Dr Mette Lebech


Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor

Arts Building
(01) 708 3718


Mette Lebech holds her degrees from the Universities of Copenhagen, Louvain-la-neuve and Leuven. She has taught in Maynooth University since 1998 and before that for 3 years at the University of Copenhagen, where she also was a member of the Centre for Ethics and Law. She has worked principally on the themes of Human Dignity and the Philosophy of Edith Stein. She is past founding President of the International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein (IASPES) and Editor of Edith Stein Studies, a book series with Rowman and Littlefield.

Research Interests

My interest in the philosophy of human dignity centres on the phenomenology of human dignity and its importance for ethics, bioethics, law, human rights, politics, education and nursing. I am also, however, interested in the ontology and metaphysics of human dignity underpinning these disciplines and in the history of the conceptualisation of human dignity as it emerges from the study of the evolution of those disciplines and the institutions in which they are and were practiced.  

The philosophy of Edith Stein has aided me in conceptualising human dignity and has in so doing convinced me of its applicability in many fields where other less socially aware versions of phenomenology falters. Her contribution to the phenomenology of the social world, and to the understanding of how valuation contribute to the constitution of social reality, deeply fascinate me as does her understanding of how phenomenology, ontology and metaphysics relate.

The discipline and methodology of phenomenology and its relationship with ontology and metaphysics as well as phenomenology's applicability and usefulness in the disciplines of the humanities, the social sciences, and psychology, are as a consequence also of great interest to me.

Should you be interested in conducting research in any of these areas, please contact me.


Year Publication
2019 Lebech M. (2019) European sources of human dignity: A commented anthology. [DOI]
2017 Lebech, M. and Smith, J. (transl.) (2017) Adolf Reinach: Three Texts on Ethics. Munich: Philosophia Verlag.
2015 Lebech M. (2015) The Philosophy of Edith Stein: From Phenomenology to Metaphysics. Bern etc: Peter Lang. [DOI]
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) On the Problem of Human Dignity. A Hermeneutical and Phenomenological Investigation. Würzburg: Könighausen und Neumann.
1997 Lebech, M. with Rendtorff, J. and Kemp, P. (1997) Den Bioetiske Vending. København: Spektrum.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2020 Lebech, M (Ed.). (2020) Priest Scholar Teacher Friend. James McEvoy in memoriam. Maynooth: Department of Philosophy MU and Faculty of Philosophy SPCM,
2017 Lebech, M. and Gerl-Falkovitz, H.-B (Ed.). (2017) Edith Steins Herausforderung heutiger Anthropologie. Heiligenkreuz: BeundBe,
2015 Lebech, M. and Gurmin J. H (Ed.). (2015) Intersubjectivity, Humanity, Being. Edith Stein's Phenomenology and Christian Philosophy. Bern etc: Peter Lang,
2008 Lebech, M (Ed.). (2008) Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society 2008. Maynooth: Irish Philosophical Society,
2004 Lebech, M (Ed.). (2004) Maynooth Philosophical Papers 2004. Maynooth: Department of Philosophy, NUI, Maynooth,
2004 Lebech, M (Ed.). (2004) Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society 2004. Maynooth: Irish Philosophical Society,

