Prof Pauline Garvey


Gaeilge agus fáilte


Rowan House
1st Floor
(01) 708 3587


Pauline Garvey is Professor in Anthropology at Maynooth University. She completed a PhD in Anthropology in University College London in 2002, MPhil in Archaeology from the University of Cambridge in 1994 (British Academy Scholar) and BA in Archaeology from University College Dublin in 1991. Pauline's research interests include mass consumption, material culture, design and digital anthropology, and ageing in Ireland. Recent research projects include the Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing led by University College London and funded by the European Research Council. Her most recent book, (co-written with Daniel Miller) is entitled Ageing with Smartphones in Ireland: When Life Becomes Craft, was published by University College London/ University of Chicago Press (2021). Other works include her monograph Unpacking IKEA: Swedish Design for the Purchasing Masses, Routledge (2018), and Exhibit Ireland, Wordwell, (2012), co-edited with Adam Drazin and Seamas O'Siochain. Research for Unpacking IKEA work was funded by the Irish Research Council and The Swedish Institute. This project featured in the IRC-produced volume Mosaic to commemorate 10 years of funded research excellence. Other publications include a special edition of the Journal of Design History dedicated to anthropological engagements with design entitled Design Dispersed, (2016, with Adam Drazin UCL), 'Material Culture and Making the Modern' published in A Cultural History of the Home in the Modern Age (Bloomsbury 2021), edited by D. Stratigakos and papers in various journals including Social Anthropology, Journal of Material Culture, Journal of Design History, Journal of Business Anthropology, Ethnologie Francaise, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute amongst others. Pauline is currently External Examiner for the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queens University Belfast. She has occupied the role of Visiting Scholar in the Department of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in Singapore University of Technology and Design (2022) and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2022). She is co-editor the international peer-reviewed journal Home Cultures, the Journal of Architecture, Design and Domestic Space (published by Taylor and Francis), and sits on the Editorial Board of the Nordic Journal of Social Research.

Research Interests

Pauline Garvey's research interests include material culture and Nordic domesticity, domestic exhibitions (‘housing theatre’) in 20th century Sweden, design anthropology, and the politics surrounding ethnographic collections in Ireland. Her PhD research, focussing on domestic material culture in Skien, Norway, was completed in 2002 and is published in several book chapters and journals such as Social Anthropology, Journal of Material Culture, Journal of Design History, Ethnologie Française, the International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home. Recent publications include Unpacking IKEA: Swedish Design for the Purchasing Masses published by Routledge (2018). Research for this monograph was funded by the Irish Research Council and the Swedish Institute, Stockholm.  Pauline has been editor of Home Cultures, an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal dedicated to Architecture, Design and Domestic Space since 2013.
Pauline is currently working on an ERC-funded project The Anthropology of Smart Phones and Smart Ageing which involves a close collaboration of eleven anthropologists in 10 countries. 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
SmartPhoneSmartAging: Smartphones, Smart Ageing and mHealth PI This project will investigate fundamental changes in people’s relationship to age and health associated with the global rise of the smartphone. The aim is to combine an intellectual challenge in understanding the contemporary nature of age and the impact of new media, with an applied challenge to use this knowledge to help make mHealth a more effective intervention. Through simultaneous 15 month ethnographies in China, Japan, Iran, Ireland, Nigeria and Tanzania (and supplementary work in Trinidad) a team will explore the experience of age for those between 45-70 i.e. neither clearly young nor elderly, who represent an unprecedented population that has resulted from changed life expectancy and changed aspirations. We will examine how this shift in the experience of age is impacted by the rise of smartphones that bring access to technologies associated with the young. mHealth started with youth orientated issues of fitness and wellbeing but is increasingly becoming a significant intervention in helping older populations deal with disease and frailties. mHealth has potential both for helping those with low access to professional care but also threatens to bypass and undermine professional medical services. Our aim is to complement technology led mHealth interventions with ethnography led participatory design, consisting of a collaboration between mHealth professionals with our ethnographically informed team and our informants. The applied anthropology will inform our intellectual advances in the field of digital anthropology. Reflections on mHealth will contribute to the core aim of advancing our understanding of the experience of age in this new interstitial period of life, and to appreciate the major transformations in society and sociality represented by the new ubiquity of the smartphone. Both the intellectual and applied components will be shown to depend upon sensitivity to the forms of cultural diversity uncovered by our comparative ethnographic approach. 01/02/2018 30/09/2022 52137
Unpacking IKEA Cultures: A Comparative Ethnography of IKEA consumers in Stockholm and Dublin. PI, researcher. Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS), Research Fellowship (€42,000). Unpacking IKEA Cultures: A Comparative Ethnography of IKEA consumers in Stockholm and Dublin. Principal Investigator: 01/09/2007 01/09/2008 42000
Trash to Treasures: An Ethnographic Account of the Transformation of Value Within a Dublin Flea-Market. PI 01/10/2015 30/09/2017 47980
Providing a social prescribing system for Irish healthcare sector: a pilot study. PI Proof-of-concept funding. 01/01/2023 30/04/2023 7560
Precarity amongst migrant nightworkers in Cork and Dublin Postdoctoral supervisor 01/10/2021 30/09/2023
Social Prescribing, Anthropological Research, Digital Innovation: PI Social Prescribing, Anthropological Research, Digital Innovation: creating online platforms PI that offer a directory of resources, 01/06/2023 01/12/2024 informed by socially embedded research creating online platforms PI that offer a directory of resources, informed by socially embedded research 01/06/2023 01/12/2024
Innovation voucher: online property sales platforms PI 01/09/2019 30/09/2019


