Prof Mark Maguire


Gaeilge agus fáilte


Rowan House, Department of Anthropology


I am an anthropologist with expertise in security, especially counter-terrorism, biometric security, abnormal behaviour, and new predictive security systems. During the past decade, I studied public behaviour during the first moments of terror attacks on major critical infrastructure sites such as international airports, and I researched covert policing in airports. My research is funded by the multinational Global Foresight Project (

My recent books are Trapped: Life under security capitalism and how to escape it (Stanford University Press, 2024) with Seth Low, and Getting through Security: Counterterrorism, Bureaucracy, and a Sense of the Modern (Routledge 2020) with David A. Westbrook.

I have also co-edited several important volumes on security: The Anthropology of Security (Pluto, 2014), Bodies as Evidence: security, knowledge and power (Duke University Press, 2018), and Spaces of Security: ethnographies of security-scapes, surveillance and control (New York University Press, 2019). 

My background is in international migration studies. My early work explores migration through ethnographic research on everyday lives. I am author of Differently Irish (Woodfield Press, 2004), which explores the lives of Vietnamese refugees and their families, and, with co-author Fiona Murphy, Integration in Ireland: the everyday lives of African migrants (Manchester University Press, 2012).    

In 2008, I held the Fulbright Advanced Scholar’s Award, Western Institute for Irish Studies, and a coterminous Visiting Assistant Professorship in the Department of Anthropology, Stanford University, California. In 2011, I returned to Stanford's Department of Anthropology as a Visiting Associate Professor and delivered a seminar on the Anthropology of Security. From 2010 to 2014, I edited Social Anthropology/ Anthropologie Sociale alongside Professor David Berliner (ULB). SAAS is the leading Anthropology journal in Europe.