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 Mette Lebech (2021) 'Stein's Contribution to the Phenomenological Foundation of the Human Sciences' In: Edith Stein's Itinerary. Phenomenology, Christian Philosophy, and Carmelite Spirituality. Münster : Aschendorf.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) 'The Presence of Kant in Stein' In: Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Phenomenology. Cham : Palgrave/Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66857-0_19
2020 Lebech, M. (2020) 'The Marvellous Exchange' In: Priest Scholar Teacher Friend. James McEvoy in memoriam. Maynooth : Department of Philosophy MU and Faculty of Philosophy SPCM.
2020 Lebech, M. (2020) 'Edith Stein - Phänomenologische Metaphysik als Aufstieg zum Sinn des Seins' In: Phänomenologische Metaphysik. Tübingen : utb. - Mohr Siebeck.
2019 Lebech, M. (2019) 'Essence, eidos, and dialogue in Stein's 'Husserl and Aquinas. A Comparison'' In: The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Research. Abingdon : Routledge. [Full-Text]
2018 Lebech, M. (2018) 'Europe and Human Dignity. A Steinian discussion of Joseph Ratzinger's reflections on the problems faced by Europe today' In: Edith Stein. Europe and its Identity. Europa und seine Identität. Nordhausen : Traugott Bautz. [Full-Text]
2018 Lebech, M. (2018) 'Edith Stein and Martin Heidegger: On the Meaning of Being' In: Listening to Edith Stein. Washington DC : ICS Publications. [Full-Text]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) 'Psychische Gesundheit und Krankheit bei Edith Stein' In: Edith Steins Herausforderung heutiger Anthropologie. Heligenkreuz : BeundBe. [Full-Text]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) 'Stein's Understanding of Mental Health and Mental Illness' In: Empathy, Sociality, and Personhood. Essays on Edith Stein's Phenomenological Investigations. Cham : Springer. [Full-Text]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) 'Europa i godnosc czlowieka. Analiza mysli Jezefa Ratzingera dotyczaca przyslosci Europy w swietele filozofii Edyty Stein' In: Edyta Stein Europa I jej Tozsamosc. Wroclaw : Papieski Wydzial Teologiczny. [Full-Text]
2016 Lebech, M. (2016) 'Women in Society: The Critical Potential of Stein's Feminism for Our Understanding of the State' In: Edith Stein: Women, Socio-Political Philosophy, Theology, Metaphysics and Public History. New Approaches and Applications. Dordrecht etc : Springer. [Full-Text]
2015 Lebech, M. and Smith J. (transl.) (2015) 'Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz: 'Sinnereignis in the Philosophy of Edith Stein'' In: Intersubjectivity, Humanity, Being. Edith Stein's Phenomenology and Christian Philosophy. Bern : Peter Lang.
2015 Lebech, M. (2015) 'Menschenwürde im Lichte der Philosophie Edith Steins' In: Edith Stein Jahrbuch 2015. Würzburg : Echter Verlag. [Full-Text]
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) 'Die Anerkennung der Menschenwürde von Demenzkranken. Untersuchungen im Lichte der Philosophie Edith Steins' In: Leid und Mitleid bei Edith Stein. Salzburg : Verlag Anton Pustet. [Full-Text]
2013 Lebech, M. and McEvoy, J. + (2013) 'Robert Grosseteste's Understanding of Human Dignity' In: Robert Grosseteste and His Intellectual Milieu. New Editions and Studies. Toronto : Brepols. [Full-Text]
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) 'The recognition of human dignity in the person living with dementia: reflections in the light of Edith Stein's phenomenology' In: An Irish Reader in Moral Theology. The Legacy of the Last Fifty Years. Volume III: Medical and Bio Ethics. Dublin : Columba Press. [Full-Text]
2012 Lebech, M. (2012) 'Bildung des Menschen - Bildung Europas. Der Einfluss des Christentums im Lichte der Philosophie Edith Steins' In: Die Bildung Europas. Eine Topographie des Möglichen im Horizont der Freiheit. Dresden : Thelem.
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) 'Beginning to Read Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being' In: Phenomenology 2010. Traditions, Transitions and Challenges. Bucharest : Zeta Books. [Full-Text]
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) 'Zum Problem der Menschenwürde' In: Gabe, Schuld, Vergebung, Festschrift für Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz. Dresden : Thelem.
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) 'Edith Stein als europäische Philosophin' In: Edith Stein Jahrbuch 2011. Würzburg : Echter Verlag.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) 'Edith Steins Value Theory and its Importance for her Conception of the State' In: Europa und seine Anderen. Emmanuel Levinas, Edith Stein, Jozef Tichner. Dresden : Thelem. [Full-Text]
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) 'Four Competing Conceptions of Human Dignity in Europe' In: Europäische Menschenbilder. Dresden : Thelem. [Full-Text]
2004 Lebech, M. (2004) 'Personal Friends' In: In Amor Amicitia: On the Love that is Friendship. Essays in Medieval Thought and Beyond, in Honor of the Rev. Professor James McEvoy. Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales, Bibliotheca 6. Leuven : Peeters. [Full-Text]
2002 Lebech, M. (2002) 'Why does John Paul II refer to Edith Stein in Fides et Ratio?' In: The Challenge of Truth. Dublin : Veritas. [Full-Text]
2002 Lebech, M. (2002) 'Towards a Definition of Human Dignity' In: La cutura della vita: Fondamenti e dimensioni, supplemento al volume degli atti della VIIa Assemblea Generale. Rome : Libreria Editrice Vaticana. [Full-Text]
2000 Lebech, M. (2000) 'Clarification of the notion of dignity' In: Dignity of the Dying Person, Proceedings of the Fifth General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Rome : Libreria Editrice Vaticana. [Full-Text]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Lebech, M. (2024) 'Mission and Human Dignity in the Black Sea Region - Philosophical Considerations'. Mission Studies, 41 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Lebech, M. (2023) 'Stein’s Phenomenology of Grace'. Religions, 14 (7). [Link] [DOI]
2020 Lebech, M. with James McEvoy + (2020) 'Deus qui humanae substantiae dignitatem. A Latin Liturgical Source Contributing to the Conceptualization History of Human Dignity'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 10/2020 :117-133. [Link] https://doi.org/10.5840/mpp202091610 [Full-Text]
2018 Edith Stein, transl. by M. Lebech and J. Smith (2018) 'Truth and Clarity in Teaching and Education'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 9 (2018):113-128.
2017 Lebech M. (2017) 'Stein’s Understanding of Mental Health and Mental Illness'. Contributions To Phenomenology, 94 :107-123. [DOI]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) 'Europe and Human Dignity. A Steinian Discussion of Josef Ratzinger's Understanding of Europe'. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, 12 :233-248. [Full-Text]
2016 Lebech, M, transl. Acácia Dias Pereira (2016) 'Uma abordagem steiniana da demencia'. Teologia em Questão, XV (2016/2):197-212. [Full-Text]
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) 'Edith Stein's Thomism'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 7 :20-32. [Full-Text]
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) 'Why do we need the Philosophy of Edith Stein?'. COMMUNIO, XXXVIII :682-727. [Full-Text]
2010 Lebech, M. with Jane Adolphe USA, Emmanuel Agius Malta, Vito Antonio Amodio Italy, Robert Barnet USA, Albrecht von Boeselager Germany, Cristian Borgono LC Italy and Chile, Ray Campbell Australia, Paul Chummar CMI Kenya and India, Peter A. Comensoli Australia, Ben Fanaye OP Nigeria, Norman Ford SDB Australia, Adriana Gini Italy, Gerald Gleeson Australia, Nigel Griffin UK, Helge Güldenzoph Germany, Pete Gummere USA, John M. Haas USA, Wolfgang Heinemann Germany, John Heng Canada and Singapore, Jochen Gerd Hoffmann Germany, Julian C. Hughes UK, Christine Jamieson Canada, Jaro Kotalik Canada, Erich von Lobkowicz Germany, James McManus UK, Robert OBrien Canada, Jānis (John) Ozoliņ Australia and Latvia, Peter Quail Canada, Wiesław Reglinski Switzerland and Poland, Christoph von Ritter Germany, Dario Sacchini Italy, William L. Saunders USA, Peter Schallenberg Germany, Linda S. Scheirton USA, Myles N. Sheehan SJ USA, John Sherrington UK, Elke Simon Germany, Ursula Sottong Germany, William F. Sullivan Canada, Daniel P. Sulmasy OFM USA, Paulina Taboada Chile, Carol Taylor USA, Joseph Tham LC Italy Canada and Hong Kong, Bernadette Tobin Australia, Neil Weir UK, Jos V. M. Welie USA (2010) 'Statement on Caring and giving hope to persons living with progressive cognitive impairments and those who care for them'. The national Catholic bioethics quarterly, Autumn 2010 :552-567. [Full-Text]
2007 Lebech, M. (2007) 'Martin Heidegger's Existential Philosophy. A translation of Edith Stein's Martin Heideggers Existentialphilosophie'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 4 :55-98. [Full-Text]
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) 'Stein’s Value Theory'. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 2010 :139-150. [Full-Text]
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) 'What can we learn from Edith Stein’s Philosophy of Woman?'. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 2009 :215-224. [Full-Text]
2009 Lebech, M., McEvoy, J. and Flood, J. (2009) 'On Human Dignity and the Image of God: The Dicta Albini (Ps. Alcuin) and the Dicta Candidi in Translation, and their Latin and English Reception during the Middle Ages'. Viator - Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 40 :1-34.
2008 Lebech, M. (2008) 'Stein's Phenomenology of the Body. The Constitution of the Human Being between Description of Experience and Social Construction'. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 2008 :61-71.
2008 Lebech, M. (2008) 'Stein's Phenomenology of the Body. The Constitution of the Human Being between Description of Experience and Social Construction'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 5 :16-20. [Full-Text]
2007 Lebech, M. (2007) 'Reading Stein – A Guide for the Perplexed, Feature Review Article of Sarah Borden’s Edith Stein and Alasdair McIntyre’s Edith Stein. A Philosophical Prologue'. International Philosophical Quarterly, (March 2007):103-112.
2006 Lebech, M. (2006) 'Edith Stein’s Philosophy of Education in The Structure of the Human Person'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 2006 :163-178. [Full-Text]
2004 Lebech, M. (2004) 'What is Human Dignity?'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 2 :59-69. [Full-Text]
2004 Lebech, M. (2004) 'Study Guide to Edith Stein's Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities'. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 4 :40-76. [Full-Text]
2002 Lebech, M. (2002) 'The Constitution of Human Dignity'. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 2002 :83-91. [Full-Text]
2002 Lebech, M. (2002) 'La constitution de la dignité humaine'. REVUE GÉNÉRALE DE DROIT MÉDICAL, 8 :55-68.
2002 Lebech, M. (2002) 'What is Bioethics?'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 2002 :51-56. [Full-Text]
2001 Lebech, M. (2001) 'Friendship. The Dialectics of Personal Identity'. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 2001 :103-113.
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) 'Thomas Aquinas om autenticitet, sandfærdighed og praktisk fornuft'. FILOSOFISKE STUDIER, 18 :161-173.
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) 'Thomas Aquinas’ Personbegreb'. Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 4 :183-196.
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) 'Comment on a proposed draft protocol for the European Convention on Biomedicine relating to research on the human embryo and fetus'. Journal of Medical Ethics, 24 :345-347. [Full-Text]
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) 'Dignity v. Dignity. The Significance of the Notion of Human Dignity in the Human Rights Tradition and its use in Bioethics'. STUDIES IN ETHICS AND LAW, 7 :29-38. [Full-Text]
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) 'Anonymity and Informed Consent in Artificial Procreation'. Bioethics, 11 :336-340. [Full-Text]
1995 Lebech, M. (1995) 'Venskab'. Philosophia, 24 :147-164.
1994 Lebech, M. with Jacob Rendtorff; Peter Højlund. and Peter Kemp (1994) 'Bioetikkens grundlag. Overvejelser over kroppens betydning for bioetik og bioret'. Philosophia, 23 :33-50.
1994 Lebech, M. (1994) 'Thomas Aquinas om følelserne'. FILOSOFISKE STUDIER, 14 :99-130.
1993 Lebech, M. (1993) 'Overvejelser over begrebet ‘venskab’ hos Aristoteles, Cicero og Aelredus af Rievaulx'. FILOSOFISKE STUDIER, 13 :45-76.

Encyclopedia Entry

Year Publication
2023 M. Lebech (2023) Stein, Edith (1891-1942). Cham: [Encyclopedia Entry] [Link] [DOI]

Dictionary Entry

Year Publication
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Wertnehmen - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Wertfühlen - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Wert - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Theorie - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Staat - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Materie und Form - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Gewissheit - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M (2017) Gegebenheit - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Evidenz - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Erscheinung - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Beweis - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Auffassung - Edith Stein Lexikon. Freiburg im Bresgau: [Dictionary Entry]

Book Review

Year Publication
2020 Lebech, M. (2020) Marius Sitsch: Liebe und Einsamkeit. Komplementäre Gegebenheitsweisen des Anderen nach Edith Stein und Jean-Paul Sartre. Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz Verlag, 2018, 189 S. Würzburg - München - Wien: [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2019 Lebech, M. (2019) Husserl und Thomas von Aquin bei Edith Stein (Peter Volek, ed.). Maynooth: [Book Review]
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Peter Volek: Husserl und Thomas von Aquin bei Edith Stein. [Book Review]
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) The Philosophy of Edith Stein. By Antonio Calcagno. [Book Review]
2007 Lebech, M. (2007) Teresa Iglesias: The Dignity of the Individual. [Book Review]
2007 Lebech, M. (2007) Husserl and Stein. By Feist and Sweet. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2006 Lebech, M. (2006) Who am I? Experiences of Donor Conception. Maynooth: [Book Review]
2005 Lebech, M. (2005) Edith Stein. By Sarah Borden. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2004 Lebech, M. (2004) Teresa Iglesias: The Dignity of the Individual. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2004 Lebech, M. (2004) Dignity of the Individual. Issues of Bioethics and Law. By Teresa Iglesias. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2003 Lebech, M. (2003) Rosemary Radford Ruether: Christianity and the Making of the Modern Family. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2002 Lebech, M. (2002) Marianne Sawicki: Body Text and Science. The Literacy of Investigative Practices and the Phenomenology of Edith Stein. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2002 Lebech, M. (2002) C.D. Gautier: Fra Heavytree til The Temple. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2001 Lebech, M. (2001) Gérard Mémeteau: Le Mythe Bioéthique. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
2000 Lebech, M. (2000) Sylvie Courtine-Denamy: Trois femmes dans des sombres temps. Hannah Arendt, Edith Stein, Simone Weil. [Book Review] [Full-Text]
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) ‘Alexina McWhinnie: Kunstig befrugtning. Hvad fortæller vi barnet?. [Book Review]
1994 Lebech, M. (1994) Jacob Dahl Rendtorff: Frihed og Etik i Jean-Paul Sartres filosofi. [Book Review]
1994 Lebech, M. (1994) Gunnar Frederikson: Wittgenstein. En Helgenbiografi. [Book Review]
1992 Lebech, M. (1992) Jan Riis Flor: Erkendelsesteori. [Book Review]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) 'On the Problem of Human Dignity' Bioethics Outlook, 21 :3-8. [Full-Text]
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) 'Concernant le problème de la dignité humaine' Recherches philosophiques, 2010 :15-26. [Full-Text]
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) 'Comment on a Proposed Draft Protocol for the European Convention on Biomedicine Relating to Research on the Human Embryo and Fetus' MIT Sloan Management Review, :69-72.
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) 'Bioetik i en interafhængig verden' Studier i Etik og Ret, no. 5, :127-137.
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) 'Kunstig befrugtning og embryoets status' Studier i Etik og Ret, no. 5, :139-149.
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) 'Principperne i de nye franske love' Studier i Etik og Ret, no. 5, :11-21.
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) 'Kærligheden hos Thomas Aquinas' Lumen, Sankt Mariae Kirkes Sogneblad, (3) :3-9.
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) 'Fundamental Principles in Bioethics' Working Papers: Research Projects, EU BIOMED II meeting June 1 - 4, 1996 in Copenhagen, :115-117.
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) 'Den 11. Verdenskongres om Sundhedsret' Studier i Etik og Ret, no. 4, :105-111.
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) 'Denmark. National Laws, Directives, Regulation and Debate' Working Papers: Biolaw in Europe, EU BIOMED II meeting June 1 - 4, 1996 in Copenhagen, :31-34.
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) 'Retfærdighed, lighed og fornuft. Aristotles om retfærdighed i den Nikomakæiske Etik' Studier i Etik og Ret, no. 2, :43-54.
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) 'The State of American Bioethics' Studier i Etik og Ret, no. 4, :97-104.
1995 Lebech, M. (1995) 'Julian om glæden' Levende Vand. Tidskrift for Kristen Mystik, 8 (2) :22-28.
1994 Lebech, M. (1994) 'Thomas Aquinas om Glæden' Levende Vand. Tidskrift for Kristen Mystik, 7 (3) :4-12.

Magazine Article

Year Publication
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) Menneske eller ting? Europarådet har haft fosterets retslige status til debat. [Magazine Article]
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) Købmanden og perlen. [Magazine Article]
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) USA: På vej mod en legalisering af eutanasi?. [Magazine Article]
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) Den etiske dimension af forskningen /Er der viden vi ikke bør skaffe os. [Magazine Article]
1995 Lebech, M. (1995) Bioetik og Bioret. [Magazine Article]
1995 Lebech, M. (1995) Grunde til abort. [Magazine Article]

Newspaper Articles

Year Publication
2013 Lebech, M. with David Albert Jones UK, Emmanuel Agius Malta, Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco O.P. USA, Stéphane Bauzon Italy, Francoise Baylis Canada, E. Christian Brugger USA, Donna Dickenson UK, Norman M Ford Australia, Anne Barbeau Gardiner USA, Robert P. George USA, Jozef Glasa Slovak Republic, Geoffrey Hunt UK, Christian Illies Germany, June Jones UK, John F. Kilner USA, John Kleinsman New Zealand, Regine Kollek Germany, Joseph W. Koterski USA, Abby Lippman Canada, Natalia López-Moratalla Spain, Calum MacKellar UK, Nur Masalha UK, Pia Matthews UK, Kevin McGovern Australia, John McLean, Emilio Mordini Italy, Anselm Winfried Mueller South Korea, Dónal O’Mathna Ireland, Craig Payne USA, Hilary Rose UK, Ingrid Schneider Germany, Joseph Shaw Fellow UK, Jiri Simek Czech Republic, Robert Song UK, Trevor G. Stammers UK, Agneta Mauléon Sutton UK, Rodney Taylor UK, Nicholas Tonti-Filippini Italy, Verena Tschudin UK, Günter Virt Austria, Helen Watt UK (2013) Alarm over Genetic Control of Embryos. [Newspaper Articles]
2008 Lebech, M. with Martin Clynes DCU, William Rewille UCC, Kevin Kavanagh NUIM, Donal Ó Mathuna DCU, Desmond O'Neill TCD, Ken Carroll ITT Dublin, Gerry Whyte TCD, Rosaleen Devery DCU, William Binchy TCD, John Kehoe GP, Sean Ó Domhnaill Consultant Psychiatrist, Ronald Grainger TCD, Des MacHale UCC, Peter Childs UL, and Teresa Iglesias UCD (2008) Academics against Embryo Experimentation. [Newspaper Articles]
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) Fosterets retslige status i Europa. [Newspaper Articles]
1996 Lebech, M. with Peter Kemp (1996) En samlet lov om patientrettigheder. [Newspaper Articles]
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) Mandelas Nye Sydafrika. [Newspaper Articles]
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) Befolkningspolitik som tvang. [Newspaper Articles]
1995 Lebech, M. (1995) 17 år efter Louise Brown. [Newspaper Articles]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Lebech, M. (2024) Launch of Robert McNamara: Edith Stein's Personalism Synthesis in Edith Stein online/the von Hildebrandt Project, 24/01/2024.
2023 Lebech. M. (2023) VI Simpósio Internacional Edith Stein. Pessoa, comunidade, sociedade e Estado La contribution d’Edith Stein au projet de fondation phénoménologique des sciences sociales PURCS, Porto Alegre, 22/11/2023-24/11/2023.
2023 Lebech, M. (2023) VI Simpósio Internacional Edith Stein. Pessoa, comunidade, sociedade e Estado Causalite psychique PURCS, Porto Alegre, 22/11/2023-24/11/2023.
2023 Lebech, M. (2023) VI Simpósio Internacional Edith Stein. Pessoa, comunidade, sociedade e Estado Causalite sociale PURCS, Porto Alegre, 22/11/2023-24/11/2023.
2023 Lebech, M. (2023) Thinking about Education - Edith Stein, International IASPES Conference The Influence of Newman on Edith Stein's Philosophy of Education University of Avila, 06/10/2023-.
2023 M. Lebech (2023) Missions Towards Human Dignity. Challenges from within the Black Sea Region and Beyond The Problem and Sources of Human Dignity Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 08/09/2023.
2023 Lebech, M., Daniel Neumann and Sarah Borden (2023) Centre for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists Edith Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being Paderborn, 10/07/2023-13/07/2023.
2023 M. Lebech (2023) What is Human Dignity? An Application of Edith Stein's Phenomenology Aylesford Carmelite Priory, Kent, 05/07/2023-05/07/2023.
2023 Lebech, M. (2023) British Society for Phenomenology Edith Stein’s Phenomenology. An Exploration online, 07/06/2023-28/06/2023.
2023 Lebech, M. (2023) Stein and Scheler in Dialogue Stein's Reading of Scheler's Idole der Selbsterkenntnis (1915): The Centrality of the Phenomenological Method and the Nature of the Psyche University of St Thomas St Paul, Minnesota, .
2022 Lebech, M. (2022) The Influence of Newman on Stein's Philosophy of Education Newman's Idea of a University. Then and Now Newman House, UCD, 20/10/2022-.
2022 Lebech, M. (2022) Stein's Phenomenology of Grace. The Experience off Divine Love The Future of Christian Philosophy St Patrick's Pontifical University Maynooth, 27/04/2022-30/04/2022.
2022 Lebech, M. (2022) The Development of Stein's Early Understanding of Love: From Value Response to Life in the Holy Spirit 44th Phavisminda International Conference Eastern Visayas State University, Tacloban City, The Philippines, 27/05/2022-30/05/2022.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) Edith Stein on the I, Depth, Causality and Reality Workshop on Early Women Phenomenologists, IAPh Conference: Defining the Future – Rethinking the Past Centre for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, University of Paderborn, hybrid event, 19/06/2021-21/06/2021.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) Workshop on Early Women Phenomenologists Workshop on Early Women Phenomenologists IAPh Conference: Defining the Future – Rethinking the Past, Centre for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, University of Paderborn, hybrid event, 19/06/2021-21/06/2021.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) Presentation of Texts by Stein from Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities to illuminate Conrad-Martius’ Influence on Stein Workshop on Early Women Phenomenologists, IAPh Conference: Defining the Future – Rethinking the Past Centre for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, University of Paderborn, hybrid event, 21/06/2021-.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) Stein’s Version of Phenomenology IASPES Biennial International Conference: ‘Edith Stein's Legacy to the World 130 Years after Her Birth’ Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada – Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla – Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí – Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 14/10/2021-.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) An Introduction to Stein’s Philosophy: Empathy and Intersubjectivity Agape Latte John Paul II Society, Saint Patrick's College Maynooth, online, 04/03/2021-.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) Introduction Husserl’s and Stein’s Intertwined Itineraries 1916-25 with focus on Ideas II, International online conference Paderborn and Maynooth Universities, online, 20/05/2021-21/05/2021.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) Towards an integration of the phenomenological efforts to found the social sciences. A Steinian discussion of Schutz’s “Husserl’s Ideas, Volume II” Husserl’s and Stein’s Intertwined Itineraries 1916-25 with focus on Ideas II, International online conference Paderborn and Maynooth Universities, online, 21/05/2021-.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) The Philosophy of Empathy. A Popular Understanding explained by Edith Stein’s We are Beloved Lismullin Institute, 08/11/2021-.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) The Problem and Sources of Human Dignity International Association for Mission Studies, European section programme committee, planning session for conference in 2023: Missions Towards Human Dignity. Challenges from the Black Sea Region and Beyond University of Münster, online, 26/11/2021-.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) An Introduction to Stein’s Philosophy: Phenomenology and Metaphysics Agape Latte John Paul II Society, Saint Patrick's College Maynooth, online, 11/03/2021-.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) Launch of Priest Scholar Teacher Friend. James McEvoy in memoriam Launch of Priest Scholar Teacher Friend. James McEvoy in memoriam Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, online, 06/05/2021-.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) Love and Friendship, a School of Wisdom Launch of Priest Scholar Teacher Friend. James McEvoy in memoriam Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 06/05/2021-.
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) An Introduction to Stein’s Philosophy: The Structure of the Human Person Agape Latte John Paul II Society, Saint Patrick's College Maynooth, online, 25/03/2021-.
2020 Lebech, M. (2020) Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being: identifying the argument Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being: identifying the argument Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 08/02/2020-.
2020 Lebech, M. (2020) The meaning of and reason for individual being Edith Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being. Identifying the Argument Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 08/02/2020-.
2019 Lebech, M. (2019) Sinn des Seins. Edith Steins phänomenologische Metaphysik Kolloquium zur Philosophie Department of Philosophy, University of Paderborn, 17/11/2019-.
2019 Lebech, M. (2019) Edith Stein Don Bosco Society Saint Catherine's, Maynooth University Campus, 27/02/2019-.
2019 Lebech, M. (2019) Edith Stein, Husserls Schülerin Husserls und Pfänders Schülerinnen: Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Edith Stein, Gerda Walther Department of Philosophy, University of Paderborn, 02/12/2019-06/12/2019.
2019 Lebech, M. (2019) Human Dignity – A Historical Perspective Tolerance and Dignity, IVR World Congress Workshop Lucerne, 09/07/2019-.
2019 Lebech, M. (2019) Stein and Empathy Lismullin seminar Lismullin Institute, 04/07/2019-.
2019 Lebech, M. (2019) Stein’s contribution to the phenomenological foundation of the human sciences IASPES Conference Cologne, 16/08/2019-.
2018 Lebech, M. (2018) Human Dignity Panel Discussion of the 8 Amendment, DCU Philosophical Club DCU, 11/04/2018-.
2018 Lebech, M. (2018) The problem of the origin of the species – species, genus, individual Stein’s The Structure of the Human Person Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 20/12/2018-.
2018 Lebech, M. (2018) Stein’s The Structure of the Human Person Stein’s The Structure of the Human Person Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 20/12/2018-21/12/2018.
2018 Lebech, M. (2018) Sinn des Seins. Die Metaphysik Edith Steins Phänomenologische Metaphysik University of Würzburg, 16/03/2018-.
2017 Lebech. M. (2017) Steins Filosofi Steins Frihed og Nåde. Seminar organised with Preben Salomonsen and Ann-Lise Aasesdatter Hansen Skt Josefs Karmel, Hillerød, 18/03/2017-.
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Stein’s understanding of Essence in “Husserl and Aquinas, a Comparison” Concepts of Essence Workshop Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 18/05/2017-.
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Stein’s contribution to the phenomenological foundation of the human sciences The Idea, History and Institutional Foundations of Science Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 09/12/2017-.
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Essence Essence Workshop Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 18/06/2017-.
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Frihed og Nåde Steins Frihed og Nåde. Seminar organised with Preben Salomonsen and Ann-Lise Aasesdatter Hansen Skt Josefs Karmel, Hillerød, 19/03/2017-.
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Edith Stein. Patronin Europas/Europa und die Menschenwürde. Eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen Joseph Ratzinger und Edith Stein Katholische Akademie in Berlin Berlin, 10/01/2017-.
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) The Idea, History and Institutional Foundations of Science The Idea, History and Institutional Foundations of Science Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 09/12/2017-.
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) Europe and Human Dignity. A Steinian Discussion of Joseph Ratzinger’s Reflections on the Problems faced by Europe Today Guild of Catholic Scholars St Saviour’s Dominican Priory, 18/04/2017-.
2017 Lebech, M. (2017) On the Proposal of Edith Stein concerning the Individuality of Persons Response to John Crosby, Research Seminar Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 29/05/2017-.
2016 Lebech, M. (2016) Human Dignity as the Fundamental Value of the Human Being Human Dignity as the Foundation of Human Rights? Universitet Utrecht, Mitland Hotel, 11/10/2016-.
2016 Lebech, M. (2016) Europe and Human Dignity. A Steinian discussion of Joseph Ratzinger’s Reflections on the Problems Faced by Europe Today Edyta Stein 2016: Europe and its Identity Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Wroclaw and Society of Edith Stein in Wroclaw, Edith Stein Haus, 15/10/2016-.
2015 Lebech, M. (2015) Geistige Gesundheit und Krankheit bei Edith Stein International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein Conference Heiligenkreuz, 23/10/2015-.
2015 Lebech, M. (2015) Mental health and mental illness according to Edith Stein International Association of Catholic Bioethicists conference Manoir de Youville, Chatauguay, Canada, 27/06/2015-.
2015 Lebech, M. (2015) The Careful Nursing Philosophy and Professional Practice Model The Careful Nursing Philosophy and Professional Practice Model UCD, 15/12/2015-.
2014 Lebech, M. (2014) Philosophy Discussion Morning Careful Nursing Philosophy and Professional Practice Model Department of Nursing, UCD, 18/01/2014-.
2014 Lebech, M. (2014) Edith Stein’s Thomism Cairde Thomas Naofa conference Ely University Centre, 07/06/2014-.
2014 Lebech, M. (2014) What can we learn from Edith Stein’s Philosophy of Woman? European Outreach Programme of Franciscan University, Steubenville Gaming, Austria, 05/05/2014-.
2014 Lebech, M. (2014) Menschenwürde im Lichte der Philosophie Edith Steins Edith Stein Gesellschaft Österreich Archbishop’s Palace, Vienna, 24/10/2014-.
2014 Lebech, M. (2014) Europa und die Menschenwürde Europa eine Seele geben EUPhrat, Hochschule Heiligenkreuz, 25/10/2014-.
2014 Lebech, M. with Javier Carreno and Robert McNamara, (2014) Stein’s concept of essence Aquinas Institute of Ireland Summerschool Knockadoon, Cork, 27/06/2014-.
2014 Lebech, M. (2014) The constitution of Human Dignity according to the Phenomenology of Edith Stein Medical Ethics Conference Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 08/02/2014-.
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) Edith Stein’s “Thomism” Centre for Thomistic Studies University of St Thomas, Heuston, Texas, 21/03/2013-.
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities Research Seminar UCD-SWIP, Newman House, University College Dublin, 27/02/2013-.
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) The Constitution of Human Dignity according to Edith Stein Discovering the ‘We’ Newman House, University College Dublin, 16/12/2013-.
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) The relation between sex, wisdom and the fall in Aquinas and Stein Aquinas Institute Summer School Knockadoon, Cork, 27/06/2013-.
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) Edith Stein’s Feminism Women Culture and Society University of St Thomas, Heuston, Texas, 19/03/2013-.
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) Why did John Paul II refer to Edith Stein in Fides et ratio? John Paul II Forum University of St Thomas, Heuston, Texas, 20/03/2013-.
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) Stein’s Philosophy of Mind in her Earliest Published Works SWIP Postgraduate Conference Newman House, University College Dublin, 02/03/2013-.
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) Advanced Research Seminar on Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities with Alessandro Salice, Danielle Petherbridge and Thomas Szanto UCD-SWIP Newman House, University College Dublin, 27/02/2013-28/02/2013.
2013 Lebech, M. (2013) Women in Society. Stein’s understanding of the human person in relation to society IASPES Conference King's College, London Ontario, 12/06/2013-.
2012 Lebech, M. (2012) Stein as a Thomist Aquinas Institute Summer School Knockadoon, Cork, 30/08/2012-.
2012 Lebech, M. (2012) Edith Stein as European Philosopher Edith Stein Connects. International Scientific Seminar Celebrating 70 anniversary of Stein's death Auschwitz, 08/06/2012-.
2012 Lebech, M. (2012) Stein's Philosophy of Woman Laurentian Society Trinity College Dublin, 07/03/2012-.
2012 Lebech, M. (2012) The Philosophy of Mind in Stein's Earliest Published Writings Another Phenomenology? Husserl Archives - Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, 11/05/2012-.
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) Bioethics and Human Nature School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science Conway Institute UCD, 21/02/2011-.
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) Zum Problem der Menschenwürde Oberseminar, Lehrstuhl für Religionsphilosophie Rosenthal, Sachsen, Germany, 05/02/2011-.
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) On the Problem of Human Dignity Invited Speakers Series, Department of Philosophy NUIM Maynooth, Ireland, 18/11/2010-.
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) Tribute to James McEvoy The Annual Aquinas Lecture Maynooth, Ireland, 26/01/2011-.
2011 Lebech, M. with Rene Raschke and Stephan Steiner (2011) Steins Eine Untersuchung über den Staat Steins Eine Untersuchung über den Staat TUDresden, 07/02/2011-08/02/2011.
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) President's Report IASPES AGM Maynooth, Ireland, 25/06/2011-.
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) Finite and Eternal Being, Chapter IV: Essence-essentia, ousia – substance, form and matter Finite and Eternal Being - Scholars' seminar, IASPES International Conference Maynooth, Ireland, 27/06/2011-.
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) Stein's On the Problem of Empathy Existential Psychoanalysis and Inner Circle Seminars Durrant's Hotel, London, UK, 09/10/2011-.
2011 Lebech, M. (2011) Zum Problem der Menschenwürde Philosophisches Colloquium, Institut für Philosophie, TUDresden Dresden, Germany, 02/02/2011-.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) Launch of the Edith Stein Circle Website Religionsphilosophie Oberseminar Rosenthal (TUDresden), 05/02/2010-.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) Bildung des Menschen – Bildung Europas. Der Einfluss des Christentums im Lichte der Philosophie Edith Steins Die Bildung Europas TUDresden, Germany, 16/06/2010-.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) Edith Stein als Europäische Philosophin Edith Stein Gesellschaft Deutschland Salzburg, Austria, 17/04/2010-.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) Phänomenologische Werttheorie Faculty of the Humanities, Socrates Research Students Seminar Karl's Universität, Prague, 26/03/2010-.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) Steins Einführung in die Philosophie Steins Einführung in die Philosophie TUDresden, 03/03/2010-04/03/2010.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) Edith Stein als Europäische Philosophin Pontifical University of Wroclaw Wrocław, Poland, 15/05/2010-.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) On the Problem of Human Dignity Department of Philosophy, Catholic University of Ružumberok Slovakia, 10/05/2010-.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) La phénoménologie du corps selon Edith Stein: Entre description d’expérience et construction sociale Faculté de Philosophie, Institut Catholique de Toulouse Toulouse, 22/02/2010-.
2010 Lebech, M. and René Rascke (2010) Steins Beiträge zur philosophischen Begründung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften Seminar, TUDresden Dresden, Germany, 28/06/2010-.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) Le problème de la dignité humaine Journée d’études: Éthique et personnalismes, Maison de la Recherche Institut Catholique de Toulouse, 24/02/2010-.
2010 Lebech, M. (2010) Le problème de la dignité humaine Faculté de Philosophie, Institut Catholique de Toulouse Toulouse, 23/02/2010-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Stein’s Phenomenology of the Body. The Constitution of the Human Being between Description of Experience and Social Construction Festival of Learning, Baltimore Carmel Baltimore, Maryland, 14/11/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Launch Maynooth Philosophical Papers 2008 Russel Library, Maynooth, 11/07/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Founding the International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein Book launch of On the Problem of Human Dignity University Bookshop, Maynooth, 04/06/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Stein’s Phenomenology of the Body. The Constitution of the Human Being Between Description of Experience and Social Construction Centre for Subjectivity Studies Københavns Universitet, 13/01/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Stein's Value Theory Festival of Learning, Baltimore Carmel Baltimore Maryland, 14/11/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Stein’s Phenomenology of the Body. The Constitution of the Human Being between Description of Experience and Social Construction Villanova University Villanova PA, 12/11/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) On the Problem of Human Dignity Ethics for Lunch, Villanova University Villanova PA, 11/11/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Edith Stein Department of Philosophy, Immaculata University Immaculata PA, 10/11/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) On the Problem of Human Digniy Department of Philosophy, St John's University New York, 05/11/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) The Constitution of Human Dignity According to Stein Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison WI, 21/10/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Stein's Value Theory Invited Speakers' Series, Wheaton College Wheaton IL, 13/10/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Human Dignity and Dementia IACB Conference Cardinal Schulte Haus, Cologne, 14/07/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Stein’s Philosophy of Woman The Newman Society University College Dublin, 11/02/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Beginning to read Stein's Finite and Eternal Being IPS Conference NUIMaynooth, 04/04/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Do Human Rights Exist? NUIM Philosophy Society An Tobar, Maynooth, 12/03/2009-.
2009 Lebech, M. (2009) Stein's Value Theory and the State Europa und seine Anderen TUDresden, 11/06/2009-.
2008 Lebech, M. (2008) Stein’s Phenomenology of the Body. The Constitution of the Human Being between Description of Experience and Social Construction Invited Speakers' Series Department of Philosophy, NUIMaynooth, 27/11/2008-.
2008 Lebech, M. (2008) Stein’s Phenomenology of the Body. The Constitution of the Human Being between Description of Experience and Social Construction Intercorporeality and Intersubjectivity International Conference University College Dublin, 06/06/2008-.
2008 Lebech, M. (2008) Four Competing Conceptions of Human Dignity in Europe Europäische Menschenbilder Internationale Tagung Technische Universitaet Dresden, 11/04/2008-.
2008 Lebech, M. (2008) Edith Stein and Martin Heidegger on the Death of the Other John Paul II Society Saint Patrick's College Maynooth, 12/02/2008-.
2008 Lebech, M. (2008) Edith Stein and Martin Heidegger on the Death of the Other Newman Society University College Dublin, 27/02/2008-.
2007 Lebech, M. (2007) What is Human Dignity? Department of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy Queen's University Belfast, 14/02/2007-.
