Dr Dermot Lynott

Psychology, ALL Institute

Associate Professor

John Hume Building


My background is in Cognitive Science, having studied at Dublin City University and University of Edinburgh before completing my PhD at University College Dublin. Prior to arriving in Maynooth in 2021, I worked in Northumbria University, University of Manchester, and Lancaster University. 

Research Interests

My research falls broadly within the areas of cognitive science and embodied cognition. I am interested in how people's linguistic, bodily and environmental experience shapes their mental representations and how this affects the way they process the world around them. This research includes investigations of the grounded and situated nature of concepts, the ability of language, body and environment to shape representations and behaviour, and the interplay of linguistic and simulation systems in human cognition.I strongly support an open science approach to research, and strive to make my work as transparent and reproducible as possible. You can access my Open Science Framework project page here, which has project details, preregistration plans, shared materials, and open data for various things I've been working on in recent years.

If you are interested in open science, or in topics related to any of my publications and are interested in pursuing a PhD, please email me a few lines of what you'd like to do.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Modelling implicit bias: linking language, the media, and biased attitudes PI Prejudicial attitudes exert a powerful influence on individuals and society more generally. Recent research suggests that the statistical patterns in how words are used in language may capture such biases. The goal of this project is to understand the links between the statistical patterns of words in language, their relationship to the formation of human biases and prejudicial attitudes, and how both language and biases are linked to people's behaviours. 01/12/2022 30/11/2026 503328
Developing a national training scheme for open research practices PI We will develop and pilot a national open research training programme that will upskill researchers in the fundamentals of open research practices, as well as providing pathways for more advanced, discipline-specific practical skills. The programme will promote the development of core research values and equip attendees with transferable competencies and skills, including how to conduct and use research in a trustworthy, transparent, and ethical manner to the benefit of individuals, science and society 01/11/2022 31/10/2024 189993
Texture Oracle: A Software Service for Predicting and Responding to COVID-19 Outbreaks in UK Regions Using Twitter Data Co-investigator Texture Oracle will use Twitter data to (1) predict COVID-19 outbreaks in UK postcodes and (2) evaluate the effectiveness of public health messaging designed to prevent or tackle outbreaks. Academic research shows that disease outbreaks can be predicted by way of patterns in language use; we will use team members' original research to improve existing methods and apply them to COVID-19\. Similarly, advances in AI and natural language processing make it possible to establish a message's 'echo' in social media: this will allow us to grade the effectiveness of public health messaging. Oracle will therefore complement biomedical and public health responses to COVID-19 with an independent layer of predictive and evaluative capacity based on language data. 01/11/2020 31/12/2021 205000
If it looks like a duck: emergent categorical structure in the human conceptual system Principle Investigator How do we conceptualise the world around us? How do we structure conceptual knowledge into different categories so we can successfully tell a duck from a hammer or a republic? This project investigates whether categorical structure can spontaneously emerge from commonalities in the way we perceive and interact with the world. Adopting a novel cross-disciplinary approach (cognitive psychology, data mining, computational modelling), we investigate how individual sensory modalities and bodily actions contribute to the mental representation of concepts, and how underlying patterns in this complex array of sensorimotor experience can reveal the hidden structures of concrete and abstract categories. 01/05/2016 31/10/2018 155000
Exposure to alcohol advertising and sponsorship in Australian televised sport: association with explicit and implicit alcohol cognitions and drinking Co-investigator The project will examine whether alcohol advertising and sponsorship in televised sport is related to positive alcohol-related thoughts and alcohol consumption in young adults. The project will use novel methods that assess both conscious and unconscious alcohol-related attitudes, and will provide important evidence for informing alcohol policy. 03/01/2013 07/12/2017 98640
Alcohol advertising and sponsorship in Australian sport: Associations with implicit and explicit alcohol attitudes and drinking behaviour. Co-investigator Alcohol advertising on TV often occurs during the daytime, when large numbers of children are watching, and is particularly frequent in free-to-air sport TV. This project will estimate the amount of alcohol advertising in sport vs. non-sport programming in Australian free-to-air TV and identify children’s viewing audience composition at different times of the day. 01/02/2013 31/01/2015 51200
Modality-Specific Representations in Conceptual Combination. Joint Principle Investigator This project aimed to bring together two previously disjoint fields in order to advance our understanding of both: embodied cognition research needed to explain people's constructive ability to create new conceptual representations, and conceptual combination research needed to move past limiting assumptions of amodal symbols. We have made significant advances from both empirical and theoretical perspectives. 01/01/2007 01/04/2008 119210

