ToggleUndergraduate De-registration / Deferral Request
Please complete the following online form.
Request Form for Undergraduate De-Registration/Deferral
Follow the instructions listed on the form.
Students will only be de-registered from the date the completed form is received in the Student Records and Registration Office.
Students should note the following with regard to cancellation of registration:
- In order to be eligible to re-sit semester 1 modules in the autumn supplementals you must remain registered up to the last day of the scheduled semester one examinations.
- In order to be eligible to re-sit semester 2 modules in the autumn supplementals you must remain registered, i.e., you cannot cancel your registration.
- The final date for de-registration is the last date of lectures in the second semester of the normal academic year.
- It is the responsibility of ALL students to contact the Fees & Grants Office to discuss current and future fee implications - the Fees & Grants Office can be contacted via email: [email protected] / Website:
Undergraduate students must perform an exit interview with the Academic Advisory Office, You can book an appointment by either:
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 01 708 3368
NOTE: students who defer before the beginning or at the end of an academic year do not need to perform an exit interview.
RE1, Registry Exceptional Permission Request
- Principles: While students are expected to adhere to the academic requirements of their programme of study, the University acknowledges that a student may experience unexpected or serious difficulties which could prevent them meeting these requirements, and/or inhibit them from performing to the best of their abilities. This form is to be used to request special permission, as allowed in Marks and Standards, because of extenuating circumstances.
Please download and complete the RE1 Registry Exceptional Permission Request Form
Note: it is the responsibility of all students to contact the Fees and Grants Office to discuss current and future fee implications. Email: [email protected].
R1, Postgraduate Withdrawal or Suspension Request
The R1 form is available on the Student Records Office webpage Withdrawing, Deferring or Suspending Registration
- It is the responsibility of all students to contact the Fees and Grants Office to discuss current and future fee implications. The Fees and Grants Office can be contacted via email: [email protected]
- Students will only be de-registered from the date of Registry approval.
Retrospective requests for suspension are not considered. If more than one semester has elapsed since the last registration, students should request to re-register by completing form R2, available below.
- A suspension of registration can be obtained for just one academic year at a time.
- During a period of suspension, the student is not a registered student of the University; a fee is not paid, nor is the suspension included in minimum or maximum registration calculations.
- Students may request a maximum of three suspensions over the lifetime of their programme.
- *Students in receipt of funding must advise Graduate Studies before going on maternity leave, as a separate process may apply.
- The student identity card must be returned to the Student Records Office if a suspension is granted.
- If your programme involves a placement component and/or Garda Vetting requirement, it is important to make contact with your department well in advance of your intended re-registration in order to be eligible to partake in placement.
Important re-sit/supplemental registration information:
- In order to be eligible to re-sit semester 1 modules in the autumn supplementals you must remain registered up to the last day of the scheduled semester one examinations.
- In order to be eligible to re-sit semester 2 modules in the autumn supplementals you must remain registered, i.e., you cannot cancel your registration.
- The final date for de-registration is the last date of lectures in the second semester of the normal academic year.
R2, Postgraduate Re-Registration Request
If you wish to apply for re-registration you should complete and submit the
R2. Research and Taught Postgraduate Re-Registration request form
by email to [email protected].
This form is not required if you have already formally suspended your studies.
R6, Name Change Request
Name Change Request Form
- To apply for a name change on your record please fill out the below form and return it to the Student Records and Registration Office by email to [email protected].
- R6. Name Change request
Acceptable forms of supporting documentation to facilitate a change to your recorded name include:
Driving License
Current National ID Card for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens
Enrolled or executed Deed Poll which should be accompanied by an affidavit of attesting witness
Birth Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Name and Gender Change Request
Name and Gender Change Requests:
- Currently registered Maynooth University students can update their recorded gender through the self-declaration facility available through the Student Web login. This is accessible under the Student Enquiry option; ‘Gender Status Declaration’ tab.
- Former students who wish to apply for a change to both name and gender of their Maynooth University record please contact the Student Records Office (E: [email protected]) for further details.
R7, Module(s) Outside Normal Programme Request
Underlying principles:
Each subject involves a set of modules, some compulsory, some optional. A student requesting to take modules at (i) or (ii) below is required to have the permission of the head(s) of department. Care should be taken in making an application that sufficient credits can be earned in the relevant subjects to be awarded a Single Major, Double Major, Major/Minor, as appropriate.
(i) Take an additional module(s) over and above the normal total credit value of the subject and/or programme: If the student is taking an additional module(s) over and above the credit total for their subject, the new module(s) will contribute to the subject mark and the annual mark during the grading process. Note that all modules registered to within the subject must be passed in order to pass the subject. Registering to an additional module is not in lieu of a module already registered for. No more than 10 additional credits can be taken, subject to an overall limit of 70 credits in any academic year and 35 in any semester.
R7.1 Request form to take additional module(s) over and above normal credit value of subject and or programme
(ii) Substitute a module not part of the subject for a module that is normally part of the subject: If the student is substituting a module(s) from outside their programme, the new module(s) will contribute to the annual mark but will not contribute to the subject mark during the grading process, unless specifically requested by the Head of Department. Normally the new module will be linked to a standalone, non-progression subject (displaying on Workbench as subject ‘SISUB’). No more than 10 credits can be substituted in any academic year and no more than 5 credits in any semester.
R7.2 Request form to substitute a module not part of the subject for a module that is normally part of the subject
(iii) Additional modules outside the normal programme: An additional module registration is used when a student takes additional credits outside their primary qualification. In such cases, the additional module is included in the student’s record, displays on an academic transcript but does not contribute to the primary qualification’s annual result. This is referred to in Registry as an LCO registration. Modules registered as LCOs cannot be later substituted into the primary programme registration. There is a fee for this type of registration; students should contact the Fees & Grants Office for details.
R7.3 Request form for additional modules outside the normal programme
Note: it is the responsibility of all students to contact the Fees and Grants Office to discuss current and future fee implications. Email: [email protected].
R9, First Year Subject Change Request
January 2025
For 1st year students, second semester subject change requests are made via the online R9 form ‘First Year Subject Change Request’ Form.
A link to this form and further information is available on the Student Records and Registration Office website, under the ‘Qualification, Subject and Module Amendments’. Applications are open from Friday 24th January 2025 until 5.00 pm Friday 14th February 2025.
Some registration changes may be allowed before the start of the second semester. However, changing registration is a serious step as it can restrict progression options. Please look at the following presentation to see if you are allowed to change your subjects. Programme Advisory Office - First Year Subject Change January 2025
If you have any questions please contact the Programme Advisory Team via email to [email protected].
R12, English Language Teaching Assistant Registration
Students who intend to take up an English Language Teaching Assistantship must complete the form below:
R12, English Language Teaching Assistant Registration
Module Exemptions
Information on module exemptions is available on the Graduate Studies Office webpage.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Information on recognition of prior learning is available on the Graduate Studies Office webpage.