Year Publication
2024 Maguire, Mark, and Setha Low (2024) Trapped: Life under Security Captialism and How to Escape It. Stanford, CA: Stanford university Press.
2020 Maguire, Mark and David A. Westbrook (2020) Getting through Security: Counterterrorism, Bureaucracy, and a Sense of the Modern. London & New York: Routledge.
2012 Maguire, M. and F. Murphy (2012) Integration in Ireland: the everyday lives of African migrants. : Manchester University Press, New Ethnographies Series.
2004 Maguire, Mark (2004) Differently Irish: A Cultural History of Vietnamese-Irish Life. Dublin: The Woodfield Press.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2019 Low, Setha M. and Mark Maguire, eds (Ed.). (2019) Spaces of Security: Ethnographies of Securityscapes, Surveillance and Control. New York and London: New York University Press,
2018 Maguire, Mark, Ursula Rao, and Nils Zurawski, eds (Ed.). (2018) Bodies as Evidence: Security, Knowledge, and Power. Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press,
2014 Maguire, Mark, Catarina Frois, and Nils Zurawski, eds (Ed.). (2014) The Anthropology of Security: Perspectives from the Frontline of Policing, Counter-Terrorism and Border Control. London and New York: Pluto Press,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Low, Setha, and Mark Maguire (2024) 'Security Inside Out: The Danger of “Interiority” in a World of Inequality'. Anthropology Now, 18 (3):1-11.
2024 Low, Setha, and Mark Maguire (2024) 'Writing Urban Security'. City and Society, 36 (1).
2024 Maguire, Mark (2024) 'Ireland Unfree - Biographical Reflections on Academic Freedom. Part I'. PARISS: Political and Anthropological Research in the Social Sciences, 5 (1):5-39.
2023 Mark Maguire; David A. Westbrook (2023) 'Anticipation, Social Theory, and the Stories We Tell Ourselves'. Telos, 205 (Winter):29-43.
2022 Maguire, Mark (2022) 'Illuminations of Privacy: comment on Joëlle Vailly's Appearance and Origin The Depoliticization of Genetic Privacy in France'. Current Anthropology, 63 (6):749-751.
2021 Maguire, Mark, and David A. Westbrook (2021) 'Security By Design; counterterrorism at the airport'. Anthropology Now, 12 (3):122-135. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Low, S; Maguire, M (2020) 'Public space during COVID-19'. Social Anthropology, . [DOI]
2019 Westbrook D.A.; Maguire M. (2019) '“Those people [May yet be] a kind of solution” late imperial thoughts on the humanization of officialdom'. Buffalo Law Review, 67 (3):889-907.
2016 Maguire, M. and P. Fussey (2016) 'Sensing evil: Counterterrorism, techno-science, and the cultural reproduction of security'. Focaal, 75 (3):31-45. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Maguire, M. (2016) '(In)Security in the round: Comment on Ruben Andersson's Here be dragons: mapping an ethnography of global danger'. Current Anthropology, 57 .
2015 Green S.; Laviolette P.; Papataxiarchis E.; Kuper A.; Gregory C.; Miller D.; Meyer B.; Ingold T.; Nic Craith M.; de Pina-Cabral J.; Eriksen T.; Wade P.; Jiménez A.; Okely J.; Dawson A.; Maguire M.; Wulff H.; Siniscalchi V.; Cervinkova H.; Favero P.; Hviding E. (2015) 'Forum Rethinking Euro-Anthropology'. Social Anthropology, 23 (3):330-364. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Maguire M.; Murphy F. (2015) 'Ontological (in)Security and African Pentecostalism in Ireland'. Ethnos, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Murphy, E. and M. Maguire (2015) 'Speed, time and security: anthropological perspectives on automated border control'. ETNOFOOR: ANTHROPOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 27 :157-179.
2015 Maguire, M. (2015) 'Global and EU Security: A Forum Essay'. Social Anthropology, 23 :354-355. [Full-Text]
