Prof Marian Crowley-Henry

School of Business, Motherhood Project, ALL Institute


School of Business Building
(01) 708 4756


Marian Crowley-Henry, PhD, is Professor of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour at Maynooth University School of Business. She is also Director of Research for the School of Business (2023-2026).  Marian's research interests are in the areas of careers, sustainable careers, (skilled) migration, identity, intersectionality, diversity, equity, inclusion, and work health & well-being. She publishes in international peer-reviewed journals and regularly shares her research at national and international conferences. Prior to academia, Marian performed various product management and project coordination functions at the Europe, Middle East and African (EMEA) headquarters of multinational corporations in Germany and France. Follow her on LinkedIn: and on X/Twitter: @marianchenry

Research Interests

  • International human resource management
  • self-initiated expatriation
  • (skilled) migration
  • skilled migrants
  • careers
  • sustainable careers
  • identity
  • gender
  • intersectionality
  • diversity
  • equity
  • inclusion
  • health &  well-being at work.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Promote: Developing, Promoting and Implementing a Career Progression Training Platform & Network for Early Career Female Researchers-Academics (ECFRAs) across Irish HEIs PI As part of an inter-disciplinary initiative we are working on with Munster Technological University to try to support females in research careers, we are hoping to create an open access resource which provides early career researchers, especially those who are mothers, have caring responsibilities or who have intersecting social challenges, with access to information which can help them get published, get promoted and get paid more (in research grants). The resource will be a member-only platform which hosts successful, and unsuccessful, grant applications, promotion applications and papers/publications. The women who can access this will be young researchers who need support in progressing their career, as well as researchers looking to make professor and beyond. 01/01/2024 31/12/2024 50000
SUSCAR: Sustainable Career Success in Higher Education - Toward Attaining Career Happiness PI 28/06/2023 27/06/2025 15838
COST CA20107 “Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity”. Work Group 5 Co-Leader - Communication and Dissemination Work Group 5 Co-Leader - Communication and Dissemination €7,400 award funding for WG5 actions 21/10/2021 20/10/2025
MotherNet Twinning EU Horizon 2020 Co-Ordination and Support Action (CSA), “MotherNet” (grant agreement No. 952366) (01/2021-06/2024) Collaborator EU Horizon 2020 Co-Ordination and Support Action (CSA), “MotherNet” (grant agreement No. 952366) (01/2021-06/2024). Full award: €898178.75 Euros. Individual funding €8,250 01/01/2021 8250
Travel Support PI 05/10/2019 04/04/2020 690
Internal School of Business Donnellan Funding - SIEs in SMEs PI Internal School of Business Donnellan Funding for small research projects. Project on self-initiated expatriates in small-medium enterprises in Ireland 30/09/2019 30/04/2020 3450
Twinning Application (Maynooth University RDO Horizon 2020 Support Fund) Collaborator Travel support fund for Twinning consortium meeting in Vilnius Lithuania, September 2019, led by PI Valerie Heffernan, Maynooth University. Twinning consortium meeting in Vilnius Lithuania, submitted Twinning application at end of 2019 with team at Maynooth University, led by Dr. Valerie Heffernan. Note that this Twinning application is awaiting decision in Q1 2020. 24/06/2019 30/09/2019 400
Zeminar Research Innovation Voucher PI The innovation voucher would go toward funding academic research on Generation Z (the generation born since 1995) and their career and workplace motivations, expectations, values and concerns. The research would fall under the broad umbrella theme of ‘The Future of Work’, gathering data from a sample of Gen Z on their values, which would inform what employers and organisations in the workplace of the future should consider with regard to talent attraction and recruitment. Contemporary professional publications have discussed how Millennials in the workplace have different values and motivations, with leaders needing to consider their different expectations and adopt different attraction and development strategies. This research would focus on how Gen Z differs or compares with Millennials and other generations. 31/10/2018 03/07/2019 6500
University of Wollongong Internal Small Grant Co-investigator A comparison study of the careers of skilled migrants at the macro, meso and micro levels in Ireland, the USA and Australia 01/05/2018 30/09/2019 10000
Fulbright Alumni Grant (Ireland) Principal Investigator Funding for follow up research after Fulbright scholar award. The project involves Dr Crowley-Henry undertaking a series of interviews with skilled migrants (including Americans) living and working in Ireland. The aim of this research is to compare skilled migrants living and working in the USA, and those living and working in Ireland, with regard to their perceived career challenges and facilitators. This will inform development of a framework of factors which facilitate and/or limit career pathways for skilled migrants from different countries of origin who have relocated to the USA or Ireland. As a Fulbright-Enterprise Ireland Scholar to Northern Illinois University in 2017, Dr Crowley-Henry conducted over 25 qualitative interviews with skilled migrants living and working in the USA (including Irish). 02/04/2018 31/08/2018 1000
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award Research scholar 01/09/2017 01/12/2017 10000
A Study of the Career Development of Skilled Migrants in Ireland: Talent Management and Skill Recognition among an International Skilled Migrant Workforce.– for PhD student Mr Edward O’Connor Supervisor 01/10/2014 30/09/2017 69004
Diversity in the Workplace: LGBT Career Stories & the Implications for Human Resource Management. PI 01/10/2013 30/09/2016 69004

Post Doctoral Fellows / Research Team

Researcher Name Project Funding Body
Holly Foley Promote
Blanca Isabel Suarez Bilbao Promote