Year Publication
2021 Pauline Garvey and Daniel Miller (2021) Ageing with Smartphones in Ireland: When Life Becomes Craft. London: University College London Press. [Link]
2021 Daniel Miller, Laila Abed Rabho, Patrick Awondo, Maya de Vries, Marília Duque, Pauline Garvey, Laura Haapio-Kirk, Charlotte Hawkins, Alfonso Otaegui, Shireen Walton, and Xinyuan Wang (2021) The Global Smartphone: Beyond a Youth Technology. London: University College London Press. [Link]
2018 Pauline Garvey (2018) Unpacking Ikea: Swedish Design for the Purchasing Masses. London: Routledge, CRESC Series.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2016 Garvey, Pauline and Adam Drazin (Ed.). (2016) Special Issue of the Journal of Design History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, [Link]
2013 Pauline Garvey, Victor Buchli (University Colege London), Setha Low (CUNY) (Ed.). (2013) Home Cultures: The Journal of Architecture, Design and Domestic Space. London: Taylor and Francis,
2012 Seamas O’Siochain, Pauline Garvey and Adam Drazin (Ed.). (2012) Exhibit Ireland: Ethnographic Collections in Irish Museums. Dublin: Wordwell,
2009 Garvey, Pauline and Adam Drazin (eds) (Ed.). (2009) Special Issue of Anthropology in Action and the Irish Journal of Anthropology. London: Berghahn Books,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 Miller D.; Garvey P. (2022) 'Grandparenting as the resolution of kinship as experience'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Drazkiewicz, E; Strong, T; Scheper-Hughes, N; Turpin, H; Murphy, F; Saris, AJ; Garvey, P; Mishtal, J; Wulff, H; French, B; Miller, D; Maguire, L; Mhordha, MN (2020) 'Repealing Ireland's Eighth Amendment: abortion rights and democracy today'. Social Anthropology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Pauline Garvey and Adam Drazin (invited editors for Special Issue) (2016) '‘Design Dispersed: Design History, Design Practice and Anthropology: An Introduction’'. Journal of Design History, . [Full-Text]
2008 Garvey P. (2008) 'The Norwegian country cabin and functionalism: A tale of two modernities'. Social Anthropology, 16 (2):203-220. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Garvey, Pauline (2013) ''Ikea sofas are like H&M trousers': The potential of sensuous signs'. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ANTHROPOLOGY, 2 :75-92. [Full-Text]
2005 Garvey, P (2005) 'Domestic boundaries - Privacy, visibility and the Norwegian window'. Material Culture, 10 :157-176. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Garvey, Pauline (2011) 'La mémoire en attente. Le muse ethnographique dans L’Irlande post-coloniale'. ETHNOLOGIE FRANÇAISE, 2 :253-262. [Full-Text]
2009 Garvey, Pauline and Adam Drazin (editors) (2009) 'Anthropology, Design and Technology in Ireland, a special edition'. ANTHROPOLOGY IN ACTION AND IRISH JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY, 16 .
2009 Pauline Garvey and Adam Drazin (invited editors) (2009) ''Design and Having Designs in Ireland: Introduction''. ANTHROPOLOGY IN ACTION AND IRISH JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY, 16 :4-18. [Full-Text]
