Department of Physics Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives

The former Department of Experimental Physics is a recognized Practioner of the Institute of Physics’ Juno Code of Practice. The Department was awarded Juno Practioner status in April 2023. Project Juno is an award scheme that recognises and rewards university physics departments, schools of physics, and related institutes and organisations that can demonstrate they have taken action to address gender equality at all levels and to foster a more inclusive working environment. More information on Project Juno can be found at The Institute of Physics aims to cultivate an inclusive and diverse physics community, which is reflected in its membership and governance structures.

The Athena Swan charter is a framework that is used across the globe to support and transform gender equality in higher education and research. By being part of Athena Swan, institutions and departments are committing to a progressive charter; adopting these principles within their policies, practices, action plans and culture. The Department achieved the Athena Swan Bronze Award in July 2023.
Dr. Emma Whelan at the Athena Swan Ireland Awards Ceremony, UCC Nov. 8 2023 accepting the Athena Swan Bronze award on behalf of the Department.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Maynooth University
Maynooth University is committed to diversity and inclusion among the student body and prides itself in having the highest percentage of students from non-standard backgrounds of all the Universities in Ireland. The University is committed to being a community that promotes and advances equality, inclusiveness, social justice, dignity and respect, and develops a collegiate environment of excellence with equality, in which the human rights, the responsibilities and diversity of all students and staff are recognised and respected. The Department of Physics fully supports this policy.
The Office of the Vice President for Equality & Diversity
Maynooth University Equality and Diversity Policy
Maynooth University Gender Identity and Expression Policy
Maynooth University Policy on the Employment of People with Disabilities
Maynooth University EDI Reports
Maynooth University holds an Athena SWAN Bronze Award.
The Maynooth University Access Programme (MAP) encourages under-represented groups to enter third level and provides these groups with support through their time at Maynooth.
EDI Committee
The EDI Committee of the Department of Physics has the following members.
Dr James McGrath
Chair of EDI Committee, Assistant Professor
Marie Galligan
Technical Officer
Dr Graham Kells
Sabrina Marwede
Post-graduate Student
Grainne Roche
Administrative Officer
Dr Neil Trappe
Head of Department, Associate Professor
Dr Paul Watts
Dr Emma Whelan
Associate Professor