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Terpstra-Tong, J.L.Y., Trevino, L.J., Yaman, A.C., et al., Crowley-Henry, M. et al. (2024) 'Gender composition at work and women'. Human Resource Management Journal, . [DOI]
2024 Daiva Skuciene, Marian Crowley-Henry, Snieguole Griguzauskaite (2024) 'The rhetoric and reality of social support policies: working mothers’ lived experiences of state and employer support for work–family balance in Lithuania'. Journal of Baltic Studies, . [DOI]
2023 Crowley–Henry, M.; Almeida, S.; Bertone, S.; Gunasekara, A. (2023) 'The multilevel intelligent career framework: an exploration and application to skilled migrants'. Career Development International, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2023 Suarez-Bilbao B.; Andresen M.; Crowley-Henry M.; O'Connor E.P. (2023) 'The influence of complexity, chance and change on the career crafting strategies of SIEs'. Career Development International, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Crowley-Henry, M; Coogan, KM; Redmond, C; Sheil, N (2022) 'Tales from the Irish diaspora during COVID-19: Prompting a future research agenda for global mobility'. IRISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Terpstra-Tong J.; Ralston D.A.; Treviño L.; Karam C.; Furrer O.; Froese F.; Tjemkes B.; Darder F.L.; Richards M.; Dabic M.; Li Y.; Fu P.; Molteni M.; Palmer I.; Tučková Z.; Szabo E.; Poeschl G.; Hemmert M.; Butt A.; de la Garza T.; Susniene D.; Suzuki S.; Srinivasan N.; Gutierrez J.R.; Ricard A.; Buzády Z.; Paparella L.S.; Morales O.; Naidoo V.; Kangasniemi-Haapala M.; Dalgic T.; Alas R.; Potocan V.; Dharmasiri A.S.; Fang Y.; Burns C.; Crowley-Henry M. (2022) 'The impact of gender-role-orientations on subjective career success: A multilevel study of 36 societies'. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 138 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Gunasekara, A; Bertone, S; Almeida, S; Crowley-Henry, M (2021) 'Dancing to two tunes: The role of bicultural identity and strong ties in skilled migrants' value-driven protean careers'. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 81 :42-53. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Crowley-Henry M.; O'Connor E.P.; Suarez-Bilbao B. (2021) 'What goes around comes around. Exploring how skilled migrant founder–managers of SMEs recruit and retain international talent'. Journal of Global Mobility, 9 (2):145-165. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 O’Connor E.; Crowley-Henry M. (2020) 'From home to host: The instrumental kaleidoscopic careers of skilled migrants'. Human Relations, 73 (2):262-287. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Edward O'Connor; Marian Crowley-Henry (2019) 'Exploring the Relationship Between Exclusive Talent Management, Perceived Organizational Justice and Employee Engagement: Bridging the Literature'. Journal of Business Ethics, 56 (4):903-917. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Crowley-Henry M.; Benson E.; Al Ariss A. (2019) 'Linking Talent Management to Traditional and Boundaryless Career Orientations: Research Propositions and Future Directions'. European Management Review, 16 :5-19. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Marian Crowley-Henry, Edward O’ Connor, Akram Al Ariss. (2018) 'Portrayal of skilled migrants in management studies. A review of the literature and future research agenda'. European Management Review, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 McFadden, C. & Crowley-Henry, M. (2018) '“My People”: The potential of LGBT employee networks in reducing stigmatization and providing voice'. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29 (5):1056-1081. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Crowley-Henry, M. & Al Ariss, A. (2018) 'Talent management of skilled migrants: Propositions and an agenda for future research'. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29 (13):2054-2079. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Crowley-Henry, M; Heaslip, G; Martin, J (2014) 'Short-term international assignments. Military perspectives and implications for international human resource management'. European Management Journal, 32 (5):752-760. [Full-Text]
2013 Al Ariss A; Crowley-Henry M. (2013) 'Self-initiated expatriation and migration in the management literature: Present theorizations and future research directions'. Career Development International, 18 (1):78-96. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Crowley-Henry M. (2012) 'Re-conceptualizing the career development of self initiated expatriates: Rivers not ladders'. Journal of Management Development, 31 (2):130-141. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Fu, N., Keating, S. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2011) 'Developing a Strong HRM System: The Role of Line Managers'. .
2007 Crowley Henry, M. (2007) 'The Protean Career: Exemplified by First World foreign residents in Western Europe?'. International Studies of Management and Organization, 37 :44-64. [Full-Text]
2007 Crowley Henry, M. and Weir, D. (2007) 'The international protean career: four womens narratives'. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20 :245-258. [Full-Text]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Crowley-Henry, M. (2024) 'Self-initiated expatriates' In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Crowley-Henry, M. (2024) 'Skilled migrants' In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Crowley-Henry, M., Almeida, S., Bertone, S. and Gunasekara, A. (2024) 'Supporting skilled migrants’ international career success across the micro, meso, and macro levels' In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Migration in International Business. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan.
2021 Crowley-Henry, M; O' Connor, E; Suarez-Bilbao, B (2021) 'Understanding the Organisational Context Self-Initiated Expatriates' Experiences in SMEs' In: SELF-INITIATED EXPATRIATES IN CONTEXT. ABINGDON : ROUTLEDGE.
2017 Crowley-Henry M.; Collins M. (2017) 'Millennial expatriates' In: Research Handbook of Expatriates.
2016 McFadden C.; Crowley-Henry M. (2016) 'A systematic literature review on trans* careers and workplace experiences' In: Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations: Global Perspectives on LGBT Workforce Diversity. [DOI]
2013 Crowley-Henry, M. (2013) 'Employee Resourcing: The Planning and Recruitment Phase' In: Carbery, R and Cross, C(Eds.). Human Resource Management. An Introduction. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2011 Crowley-Henry, M. and Donnelly, P. (2011) 'Constructing and Disciplining the Working Body: Organisational Discourses, Globalisation and the Mobile Worker' In: Weir, D. and Sultan, N(Eds.). From Critique to Action: the Practical Ethics of the Organisational World. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars. [Full-Text]
2010 Crowley-Henry, Marian (2010) '21st Century International Careers: From Economic to Lifestyle Migration' In: Hogan, J., Donnelly, P. and O Rourke, B(Eds.). Irish Business & Society. Governing, Participating & Transforming in the 21st Century. Dublin, Ireland : Gill & Macmillan.
2009 Crowley-Henry, M. and Weir, D. (2009) 'Power, control and the protean Career: a critical perspective on multinational organizations' permanent international assignees' In: Wolfram Cox, J., LeTrent-Jones, T-G., Voronov, M. and Weir, D(Eds.). Critical Management Studies at Work. Negotiating Tensions between Theory and Practice. Cheltenham, UK and NOrthampton, MA, USA : Edward Elgar.
2009 Crowley-Henry, Marian (2009) 'Ethnography and Participant Observation' In: Hogan, J., Dolan, P. and Donnelly, P(Eds.). Approaches to Qualitative Research – Theory & its Practical Application: A Guide for Dissertation Students. Cork, Ireland : Oak Tree Press.
2009 Crowley-Henry, M., Dolan, P., Donnelly, P., Freeman, O., Horan, C. and O'Rourke, B. (2009) 'Qualitative Methodology Discussion' In: Approaches to Qualitative Research – Theory & its Practical Application: A Guide for Dissertation Students. Cork, Ireland : Oak Tree Press.
1997 Clifford, C., Crowley, M., Morley, M. & Gunnigle, P. (1997) 'Flexible Working Practices in Human Resource Management in Irish Organisations' In: Gunnigle, P., Morley, M., Clifford, N., Turner, T. with Heraty, N. and Crowley, M(Eds.). Human Resource Management in Irish Organisations. Practice in Perspective. Dublin, Ireland : Oak Tree Press.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 Coogan, K. M., Crowley-Henry, M., Cushen, J. (2022) Academy of Management Conference Proceedings. A schema theory perspective on the psychological contracting processes of interns over time [Full-Text]
2017 Edward O'Connor; (2017) Academy of Management Annual Conference 2017 Skilled Migrants: Insiders or Outsiders in the Global Talent Management Equation?
2016 McFadden, C.Crowley-Henry, M. (2016) Conference Proceedings of the 2016 Academy of Management Meeting, August 5-9 in Anaheim, California (submission #16046). DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2016.16046abstract Blending Identities: Unpacking Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Identity Management in the Workplace [DOI]
2015 Keating, S., Fu, N., & Crowley-Henry, M. (2015) The 75th Academy of Management Conference, 7-11, August 2015, Vancouver/Canada How to implement a high performance model: A multi-level case study of an Irish knowledge intensive firm
2013 Weir, D. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2013) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Symposium, In the symposium entitled: Managing Expatriates and Locals in Non-traditional Geo-regions Managing Locals in the Gulf