2003 Garvey, Pauline (2003) '‘How to have a ‘good home’: the practical aesthetic and normativity in Norway’'. Journal of Design History, 16 :241-251. [Full-Text]
2023 Garvey, P.; Wang, X. (2023) 'Ageing and the Transportal Home'. Anthropology and Aging, 44 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Garvey P.; Drazin A. (2016) 'Special Issue: Design Dispersed: Design History, Design Practice and Anthropology'. Journal of Design History, 29 (1):1-7. [DOI]
2009 Adam Drazin; Pauline Garvey (2009) 'An Exploration by Way of Introduction: Design and the Having of Designs in Ireland'. Anthropology in Action, . [DOI]
2003 P. Garvey (2003) 'How to Have a 'Good Home': The Practical Aesthetic and Normativity in Norway'. Journal of Design History, . [DOI]
2013 Pauline Garvey (2013) '‘Ikea sofas are like H&M trousers’: the potential of sensuous signs'. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ANTHROPOLOGY, . [DOI]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 Pauline Garvey (2021) 'Furniture and Furnishings: Material Culture and Making the Modern' In: A Cultural History of the Home. London : Bloomsbury. [Link]
2017 Garvey P.; Drazin A. (2017) 'Ireland's ethnographic Horizons' In: Irish Ethnologies.
2018 Pauline Garvey (2018) 'Consuming IKEA and Inspiration as Material Form, 2nd edition' In: Design Anthropology: Object Cultures in Transition. London : Bloomsbury.
2012 Pauline Garvey, Seamas O'Siochain and Adam Drazin (2012) 'Introduction: Presencing Assemblages' In: Exhibit Ireland: Ethnographic Collections in Ireland. Dublin : Wordwell Press. [Full-Text]
2012 Pauline Garvey (2012) 'Living rooms' In: International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Amsterdam : Elsevier. [DOI]
2011 Garvey, Pauline (2011) 'Consuming IKEA and inspiration as material form' In: A.J. Clarke(Eds.). Design Anthropology: Object Culture in the 21st Century. Wien, New York : Springer Verlag.
2009 Garvey, Pauline (2009) 'Culture Materialised: IKEA furniture and other evangelitcal objects' In: J. Fenwick(Eds.). Lost and Found. Dublin : Wordwell Press. [Full-Text]
2005 Garvey, Pauline (2005) 'Drunk and (Dis) Orderly in Norway: Norwegian Drinking Parties in the Home' In: T. Wison (editor)(Eds.). Drinking Culture: AIcohol and the Expression of Identity, Class and Nation. Oxford : Berg.
2001 Garvey, Pauline (2001) 'Organized Disorder: Moving Furniture in Norwegian Homes' In: Daniel Miller(Eds.). Home Possessions: the Material Culture of the Home. Oxford : Berg.
2001 Garvey, Pauline (2001) 'Drinking, Driving and Daring in Norway' In: Daniel Miller (editor)(Eds.). Car Cultures. Oxford : Berg.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2020 Pauline Garvey and Daniel Miller (2020) Endings, Conference of the Anthropological Association of Ireland Conference of the Anthropological Association of Ireland Online, .
2019 Pauline Garvey and Shireen Walton (2019) Association of Social Anthropologists: Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges Ageing - ideology and practice: cases from ireland and italy Norwich UK, 03/09/2019-06/09/2019.