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Priya Silverstein; Charlotte Pennington; Peter Branney; Daryl O'Connor; Emma Lawlor; Dermot Lynott (2023) 'A Registered Report Survey of Open Research Practices in Psychology Departments in the UK and Ireland'. British Journal of Psychology, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2020 O'Brien KS; Puhl RM; Latner JD; Lynott D; Reid JD; Vakhitova Z; Hunter JA; Scarf D; Jeanes R; Bouguettaya A; Carter A; (2020) 'The Effect of a Food Addiction Explanation Model for Weight Control and Obesity on Weight Stigma'. Nutrients, 12 (2). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Lynott D; Connell L; Brysbaert M; Brand J; Carney J; (2020) 'The Lancaster Sensorimotor Norms: multidimensional measures of perceptual and action strength for 40,000 English words'. Behavior Research Methods, 52 (3). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Bouguettaya, Ayoub,Lynott, Dermot,Carter, Adrian,Zerhouni, Oulmann,Meyer, Silke,Ladegaard, Isak,Gardner, John,O’Brien, Kerry S (2020) 'The relationship between gambling advertising and gambling attitudes, intentions and behaviours: a critical and meta-analytic review'. 31 :89-101. [Full-Text]
2019 Dermot Lynott; Michael Walsh; Anthony McEnery; Louise Connell; liam cross; Kerry S. O'Brien; (2019) 'Are You What You Read? Predicting Implicit Attitudes to Immigration Based on Linguistic Distributional Cues From Newspaper Readership'. Frontiers in Psychology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Louise Connell; Dermot Lynott; Briony Banks; (2018) 'Interoception: The forgotten modality in perceptual grounding of abstract and concrete concepts'. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Michael O'Donnell; Leif D Nelson; Evi Ackermann; Balazs Aczel; Athfah Akhtar; Silvio Aldrovandi; Nasseem Alshaif; Ronald Andringa; Mark Aveyard; Peter Babincak; Nursena Balatekin; Scott A Baldwin; Gabriel Banik; Ernest Baskin; Raoul Bell; Olga Białobrzeska; Angie R Birt; Walter R Boot; Jessie C Briggs; Axel Buchner; Desiree Budd; Kathryn Budzik; Lottie Bullens; Richard L Bulley; Peter R Cannon; Katarzyna Cantarero; Joseph Cesario; Stephanie Chambers; Christopher R Chartier; Peggy Chekroun; Clara Chong; Axel Cleeremans; Sean P Coary; Jacob Coulthard; Florien M Cramwinckel; Thomas F Denson; Marcos Díaz-Lago; Theresa E DiDonato; Aaron Drummond; Julia Eberlen; Titus Ebersbach; John E Edlund; Katherine M Finnigan; Justin Fisher; Natalia Frankowska; Efraín García-Sánchez; Frank D Golom; Andrew J Graves; Kevin Greenberg; Mando Hanioti; Heather A Hansen; Jenna A Harder; Erin R Harrell; Andree Hartanto; Michael Inzlicht; Andrew Karpinski; Victor N Keller; Olivier Klein; Lina Koppel; Emiel Krahmer; Anthony Lantian; Michael J Larson; Jean-Baptiste Légal; Richard E Lucas; Dermot Lynott; Corey M Magaldino; Karlijn Massar; Matthew T McBee; Neil Marvin McLatchie; Nadhilla Melia; Michael C Mensink; Laura Mieth; Samantha Moore-Berg; Geraldine Neeser; Ben R Newell; Marret K Noordewier; Asil Ali Özdogğru; Myrto Pantazi; Michał Parzuchowski; Kim Peters; Michael C Philipp; Monique M H Pollmann; Panagiotis Rentzelas; Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón; Jan Philipp Röer; Ivan Ropovik; Nelson A Roque; Carolina Rueda; Bastiaan T Rutjens; Katey Sackett; Janos Salamon; Ángel Sánchez-Rodríguez; Blair Saunders; Juliette Schaafsma; Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck; David R Shanks; Martin F Sherman; Kenneth M Steele; Niklas K Steffens; Jessie Sun; Kyle J Susa; Barnabas Szaszi; Aba Szollosi; Ricardo M Tamayo; Gustav Tinghög; Yuk-Yue Tong; Carol Tweten; Miguel A Vadillo; Deisy Valcarcel; Nicolas Van der Linden; Michiel van Elk; Frenk van Harreveld; Daniel Västfjäll; Simine Vazire; Philippe Verduyn; Matt N Williams; Guillermo B Willis; Sarah E Wood; Chunliang Yang; Oulmann Zerhouni; Robert Zheng; Mark Zrubka; (2018) 'Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg (1998)'. Perspectives on Psychological Science, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Dermot Lynott; Katherine S. Corker; Louise Connell; Kerry S. O'Brien; (2017) 'The effect of haptic and ambient temperature experience on prosocial behavior'. Archives Of Scientific Psychology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Michele Burigo; Kenny R. Coventry; Angelo Cangelosi; Dermot Lynott; (2016) 'Spatial language and converseness'. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Louise Connell; Dermot Lynott; (2016) 'Do we know what we're simulating? Information loss on transferring unconscious perceptual simulation to conscious imagery'. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, . [DOI]