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Hayden-Smyth, S., Rivkin, W., Crowley-Henry, M. and Roe, A. (2024) Academy of Management Annual Conference Career mobility of cancer survivors: An interdisciplinary review, synthesis and research agenda Chicago, USA, 09/08/2024-13/08/2024.
2024 Gruda D., Crowley-Henry M., Ojo A. (2024) Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2024 Decoding Gender Dynamics: Machine Learning Insights into Organizational Culture & Employee Wellbeing Chicago, IL, .
2024 Blanca Suarez-Bilbao; Marian Crowley-Henry; Edward P. O'Connor (2024) IRESI Sustainable Careers Maynooth University, 18/06/2024-18/06/2024.
2024 Hayden-Smyth, S., Rivkin, W., Crowley-Henry, M. and Roe, A. (2024) CarCon (Careers Division of the Academy of Management) conference Career mobility of cancer survivors Vrije University, Amsterdam, .
2024 Crowley-Henry, M. (2024) MotherNet 2024 ‘Thinking through Motherhood: Images, experiences and narratives across time' Unpacking the career narratives of skilled migrant mothers Vilnius University, Lithuania, 22/01/2024-25/01/2024.
2023 Edward P. O'Connor; Marian Crowley-Henry (2023) Academy of Management Annual Conference The liminal careers of skilled migrants Boston, USA, 04/08/2023-08/08/2023.
2023 Crowley-Henry, M., Almeida, S., Bertone, S. and Gunasekara, A. (2023) Gender, Work and Organization conference Gender, race and academia. Exploring international academic careers through standpoint theory Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa, 28/06/2023-30/06/2023.
2023 - Gruda, J., Crowley-Henry, M. and Ojo, A. (2023) European Academy of Management (EURAM) conference Organizational culture and employee anxiety: Exploring gender differences and mitigating organizational supports across organizational cultures Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 14/06/2023-16/06/2023.
2022 Marian Crowley-Henry (2022) Work Family Researchers Network Paper entitled 'Does Country Matter? Skilled Migrant Mothers' Careers in Ireland, France, the USA, and Australia' at the Work Family Researchers' Network conference in New York (23-26 June 2022), on the paper symposium panel on 'Subjectivities of Motherhood and Work' New York, 22/06/2022-26/06/2022.
2022 Suarez-Bilbao, B., Andresen, M., Crowley-Henry, M., and O'Connor, E. (2022) Academy of Management The Influence of Complexity, Chance and Change on the Career Crafting Strategies of SIEs Seattle, USA, .
2022 Crowley-Henry, M. & O'Connor, E. (2022) 38th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 17: Careers: Failure and Success in Changed Times 'Time counts! Unpacking skilled migrants' liminal careers' WU Vienna, Austria, .
2022 Marian Crowley-Henry, Shamika Almeida, Santina Bertone, Asanka Gunasekara (2022) 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SELF-INITIATED EXPATRIATION Marian Crowley-Henry, Shamika Almeida, Santina Bertone, Asanka Gunasekara (2022). 'Painting a fuller picture of SIEs’ careers across national contexts: Employing a multi-level intelligent career system'. 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SELF-INITIATED EXPATRIATION. Bamberg, Germany (12 April 2022) Bamberg, Germany, .
2022 Blanca Suarez-Bilbao, Maike Andresen, Marian Crowley-Henry, Edward O’Connor (2022) 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SELF-INITIATED EXPATRIATION 'The influence of complexity, chance and change on the career crafting strategies of SIEs' Bamburg, Germany, .
2021 Suarez-Bilbao, B., Crowley-Henry, M., O'Connor, E. and Andresen, M. (2021) European Academy of Management Connecting international employees' motivations, job crafting strategies and talent management implications. Toward the development of a conceptual framework Online, .
2021 Coogan, K., Crowley-Henry, M. and Cushen, J. (2021) British Academy of Management The case for taking a process perspective in career transition research Manchester, UK (online), 31/08/2021-03/09/2021.
2021 Jane L.Y. Terpstra Tong (Monash University), et al. (2021) Academy of International Business WAIB Best Paper winner, The Impact of Gender Role Orientations on Subjective Career Success: A Multilevel Study of 36 Societies Online, .
2021 Crowley-Henry, M. (2021) Irish Academy of Management Invited presentation entitled: Global Real-Time Accounts of Work-Related Experiences during COVID-19: Combining Literature & Blog Data at the Work, Employment, Organisation (WEO) symposium The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on organisational and management related matters in both the Irish and international context at the Irish Journal of Management 2021 conference, Online/WIT, Ireland. WIT, 25/08/2021-25/08/2021.
2021 Crowley-Henry, M. (2021) Irish Academy of Management Invited Presentation on Meet the Editors of the Irish Journal of Management, Irish Academy of Management conference doctoral colloquium 2021. WIT, Ireland, 25/08/2021-25/08/2021.
2021 Coogan, K., Crowley-Henry, M, Cushen, J. (2021) British Academy of Management Unpacking identity and capital evolution in career transitions across time and space United Kingdom, .
2020 Suarez-Bilbao, B., Crowley-Henry, M., and O'Connor, E. (2020) European Academy of Management ‘Bleak House’ or ‘Small is Beautiful’? Exploring the personal and applied career capital of SME skilled migrant founders in attracting, employing and retaining skilled migrant employees Online, .
2020 Coogan, K., Crowley-Henry, M, Cushen, J. (2020) Chartered Institute for Personnel Development Applied Research Conference The future graduate employee: Are they ready? Are we ready? Dublin, Ireland, .
2019 Crowley-Henry, M., O Connor, E. and Briscoe, J. (2019) Academy of Management Symposium. EMERALD BEST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2019 Identities across Time and Space: The Case of Skilled Migrants Boston, Massachusetts, 08/08/2019-13/08/2019.
2019 Coogan, K., Crowley-Henry, M, Cushen, J. (2019) Irish Academy of Management Unpacking the transition from education to work Dublin, Ireland, .
2018 Crowley-Henry, M. and Briscoe, J. (2018) Irish Academy of Management A Phenomenological Comparison of Skilled Migrants’ Careers in the USA across Race, Language and Ethnicity University College Cork, Ireland, 03/09/2018-05/09/2018.
2018 O Connor,E. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2018) European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) From Home to Host: The Instrumental Careers of Skilled Migrants Tallinn, Estonia, 05/07/2018-07/07/2018.
2018 McFadden, C. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2018) Equality, Diversity, Inclusion conference The Ascertainment Period: Exploring the Identity Management of LGB Employees Entering a New Workplace Montreal, Canada, 16/08/2018-18/08/2018.
2018 Crowley-Henry, M. (2018) Motherhood, Migration, Mobility conference The International Protean Career: Women’s Narratives & Research Update Maynooth University, Ireland, 14/06/2018-15/06/2018.