2018 Garvey, Pauline (2018) Department of Folklore, University College Dublin Paper presented as part of the departmental seminar series University College Dublin, 02/10/2018-.
2014 Pauline Garvey, Johan Nilsson and Lotta Björklund Larsen (panel organisers) (2014) European Association of Social Anthropologists Generating value and valuation as collaborative practice Tallin Estonia, 31/07/2014-03/08/2014.
2013 Pauline Garvey (2013) Retrocycle: The Science Gallery, TCD, Dublin Retrocycle Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, .
2012 Pauline Garvey and Adam Drazin, University College London (panel organisers). (2012) European Association of Social Anthropologists Powerful and opaque corporate boundaries now constitute many aspects of everyday life, identity, biography, and the material world. We interrogate the anthropological encounter with these patrolled but slippery boundaries, and their implications for anthropological knowledge Nanterre, France, 10/07/2012-13/07/2012.
2013 (2013) The sensuous quality of domestic things It's personal: subjectivity in Design History University of Hertfordshire, .
2012 (2012) Democratic Discourse, Democratic Design Govemark Seminar National University of Ireland Maynooth, .
2011 (2011) Democratic Design Anthropology seminar series Anthropology Department, Queen's University Belfast, .
2011 (2011) Democractic Design and the Ikea flatpack Material Culture Seminar Series Anthropology Department, University College London, .
2011 (2011) The Materialisation of Brand Opening the Flatpack: Ethnography, Art, and the Billy Bookcase postgraduate workshop Konstfack Stock National college of Art, Craft and Design, (Konstfack) Stockholm, .
2011 (2011) ‘Per Albin Hansson built Ikea and Ingvar Kamprad Furnished it’ Anthropological Association of Ireland conference School of Art and Design, University of Ulster, Belfast, .
2011 (2011) Democratic Design Material Culture Seminar University College London, Anthropology Department, .
2010 (2010) Consuming IKEA NUIM Business School seminar series School of Business and Law, NUI Maynooth, .
2010 (2010) On folk museums and corporations NAIRTL-funded research cluster organised by Eamonn Slattery (NUIM) and Terence McDonough (NUIG) Strokestown Famine museum, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. , .
2009 (2009) ‘Inspiration as material form’ Ethnography, Creativity, Design, a two-day workshop Maynooth, .
2009 (2009) Inspiration as material form Ethnography, Creativity, Design, a two-day workshop in collaboration with Intel Ireland National University of Ireland Maynooth in collaboration with Intel Ireland, .
2009 (2009) On the museology of IKEA in Sweden School of Marketing, DIT Dublin DIT Dublin, .
2009 (2009) Inspiration as material form: on the museology of IKEA in Sweden’ Seminar for Consumption and Leisure Studies DIT Dubin, .
2008 (2008) IKEA and Taste: Some reflections from on-going ethnography Department of Social Anthropology seminar series, Stockholm University Stockholm University, .
2008 (2008) Love in a cold climate: Devotional objects and IKEA consumption in Sweden Love Objects conference National College of Art and Design Dublin, .