2015 Maguire, M. (2015) 'New Questions of Evidence: Comment on Shore and Wright's 'Audit Culture Revisited: Rankings, Ratings, and the Reassembling of Society''. Current Anthropology, 56 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Maguire, M. (2015) 'Limits in Wittgenstein and in Anthropology: comment on Nigel Rapport's 'Anthropology through Levinas: Knowing the Uniqueness of Ego and the Mystery of Otherness' '. Current Anthropology, 56 :268-269. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Maguire, M; Murphy, F (2014) 'Neoliberalism, securitization and racialization in the Irish taxi industry'. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 17 :282-297. [DOI]
2012 Coen, C; Maguire, M (2012) 'Death of a Tiger: The collapse of Irish property dreams'. Anthropological Notebooks, 18 :5-22. [Full-Text]
2012 Maguire M. (2012) 'Biopower, racialization and new security technology'. Social Identities, 18 (5):593-607. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Maguire, Mark, and G Titley, eds (2010) 'Integration? A Special Issue'. TRANSLOCATIONS: THE IRISH MIGRATION, RACE AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION REVIEW, 6 (2).
2010 Maguire, M. and Titley, G. (2010) 'The Body and Soul of Integration '. Translocations: Migration and Social Change, 6 :1-19. [Full-Text]
2009 Maguire M. (2009) 'The birth of biometric security'. Anthropology Today, 25 (2):9-14. [DOI]
2009 Maguire, M. and T. Cassidy (2009) 'The New Irish Question: Citizenship, Motherhood and the Politics of Life Itself'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 12 :18-19. [Full-Text]
2009 Maguire, M and F. Murphy (eds) (2009) 'Managing Migration? The Politics of truth and Life Itself, a special issue'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 12 :1-80. [Full-Text]
2009 Maguire, M. and F. Murphy (2009) 'Management, Truth, and Life'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 12 :6-10. [Full-Text]
2007 Maguire, M. (2007) 'Emergent Issues in Ethnic Youth Studies: A Historical and Ethnographic Study of the Vietnamese-Irish Experience'. YOUTH STUDIES IRELAND, 2 :19-34. [Full-Text]
2007 Maguire, M. and A.J. Saris (2007) 'Enshrining Vietnamese-Irish Lives'. Anthropology Today, 23 :9-12. [Full-Text]
2006 Maguire, M. (ed.) (2006) 'Multiculturalism and Migration: New and Exploratory Thinking, a special issue of the Irish Journal of Anthropology'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 9 :1-98.
2003 Maguire, M. and B Catherall (eds.) (2003) 'Rewriting the City II'. City, 7 .
2002 Maguire, M. and P. Hollywood (eds.) (2002) 'Rewriting the City'. City, 6 :1-6.
2001 Bloch, M. and M. Maguire. (2001) 'Comment: Was Postmodernism the Old Nature/Culture Debate in Just Another Guise?'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 5 :111-115.
2001 Maguire, M. and G.E. Marcus (eds.) (2001) 'Dis-ease with Post-modern Anthropology, a special issue of the Irish Journal of Anthropology'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 5 :1-79.
2001 Maguire, M.; C. Shore and S. Wright (2001) 'Audit Culture and Anthropology'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 7 :759-763. [Full-Text]
2000 Maguire, M. (2000) 'Constructing Culture in the West of Ireland: Representations of Identity in Text and Space'. Limnologica, 6 :85-100. [Full-Text]
1998 Maguire, M. (1998) 'Socialists, Savages and Hydroelectric Schemes: A Historical and Anthropological Account of the Construction of Ardnacrusha'. Anthropology Ireland, 6 :48-63. [Full-Text]
1998 Maguire, M. (1998) 'The Space of the Nation: History, Culture and Conflict in Modern Ireland'. Irish Studies Review, 6 :109-120. [Full-Text]
1997 Maguire, M. (1997) 'Unfolding the Past: The Historical Culture and Histrionic Space of a Revolution in Modern Ireland'. ANTHROPOLOGY, Spring :44-57.