2018 Crowley-Henry, M. (2018) International Management & Organizational Behaviour Teaching Society (iMOBTS) conference Roundtable leader/facilitator on Designing an inclusive module Maynooth University, Ireland, 28/06/2018-29/06/2018.
2018 Crowley-Henry, M. (2018) Centre for Global Migration Studies (CeMig) opening conference on Migration as a Global Challenge: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Complex Field Does Host Country Context Matter? Sharing & Comparing Skilled Migrants’ Career Stories in France, the USA and Ireland University of Göttingen, Germany, 21/06/2018-23/06/2018.
2018 Almeida, S., Crowley-Henry, M. and Bertone, S. (2018) International Metropolis Conference, Sydney, Australia Constructing Careers and Negotiating Barriers: Success Factors of Skilled Immigrants in Western Countries Sydney, Australia, 29/10/2018-02/11/2018.
2018 Edward O'Connor & Marian Crowley-Henry (2018) European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) 2018 From home to host: The instrumental careers of skilled migrants Talinn, Estonia, 05/11/2018-07/11/2018.
2018 O Connor, E. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2018) Irish Academy of Management From There to Here: Kaleidoscopic Careers of Skilled Migrants University College Cork, Ireland, 03/09/2018-05/09/2018.
2018 Edward O'Connor & Marian Crowley-Henry (2018) Irish Academy of Management (IAM) 2018 From There to Here: Kaleidoscopic careers of skilled migrants Cork University Business School, Cork, Ireland, .
2018 Crowley-Henry, M., Almeida, S. and Bertone, S. (2018) European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Mapping out Successful Strategies for Skilled Migrants’ Career Progression. A Multi-Level Framework Tallinn, Estonia, 05/07/2018-07/07/2018.
2017 McFadden, C. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2017) Critical Management Studies Annual Conference Watching the Watchmen: The Efficacy of Equality Indices in Determining Sexual Minority Inclusion in the Workplace Liverpool, UK, .
2017 McFadden, C. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2017) European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference 2017, special interest group on Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations. Glasgow, Scotland Heteronormativity and Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Identity in the Irish Workplace Conference Proceedings of European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference 2017, special interest group on Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations. Glasgow, Scotland, .
2017 O Connor,E. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2017) 20th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference. Queens University Belfast, Ireland From Bridgehead to Consolidation – the Instrumental Careers of Skilled Migrants Queens University Belfast, .
2017 O'Connor, E.P. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2017) Academy of Management, symposium on Migration and Global Talent Management. Symposium SHORTLISTED FOR EMERALD BEST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM AWARD Skilled Migrants: Insiders or Outsiders in the Global Talent Management Equation Atlanta Georgia, .
2016 Crowley-Henry, M and Collins, M. (2016) 19th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference. University College Dublin, Ireland Millennials’ AMO to Expatriate & Implications for International Human Resource Management Dublin, Ireland, .
2016 O'Connor, E.P. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2016) 19th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference “Career Crafting”: How Skilled Migrants Construct Flexible Careers in the Host Country University College Dublin, Ireland, .
2016 McFadden, C. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2016) 19th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference. University College Dublin, Ireland, 31 August – 2 September 2016. WINNER OF BEST POSTGRADUATE PAPER AWARD Politics, Privilege and Power: Exploring the Role of Workplace Heteronormativity in the Identity Management of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Employees in Ireland University College Dublin, Ireland, 31 August – 2 September 2016. Winner of best postgraduate paper award, .
2016 O Connor, E.Crowley-Henry, M. (2016) 2016 EURAM Conference, Paris (France) 31 May- 4 June 2016 Towards the Theorization of Skilled Migrant Careers: Exploring the Careers of Skilled Migrant Workers Conference Proceedings of the 2016 EURAM Conference, Paris (France) 31 May- 4 June 2016, .
2016 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2016) EURAM 2016 Towards the Theorization of Skilled Migrant Careers: Exploring the Careers of Skilled Migrant Workers Paris, France, .
2015 O Connor, E.Crowley-Henry, M. (2015) SIEs or Skilled Migrants? Rethinking a Static Entity 1st Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation. Toulouse Business School, Toulouse, France, 28-29th May 2015 Toulouse, France, .
2015 McFadden, C.Crowley-Henry, M. (2015) British Academy of Management “My People”: Identity, Belonging and the Stranger in Organizations and LGBT Employee Networks Portsmouth, .
2015 Crowley-Henry, M.Collins, M. (2015) Millennials’ International Mobility Motivations. Implications for IHRM (International Human Resource Management) 1st Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation. Toulouse Business School, Toulouse, France, 28-29th May 2015 Toulouse, France, .
2015 Collins, M.Crowley-Henry, M. (2015) UFHRD 2015, UCC, 3-5 June 2015. 16th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe Talent Management of Millennials: Through a Social Exchange Theory Lens UCC, Cork, Ireland 3-5 June 2015, .
2015 O Connor, E.Crowley-Henry, M. (2015) UFHRD 2015, UCC, 3-5 June 2015. 16th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe Exclusive Talent Management, Perceived Organisational Justice & Employee Engagement: Bridging the Literature UCC, Cork, Ireland 3-5 June 2015, .
2015 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2015) UFHRD 2015 Exclusive Talent Management, Perceived Organizational Justice & Employee Engagement: Bridging the Literature UCC, Cork, Ireland, 03/06/2015-05/06/2015.
2015 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2015) 1st Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation SIEs or Skilled Migrants? Is it time to move from labels to issues?” Toulouse, France, .
2015 McFadden, C.Crowley-Henry, M. (2015) The Workplace Identities of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Employees in Ireland: A Qualitative Study 18th annual Irish Academy of Management Conference, NUI Galway, Ireland, 2-4 September 2015 NUI Galway, Ireland, .
2015 Keating, S.Fu, N.Crowley-Henry, M. (2015) Academy of Management Symposium on 'HRM Implementation Effectiveness in the International Arena: A Multi-Level and Multi-Actor Perspective' How to implement a high performance model: A multi-level case study of an Irish knowledge intensive firm Vancouver, Canada, .
2014 Crowley-Henry, D. and Doherty, N. (2014) Academy of International Business Conference Proceedings. ‘Acculturation, Identity and Self-Initiated Expatriation: Theoretical Implications’ Vancouver, Canada, .