Year Publication
2012 Pauline Garvey (2012) ’Light’, invited contribution to the CIM (Creativity and Innovation in a World of Movement) Teaching Resource, Queens University Belfast. Based in Queens University Belfast. CIM researchers analyze how globalizing forces may stimulate or hamper forms of cultural production through an examination of creative practices across Europe, South Asia, West Africa, Australia, South America and the Caribbean. [ANET/COS]

Book Review

Year Publication
2010 Garvey, P (2010) Review of Greyson (2007) ‘Living with Things: Ridding, Accommodation, Dwelling’. [Book Review]
2002 Dr Pauline Garvey (2002) Review of Victor Buchli (ed) 2002 Material Culture Reader. [Book Review]

Invited papers

Year Publication
2011 Pauline Garvey (2011) ‘Ikea as folk museum’, in Gareth Kennedy (ed) Ikea Butter Churn for Gneeveguilla. Invited contributor to the catalogue that forms part of this art installation, funded by Kerry County Council and on tour throughout Ireland during 2011 / 2012. [Invited papers] [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2020 Drążkiewicz E.; Strong T.; Scheper-Hughes N.; Turpin H.; Saris A.J.; Mishtal J.; Wulff H.; French B.; Garvey P.; Miller D.; Murphy F.; Maguire L.; Mhórdha M.N. (2020) Repealing Ireland's Eighth Amendment: abortion rights and democracy today. [Note] [DOI] [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2011 Garvey P.; Drazin A. (2011) Memory in waiting. The ethnographical museum in post-colonial Ireland | La mémoire en attente: Le musée ethnographique dans l'Irlande post-coloniale. [Reviews] [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2021 Pauline Garvey (2021) Furniture and Furnishings: Material Culture and Making the Modern. [DOI]
2021 (2021) Smartphones and ageing. [DOI]
2021 (2021) Ageing and retirement. [DOI]
2021 Daniel Miller; Laila Abed Rabho; Patrick Awondo; Maya de Vries; Marília Duque; Pauline Garvey; Laura Haapio-Kirk; Charlotte Hawkins; Alfonso Otaegui; Shireen Walton; Xinyuan Wang (2021) The Global Smartphone. [DOI]
2021 (2021) Downsizing. [DOI]
2021 (2021) Life purpose. [DOI]
2021 Pauline Garvey (2021) Organized Disorder: Moving Furniture in Norwegian Homes. [DOI]
2021 Pauline Garvey; Daniel Miller (2021) Ageing with Smartphones in Ireland. [DOI]
2020 Pauline Garvey (2020) Driving, Drinking and Daring in Norway. [DOI]
2017 Pauline Garvey (2017) Unpacking Ikea. [DOI]
2017 Pauline Garvey (2017) Benign intervention. [DOI]
2017 Pauline Garvey (2017) Storage solutions. [DOI]
2017 Pauline Garvey (2017) Home staging, housing theatre. [DOI]
2017 Pauline Garvey; Adam Drazin (2017) Ireland’s Ethnographic Horizons. [DOI]
2017 Pauline Garvey (2017) Still life?. [DOI]
2017 Pauline Garvey (2017) Unpacking IKEA. [DOI]
2017 Pauline Garvey (2017) Consuming IKEA and Inspiration as Material Form. [DOI]
2011 Pauline Garvey (2011) Consuming IKEA: Inspiration as Material Form. [DOI]
2017 Pauline Garvey (2017) Standardisation, democracy and equality. [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
European Association of Social Anthropology Member 01/09/2003 -
Anthroplogical Association of Ireland Expert Advisor 01/10/2021 - 03/12/2021
Anthroplogical Association of Ireland Secretary 01/09/2001 - 01/06/2006
European Association of Social Anthropologists Scientific Committee 01/07/2009 - 10/07/2010
Anthroplogical Association of Ireland Chair 01/06/2006 - 01/07/2007

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
14/04/2024 AVA 2021 Award for Best Visual Ethnographic Material Addressing Ageing and the Life Course in the Multimodal category EASA’s Age and Generations Network, Association for Gerontology, Ageing and the Life Course and EASA’s Visual Anthropology Network.


Committee Function From / To
Communiversity Initiative Coordinator of the Department of Anthropology's offerings. 01/03/2023 - 01/04/2023
The Nordic Journal of Social Sciences. Editorial board member of the Nordic Journal of Social Sciences. 01/04/2012 -
UNESCO Consultant 01/09/2010 - 01/05/2011
Age Friendly University Steering Committee Steering committee member 14/04/2024 - 14/04/2024
Member of the Faculty of Social Science Ethics Sub-Committee Serving member 01/09/2022 - 01/09/2024


Employer Position From / To
National University of Ireland, Maynooth Associate Professor 01/06/2003 -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Anthropology Department PhD, University College London Anthropology
University of Cambridge, British Academy Scholar MPhil Theoretical Archaeology Archaeology
University College Dublin BA, First Class Honours Archaeology

Other Activities

2020-2024/2025: I occupy the role of External Examiner for Anthropology to the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics. Queens University Belfast, UK. In this role I evaluate the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and have completed 4 years,
Working with the Irish National Contact point for the European Research Council (ERC) Social Science and Humanities panels, based in the Irish Universities Association (IUA). I have assisted in mock interview for Irish ERC Starting Grant 2024 candidate, and one Advanced Grant candidate, who have progressed to the second stage of assessment.
I have acted as PhD External Examiner for Mayke Groffen, curator at Museum of Rotterdam on her PhD on Collecting Contemporary Home Life. Groffen explored viable options for city museums to collect contemporary home life and her dissertation relates to two main concepts, contemporary collecting and collecting home life. History Department, Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Internal examiner at doctoral disputation for Bridget Cunningham Sociology Department, (2013), Jerome Martin (2005), Ciara Crawford (2011) Louise Velling (2022) Anthropology Department, Maynooth University.


Client Description
IKEA I was an invited speaker/ participant at their Global Furniture Forum (2016).

Editorial / Academic Reviews

Amount Role From / To
Home Cultures: The Journal of Architecture, Design and Domestic, Taylor and Francis Editor-in-Chief 24/09/2013 - 14/04/2024

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
Provided a website/directory of resources which was piloted by Mr Murphy, clinical director of Arduna, Clontarf, Dublin, a counselling and psychotherapy centre with 60 counsellors. Civic Society In 2022 I was PI in a Proof-of-Concept funding from MaynoothWorks in a pilot project on social prescribing (with Joseph Timoney). In Ireland, there is only one link worker per 50,000 people (HSE Social Prescribing Framework, 2021). As a pilot, we built a website that delivered a complete directory of health resources in one location in Dublin (2023). This website was piloted by Mr Murphy, clinical director of Arduna, Clontarf, Dublin, a counselling and psychotherapy centre with 60 counsellors.

Teaching Interests

Throughout my career, I have made inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional teaching collaborations in Ireland and internationally.

I have given taught in National College of Art and Design, Dublin (2024), Lyon (2022) Queens (2022) University College London, Vienna, Slovakian Academy of Sciences, Singapore University of Technology and Design.


I have shown both education leadership and programme development in my on-going long-term work within the Anthropology Department.


In 2020, a past student of Anthropology (BA) and Design and Innovation (MA) committed €8000 over four years as a bursary to financially help MA students. This led to the establishment of The Susan Hunter Scholarship in Material Culture. Her only caveat was that the scholarship should be in material culture. This undergraduate course ‘had a profound effect on me.  In a way it explained what the ‘subject’ Anthropology was/is…. The scholarship I set up after graduating was as a direct result of that module. And it was why I specified that it should go to a student whose field was Material Culture’ 

From 2014-2022: I have acted as Chair for Department Review of PhD Progression for 8 years and been a regular department representative on the John and Pat Hume Funding Committee. I have shown leadership and experience in designing and implementing a variety of assessment tasks


In 2021, I redesigned the Postgraduate Curriculum for the Department of Anthropology. In collaboration with my Head of Department, Hana Cervinkova, I revaluated all the course offerings, the pedagogic objectives for this level, the credit requirements for our postgraduate students. This redevelopment was intended to incorporate a theoretical strand for those students who are new to the discipline, but also incorporate a strand that would familiarise them with ethical requirements and practical how-to advice in the development of research proposal. As well as deciding the meta-level conceptual aspects of the postgraduate curriculum, I worked with departmental administrators in deciding on the timetable and arranged early evening lectures to attract potential students who might be employed. I allocated the times for international guest speakers and oversaw the promotional material advertising the programme in international conferences in Ireland, Europe, and the US. I assumed responsivity for the Postgraduate Information Evenings and Open Days for 7 years between 2015-2022 and spoke to our 3rd year students each spring to encourage them to consider a postgraduate degree in Anthropology.


