistive technology: Perspectives from India' Global Perspectives on Assistive Technology, :155-174. [Link] [Full-Text]
2019 Maalim, M., MacLachlan, M., Long, S., O’Donnell, J., Ahern, S., Gilligan, J. (2019) 'Access to assistive technology: A descriptive review and application of systems-thinking approach in the conceptualization of the assistive technology passport' Global Perspectives on Assistive Technology, 1 :489-514. [Link]
2018 Deimling Johns, Lauren, Jessica Power, and Malcolm MacLachlan (2018) 'Community-based mental health intervention skills: Task shifting in low- and middle-income settings' age, 7 (4) :205-230. [Link] [DOI]
2016 McVeigh, J., MacLachlan, M. and Kavanagh, B. (2016) 'The Positive Psychology of Maritime Health' Human Rights in Ireland, 9 February 2015, 7 :20-28. [Full-Text]
2014 MacLachlan, Malcolm,Mji, Gubela,Chataika, Tsitsi,Wazakili, Margaret,Dube, Andrew K,Mulumba, Moses,Massahm, Boniface,Wakene, Dagnachew,Kallon, Frank,Maughan, Marcella (2014) 'Facilitating disability inclusion in poverty reduction processes: group consensus perspectives from disability stakeholders in Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia, and Sierra Leone' Disability and the Global South, 1 (1) :107-127.
1995 Carr, S. C. and MacLachlan, M. (1995) 'Managing Tropical Health: Psychology for Development?' British Medical Anthropology Review, 2 :41-47.
1994 McAuliffe, E,MacLachlan, M (1994) 'No great expectations V: back to the future' … Technology Conference (VTC …, 12 (3) :175-182.
1994 Bowa, M. F. and MacLachlan, M. (1994) 'Development, Democracy and Occupational Psychology in Malawi' Radio and Wireless …, 22 :9-13.
1993 MacLachlan, M,McAuliffe, E (1993) 'No great expectations IV: a day in the life' … Transactions on Circuits and Systems II …, 11 (3) :229-232.
1993 MacLachlan, M,McAuliffe, E,Smith, A (1993) 'No great expectations III' IEEE Transactions on …, 11 (1) :34-36.
1992 McAuliffe, E. and MacLachlan, M. (1992) 'No Great Expectations II: Reasons for Retreating' Anuario de Estudos Literarios Galegos, 10 (4) :320-322.
1992 MacLachlan, M. and McAuliffe, E. (1992) 'No Great Expectations' Changes: International Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy, 10 (3) :233-234.
1991 MacLachlan, M. (1991) 'Seeing to Yourself: Between the Consultant and the Client' Grial: Revista Galega de Cultura, 15 :34-37.
1989 MacLachlan, M and Marks, M. (1989) 'Aaron T, Beck: An Interview' Bethlem and Maudsley Gazette (Journal of the Institute of Psychiatry), Spring :39-40.