2014 Collins, M.Crowley-Henry, M. (2014) 3rd Workshop on Talent Management, EIASM, Berlin 13-14 October 2014 Talent Management of Millennials Berlin, Germany. 13-14 October 2014, .
2014 Crowley-Henry, M., Al Ariss, A. and Weir, D. (2014) Irish Academy of Management Conference ‘Talent management of international migrants: Towards a theoretical framework’ University of Limerick, Ireland, .
2014 O Connor, E.Crowley-Henry, M. (2014) 3rd Workshop on Talent Management, EIASM, Berlin 13-14 October 2014 Organisational Justice and Talent Management Berlin, Germany, .
2014 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2014) 3rd Workshop on Talent Management Organizational Justice & Talent Management Berlin, Germany, .
2014 Edward O'Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry (2014) Irish Academy of Management Conference Talent management of Skilled Migrants University of Limerick, .
2012 Al Ariss, A. & Crowley-Henry, M. (2012) International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM), University of Limerick, Ireland, 26-29 June 2012 Is Migration so Different from Self-Initiated Expatriation? A Critical Review University of Limerick, Ireland, 26-29 June 2012, .
2012 Crowley-Henry, M. (2012) Work and Family Researchers Network Conference (WFRN), New York, USA, 14-16 June 2012 Balls in the Air: Exploring Womens Careers Internationally New York, USA, 14-16 June 2012, . [Full-Text]
2012 Crowley-Henry, M. & Doherty, N. (2012) European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Helsinki, Finland, 5-7 July 2012 Global Mobility and Identity (Re)Construction: An Identification Perspective Helsinki, Finland, .
2012 Crowley-Henry, M. (2012) An Analysis of Skilled Migrants Career and Identity Reconstruction European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), An Analysis of Skilled Migrants Career and Identity Reconstruction on Migrant Employment Dynamics in Turbulent Times track, Ethnicity & Migration network Glasgow University, Scotland, 11-14 April 2012, .
2011 Crowley-Henry, Marian, Al Ariss, Akram, Weir,David (2011) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Symposium (2011), San Antonio, Texas, USA, 12-16 August Understanding the Careers of Professional Migrants: A Local-Global Dynamic San Antonio, Texas, USA, 12-16 August, .
2011 Crowley-Henry, M., Donnelly, P. (2011) Academy of Management Annual Meeting SymposiumSan Antonio, Texas, USA, 12-16 August, 2011 Whither Ethics? Constructing and Disciplining International Human Resources San Antonio, Texas, USA, 12-16 August, 2011, .
2011 Crowley-Henry, Marian (2011) Irish Academy of Management Conference (2011), National College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 31 August -2 September Exploring Women’s Careers Internationally National College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 31 August -2 September, .
2010 Crowley-Henry, Marian (2010) European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference, Rome, Italy, 19-22 May 2010 Beyond Organization Assigned Expatriates: International Assignee Identification Rome, Italy, 19-22 May 2010, .
2010 Crowley-Henry, M. and Donnelly, P. (2010) Constructing and Disciplining the Working Body: Organisational Discourses, Globalisation and the Mobile Worker Irish Academy of Management Conference, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland, 1-3 September, 2010 Cork, Ireland, .
2010 Crowley-Henry, Marian (2010) Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Montréal, Canada, 6-10 August, 2010 Exploring Women’s Careers Internationally. An exploratory study of self initiated international assignees in the South of France Montréal, Canada, 6-10 August, 2010, .
2009 Crowley-Henry, Marian (2009) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Constructing careers: an interpretive study of the “bounded transnational” career Chicago, IL, 7-11 August, 2009, .
2008 Marian Crowley-Henry (2008) International Labour Process Conference Proceedings, University College Dublin, Ireland 18-20 March, 2008 Women’s Careers Internationally. A qualitative study of female Western knowledge professionals living in the South of France University College Dublin, Ireland 18-20 March, 2008, .
2008 Marian Crowley-Henry (2008) International Knowledge professionals. Contemporary Career Concerns & Implications Irish Academy of Management Conference, Dublin City University, Ireland, 3-5 September, 2008 Dublin, Ireland, .
2008 Marian Crowley-Henry (2008) 4th International Workshop on Expatriation Proceedings, EIASM, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 23 & 24 October, 2008 A narratives’ exploration of non-traditional international assignees locally resident and employed in the South of France , Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 23 & 24 October, 2008, .
2007 Esther Tippmann and Marian Crowley-Henry (2007) Attributes of Individualism and their Impact on the Adoption of Innovations – A Cross-National Investigation Irish Academy of Management Conference Irish AQueens University Belfast, Ireland 3-5 September, 2007, .
2006 Marian Crowley-Henry (2006) The International Protean Career: Considerations for Human Resource Management Irish Academy of Management Conference Irish Academy of ManagemeUniversity College Cork, Ireland, 6-8 September, 2006, .
2005 Marian Crowley-Henry (2005) Cultural Diversity in Multinational Organisations. Experiences of “foreign” managers; implications for strategic international human resource management Irish Academy of Management Conference Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Ireland, 7-9 September, 2005, .
2004 Marian Crowley-Henry (2004) International Workshop on Expatriation Proceedings, Brussels, Belgium, 18 &19 October, 2004 The self-initiated international career move Brussels, Belgium, 18 &19 October, 2004, .
2004 Marian Crowley-Henry (2004) Fifth International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe Conference Proceedings, UFHRD/AHRD Ireland, University of Limerick Ireland, 27 & 28 May 2004 A European Career. Working across the European Union: Euro-workers' stories, motivations, experiences and concerns, and the ensuing implications for HRD within European and international organisations Ireland, University of Limerick Ireland, 27 & 28 May 2004, .
1996 Noreen Clifford, Marian Crowley and Michael Morley (1996) International conference on labour flexibility in Barcelona, Spain: Conferencia Internacional Losretos Europeos de la Flexibilidad Laboral Conference Proceedings, 7 November 1996 The Contingent Workforce: Case Evidence on Part-Time Work in Ireland (The Flexibility Phenomenon: Evidence from Irish & European Organisations) Barcelona, Spain, .
1996 Marian Crowley (1996) The Flexibility Phenomenon: Evidence from Irish & European Organisations Management Research in Ireland. The Way Forward Conference Management Research in Ireland. The Way ForwaUniversity College Cork, Ireland, 12-13 September 1996, .