2016 Sherilene Carr; Kerry S. O'Brien; Jason Ferris; Robin Room; Michael Livingston; Brian Vandenberg; Robert J. Donovan; Dermot Lynott; (2016) 'Child and adolescent exposure to alcohol advertising in Australia's major televised sports'. Drug and Alcohol Review, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Wagenmakers, E-J,Beek, Titia,Dijkhoff, Laura,Gronau, Quentin F,Acosta, A,Adams Jr, RB,Albohn, DN,Allard, ES,Benning, Stephen D,Blouin-Hudon, E-M (2016) 'Registered replication report: strack, martin, & stepper (1988)'. 11 (6):917-928. [Full-Text]
2015 Kerry S. O'Brien; Sherilene Carr; Jason Ferris; Robin Room; Peter Miller; Michael Livingston; Kypros Kypri; Dermot Lynott; (2015) 'Correction: Alcohol advertising in sport and non-sport TV in Australia during children's viewing times'. PLoS ONE, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Kerry S. O'Brien; Sherilene Carr; Jason Ferris; Robin Room; Peter G. Miller; Michael Livingston; Kypros Kypri; Dermot Lynott; (2015) 'Alcohol advertising in sport and non-sport TV in Australia, during children’s viewing times'. PLoS ONE, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Louise Connell; Dermot Lynott; (2014) 'Principles of representation: Why you can't represent the same concept twice'. Topics in Cognitive Science, . [DOI]
2014 Katherine S. Corker; Dermot Lynott; Jessica Wortman; Louise Connell; M. Brent Donnellan; Richard E. Lucas; Kerry S. O'Brien; (2014) 'High quality direct replications matter: response to Williams (2014)'. Social psychology, . [DOI]
2014 Dermot Lynott; Katherine Corker; Jessica Wortman; Louise Connell; M. Brent Donnellan; Richard Lucas; Kerry S. O'Brien; (2014) 'Replication of œExperiencing physical warmth promotes interpersonal warmth by Williams & Bargh (2008)'. Social psychology, . [DOI]
2014 Dermot Lynott; Kenny R. Coventry; (2014) 'On the ups and downs of emotion'. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, . [DOI]
2014 Louise Connell; Dermot Lynott; (2014) 'I see/hear what you mean'. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, . [DOI]
2013 Kerry S. O'Brien; Dermot Lynott; Peter G. Miller; (2013) 'Alcohol industry sponsorship and alcohol-related harms in Australian university sportspeople/athletes'. Drug and Alcohol Review, . [DOI]
2013 Dermot Lynott; Louise Connell; (2013) 'Modality exclusivity norms for 400 nouns'. Behavior Research Methods, . [DOI]
2013 Louise Connell; Dermot Lynott; (2013) 'Flexible and fast: Linguistic shortcut affects both shallow and deep conceptual processing'. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, . [DOI]
2013 Dermot Lynott; Louise Connell; Judith Holler; (2013) 'The role of body and environment in cognition'. Frontiers in Psychology, . [DOI]
2013 Kerry S. O'Brien; Walter Forrest; Dermot Lynott; Michael Daly; (2013) 'Racism, gun ownership and gun control'. PLoS ONE, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 (2012) 'Commentary on Larsen etal. (2012): Throwing the baby out with the bathwater - teething problems with implicit attitude-behaviour links'. Addiction, .
2012 O’Brien, Kerry S,Kolt, Gregory S,Martens, Matthew P,Ruffman, Ted,Miller, Peter G,Lynott, Dermot (2012) 'Alcohol-related aggression and antisocial behaviour in sportspeople/athletes'. 15 (4):292-297.
2012 Connell, Louise,Lynott, Dermot (2012) 'Strength of perceptual experience predicts word processing performance better than concreteness or imageability'. 125 (3):452-465.
2012 ; (2012) 'Alcohol industry sponsorship and alcohol-related harms in Australian university sportspeople/athletes'. .
2012 Connell, Louise; Lynott, Dermot; Dreyer, Felix (2012) 'A Functional Role for Modality-Specific Perceptual Systems in Conceptual Representations'. PLoS ONE, . https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0033321
2011 Louise Connell; Dermot Lynott; (2011) 'Modality switching costs emerge in concept creation as well as retrieval'. Cognitive Science, . [DOI]
2010 Dermot Lynott; Louise Connell; (2010) 'Embodied conceptual combination'. Frontiers in Psychology, . [DOI]
2010 Louise Connell; Dermot Lynott; (2010) 'Look but don't touch'. Cognition, . [DOI]
2010 Coventry, Kenny R,Lynott, Dermot,Cangelosi, Angelo,Monrouxe, Lynn,Joyce, Dan,Richardson, Daniel C (2010) 'Spatial language, visual attention, and perceptual simulation'. 112 (3):202-213.
2010 Dermot Lynott, Louise Connell (2010) 'The effect of prosody on conceptual combination'. Cognitive Science, . https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1551-6709.2010.01119.x