2007 Lebech, M. (2007) Edith Stein and Martin Heidegger on the Meaning of Being Cairde Tomáis Neofa NUIMaynooth, 10/03/2007-.
2006 Lebech, M. (2006) Edith Stein and Martin Heidegger Newman Society University College Dublin, 29/11/2006-.
2006 Lebech, M. (2006) The Function of Human Dignity as a Fundamental Value International Conference Association of Legal and Social Philosophy – UCD Politics Department University College Dublin, 30/06/2006-.
2006 Lebech, M. (2006) Edith Stein’s Philosophy St. Joseph’s Carmel Malahide, Dublin, 30/03/2006-.
2005 Lebech, M. (2005) The Life and Work of Edith Stein Atlantis University College Dublin, 10/11/2005-.
2005 Lebech, M. (2005) The Constitution of Human Dignity Ph.D. seminar Institute of Philosophy, KULeuven, .
2005 Lebech, M. (2005) This House Believes Abortion is Wrong The Pro-Life Society and the Philosophy Society NUIMaynooth, 05/12/2005-.
2004 Lebech, M. (2004) Towards a Theory of Human Dignity Presentation to the Ph.D. students of Prof. William Desmond Institute of Philosophy, KULeuven, 02/12/2004-.
2004 Lebech, M. (2004) Cyborgs Discussion with Prof. Warwick Biology Society, NUIM, 24/11/2004-.
2004 Lebech, M. (2004) Bioethics and Human Nature Invited Speakers' Series Department of Philosophy, NUIM, 12/02/2004-.
2003 Lebech, M. (2003) Arendt and Aquinas – Two Worlds or One? Metaphysics, W(h)ither now? Irish Philosophical Society, NUIMaynooth, 12/04/2003-.
2003 Lebech, M. and James McEvoy (2003) Robert Grosseteste on Human Dignity Robert Grosseteste and his Intellectual Milieu Robert Grosseteste College, Lincoln, 21/07/2003-.
2003 Lebech, M. (2003) After 50 Years: DNA and Society Panel Discussion at Open Evening Event, Biology Department NUIMaynooth, 25/04/2003-.
2003 Lebech, M. (2003) Bioethics and Human Nature Bioethics, Theory and Practice, Bioethics Study Group , NUIMaynooth, 01/11/2003-.
2003 Lebech, M. (2003) The Philosophy of Edith Stein Academicum Catholicum Niels Steensens Gymnasium, Copenhagen, 28/08/2003-.
2003 Lebech, M. (2003) Ethical Biotechnology Department of Biology NUIMaynooth, 16/06/2003-.
2003 Lebech, M. (2003) Arendt and Aquinas – Two Worlds or One? Invited Speakers' Series Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University, 20/02/2003-.
2003 Lebech, M. and Martin Downes (2003) Bioethics and Human Dignity Bioethics Seminar, Kilkenny Berkeley Society and Irish Philosophical Society Conference Parade Tower Kilkenny Castle, 08/11/2003-.
2002 Lebech, M. (2002) What is Bioethics? Seminar Series, Biology Department NUIMaynooth, 01/02/2002-.
2002 Lebech, M. (2002) The Essence of Human Dignity Invited Speakers’ Series, Department of Philosophy, UCG Galway, 20/03/2002-.
2002 Lebech, M. (2002) The Essence of Human Dignity PAV General Assembly The Vatican, 26/02/2002-.
2001 Lebech, M. (2001) The Philosophy of Edith Stein All Hallows Philosophical Society NOUS All Hallows, 11/01/2001-.
2001 Lebech, M. (2001) The Constitution of Human Dignity IPS Conference celebrating the hundred years of publication of Husserl's Logical Investigations UCD, 03/11/2001-.
2001 Lebech, M. (2001) IVF and the Family Lismullin seminar on the Family Lismullin Institute, .
2001 Lebech, M. (2001) Philosophy and Religion Participation in radio programme Kairos, Maynooth, 19/01/2001-.
2000 Lebech, M. (2000) Friendship. The Dialectics of Personal Identity Irish Philosophical Society Maynooth, Ireland, 25/11/2000-.
1999 Lebech, M. (1999) Edith Stein on Empathy. An Introduction to her Philosophy of the Person IPS Conference, The Aisling Hotel Dublin, 17/04/1999-.
1999 Lebech, M. (1999) Edith Stein on Empathy Staff and Postgraduate Seminar, Faculty of Philosophy NUI Maynooth, 18/03/1999-.
1999 Lebech, M. (1999) Bioetik og værdighed Skt Laurentii Church Roskilde, 09/09/1999-.
1999 Lebech, M. (1999) Human Dignity The Pro-life Society St Patrick’s College/NUIM, 08/12/1999-.
1999 Lebech, M. (1999) Menneskelig værdighed og moderne forskning Skt Mariae kirkes ældreklub Frederiksberg, Denmark, 14/09/1999-.
1999 Lebech, M. (1999) Clarification of the notion of dignity 5th General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life Rome, The Vatican, 26/02/1999-.
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) Introduction to the life and work of Edith Stein Commemoration of the Canonization of Edith Stein NUI Maynooth, 18/12/1998-.
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) Discussions of the final report for the European Commission of the BIOMED II project on Basic Principles in European Bioethics and Biolaw BIOMED II project on Basic Principles in European Bioethics and Biolaw Institut Borja de Bioetica, Barcelona, Spain, 20/11/1998-21/11/1998.
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) The history of the notion of human dignity Ph.d seminar, Centre for Ethics and Law, University of Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark, 01/03/1998-.
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) Dignity v. Dignity Second International Conference on Bioetics and Biolaw Centre for Ethics and Law, University of Copenhagen, 04/06/1998-.
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) IVF and the Family Family 2000, the Montrose Hotel Dublin, .
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) Bioetisk Orientering Stenogildet, The Danish Catholic Doctors Association Copenhagen, Danemark, 16/05/1998-.
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) Menneskeværd Public discussion at Krudttonden Cafe Copenhagen, 16/05/1998-.
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) Women’s Social and Economic Rights The English Province of the Sisters of the Assumption, Maria Assumpta Centre, Kensington London, 04/12/1997-.
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) Women’s Social and Economic Rights Representation for the Holy See at meeting of UN's Division for the Advancement of Women Turku, Finland, 01/12/1997-04/12/1997.
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) Medically Assisted Procreation, English and French Law Intitute of Technology and Science, Technical University of Vienna Vienna, Austria, 14/05/1997-16/05/1997.
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) Principles, Compromise and Human Embryos in Europe The Pro-life Society and The Catholic Association of University Teachers NUI Maynooth, Dublin, Ireland, 17/03/1997-21/03/1997.
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) Principles, Compromise and Human Embryos in Europe EC BIOMED II Sheffield Institute for Biotechnological Law and Ethics (SIBLE), 05/04/1997-.
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) Thomas Aquinas om autenticitet og oprigtighed Nordic Summer University Oslo, Norway, 22/02/1997-.
1997 Lebech, M. (1997) Comments on a proposed draft protocol regarding research on the human embryo and foetusEC BIOMED II seminar EC BIOMED II Centre for Bioethics, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 23/11/1997-.
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) Artificial Procreation and Informed Consent International Association of Bioethics San Francisco, .
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) Artificial Procreation and Informed Consent 11th World Congress on Medical Law Sun City, South Africa, 01/06/1996-.
1996 Lebech, M. (1996) Discussions CDBI colloquium on the status of the human embryo The Council of Europe, Strasburg, France, 01/12/1996-.
1995 Lebech, M. (1995) Educating for Peace M.U.S.E.U.M Malta, .
1995 Lebech, M. (1995) Grunde til abort General Assembly of the Danish Christian Democrats Lunderskov, Danemark, 01/06/1995-.
1995 Lebech, M. (1995) Education for Peace Justice and Peace Malta, 01/04/1995-.
1994 M. Lebech (1994) LIvskvalitet Muskelsvindsfonden Aarhus, 12/03/1994-.
1994 Lebech, M. (1994) Barnets ret til at kende sit ophav Dansk Kvindesamfund Copenhagen, 01/12/1994-.
1993 M. Lebech (1993) Findes blodslægtsskab? Diskussionsgruppen i Etik og Politisk Filosofi Filosofisk Institut, Koebenhavn, 28/10/1993-.
1993 M. Lebech (1993) Sofie spørger: hvad er en gave? Studenterforeningen ved Filosofisk Institut Koebenhavns Universitet, 13/04/1993-.