Year Publication
2023 Crowley-Henry, M. (2023) Editorial, Volume 42 Issue 2: Introducing Issue 42(2) of the Irish Journal of Management. [Editorial] [Link] [DOI]
2023 Crowley-Henry, M. (2023) Editorial: Introducing Issue 42(1) and Updates. [Editorial] [Link] [DOI]
2022 Miller, K; Crowley-Henry, M (2022) Editorial and recognition of the valuable role of our peer reviewers. WARSAW: [Editorial] [DOI]
2021 Crowley-Henry, M and Miller, K (2021) Editorial, The Irish Journal of Management. WARSAW: [Editorial] [DOI]

Invited papers

Year Publication
2022 Cushen, J., Coogan, K. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2022) 'The Future Worker'. Invited Presentation at AACA Ireland Business Leaders Forum panel on 'Post Covid Evolution of Working: The Where, When and How of future working'. [Invited papers]


Year Publication
2022 Crowley-Henry, M. and Cronin, C. (2022) Is the cost of living crisis driving people from Ireland?. [Media] [Link]
2019 Crowley-Henry, M. & McFadden, C. (2019) How to turn up the LGBT voice in the workplace, RTE Brainstorm. [Media] [Link]
2019 Coogan, K. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2019) Meet your new workmates: Generation Z's views on work and careers, RTE Brainstorm. RTE Brainstorm: [Media] [Link]

Newspaper Articles

Year Publication
2022 McGuire, Peter (with contribution from Dr Marian Crowley-Henry) (2022) Not having to hide who you are. [Newspaper Articles] [Link]

Working Paper

Year Publication
2015 O Connor, E.Crowley-Henry, M. (2015) Careers & Capital of Skilled Migrant Workers. [Working Paper]


Year Publication
2023 Crowley-Henry, M. (2023) Early careerists’ psychological contracts. Tips for onboarding career novices. [Article]


Year Publication
2012 Crowley-Henry, M., Donovan, Paul (2012) Human Resource Management / Human Resource Development in its Contemporary Context, . : Palgrave.

Other Publication

Year Publication
2024 McFadden, C.; Crowley-Henry, M.; Rumens, N.; Rocco, T.S.; Collins, J.C. (2024) Doing transgender: Gender minorities in the organization. [Link] [DOI]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2024 Anne O'Brien, Maynooth University; Marian Crowley-Henry, Maynooth University; Eglė Kačkutė Vilnius University (2024) 'Motherhood, Subjectivity, and Work' Gender, Work, and Organization, . [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Academy of Management Academic Member 01/01/2009 -
European Group for Organizational Studies Member 01/01/2012 -
European Academy of Management Member 01/01/2010 -
Academy of International Business Member 01/01/2014 -
Irish Academy of Management Member 01/01/2004 -
CIPD Academic Member Academic Associate, Academic Member 01/01/2011 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/11/2023 Faculty of Social Sciences UDL (Universal Design for Learning) Fellow 2023-2024 Maynooth University
26/05/2023 Facilitator Badge in Engaged Research and Innovation for Societal Impact National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning (NFETL) and Campus Engage
01/02/2023 Facilitator Badge in Universal Design in Teaching and Learning National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
01/02/2022 #17 in WAIB's Voted "top 20 favourite articles on migration and diversity in International Business” list WAIB - Women in the Academy of International Business
01/07/2021 Advance HE (Higher Education) Torch Relay Participant Advance HE
01/01/2021 WAIB (Women in the Academy of International Business) Best Paper Award 2021 Academy of International Business
01/01/2020 CIPD Applied Research Conference Best Poster Award, with PhD student Kim Coogan, Dr Marian Crowley-Henry and Dr Jean Cushen CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)
01/01/2019 Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher Enterprise Ireland
01/09/2019 Donnellan Research Funding (Internal School of Business Funding), with Dr Edward O'Connor and PhD student, Blanca Suarez-Bilbao Donnellan Fund (Internal School of Business funding)
01/08/2019 Emerald Best International Symposium, 2019, Academy of Management Proceedings, participant Academy of Management
01/09/2018 Maynooth University Visiting Scholar Fellowship Award, hosting Prof Jon Briscoe Maynooth University
01/11/2018 Enterprise Ireland Travel Award Enterprise Ireland
01/04/2018 Fulbright Alumni Grant (Ireland) Fulbright Ireland Commission
01/09/2017 Fulbright-Enterprise Ireland Scholar Award The Fulbright Commission
01/09/2017 Research Sabbatical Award Maynooth University, Ireland
01/09/2016 Winner of best postgraduate paper, with PhD student, Ciarán McFadden Irish Academy of Management
01/02/2013 Erasmus Visiting Scholar, Novancia, Paris Erasmus
01/01/2013 Teaching Fellowship Maynooth University, Ireland
01/09/1995 MSc Commerce Postgraduate Studentship University College Cork