2019: MOOC: As part of my participation in the ASSA project, I contributed to the highly successful launch of our massive open online course: An Anthropology of Smartphones: Communication, Ageing and Health, hosted on FutureLearn.  We currently have 1832 people registered.


Teaching that Enhances Departmental Initiatives:

2014-2022: Departmental Director of Postgraduate Studies.

I occupied a key role in the department in directing the postgraduate programme in Anthropology for eight years. This involved ongoing communication with young scholars, assisting applications for entry into the programme, overseeing annual progress reports, participating in John and Pat Hume funding applications and advising when issues arose. This role requires a blend of capacities from the fine-tuned knowledge of the programme, to sensitivity to the needs and requirements of colleagues, and the inevitable pastoral work demanded of when overseeing student progression. Over that period of time we had about 10-20 MA students and 10 PhD students and I carried responsibility for fielding the queries for both MA and doctoral students as they moved through the structured PhD programme.

In step with University requirements, and responding to the launch of the BBS International Business and Global Cultures as a stand-alone degree, I introduced a module on Consumption that will form a core offering for this cohort of students.


2012 - 2014: I collaborateded with Dr Mark Maguire and Dr Frank Devitt in the planning and establishment of a new postgraduate programme, the MSc in Design Innovation.


2013: I created the Postgraduate Certificate in Anthropology on realizing that there was a significant cohort of prospective students interested in undertaking postgraduate study in Anthropology but lacked essential training in the discipline.


2013: I led a pilot scheme in collaboration with the Access Office - the first of its kind in the university - to incorporate a critical writing and reading course into second year tutorials. Hitherto fore, this course was available only to incoming mature students.


2010: I personally established and taught on a joint module between the MA Social Anthropology at Maynooth University, and the MA Material and Visual Culture at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin with the aim of establishing material culture dialogues between anthropologists and design students.

I have contributed to a teaching collaboration designed by Johan Lindqvist (Anthropology, Stockholm) and John Freyer (Univerisity of Iowa and Fulbright Fellow, Stockholm) with colleagues in Stockholm's University College of Arts, Craft and Design Konstfack.


Current Students

Student Name Degree Supervision

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2004 Keith Parker Master of Arts
2005 Silvia Loeffler Master of Arts
2013 Malise Gibney Master of Arts
2013 Kathleen Levacher Master of Arts
2010 Johan Nilsson Master of Arts
2009 Chiara Garattini PhD
2007 Chiara Dallevalle PhD
2015 Alison Troutner Master of Arts
2017 Katie Cremer Master of Arts
2018 Amiee Flynn-Curran PhD
2024 Tara McAssey PhD
2024 Chrissy Skelton PhD

Internal Collaborators

Name Company Role Country
Joseph Timoney Maynooth Univrersity Co-PI on research projects Ireland
David Prendergast Collaborated on short films for ASSA research project Ireland

External Collaborators

Name Role Country
Shireen Walton/ University College London Writing collaboration for international ASA conference United Kingdom
Daniel Miller/ University College London Research collaborator in ERC funded research United Kingdom
Victor Buchli/ University College London Co-editor of international peer-reviewed journal United Kingdom
Adam Drazin/ University College London Joint editor of international peer-reviewed journal Home Cultures United Kingdom
Gareth Kennedy Writing collaboraton on art installation that toured Irish museums
Marushka Svasek United Kingdom
Ela Drążkiewicz Co-Applicant on research funding Sweden
Xinyuan Wang Writing collaboration United Kingdom
Beth O’Halloran, National College of Art and Design Ireland