2010 Maguire, M. and Titley, G. (2010) 'The Body and Soul of Integration'. Translocations: Migration and Social Change, 6 :1-19. [Full-Text]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Maguire, M.; Westbrook, D.A. (2024) 'Machine learning and artificial intelligence in counterterrorism: The realities of security practitioners and technologists' In: States of Surveillance: Ethnographies of New Technologies in Policing and Justice. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Maguire, Mark, and E. Murphy (2021) 'Seeing Like an Airport: Towards Interoperability in Contemporary Security' In: Bioinformation Worlds and Futures. London and New York : Routledge. [Link]
2018 Maguire, M. (2018) 'Counter-terrorism in European Airports [updated and reprinted from 2014]' In: Der Alltag der (Un-)Sicherheit. Ethnographisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Sicherheitsgesellschaft. Berlin : Panama.
2018 Maguire M.; Pétercsák R. (2018) 'Airports, from vital systems to nervous systems' In: The Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and the City. [DOI]
2015 Maguire, M. (2015) 'Questioned by Machines: a cultural perspective on counter-terrorism and lie detection in security zones' In: Steve Wilmer and Audrone Zukauskaite(Eds.). Resisting Biopolitics: Philosophy, Politics and Performance. London and New York : Routledge. [DOI]
2015 Maguire, M. (2015) 'Migrants in the Realm of Experts: the Migration-Crime-Terrorist Nexus After 9-11' In: Khursheed Wadia and Gabriella Lazaridis(Eds.). The Securitisation of Migration in the EU: Debates since 9/11. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2010 Maguire, M. (2010) 'Vanishing Borders and Biometric Citizens' In: Gabriella Lazaridis(Eds.). Security, Insecurity and Migration in Europe. London : Ashgate.
2018 Maguire, M. (2018) 'Policing Future Crimes' In: Bodies of Evidence: Security, Knowledge and Power. Durham & London : Duke University Press.
2014 Maguire, M. (2014) 'Counter-Terrorism in European Airports' In: Maguire, M. Frois, C, and Zurawski, N(Eds.). The Anthropology of Security: Perspectives from the Frontline of Policing, Counter-Terrorism and Border Control . London and New York : Pluto Books.
2011 Maguire, M. (2011) 'Violence, Memory and Vietnamese-Irish Identity' In: Michi Messer, Renee Schroeder, Ruth Wodak (eds.)(Eds.). Migrations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London, Vienna : Springer Verlag.
2005 Maguire, M. (2005) 'Powering the Nation: A Social History of Hydro-electricity in Ireland (1923-1960)' In: R. Coopey and Terje Tvedt(Eds.). A History of Water: The Political Economy of Water: volume 2. London : IB Tauris.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2020 Maguire, Mark, and David A. Westbrook (2020) 'The Public Problem With Counterterrorism' Sapiens: Anthropology Magazine, (September) . [Link]
2013 Maguire, M (2013) 'From the door of my tent I could see Latour: remarks on anthropology, universities and jobs' Irish Journal Of Anthropology, 16 :23-26. [Full-Text]
2012 Maguire, M., M. Gilmartin & G. Titley (2012) 'Heart of Bourdieu: an interview with Loic Wacquant' Irish Journal of Anthropology, 15 . [Full-Text]
2012 Maguire, M. & F. Murphy (2012) 'Boundaries of the State and Politics of Everyday Life in Ireland ' Anthropology News, 53 :6-7. [Full-Text]
2006 Maguire, M. (2006) 'Report on the 9th EASA Biennial Conference and the 105th Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association in 2006' IRISH JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY, 9 :62-65.
2004 Maguire, M. and Shirley Kelly (2004) 'How the Vietnamese Thrived in Eighties Ireland ' BOOKS IRELAND, 271 :253-254.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2017 Murphy, E. and M. Maguire (2017) IDentities and identity: Biometric technologies and migration in the border world Responsibility beyond the border encounter University of Copenhagen, 30/10/2017- 31/10/2017