Committee Function From / To
School of Business Research Committee Director 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2026
Academic Council Research Committee Faculty of Social Sciences Elected Representative 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
School of Business Strategic Advisory Committee Research Director 31/08/2023 - 31/08/2026
The Irish Journal of Management, Editor-in-chief Editor-in-chief 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2025
Gender, Work, and Organization, Guest Editor of "Motherhood, Subjectivity and Work" Guest Editor 01/04/2023 - 31/12/2024
Gender, Work, and Organization, Guest Editor of "Doing Transgender: Gender Minorities in the Organization" Guest Editor of "Doing Transgender: Gender Minorities in the Organization" 01/09/2021 - 30/06/2024
School of Business Athena Swan Committee Member 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024
External Examiner, PhD, Cranfield University School of Management, UK External Examiner, PhD 01/09/2023 - 31/01/2024
Academic Programmes Committee, Maynooth University (Ireland) Member 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2022
Teaching and Learning Committee, Maynooth University (Ireland) Member 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2022
Maynooth University Academic Council Academic Representative, Faculty of Social Sciences 27/05/2019 - 26/05/2022
Fulbright Commission Ireland Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Commitee Committee member 01/09/2020 - 01/09/2025
Chair of PhD Examination (Viva) Committees, Maynooth University, Ireland, 2019-ongoing Chair of PhD Examination (Viva) Committees, Maynooth University, Ireland, 2019-ongoing 15/02/2019 -
Editorial board member, 'International Journal of Human Resource Management' Member 01/01/2016 -
Editorial board member, 'Journal of Global Mobility' Member 17/10/2018 -
Editorial board member, 'Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal' Member 01/01/2017 -
Work, Employment and Organization Special Interest Group, Irish Academy of Management Maynooth University Representative 01/01/2013 -
TU Dublin PhD Confirmation Examiner PhD confirmation examiner, Faculty of Business, TUDublin 25/02/2022 -
DBA Doctoral External Examiner, Sheffield Hallam University, UK External Examiner of DBA 28/06/2021 -
DBA Doctoral External Examiner, Waterford Institute of Technology External Examiner of DBA 19/10/2020 -
PhD Examination Committee, External Examiner, PhD, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland External Examiner, PhD, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland 30/05/2019 - 30/05/2019
PhD International Examiner Massey University, New Zealand International Examiner 01/01/2017 -
Editorial board member, 'Irish Business Journal' Member 01/01/2017 -
2017 CAR Division of the Academy of Management Arnon Reichers Best Student Paper Award Examiner Reviewer 01/01/2017 -
2017 CAR Division of the Academy of Management, Diversity & Inclusion ByLaws committee Member 01/01/2017 -
Faculty of Social Science Research Representative School of Business alternate representative 01/01/2017 -
Doctoral Research Panel External Examiner, Grenoble Ecole de Management External reviewer 01/01/2015 -
PhD Viva Internal Examiner, Maynooth University, Ireland Internal Examiner 01/05/2015 -
PhD Committee (DRSCP) School of Business, Maynooth University (Ireland) Member 01/09/2011 -


Employer Position From / To
Maynooth University Professor in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour 01/09/2024 -
Maynooth University Associate Professor in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour 01/07/2017 - 31/08/2024
Maynooth University School of Business Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour 01/10/2010 - 01/07/2017
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland Lecturer 01/09/2006 - 16/09/2010
Ceram Sophia Antipolis Grande Ecole de Management, France Adjunct Professor 01/04/2002 - 30/05/2005
Lucent Technologies EMEA, France Channel Business Manager 01/09/2000 - 31/12/2001
Compaq Computer GmbH/EMEA Munich, Germany Business & Information Manager 01/02/1997 - 30/06/2000


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Facilitator Badge in Universal Design in Teaching and Learning Univesal Design in Teaching and Learning
National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning (NFETL) and Campus Engage Facilitator Badge in Engaged Research and Innovation for Societal Impact Engaged Research and Innovation for Societal Impact
Maynooth University, Ireland Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Higher Education
Lancaster University, England, United Kingdom PhD in Management
University College Cork (NUI Cork), Ireland MSc Commerce
University of Limerick, Ireland BBS & German


Language Reading Writing Speaking
French Functional Basic Functional
German Functional Functional Functional

Other Activities

Visiting Associate Professor, School of Management and Marketing, Curtin University, Australia
External Examiner, Human Resource Management and Management, National College of Ireland
External Examiner, PhD, Cranfield University School of Management, UK; viva in Jan 2024
External Confirmation Examiner, Technological University (TU), Dublin (Ireland) of PhD candidate, 25 February 2022
External examiner of DBA candidate, Sheffield Business School, Department of Management (UK), 2021
External Examiner, DBA Examination (viva voce), Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland) student, 2020
Visiting/Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Business, University of Wollongong, Australia, from 1st December 2019 (ID/Registration No.: 3431782) and Associate Member of the Centre for Cross-Cultural Management, University of Wollongong
External examiner for PhD examination, University of Limerick (Ireland), Kemmy Business School, 2019
External examiner at the Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick on a PhD dissertation 2019
Chairperson of the doctoral track at the Irish Academy of Management, held in the National College of Ireland on 28 August 2019
External examiner on management and international management modules and programmes (U/G: BBS; BSc Nursing; B Engineering; BSc in Exercise Health and Fitness; Masters: MA in Business Management; MSc in International Management & Global Business; Master in Business Administration. University of Limerick, Ireland, 2017-2021.
External panel member on National College of Ireland (NCI) review panel for BA Hons Marketing Practice re-validation, 2018; BA Hons HRM revalidation, 2018.
External international examiner of PhD candidate, Massey University, New Zealand, 2017
External reviewer/examiner of Grenoble Ecole de Management (France) DBA/doctoral student, 2016
External examiner on HRM modules and programmes (Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management), Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland, 2016-2019.
Internal Examiner, Maynooth University School of Business (Ireland) of PhD candidate, 2015


Client Description
Law Society of Ireland Law Society (Ireland), September 2024
Clinical Midwife and Nurse Managers (Ireland) (CMM/CNM) Training presentation to Clinical Midwife and Nurse Managers (Ireland) on their CMM/CNM study days in May 2023
Irish Defence Forces HRM in Industry’, ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Industry’, ‘Career Studies’. Invited presentations and workshops to 28 captains in the Irish Defence Forces
Zeminar Enterprise Ireland funded innovation voucher to conduct research for Zeminar on the work values of pre-work experience adults