2009 Lynott, Dermot,Connell, Louise (2009) 'Modality exclusivity norms for 423 object properties'. 41 (2):558-564.
2009 Louise Connell; Dermot Lynott; (2009) 'Is a bear white in the woods? Parallel representation of implied object color during language comprehension'. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, . https://doi.org/10.3758/pbr.16.3.573
2004 Lynott, Dermot,Tagalakis, Georgios,Keane, Mark (2004) 'Conceptual combination with PUNC'. 22 (3):247-267.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2015 Connell, L.; Lynott, D.; (2015) 'Embodied semantic effects in visual word recognition' In: Conceptual and Interactive Embodiment: Foundations of Embodied Cognition. New York : Psychology Press. [Link] [DOI]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2014 Dermot Lynott;Louise Connell;Judith Holler; (Ed.). (2014) The role of body and environment in cognition. Switzerland: Frontiers, [DOI]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2019 Connell, Louise,Brand, James,Carney, James,Brysbaert, Marc,Lynott, Dermot (2019) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Go big and go grounded: Categorical structure emerges spontaneously from the latent structure of sensorimotor experience
2012 Lynott, Dermot,Connell, Louise,O'Brien, Kerry S,Kansal, Himanshu (2012) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Modelling the IAT: implicit association test reflects shallow linguistic environment and not deep personal attitudes
2011 Connell, Louise,Lynott, Dermot,Dreyer, Felix (2011) European perspectives on cognitive science. Proceedings of the European conference on cognitive science Touching with the mind's hand: Tactile and proprioceptive stimulation facilitates conceptual size judgements
2004 Lynott, Dermot,Keane, Mark T (2004) Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society The comprehension of novel noun-noun compounds: The influence of out-of-context interpretations on in-context understanding
2019 van Hoef, Rens,Connell, Louise,Lynott, Dermot (2019) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society The Role of Sensorimotor and Linguistic Information in the Basic-Level advantage
2019 Lynott, Dermot,Connell, Louise,Brysbaert, Marc,Brand, James,Carney, James (2019) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Sensorimotor Norms: Perception and Action Strength norms for 40, 000 words [Full-Text]
2019 Lynott, Dermot,Corker, Katherine,Connell, Louise,O'Brien, Kerry (2019) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society How does temperature affect behaviour? A meta-analysis of effects in experimental studies
2017 Connell, Louise,Lynott, Dermot,Carney, James (2017) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Interoception: The Forgotten Modality in Perceptual Grounding of Concepts
2012 Dermot Lynott; Louise Connell; Kerry S. O'Brien; Himanshu Kansal; (2012) Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Modelling the IAT
2011 Connell, Louise,Lynott, Dermot (2011) Proceedings of the European Conference in Cognitive Science Interpretation and representation: testing the Embodied Conceptual Combination (ECCo) theory
2009 Connell, Louise,Lynott, Dermot (2009) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society What's big and fluffy but can't be seen? Selective unimodal processing of bimodal property words
2009 Connell, Louise,Lynott, Dermot (2009) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Hard to put your finger on it: Haptic modality disadvantage in conceptual processing
2007 Connell, Louise,Rayne, Lucy,Lynott, Dermot (2007) Proceedings of the European Cognitive Science Society Time Flew By: Reading about Movement of Different Speeds Distorts People’s Perceptions of Time
2005 Lynott, Dermot,Keane, Mark (2005) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
2004 Lynott, Dermot,Keane, Mark T (2004) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society A model of novel compound production
2003 Lynott, Dermot,Keane, Mark (2003) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society The role of knowledge support in creating noun-noun compounds
2001 Lynott, Dermot,Ramscar, MJA (2001) Proceedings of the twelfth Irish conference on artificial intelligence and cognitive science Can we model conceptual combination using distributional information
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Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science Chair of Scientific Advisory Board -

Other Activities

Associate Editor Collabra: Psychology

Teaching Interests

Cognition, Language Processing, Research Methods, Open Science