Published Report

Year Publication
2019 Natasha Layton & Johan Borg (Editors-in-Chief) Diane Bell, Vinicius Delgado Ramos, Ikenna Ebuenyi, Alice Guo, Mac MacLachlan, Florence Monro, Daniela Moye Holz, Giulia Oggero, Emma Tebbutt, Wei Zhang (Co-Editors) (2019) Global Perspectives on Assistive Technology. World Health Organisation, . [Link]
2016 Scholl, M. and MacLachlan, M. (2016) Towards the development of a Framework for Supporting National Assistive Technology Policies. Report of WHO, .
2011 Carr, S. C., Leggatt-Cook, C., Clarke, M., MacLachlan, M., Papola, T. S., Pais, J., Thomas, S., McAuliffe, E. & Normand, C. (2011) What is the evidence of the impact of increasing salaries on improving the performance of public servants, including teachers, doctors/nurses, and mid-level occupations, in low- and middle-income countries. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, .
2016 Norton, P., MacLachlan, M., Gow, D., Graham, L., Humphreys, P. & Campbell, G. (2016) Characteristics of Users who Benefit most from their Prosthesis: The C-Leg Outcome Predictor Study. Global Health Press, .
2015 MacLachlan, M., Cho, H.Y., Clarke, M., Mannan, H., & Kayabu, B. E. (2015) A Systematic Review on Accessible home environments for people with functional impairments: A Report to inform the WHO Housing Guidelines. Centre for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin, .
2014 MacLachlan, M., McVeigh, J., McClean, C., Eide, A.H., Mannan, H., Geiser, P., Duttine, A., Mji, M., Gilmore, B., McAuliffe, E., Sprunt, B., Amin, M. & Normand, C. (2014) A Realist Synthesis of Research on Leadership and Governance. Conducted for the WHO Guidelines Health-Related Rehabilitation Advisory Group, .
2014 MacLachlan, M., Gilmore, B., McClean, C., Carr, S.C., Duttine, A., Mannan, H., McAuliffe, E., Mji, G., Eide, A.H., Hem, K.G., & Gupta, N. (2014) A Realist Synthesis of Research on Rehabilitation Human Resources. Conducted for the WHO Guidelines Health-Related Rehabilitation Advisory Group, .
2014 Parisa Norton, Malcom MacLachlan, David Gow, Lorraine Graham, Patricia Humphreys & Gavin Campbell (2014) C-Leg Outcomes Prediction Study. State of the Art Prosthetics Group, .
2014 Geiser, P. & MacLachlan, M. (2014) Report on Disability Policy Consultation Workshop in Laos. Handicap International, .
2013 Carr, S.C., Thompson , L.F., Reichman, W., McWha, I., Marai, L., MacLachlan, M. & Baguma , P. (2013) Humanitarian Work Psychology: Concepts to Contributions. SIOP White Paper Series:. International Affairs Committee of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc, .
2013 MacLachlan, M. & Mannan, H. (2013) Inclusive Health and Community Based Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities. Background paper for the State of the World’s Children Report 2013. Unicef, .
2012 MacLachlan, M. (2012) Community Based Rehabilitation and Inclusive Health: A Way Forward. . Statement to the United Nations Commission for Social Development, .
2011 Wazakili, M, Mji, G. & MacLachlan, M. (2011) Did What? APODD in Malawi. Global Health Press, .
2011 Chataika, T, Mji, G. & MacLachlan, M. (2011) Did What? APODD in Uganda. Global Health Press, .
2011 Chataika, T, Mji, G. & MacLachlan, M. (2011) Did What? APODD in Sierra Leone. Global Health Press, .
2011 Carr, S.C., Clarke, M. & MacLachlan, M. (2011) Public service remuneration: keeping workers motivated. DFID Policy Briefs, .
2011 Wazakili, M, Mji, G. & MacLachlan, M. (2011) Did What? APODD in Ethiopia. Global Health Press, .
2008 Carr, S.C. & MacLachlan, M. (2008) Interdisciplinary Research for Development. GDN Policy Papers, . [Link]
2005 MacLachlan, M. and Carr, S.C. (2005) The Human Dynamics of Development. OECD Development Centre Policy Insight (Number 10), .

Conference Paper

Year Publication
2002 Smith, C. L.,MacLachlan, M. (2002) Temporal Acculturation and Mental Health in Modern Ireland. [Conference Paper] [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2018 Scherer M.; MacLachlan M.; Khasnabis C. (2018) Introduction to the special issue on the first Global Research, Innovation, and Education on Assistive Technology (GREAT) Summit and invitation to contribute to and continue the discussions. [Editorial] [DOI]


Year Publication
2018 Owuor J.; Larkan F.; Kayabu B.; Fitzgerald G.; Sheaf G.; Dinsmore J.; McConkey R.; Clarke M.; MacLachlan M. (2018) Does assistive technology contribute to social inclusion for people with intellectual disability? A systematic review protocol. [Reviews] [DOI]