Editorial / Academic Reviews

Amount Role From / To
Journal of Management Development Reviewer 01/01/2011 -
European Management Review Reviewer 01/01/2017 -
Journal of Vocational Behavior Reviewer 01/01/2017 -
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Reviewer 01/01/2017 -
Personnel Review Reviewer 01/01/2011 -
Journal of Business Ethics Reviewer 01/01/2013 -
Career Development International Reviewer 01/01/2013 -
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Reviewer 01/01/2017 -
Gender, Work and Organization Guest Editor 16/06/2022 - 31/12/2024
Human Relations Reviewer 01/01/2010 -
Group and Organization Management Reviewer 01/01/2009 -
Human Resource Management Reviewer 01/01/2015 -
Critical Perspectives on International Business Reviewer 01/01/2012 -
European Management Journal Reviewer 01/01/2015 -
Gender, Work and Organization Guest Editor 01/09/2021 - 31/12/2023
IRISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Editor-in-Chief 01/01/2021 -
International Journal of Human Resource Management Reviewer 01/01/2016 - 07/04/2017
Employee Relations Reviewer 01/01/2015 -

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
Law Society of Ireland Policy Makers Presentation on AI and inter-generational work to members of Law Society of Ireland
Fulbright Ireland Commission Policy Makers Crowley-Henry, M. (2023). ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion & Fulbright’. Invited presentation at the 2023 Fulbright Ireland Scholar and Student Award Ceremony, 8th June 2023.
Clinical Midwife Managers/Nursing Managers (CMM/CNM) Policy Makers Crowley-Henry, M. (2023). ‘Mind the Gap’: Understanding the drives and motivations of ‘Centennials/ Gen Z’. Invited presentation at the 2023 Clinical Midwife Managers/Nursing Managers (CMM/CNM) Study Days, 16th May 2023.
Maynooth University, University of Sanctuary/Sanctuary Scholarship Academic Mentor Civic Society Mentor to Leaving Cert (2021) and entrant to Business Studies at Maynooth University (2021), under University of Sanctuary
AACA Ireland's Business Leaders Forum panel on 'Post Covid Evolution of Working: The Where, When and How of future working' Industry Cushen, J., Coogan, K. and Crowley-Henry, M. (2022) 'The Future Worker'. Invited presentation at AACA Ireland's Business Leaders Forum panel on 'Post Covid Evolution of Working: The Where, When and How of future working'. Held on 25th May, 2022.
Newstalk Radio Civic Society Panel interview on Newstalk show 'Between the Lines' focusing on the Future of Work with Andrea Gilligan (presenter). Aired on Saturday 25 January 2020 (recorded on Wednesday 22 January 2020) [Link]
Kildare FM Radio (KFM) Civic Society Media interview on KFM show ‘Kildare Today’ focusing on GenZ with Clem Ryan (presenter). Aired on 16 January 2020 ( starting ca. 3 minutes 40 seconds in on the podcast) [Link]
RTE Brainstorm Civic Society Coogan, K. & Crowley-Henry, M. (2019) piece on RTE Brainstorm (October 2019) on Gen Z’s views on work and careers. [Link]
RTE Brainstorm Civic Society Crowley-Henry, M. & McFadden, C. (2019) piece on RTE Brainstorm (January 2019) on LGBT voice in the workplace. [Link]

Teaching Interests

I have developed and delivered a range of modules in the areas of Human Resource Management, International Management, Organisational Behaviour and Organisation Theory at undergraduate, Master and executive education levels in France and Ireland.

The most recent modules that I deliver/lead are:
MN155 Organisational  Behaviour & Management (year 1 undergraduate)
MI675 Placement Project (Masters)

Current doctoral student supervision:
- Skylar Hoban, working title: 'Deafness in the Workplace: Lived experiences of deaf employees' (co-supervisor with Prof Joseph Coughlan and Dr Dean Creevey) registered since 2023
- Kim Coogan, working title: 'The Psychological Contract and Capital Accumulation of University Work Placement Students' (co-supervisor with Dr Jean Cushen), registered since 2018

- External Associate Co-supervisor of Trinity College Dublin (TCD)-registered student, Shane Hayden-Smyth, working title: 'Cancer Survivors' Careers' (with Dr Wladislaw Rivkin, Trinity College Dublin), 2023

Past PhD student supervision (now graduated):
- Sue Mulhall, 2011, Dublin Institute of Technology. 'Celtic Tiger, Hidden Tales: Living Stories of Career Success for Community Employment Scheme Participants – A Critical Interpretive Analysis'.
- Ciarán McFadden, 2018, Maynooth University, 'My People: Exploring the Identity Management of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Employees in the Irish Workplace'.
- Edward O Connor, 2018, Maynooth University, 'Skilled Migrants & International Careers: An Exploratory Study of the Careers of Skilled Migrant Workers in Ireland'.
- Blanca Suarez Bilbao, 2024, Maynooth University, 'Intra-EU Careers and Career Sustainability: A Qualitative Study and Interpretation of the Transnational Career Sustainability of Intra-EU Migrants in Germany, Ireland, and Spain'.

Current Students

Student Name Degree Supervision

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2024 Blanca Suarez Bilbao PhD
2018 Edward O Connor PhD
2018 Ciaran McFadden PhD
2011 Sue Mulhall PhD

Internal Collaborators

Name Company Role Country
Blanca Isabel Suarez Bilbao Maynooth University co-author Ireland
Valerie Heffernan Maynooth University Lead PI Ireland
Edward O'Connor Dr Edward O Connor, Maynooth University School of Business co-author Ireland
Kim Margaret Coogan Maynooth University co-author Ireland
Anne O'Brien Co-guest editor; MotherNet
Jean Cushen Co-author
Dritjon Gruda Co-author
Katriona O'Sullivan Co-PI
Margaret Flood Co-author
Julius Nyiawung Co-author

External Collaborators

Name Role Country
Professor Jon Briscoe, Northern Illinois University United States
Professor Shamika Almeida, University of Wollongong Co-investigator Australia
Professor Santina Bertone, Central Queensland University co-author Australia
Dr Mary Collins, Royal College of Surgeons Leadership Institute Co-author; co-supervisor; co-investigator Ireland
Dr Ciarán McFadden, Edinburgh Napier University Co-author United Kingdom
Dr Asanka Gunasekara, Swinburne University of Technology co-author Australia
Professor Akram Al Ariss, Universite de Toulouse, Toulouse Business School Co-author France
Dr Jolanta Burke, RCSI Dublin Co-PI Ireland
Prof Dr Michelle Mielly, Grenoble Grande Ecole de Management Co-PI France
Professor Daiva Skuciene, Vilnius University Co-author Lithuania
Dr. Raquel Pacheco Aguilar, University of Graz Arqus consortium Austria
Asst. Prof. Dr. Darius Ruželė, Vilnius University Leadership, retention in healthcare project Lithuania