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Maguire, Mark (2024) Airpol Plenary Congress, 2024 Future Policing Challenges: Opportunities for University-Law Enforcement Agency Collaboration Presidential Palace, Bucharest, Romania, 09/10/2024-10/10/2024.
2024 Maguire, Mark, and Pete Fussey (2024) SSN The Empty Watchtower: Life in the Shadow of Counterterrorism University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 31/05/2024-31/05/2024.
2024 Maguire, Mark (2024) WCAA and IUAES Surveillance Now Webinar, 07/10/2024-07/10/2024.
2024 Fussey, Pete, and Mark Maguire (2024) ERAC The First Line of Defence: improving security standards for major events Emergency Reponse & Awareness Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11/04/2024-11/04/2024.
2023 Maguire, Mark, and Pete Fussey (2023) Airpol Plenary Congress Behavioural Detection in European Airports Malaga, Spain, 14/11/2023-16/11/2023.
2023 Westbrook, David A.; Mark Maguire (2023) The 2023 Telos-Paul Piccone Institute Conference Anticipation, Social Theory, and the Stories We Tell Ourselves The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College/CUNY New York, NY, 29/03/2023-31/03/2023.
2023 Mark Maguire (2023) -- Public Behaviour During Terror Attacks International Policing Organization, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18/04/2023-21/04/2023.
2022 Maguire, Mark; Douglas Holmes; David A. Westbrook; George E. Marcus (2022) EASA The Third-Order Observation Lab Belfast, QUB, 27/07/2022-27/07/2022.
2022 Maguire, Mark, and David A. Westbrook (2022) Security and Space Blinding Ourselves: Deep War, Opacity, and Repetition Security and Space: Finding Common Grounds Conference, University of St Andrews, 16/11/2022-17/11/2022.
2022 Maguire, Mark; Setha M. Low (2022) Anthropology of Crime and Criminalization Defund Security Bologna, Italy, 18/05/2022-19/05/2022.
2022 Maguire, Mark (2022) Security and the City Counterterrorism in Airports and Other Spaces City University New York (CUNY), 06/10/2022-06/10/2022.
2021 Maguire, Mark, and David A. Westbrook (2021) The Secret College: Counterterrorism and its Publics University of Copenhagen, Department of Anthropology Seminar University of Copenhagen, 20/04/2021-20/04/2021.
2021 Mark Maguire, and David A. Westbrook (2021) Situated AI – Global Ethnographies of New Technologies in Policing and Justice The Discipline of Security, and the Realities of Counterterrorism Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle (Saale), Germany, 08/12/2021-10/12/2021.
2021 Westbrook, David A. and Mark Maguire (2021) American Anthropology Association Annual Conference Ultranegative: Security, Anxiety, and the Production of Violent Policy Baltimore, USA, 16/11/2021-19/11/2021.
2021 Maguire, Mark (2021) Anthropology and Security International Security and Anthropology Seminar Northeastern University, 18/02/2021-18/02/2021.
2020 Maguire, Mark (2020) The Spaces and Politics of Security: Infrastructure, Governance and Affect CUNY Seminar Series CUNY New York, 11/09/2020-11/09/2020.
2020 Maguire, Mark (2020) European Association for Social Anthropology (EASA) 2020 Failure: Anthropology of Security Panel Lisbon, Portugal, 20/07/2020-24/07/2020.
2019 Maguire, M. and Westbrook, D. (2019) 11th Slovenian Social Science Conference: Observing social transformations: National and Transnational perspectives “Those People [May Yet Be] a Kind of Solution”: Late Imperial Thoughts on the Humanization of Officialdom Ljubljana, Slovenia, 29/05/2019-01/06/2019.
2019 Maguire, M. (2019) The Agents of Security, and the Problem with “actually existing” Neoliberalism Producing the future: anticipatory knowledge production in the neoliberal age Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala, Sweden, 22/05/2019-23/09/2019.
2019 Byrne, Lorcan, Maguire, Mark, and David A. Westbrook (2019) What do we do about Conspiracy Theories? The role of social sciences and humanities in debunking conspiracy theories Security and Bureaucracy in the Age of Paranoia within Reason Maynooth University, 28/06/2019-28/06/2019.
2018 Maguire, M. (2018) Keynote: Counterterrorism, from the perspective of an anthropologist as architect Criminality, surveillance technologies and human rights Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal, 25/06/2018-29/06/2018.
2018 Mark Maguire (2018) Keynote Lecture: Counterterrorism, from the perspective of an anthropologist as architect Agents of Spatialization University of Leipzig, 13/07/2018-14/07/2018.
2018 Maguire, M. (2018) The Future is Failing Conference of the Global Foresight consortium Sciences Po, Salle du Conseil, 13 rue de l’Université, 21/02/2018-22/02/2018.
2017 Maguire, M. (2017) Brexit/Border Security Workshop Workshop with senior civil servants and academics to discuss the security implications of Brexit Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, Queens University Belfast, 24/05/2017-25/05/2017.
2017 Maguire, M. (2017) Counter-terrorism at the Border Anthropological approaches to terrorist attacks University of Texas El-Paso, 07/06/2017-09/06/2017.
2017 Maguire, M. and E. Murphy (2017) XBorders: Irish Writers Centre Workshop Irish Writers Centre Workshop Derry, 17/06/2017-17/06/2017.
2017 Maguire, M. (2017) Counterterrorism and Emergency Management: EFRIM (European First Responder Innovation Managers) Platform EFRIM Conference Fire Service College at Moreton-in-marsh in Gloucestershire, 28/11/2017-29/11/2017.
2017 Maguire, M. and E. Murphy (2017) Tensions of Europe: History and Technology at the Border Slow down, Borders ahead: the history of biometric security at the border Athens, 07/09/2017-09/10/2017.
2016 Fussey, P. and M. Maguire (2016) Surveillance Studies Network (SSN) Sensing Evil: Counterterrorism and Technoscience Barcelona, Spain, 20/04/2016-23/04/2016.
2016 (2016) Sensing Evil: counter-terrorism today Department of Sociology Seminar Series Trinity College Dublin, .
2016 (2016) Terrorism: Resilience and Security Tactics NewsTalk 106 Breakfast Show, .
2015 (2015) Elites in the Securityscape Stockholm Roundatable on Transnational Elites Department of Social Anthropology, University of Stockholm, .
2015 (2015) Keynote Lecture - Sensing Evil: Technoscience and Techniques in Counterterrorism University of Graz Conference - The Everyday Life of (In)Security - Ethnographic Perspectives Graz, Austria, .
2015 (2015) Discussant paper: on Exchange Rising by Eduardo de Silva Masterclass with Eduardo de Silva Maynooth University, .
2015 (2015) Terrorism and Counter-terrorism: anthropological perspectives Understanding and responding to public reactions to home-­‐grown terrorism Open Society & Kings College London, .
2015 (2015) Interviewed as expert on history of criminal photography Tríd an Lionsa (Through the Lens): Six-part television series on history of photography in Ireland TG4/BAI, .
2015 (2015) Counter-terrorism in Airport/Cities: from techniques to techno-science Programmable City project seminar series Maynooth University, .
2015 (2015) Counter-terrorism and Automated Border Control Computers, Privacy & Data Protection Brussels, .
2015 (2015) The Bleeding Edge: Counterterrorism technology and techniques (In)Security in Conflict and the Everyday conference Queens University Belfast, .
2015 (2015) Deep Insights: Anthropology & Security Leveraging Ireland’s Security Ecosystem Security Networking Symposium IBM Technology Campus, Damastown Industrial Estate, Dublin 15, .
2015 (2015) Policing Future Crimes Digital Rights Ireland Dublin, .
2014 (2014) Anthropology and Refugee Studies in Ireland Refugees: a one-day workshop National University of Ireland Maynooth, .
2014 Maguire, M. (2014) Policing Future Crimes European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Tallinn, Estonia, .
2014 (2014) Security and Insecurity in Europe American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Conference Washington DC, United States, .
2014 Maguire, M. (2014) Counter-terrorism and Techno-Science: Refashioning the Human in Security Contexts Invited Lecture to The Institute of Anthropology at the University of Leipzig University of Leipzig, Germany, .
2014 (2014) The Experiences of Vietnamese Refugees in Ireland Refugees in Ireland - legacy and lessons learnt Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, .
2014 (2014) Discussant Paper: Photography and the Security Gaze Royal Anthropological Institute conference Anthropology and Photography British Museum, Clore Centre, United Kingdom, .
2014 (2014) Security Today Around the World 2014: Privacy and Surveillance in the Digital Age conference An Foras Feasa, NUI Maynooth, .
2014 (2014) Counterterrorism and surveillance CREOLE Intensive Programme 2014 - Anthropology in Public National University of Ireland Maynooth, .
2014 (2014) In Plain Sight: Techno-Science and Counter-Terrorism American Ethnological Society (AES) Conference Boston, MA. United States of America, .
2013 (2013) The Human in the Counter-Terrorism Apparatus Security, Community and Democracy seminar series Centre for Cultural Studies Research at the University of East London, .
2013 (2013) Integration in Ireland Newstalk 106 Sean Moncrieff Show Dublin, .
2013 (2013) Securing Life Itself: Vital Systems, Preparedness and Counter-Terrorism Anthropology Seminar Series Laboratoire d'Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains, Université Libre de Bruxelles, .
2013 Maguire, M. (2013) Keynote Address: Observing Human Behaviour: Anthropological Perspectives on Security Securing Europe: Future Threats and Trends: The ETTIS Midterm Conference European Parliament Offices, .