Year Publication
2019 MacLachlan M. (2019) Access to Assistive Technology, Systems Thinking, and Market Shaping: A Response to Durocher et al. [Note] [DOI]


Year Publication
2013 MacLachlan, Malcolm,Carr, Stuart,McAuliffe, Eilish (2013) The aid triangle: Recognizing the human dynamics of dominance, justice and identity. [Generic]
2009 MacLachlan, Malcolm,Swartz, Leslie (2009) Disability & international development. [Generic]
2004 MacLachlan, Malcolm,Smyth, Caroline (2004) Binge drinking and youth culture: Alternative perspectives. [Generic]
2004 MacLachlan, Malcolm (2004) Embodiment: Clinical, Critical And Cultural Perspectives On Health And Illness: Clinical, Critical and Cultural Perspectives on Health and Illness. [Generic]
2000 MacLachlan, Malcolm,O'Connell, Michael (2000) Cultivating pluralism: Psychological, social and cultural perspectives on a changing Ireland. [Generic]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
British Psychological Society Fellow and Chartered Psychologist 01/01/2011 -
Psychological Society of Ireland Fellow -
Royal Irish Academy Member 01/01/2005 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/12/2017 Royal Irish Academy Gold Medal for Social Science Royal Irish Academy
01/01/2015 Trinity Global Engagement Award Trinity College Dublin
01/01/2014 International Humanitarian Award American Psychological Association
01/01/2011 Fellow of the British Psychological Society British Psychological Society
01/01/2011 Chartered Psychologist British Psychological Society
01/01/2008 Visiting Fellowship Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences
01/01/2006 National Research Foundation Travel Award National Research Foundation (South Africa)
01/01/2005 Fellowship Cochrane/ Health Research Board
01/01/2005 Elected to Membership of Royal Irish Academy Royal Irish Academy
01/01/2002 Berkeley Fellowship Trinity College Dublin
01/01/1999 Fellowship Royal Anthropological Institute
01/01/1999 Fellowship Trinity College Dublin
01/01/1998 Fellowship Psychological Society of Ireland
01/01/1997 Fellowship Rotary International
01/01/1993 University of Malawi Travel Fellowship to Canada University of Malawi
01/01/1989 Chartered as Clinical Psychologist British Psychological Society
01/01/1988 Fellowship in Therapeutic Psychology Crichton Royal Hospital, Dumfries, Scotland
01/01/1988 Associate Fellowship British Psychological Society
01/01/1986 Scholarship to the Institute of Psychiatry South East Thames Regional Health Authority
01/01/1984 Postgraduate Scholarship Expert Conference on Affective Disorders, Davos, Switzerland
01/01/1983 'Open' Doctoral Studentship Medical Research Council
01/01/1981 Caledonian (undergraduate) Scholarship Cardiff University


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Trinity College, Dublin M.A. (j.o.)- Honorary degree Psychology
Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde Dip. B.A. Business Administration
Institute of Psychiatry, University of London M.Sc. Clinical Psychology
Dundee University Ph.D. Psychology
University College, Cardiff B.Sc. Psychology

