Milena Komarova

Dr Milena Komarova is a post-doctoral researcher for LINLOSS (Disposals and Dead-ends in Lineages of Social Innovation and Change) - an ERC-funded Research Project led by Prof Jane Gray.
Milena holds a PhD in Sociology (2008) from Queen’s University Belfast (QUB). She has been a Research Fellow for The Conflict In Cities And The Contested State ESRC-funded multidisciplinary research project, at QUB (2007 – 2013); The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute For Global Peace, Security And Justice, QUB (2013 – 2016); The Centre For Cross-Border Studies, Armagh (2017 – 2019); and for The UK In A Changing Europe Initiative, QUB (2019 – 2022). Most recently, Milena was a Lecturer in Human Geography at QUB (2022 – 2024).
Dr Komarova's work spans the fields of conflict, urban and border studies, exploring the intersections between everyday life, urban space, and conflict transformation in ethno-nationally divided cities. She has further studied the impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU on (re)bordering the island of Ireland. This work integrates and reflects Milena’s expertise in qualitative and ethnographic methodology, including in the use of mobile and visual methods.
Milena has taught extensively at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Sociology and Geography, including for MA Programmes in Social Justice and Conflict Transformation, and in Geopolitics.
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2025 | Komarova, M. and Hayward, K. (2025) 'Mashing and clashing sovereignties: How Brexit was conceived in the Irish borderlands' In: Handbook of European Borderlands. London/ New York : Routlege/Taylor and Francis. | |
2024 | Komarova, M. and Hayward, K. (2024) 'Resisting re-bordering: Cross-border mobilities in an Irish border region in anticipation of Brexit' In: Frontières en mouvement (Frontem): Which Models of Cross-Border Cooperation for the EU?. Brussels : Peter Lang. | |
2024 | Hayward, K. and Komarova, M. (2024) 'Has Brexit Changed the Irish Border Question?' In: Northern Ireland 100 Years On: The End Of The Beginning Or The Beginning Of The End?. Cork : CUP. | |
2021 | Leary, P., Hayward, K. and Komarova, M. (2021) 'The Irish Border as Sign and Source of British-Irish Tensions' In: Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar. | |
2019 | Hayward, K. and Komarova, M. (2019) 'The Use of Visibility and Violence in Protests at Contentious Events in Northern Ireland' In: The Aesthetics of Global Protest: Visual Culture and Communication. Amsterdam : AUP. | |
2018 | Komarova, M. (2018) '‘You Have No Legitimate Reason to Access!’ Visibility and Movement in Contested Urban Space’' In: Ethnographies of Movement, Sociality and Space. Place-making in the New Northern Ireland. Oxford : Berghahn Books. | |
2018 | Svasek, M. and Komarova, M. (2018) 'Introduction. Spatiality, Movement and Place-making' In: Ethnographies of Movement, Sociality and Space. Place-making in the New Northern Ireland. Oxford : Berghahn Books. | |
2016 | Komarova, M. and O'Dowd, L. (2016) 'Belfast, the ‘Shared City’? Spatial Stories of Conflict Transformation' In: Spatializing Peace and Conflict Mapping the Production of Places, Sites and Scales of Violence. Basingstoke : Palgrave MacMillan. [DOI] | |
2014 | Komarova, M. and McKnight, M. (2014) 'Using Digital Photography and Video in Participant Observation of Contentious Events. A 'Methods in Action' Case' In: SAGE Cases in Methodology. London : Sage. | |
2013 | Komarova, M. and O'Dowd, L. (2013) 'Territorialities of Capital and Place in ‘Post-Conflict’ Belfast' In: Locating Urban Conflicts. Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Everyday. Basingstoke : Palgrave MacMillan. | |
2010 | Komarova, M. (2010) 'Imagining a ