Prof Michael Dunne

Michael Dunne (b. Dublin, 1962) BA (1983), MA (1985) University College, Dublin
LPh (1987), DPhil (1993) Gregorian University, Rome
I am the author or editor of ten books and over forty other substantive writings including articles, reviews and dictionary entries, with a further four books forthcoming and a number of articles accepted for publication. My work has been published in Ireland, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and has been translated into Portuguese and Chinese. My books have been published by leading publishers such as Oxford University Press, Peeters, Brepols, Brill and numerous articles have been published in internationally recognized journals in the field, such as Medieval Studies, Viator, Speculum, and Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge.The substantial nature of my publications for the History of Ideas, was recognised by my being made a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, and in addition, by being elected to the professional body for scholars of Medieval Philosophy, the Société internationale pour l’étude de la philosophie médiévale (SIEPM) and to the international commission of the Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale (SISPM).I have attracted many research students at masters and doctoral level with whom I have worked on some of the more advanced aspects of medieval thought. As organiser of the annual Aquinas Lecture series, I am able to invite internationally recognized experts in Medieval Philosophy to come to Maynooth University and to share their expertise with both staff and students.Since returning to Ireland in 1992, I have been a leader in promoting research into medieval Irish thinkers. Central to my research and scholarship is an ongoing project of investigating Ireland’s hitherto largely unexplored medieval philosophical heritage which could potentially be very attractive to North American students. Apart from my own publications in the field, I have been the moving force behind the organisation and publishing of the papers of international conferences held in Ireland on this theme and of medieval philosophy in general. The hosting of the 21st Annual Colloquium of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy was the most significant event in the field to have ever taken place in Ireland. Contacts which were made during this colloquium have enabled discussions around ongoing international cooperation on the question of Toleration, Equality and Difference.I am currently working on editions of the following authors: Peter of Ireland, Geoffrey of Aspall, Simon of Faversham, Richard FitzRalph, and Robert Holcot.
LPh (1987), DPhil (1993) Gregorian University, Rome
I am the author or editor of ten books and over forty other substantive writings including articles, reviews and dictionary entries, with a further four books forthcoming and a number of articles accepted for publication. My work has been published in Ireland, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and has been translated into Portuguese and Chinese. My books have been published by leading publishers such as Oxford University Press, Peeters, Brepols, Brill and numerous articles have been published in internationally recognized journals in the field, such as Medieval Studies, Viator, Speculum, and Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge.The substantial nature of my publications for the History of Ideas, was recognised by my being made a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, and in addition, by being elected to the professional body for scholars of Medieval Philosophy, the Société internationale pour l’étude de la philosophie médiévale (SIEPM) and to the international commission of the Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale (SISPM).I have attracted many research students at masters and doctoral level with whom I have worked on some of the more advanced aspects of medieval thought. As organiser of the annual Aquinas Lecture series, I am able to invite internationally recognized experts in Medieval Philosophy to come to Maynooth University and to share their expertise with both staff and students.Since returning to Ireland in 1992, I have been a leader in promoting research into medieval Irish thinkers. Central to my research and scholarship is an ongoing project of investigating Ireland’s hitherto largely unexplored medieval philosophical heritage which could potentially be very attractive to North American students. Apart from my own publications in the field, I have been the moving force behind the organisation and publishing of the papers of international conferences held in Ireland on this theme and of medieval philosophy in general. The hosting of the 21st Annual Colloquium of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy was the most significant event in the field to have ever taken place in Ireland. Contacts which were made during this colloquium have enabled discussions around ongoing international cooperation on the question of Toleration, Equality and Difference.I am currently working on editions of the following authors: Peter of Ireland, Geoffrey of Aspall, Simon of Faversham, Richard FitzRalph, and Robert Holcot.
Research Interests
Ancient and Mediaeval Philosophy.
Philosophy of God.
Philosophy of Science.
Current Projects:
A first edition of the Commentary on the Sentences of Richard FitzRalph, ('Armachanus, 1300-1360), Chancellor of the University of Oxford (1332-34) Archbishop of Armagh (1347-60).
Edited Book
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Michael W. Dunne and Simon Nolan (Ed.). (2023) A Companion to Richard FitzRalph Fourteenth-Century Scholar, Archbishop, and Polemicist. Brill. Leiden: Brill, [Link] | |
2022 | Susan Gottlöber / Michael Dunne (Ed.). (2022) Tolerance and Concepts of Otherness in Medieval Philosophy. Turnhout: Brepols, |
Year | Publication | |
2025 | Monika Michałowska; Michael W. Dunne (2025) Richard FitzRalph on the Will and Instantaneous Volition A Critical Edition of Book I, Question 10 from Richard FitzRalph’s Lectura in Sententias. Leiden: Brill. | |
2023 | Michael W Dunne (2023) Peter of Ireland, Writings on Natural Philosophy. Turnhout: Brepols. [Link] | |
2020 | Michael W Dunne ed. (2020) Pilgrim Home. Morrisville NC: Lulu. [Link] | |
2013 | Dr Michael Dunne and Dr Simon Nolan (2013) Richard FitzRalph: His Life, Times and Thought. : Four Courts Press. | |
2012 | Dr Michael Dunne (2012) Bonacompagno da Signa, Amicitia and Demalo senectutis et senii. : Editions Peeters. | |
2012 | Dr Michael Dunne (2012) John Blund, Treatise on the Soul, Auctores Britannici Medii Aevii: Introduction and translation. : Oxford University Press, for the British Academy. | |
2012 | Dr Michael Dunne (2012) Thomas Aquinas: Teacher and Scholar. The Aquinas Lectures at Maynooth, vol. II: 2002-210. : Four Courts Press. | |
2011 | Dunne, Michael (2011) Amicitia – Selected Texts on Friendship from the Patristic Age to Modern Thought, two volumes. | |
2009 | Dunne, Dr Michael (2009) Metaphysics, W(h)ither Now?. : Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society. | |
2009 | Dunne, Dr. Michael (2009) The Irish Contribution to European Scholastic Thought. : Four Courts Press. | |
2002 | Dr Michael Dunne (2002) History and Eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his Time. : Leuven University Press. | |
2002 | Dr Michael Dunne (2002) Thomas Aquinas: Approaches to Truth. : Four Courts Press. | |
2002 | (2002) History and Eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and His Time. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies - Maynooth and Dublin. : Leuven University Press. | |
2001 | (2001) Thomas Aquinas: Approaches to Truth. : Four Courts Press. | |
1996 | Dr Michael Dunne (1996) Magistri Petri de Ybernia, Expositio et Quaestiones in Peryermenias Aristotelis. Louvain-la-Neuve, Editions de l'Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Philosophes Médiévaux Tome XXXIV. : Editions Peeters. | |
1993 | Dr Michael Dunne (1993) Magistri Petri de Ybernia, Expositio et Quaestiones in Aristotelis librum De longitudine et brevitate vitaeLouvain-la-Neuve, Editions de l'Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Philosophes Médiévaux Tome XXX. : Editions Peeters. |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Michael W. Dunne (2024) 'Richard FitzRalph on Contradictory Appetites (Appetitus Contrarii). An Unfinished Deabte' In: Calculating Ethics in the Fourteenth Century. Leiden : Brill. | |
2024 | Michael W. Dunne (2024) 'Between Old and New at Oxford: The Introitus Sententiarum of Richard FitzRalph and the First Collatio of Adam Wodeham' In: Principia on the Sentences of Peter Lombard. Turnhout : Brepols. | |
2023 | Michael W Dunne (2023) 'MInd as a Trinity of Intellect, Memory and Will' In: A Companion to Richard FitzRalph Fourteenth-Century Scholar, Archbishop, and Polemicist. Leiden : Brill. [Link] | |
2023 | Michael W. Dunne and Simon Nolan (2023) 'Introduction' In: A Companion to Richard FitzRalph Fourteenth-Century Scholar, Archbishop, and Polemicist. Leiden : Brill. [Link] | |
2023 | Michael Dunne (2023) 'Hybernicus contra Thomam. Richard FitzRalph on the Will and His Critique of Aquinas on the Primacy of the Intellect over the Will' In: Willing and Understanding: Late Medieval Debates on the Will, the Intellect, and Practical Knowledge. Leiden : Brill. [Link] | |
2022 | Michael W Dunne (2022) 'Richard FitzRalph on the Religious Other: Avignonian Intersections between Christians, Muslims, and Tatars' In: Encountering Others, Understanding Ourselves in Medieval and Early Modern Thought. Berlin - Boston : De Gruyter. [Link] | |
2022 | Michael W Dunne (2022) 'Death, the Intellect and the Resurrection of the Dog: Goeffrey of Aspall's Questions on the De Longitudine et Brevitate Vitae' In: The Embodied Soul: Aristotelian Psychology and Physiology in Medieval Europe Between 1200 and 1400. Cham CH : Springer Nature. | |
2022 | Michael W Dunne (2022) 'Richard FitzRalph on Toleration' In: Tolerance and Concepts of Otherness in Medieval Philosophy. Turnhout : Brepols. [Link] | |
2022 | Michael W Dunne and Susan Gottlöber (2022) 'Introduction' In: Tolerance and Concepts of Otherness in Medieval Philosophy. Turnhout : Brepols. [Link] | |
2021 | Michael W Dunne (2021) 'Peter of Ireland and Berthold of Moosburg on First Being, First Life, and First Mind' In: The Renewal of Metaphysics. Berthold of Moosburg on Proclus' Elements of Theology. Leiden : Brill. | |
2021 | Michael W Dunne (2021) 'From longitudo vitae to prolungatio vitae: Peter of Ireland and Roger Bacon on life and death' In: The Philosophy of Roger Bacon. Studies in Honour of Jeremiah Hackett. Abingdon, Oxon.; New York, NY : Routledge. [Link] | |
2019 | Michael W Dunne (2019) 'Richard FitzRalph: New Perspectives' In: Philosophy in Ireland. Past Actualities and Present Challenges. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. | |
2018 | Michael W Dunne (2018) 'Aristotle's Natural Philosophy in the Writings of Peter of Ireland' In: Edizioni, Traduzioni e Tradizioni Filosofiche. Rome : Arachne Editrice. | |
2014 | Dunne M. (2014) 'Dubitauit rex Manfridus ... King Manfred and the determinatio magistralis of Peter of Ireland' In: Translating at the Court: Bartholomew of Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred of Sicily. | |
2013 | Dr Michael Dunne (2013) 'The Ten Commandments of the Lord An Edition and Translationo f Robert Grosseteste's Sermon 86' In: James Ginther(Eds.). Robert Grosseteste and his Intellectual Milieu. Toronto : Toronto University Press. | |
2011 | Dunne, Michael (2011) 'Article on Richard Fitzralph' In: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. | |
2010 | Dunne, M. (2010) 'Richard FitzRalph’s Lectura on the Sentences' In: P. Rosemann(Eds.). Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Vol. 2. Leiden : Brill. | |
2010 | Dunne, M. (2010) 'Richard FitzRalph's Lectura on the Sentences' In: Philipp W Rosemann(Eds.). Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard. Volume 2. Leiden and Boston : Brill. | |
2009 | Dunne, Dr Michael (2009) '‘The causes of the length and brevity of life call for investigation’: Aristotle’s De longitudine et brevitate vitae in the 13th and 14th Century Commentaries' In: C. Crisciani, L. Repici, P. B. Rossi(Eds.). Vita longa. Durata della vita e vecchiaia nella tradizione medica e aristotelica antica e medievale. Florence : Firenze, SISMEL- Edizioni del Galluzzo. | |
2008 | M. Dunne (2008) 'Nicholaus Vernulaeus, Aodh MacAingil and the Anonymous Author from the Irish Collegium Pastorale of Louvain ' In: Éire agus an Eoraip sa 17ú hAois (Ireland and Europe in the 17th Century). Léachtaí Cholm Cille 38. | |
2005 | Dr Michael Dunne (2005) 'Article on “E. L. Mascall”' In: Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers. Bristol : Thoemmes Press. | |
2005 | M. Dunne (2005) 'E. L. Mascall' In: S. Brown(Eds.). Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers. Bristol : Thoemmes Press. | |
2004 | Dr Michael Dunne (2004) 'Good Friends or Bad Friends – The Amicitia of Boncompagno of Signa' In: Thomas A.F. Kelly and P. Rosemann(Eds.). Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales, Biblioteca 6 (2004): Amor amicitiae: On the Love that is Friendship. Essays in Medieval Thought and Beyond in Honor of the Rev. Professor James McEvoy. | |
2004 | Dr Michael Dunne (2004) 'Articles on “Peter of Ireland” and “Richard FitzRalph”' In: The Dictionary of Irish Philosophers. Bristol : Thoemmes Press. | |
2004 | Dunne, M. (2004) 'Richard FitzRalph' In: Dictionary of Irish Philosophers. Bristol : Thoemmes Press. | |
2004 | Dunne, M. (2004) 'Peter of Ireland' In: Dictionary of Irish Philosophers. Bristol : Thoemmes Press. | |
2004 | Dunne, M. (2004) 'Good Friends or Bad Friends - The Amicitia of Boncompagno of Signa' In: In Amor amicitiae: On the Love that is Friendship. Essays in Medieval Thought and Beyond. | |
2003 | Dr Michael Dunne (2003) 'Articles on “Peter of Ireland”, “Scholasticism”, and “Sedulius Scotus”' In: The Encyclopaedia of Ireland. : Gill and Macmillan. | |
2002 | M. Dunne (2002) 'Scholasticism' In: The Encyclopaedia of Ireland. Dublin : Gill and Macmillan. | |
2002 | M. Dunne (2002) 'Peter of Ireland' In: The Encyclopaedia of Ireland. Dublin : Gill and Macmillan. | |
2002 | M. Dunne (2002) 'Aquinas on CD-ROM: a guide to electronic consultation' In: J. McEvoy and M. Dunne(Eds.). Thomas Aquinas: Approaches to Truth. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2002 | M. Dunne (2002) 'Sedulius Scotus' In: The Encyclopaedia of Ireland. Dublin : Gill and Macmillan. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Michael W Dunne (2022) 'In Memoriam David Luscombe (22.VII.1938–30.VIII.2021)'. Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge, 7 :381-383. [Link] | |
2015 | Dunne M. (2015) 'Richard FitzRalph on the Beatific Vision: Delectatio and Beatitudo in his Oxford Lectures on the Sentences (1328–29)'. Irish Theological Quarterly, 80 (4):327-343. [DOI] | |
2009 | Dunne, M. (2009) 'Aodh Mac Aingil (Hugo Cavellus, 1571-1626) on Doubt, Evidence and Certitude'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 5 :1-8. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | M. Dunne (2007) 'A Being-Towards-Death: The Vado Mori'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 4 :1-16. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | M. Dunne and J. McEvoy (2007) 'A Pseudo-Grosseteste text on Luxuria at Pavia'. Viator - Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 38 :75-84. | |
2006 | M. Dunne (2006) 'Editor’s Introduction'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 3 . | |
2006 | Dr Michael Dunne (2006) 'Editor's Introduction'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 3 . | |
2006 | M. Dunne (2006) 'Magister Riccardus de Ybernia: Richard fitzRalph as Lecturer in Early Fourteenth-Century Oxford'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 3 :1-20. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | Dr Michael Dunne (2006) 'Peter of Ireland, the University of Naples and Thomas Aquinas Early Education'. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 3 :84-96. [Full-Text] | |
2006 | M. Dunne (2006) 'Peter of Ireland, the University of Naples and Thomas Aquinas’ Early Education'. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, :84-96. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | M. Dunne (2005) 'Richard Kearney’s ‘Philosophy at the Limit’'. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 68 :307-323. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | M. Dunne and J. McEvoy (2005) '‘Beati paupers spiritu’: Edition of an anthology by Pseudo-Grossesteste on Voluntary Poverty and Spiritual Enrichment from the London, British Library MS Royal 11 B III, fols 316v-319v'. RECHERCHES DE THÉOLOGIE ET PHILOSOPHIE MÉDIÉVALES, 72 :363-392. | |
2005 | Dr Michael Dunne (2005) '‘Beati pauperes spiritu’: Edition of an anthology by Pseudo-Grossesteste on Voluntary Poverty and Spiritual Enrichment from the London, British Library MS Royal 11 B III, fols 316v-319v”'. RECHERCHES DE THÉOLOGIE ET PHILOSOPHIE MÉDIÉVALES, 72 :363-392. | |
2004 | M. Dunne (2004) 'John Locke on Religious Toleration'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, 2 :32-38. | |
2004 | M. Dunne (2004) 'Richard FitzRalph of Dundalk (c. 1300-1360) and the New World'. Archivium Hibernicum, 58 :243-258. [Full-Text] | |
2003 | Dr Michael Dunne (2003) 'Concerning ‘Neapolitan Gold’: William of Tocco and Peter of Ireland'. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIÉTÉ INTERNATIONALE POUR L’ÉTUDE DE LA PHILOSOPHIE MÉDIÉVALE, 45 :61-65. | |
2003 | M. Dunne (2003) 'Thirteenth and Fourteenth-Century Commentaries on Aristotle’s De longitudine et brevitate vitae'. Early Science and Medicine, 8 :320-335. [Full-Text] | |
2002 | M. Dunne (2002) 'Fourteenth-Century Views on Time, Motion and Infinity'. MAYNOOTH PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS, :25-42. | |
2002 | Dunne, M. (2002) 'The Commentary of Peter of Auvergne on Aristotle’s On Length and Shortness of Life'. ARCHIVES D’HISTOIRE DOCTRINALE ET LITTÉRAIRE DU MOYEN-AGE, 69 :153-200. | |