Policy Contribution

Year Publication
1998 Lebech, M. (1998) Promoting women’s enjoyment of their social and economic rights. [Policy Contribution]
1994 Lebech, M., Jacob Rendtorff, Peter Kemp and Peter Højlund (1994) Retten til respekt for kroppen. Høringssvar fra Center for Etik og Ret til Bioetik Konventionen. [Policy Contribution]


Year Publication
2018 Lebech, M. and Edith Stein (2018) Completely and without worry. Graz: [Translation]


Year Publication
2006 Lebech, M. (2006) The Identification of Human Dignity. Hermeneutic, Eidetic and Constitutional Analyses in the Light of the Phenomenology of Edith Stein. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: [Thesis]

Web Page

Year Publication
2010 Lebech, M. and Gurmin, H. (2010) Website of IASPES: the International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein (the Edith Stein Circle). [Web Page]

Internet Communication

Year Publication
2022 Mette Lebech and Marianne Sawicki (2022) Chronology of Writings. IASPES Website: [Internet Communication] [Link]

Published Interview

Year Publication
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) Filosof: Edith Steins Metafysik viser os at Kristen Filosofi er Nødvendig. Koebenhavn: [Published Interview] [Link]
2021 Lebech, M. (2021) Edith Stein tænkte nyt om nåde. [Published Interview]
2019 Lebech, M. and Alissa McMillan (2019) The teaching of women philosophers. [Published Interview] [Link]
2019 Lebech, M. and Jennifer Strube (2019) Frauen haben etwas zu sagen. [Published Interview] [Link]
2018 Lebech, M. and Ruth Hagengruber (2018) Mette Lebech on Edith Stein Conversations with Diotima. [Published Interview] [Link]

Video recording / TV

Year Publication
2023 Lebech, M. (2023) Edith Stein Phenomenology. [Video recording / TV] [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Nordic Society for Phenomenology Member 01/01/2016 -
International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein Founding President 01/08/2009 -
Edith Stein Gesellschaft Deutschland Member 01/01/2015 -
Irish Philosophical Society Honorary Life Member for services as President 2003-08 01/01/2000 -
International Association of Catholic Bioethicists Member 01/01/2010 -
Guild of Catholic Scholars Treasurer 01/01/2017 -
Society for Women in Philosophy, Ireland (SWIP, Ireland) Board Member 01/01/2017 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2009 Honorary Life Membership of IPS Irish Philosophical Society
01/01/2020 Honorary Life Membership of IASPES International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein
01/01/2021 Fellow of the Centre for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists Centre for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, University of Paderborn


Client Description
Careful Nursing Philosophy and Professional Practice Model

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2018 Robert McNamara PhD
2013 James H. Smith PhD
2010 John Haydn Gurmin PhD
2009 John McGinnity MLitt
2009 Claire Guider MLitt
2006 Michael Anthony Fahey MLitt