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
2nd Global Conference on Assistive Devices and Technology Civic Society KEYNOTE: 2nd Global Conference on Assistive Devices and Technology, Beijing, October 2017.
European Cultural Foundation & Royal Irish Academy Joint Conference Civic Society KEYNOTE: European Cultural Foundation & Royal Irish Academy Joint Conference, Dublin, 2003
United Nations Commission for Social Development Civic Society INVITED STATEMENT: Statement to the United Nations Commission for Social Development, New York, 2012.
Irish Forum for Global Health Civic Society KEYNOTE: The John Keveny Address, Irish Forum for Global Health, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, 2012.
International Select Committee Civic Society INVITED DISCUSSANT: On Disability and Development to the International Select Committee, Irish Parliament, January, 2012.
African Community Based Rehabilitation Network Conference Civic Society KEYNOTE: African Community Based Rehabilitation Network Conference, Abuja, November, 2010.
African Union Ministers for Social Welfare, Civic Society INVITED PRESENTATION: African Union Ministers for Social Welfare, November, Khartoum, 2010.
African Network for Evidence to Action on Disability Civic Society KEYNOTE: African Network for Evidence to Action on Disability, Cape Town, November, 2009.
Disability and International Development Forum Civic Society KEYNOTE: Disability and International Development Forum, Irish Aid Centre, Dublin, April 2008
Global Ministerial Forum on Research for Health Civic Society INVITED PRESENTATION: Global Ministerial Forum on Research for Health, Bamako, Mali, 2008.
Reparations for Victims of Human Rights Abuses and Prosthetic Services Civic Society INVITED PRESENTATION: Reparations for Victims of Human Rights Abuses and Prosthetic Services, Chester, UK, 2008.
British Psychological Society & Psychological Society of Ireland Civic Society KEYNOTE: Joint British Psychological Society & Psychological Society of Ireland Conference on Careers in Psychology, Dublin, 2008.
Disability & Development Cooperation Conference Civic Society KEYNOTE: Disability & Development Cooperation Conference, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 2007
International Symposium on Evidence to Action in Disability Civic Society KEYNOTE: International Symposium on Evidence to Action in Disability, Cape Town, 2007
African Health Sciences Civic Society KEYNOTE: 27th African Health Sciences Conference, Durban, South Africa, 2006
International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics Civic Society KEYNOTE: International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics Annual Conference, Stoke, UK, 2006.
UK & Ireland Occupational Science Symposium Civic Society KEYNOTE: 4th UK & Ireland Occupational Science Symposium, Cork, 2005.
6th Myoelectric Controls Symposium Civic Society KEYNOTE: 6th Myoelectric Controls Symposium, New Brunswick, Canada, 2005.
Psychological Society of Ireland Civic Society KEYNOTE: Psychological Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Dublin, 2005
Development Advisory Committee (DAC) of OECD Civic Society INVITED PRESENTATION: in Closed Session to Development Advisory Committee (DAC) of OECD, Paris, July, 2004.
Croatian Psychology Society Civic Society KEYNOTE: Psychology Days in Zadar, Croatian Psychology Society, 2016.
Latin America Conference on Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disability Civic Society INVITED PRESENTATION: Latin America Conference on Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disability and the Post-2015 Agenda, Sao Paulo, 2015.
International Conference on Health & Human Rights Civic Society KEYNOTE: International Conference on Health & Human Rights, Berlin, 2015.
First World Congress of Community Based Rehabilitation Civic Society KEYNOTE: First World Congress of Community Based Rehabilitation, Agra, India, 2012.
International Congress of Psychology Civic Society KEYNOTE: International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, 2012
International Conference on Reconstructing Health Psychology Civic Society KEYNOTE: International Conference on Reconstructing Health Psychology: Critical and Qualitative Perspectives, Newfoundland, 1999
International Association of Prosthetics & Orthotics Civic Society KEYNOTE: International Association of Prosthetics & Orthotics, Lyon, 2015.
International Association of Maritime Health Civic Society KEYNOTE: International Association of Maritime Health, Bergin, Norway 2015.
UNESCO Civic Society INVITED PRESENTATION: UNESCO Symposia on Policy Processes for Social Inclusion in Central America, Panama, 2015.
American Psychological Association Civic Society KEYNOTE: Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, 2014
UNESCO Civic Society INVITED PRESENTATION: UNESCO Symposia on Policy Processes for Social Inclusion in South East Asia, April 2014 in Bali and November, 2014 in Bangkok
Northern Ireland British Psychological Society Civic Society KEYNOTE: Northern Ireland British Psychological Society, Killadeas, Northern Ireland, 2013.
American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Civic Society KEYNOTE: Annual Conference of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, New Orleans, 2004
Global Research & Education on Assistive Technology Civic Society INVITED PRESENTATION: Global Research & Education on Assistive Technology (GREAT) Summit, WHO, Geneva, 2017.