2002 | Dr Michael Dunne (2002) 'Richard Kearney and Philosophy at the Limit'. Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society, 3 :1-13. | |
2002 | Dr Michael Dunne (2002) 'Einstein’s Philosophy of Science (Part Two)”'. MILLTOWN STUDIES, 48 :106-123. | |
2002 | M. Dunne (2002) 'Einstein’s Philosophy of Science (Part Two)'. MILLTOWN STUDIES, 48 :106-123. | |
2002 | M. Dunne (2002) 'Richard Kearney and Philosophy at the Limit'. JOURNAL OF THE IRISH PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, :1-13. | |
2001 | M. Dunne (2001) 'A fourteenth-century example of an Introitus Sententiarum at Oxford: Richard FitzRalph’s Inaugural Speech in praise of the Sentences of Peter Lombard'. MEDIEVAL STUDIES, 63 :1-29. | |
2001 | M. Dunne (2001) 'Einstein’s Philosophy of Science – Part One'. MILLTOWN STUDIES, 47 :14-29. | |
2000 | M. Dunne (2000) 'The Three Ways of St. Bonaventure'. MILLTOWN STUDIES, 45 :16-43. | |
1991 | Dr Michael Dunne (1991) 'Petrus de Hibernia - A Thirteenth-Century Irish Philosopher'. Philosophical Studies, XXXIII :201-230. |
Other Journal
Conference Publication
Conference Contribution
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2014 | Dunne, M (2014) On the Intellectual Soul. NEW YORK: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2009 | Dunne, M (2009) Aquinas on Friendship. NEW YORK: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2009 | Dunne, M (2009) The Gilson Lectures on Thomas Aquinas. ABINGDON: [Book Review] | |
2009 | Dunne, M (2009) Aesthetic Perception: A Thomistic Perspective. ABINGDON: [Book Review] | |
2009 | Dunne, Dr Michael (2009) Aquinas on Friendship, Clarendon Press 2008. [Book Review] | |
2009 | Dunne, Dr Michael (2009) Aesthetic Perception. A Thomistic Perspective. Four Courts Press, 2007. [Book Review] | |
2007 | Dr Michael Dunne (2007) V. Boland, Aquinas, Continuum Library of Educational Thought, Vol. 1. [Book Review] | |
2007 | Dr Michael Dunne (2007) John Wippel, Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II. Washington D.C.: University of America Press, 2007. Studies in the Philosophy and the History of Philosophy. [Book Review] | |
2006 | Dunne, M. (2006) How not be an Atheist. Review Article of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. [Book Review] | |
2003 | Dr Michael Dunne (2003) Review of Alain de Lille (?), Lettres Familières (1167-1170). Édition et commentaire par Françoise Hudry. Vrin: Paris, 2003. Études et recontres de l’École de Chartres, 14. [Book Review] | |
2003 | Dr Michael Dunne (2003) Review of Simon Francis Gaine, Will there be Free Will in Heaven? Freedom, Impeccability and Beatitude. [Book Review] | |
2003 | Dr Michael Dunne (2003) By the Waters of Naturalism: Theology Perplexed Among the Sciences. [Book Review] | |
2003 | Dr Michael Dunne (2003) Review of Follon, Jacques and McEvoy, James, Sagesses de l’amitié: Anthologie de textes philosophiques anciens, Paris: Éditions Du Cerf Paris, 1997. Follon, Jacques and McEvoy, James, Sagesses de l’amitié II: Anthologie de textes philosophiques patristiques, médiévaux et renaissants. [Book Review] | |
2003 | Dr Michael Dunne (2003) Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales: Biblioteca 4 – Averroës Latinus. Louvain: Peeters, 2002. [Book Review] |
Encyclopedia Entry
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Michael W. Dunne (2024) Richard FitzRalph. Stanford: [Encyclopedia Entry] [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2005 | Dunne, M (2005) Kritische studies - Richard Kearney's 'Philosophy at the Limit'. LOUVAIN: [Reviews] | |
2003 | Dunne M. (2003) Thirteenth and fourteenth-century commentaries on the de longitudlne et brevitate vitae. [Reviews] [DOI] |
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Teaching Interests
Hegel, Feuerbach Marx and the Critique of Religion
The Philosophy of Toleration
The Emergence of the Concept of Rights
The History of Medieval Philosophy
Irish Philosophers and Philosophy
Philosophy of Religion
The Philosophy of Toleration
The Emergence of the Concept of Rights
The History of Medieval Philosophy
Irish Philosophers and Philosophy
Philosophy of Religion