2013 (2013) Keynote Address: What Bateson Knew: miscommunications in the history and science of deceit detection CREOLE Intensive Programme 2013 Imagination: Translations - cultural, ethnographic, intermedia National University of Ireland Maynooth, .
2013 (2013) Integration in Ireland: The Everyday Lives of African Migrants School of Architecture Seminar Series Dublin Institute of Technology, .
2013 (2013) Policing Future Crimes Bodies of Evidence: Workshop of the EASA Anthropology of Security Network National University of Ireland Maynooth, .
2013 (2013) Mobility and Counter-terrorism in European Whose Security? Migration-(In)security Dilemmas Ten Years University of Warwick, .
2012 (2012) Suspect Identities: Integration and Security from Below Seminar on launch of Integration from Below Institute of International Integration Studies and Department of Sociology, Trinity College Dublin, .
2012 (2012) Policing the Emotions: Abnormal Behaviour Detection in Counter-Terrorism Operations Biopolitics, Society & Performance Trinity College Dublin, Long Room Hub, .
2012 (2012) The Anthropology of Security ERASMUS Teacher Exchange Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, .
2012 (2012) Counter-Terrorism: new assemblages Securing Europe. IRCHSS 'New Ideas' Workshop National University of ireland Maynooth, .
2012 (2012) Policing the Emotions: abnormal behaviour detection in security zones European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) 2012 Conference Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, .
2012 (2012) Reflexive large-group evaluation for Anthropology Centre for Teaching and Learning, Teaching and Learning Showcase National University of Ireland Maynooth, . [Full-Text]
2012 (2012) The current crisis as a challange to migraiton studies Rethinking Migration Royal Irish Academy, Dawson St. Dublin 2, .
2011 (2011) Emotions Exposed: The Evolution of Face Recognition International Festival of Experimental Intermedia Temple Bar, Dublin, .
2011 (2011) Dig-In: Digital Interviews with Visiting Scholars NUI Maynooth Teaching and Learning Showcase NUI Maynooth, .
2011 (2011) Frontex, Foresight, and EU Border Security Anti Racism Network (ARN) Conference Lantern centre, Synge Street, Dublin, .
2011 (2011) L'etat de religion: the margins of the state, and politics of everyday life Research 'Whose Security? Migration-(In)Security Dilemmas Ten Years after 9-11. Research Councils UK University of Leicester and Warwick Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations, .
2011 (2011) L etat de religion: integration and the everyday in Irish border towns School of History and Anthropology Seminar Series Queens University Belfast, .
2011 (2011) Roundtable Participant: Low Tide Ireland American Anthropological Association Montreal, .
2011 (2011) Malintent: The rise and spread of a new security assemblage Govemark workshop Paris, .
2011 (2011) After Asylum: Transnationalism and the Everyday Transnationalism and Migration Symposium Department of Sociology, NUI Maynooth, .
2010 (2010) Race and the Biopolitics of New Security Technology Ethnography Beyond Ethnos, AAI Spring 2010 Conference TCD, .
2010 (2010) Roundtable on Vietnamese New Migrations, New Challenges Conference TCD, .
2010 (2010) Vanishing Borders and Biometric Citizens Department of Anthropology Seminar Series NUI Maynooth, .
2010 (2010) Anthropology of warfare, peace and reconciliation EASA biannual conference NUI Maynooth, .
2010 (2010) Taxis, deregulation and racism in Irish Border Towns Sociology Seminar Series City University, London, .
2010 (2010) Race, Biopower & New Security Technology European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) 'A Global Surveillance Society? City University London, .
2010 (2010) Panel discussion on Integration and Racism in Ireland Global Village presented by Dil Wickremasinghe Newstalk 106, .
2010 (2010) Session Chair: Migrant Lives: Past, Present, Future Postgraduate Conference Series Dublin City University, .
2010 (2010) Racism and Violence 'The Right Hook', with George Hook Newstalk 106, .
2010 (2010) Young Scholars Forum EASA biannual conference NUI Maynooth, .
2010 (2010) Violence, Memory and Vietnamese-Irish Identity Symposium, IDee, Migrations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives University of Vienna, .
2009 (2009) Power over Life Managing Migration National University of Ireland, Maynooth, .
2009 (2009) The Origins of Biometric Security Thinking Allowed with Laurie Taylor, BBC Radio 4 BBC, .
2009 (2009) Machines for Reading Humans: The Biopolitics of Biometric Security Socrates Intensive Programme (IP) Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, .
2009 (2009) Vanishing Borders and Biometric Citizens Security Insecurity and Migration in Europe. IMEPO conference Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Leicester, .
2009 (2009) Refugee Resettlement in Ireland Irish Defence Forces, UN School The Curragh Camp, Kildare, .

Book Review

Year Publication
2020 Maguire, Mark (2020) Review of Hodges, Adam. 2019. When Words Trump Politics: Resisting a Hostile Regime of Language. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press. 200 pp. [Book Review] [DOI]
2018 Maguire, M. (2018) Review of Migrating Borders and Moving Times: Temporality and the Crossing of Borders in Europe, Edited by Hastings Donnan, Madeleine Hurd and Carolin Leutloff-Grandits. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017. [Book Review]
2018 Maguire, M (2018) Migrating borders and moving times: temporality and the crossing of borders in Europe. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI]
2017 Maguire, M (2017) The Politicisation of Migration. NORTH YORK: [Book Review]
2016 Maguire, M (2016) Data, now bigger and better!. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI]
2017 Maguire, M. (2017) Review of Goldstein, Daniel M. 2016. Owners of the Sidewalk: Security and Survival in the Informal City. Duke University Press. [Book Review]
2017 Maguire, M (2017) Police encounters: security and surveillance in Gaza under Egyptian rule. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI]
2017 Maguire, M (2017) Owners of the sidewalk: security and survival in the informal city. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI]
2016 Maguire, M. (2016) Review of The Politicisation of Migration, edited by Wouter van der Brug, Gianni D’Amato, Joost Berkhout and Didier Ruedin. London and New York: Routledge, 2015. [Book Review]
2014 Maguire, M (2014) Narrative and violence: ways of suffering amongst Iranian men in diaspora. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI]
2016 Maguire, M. (2016) Review of Feldman, Ilana. 2015. Police Encounters: Security and Surveillance in Gaza under Egyptian Rule. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. [Book Review]
2016 Maguire, M. (2016) Review of Boellstorff, Tom, Maurer, Bill (eds.). 2015. Data, Now Bigger and Better! Prickly Paradigm Press. 104 pp. [Book Review]
2015 Maguire, M. (2015) Review of Masco, Joseph. 2014. The Theatre of Operations: National Security Affect from the Cold War to the War on Terror. Duke University Press Books. 280 pp. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2014 Maguire, M. (2014) Review of Aidani, Mammad. Narrative and violence: ways of suffering amongst Iranian men in diaspora. xiv, 136 pp., bibliogr. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2013. [Book Review]
2012 Maguire, M. (2012) Review of: The Migration Apparatus: Security, Labour and Policy making in the European Union, By Gregory Feldman. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 221 pp. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2011 Maguire, M. (2011) Review of Kempny, Martha. 2010. Polish Migrants in Belfast: Border Crossing and Identity Construction. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 230 pp. [Book Review] [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2015 Berliner D.; Maguire M. (2015) Editors' goodbye. [Editorial] [DOI]
2014 Maguire M.; Berliner D. (2014) Editorial. [Editorial] [DOI]
2013 Masco, J.P. (interviewed by Maguire, M.) (2013) From The Nuclear Borderlands to the counter-terrorist state: an interview with Joseph P. Masco. [Editorial] [DOI]
2013 Berliner D.; Maguire M. (2013) Editorial. [Editorial] [DOI]
2012 Maguire M.; Berliner D. (2012) Editorial. [Editorial] [DOI]
2011 Maguire M.; Berliner D. (2011) Editorial. [Editorial] [DOI]

Magazine Article

Year Publication
2005 Maguire, M. (2005) How Long Does it Take to Belong?. [Magazine Article]

Newspaper Articles

Year Publication
2016 Maguire, M. (2016) We all ask ourselves, How would I behave in a terror attack?. [Newspaper Articles]
2007 Maguire, M. (2007) The Vietnamese-Irish: A Model Minority?. [Newspaper Articles]
2006 Maguire, M. (2006) Once were Refugees. [Newspaper Articles]

Technical Publication

Year Publication
2008 Maguire, M., A. Jamie Saris, Eleanor Shaw, Trish Griffin (2008) Good Practice in the Provision of Services to Asylum Seekers. [Technical Publication]
1999 Maguire, M. (1999) Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance in Irish Universities. [Technical Publication]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2012 Gray, P., M. Maguire and T. Strong (2012) Reflexive large-group Evaluation for Anthropology. [Full-Text]
2011 Maguire, M. (2011) Using Electronic Voting Systems to Involve Students in their Learning.

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 Pete Fussey; Mark Maguire (2023) Understanding Behavioural Assessment Screening in European Airports. Airpol, .
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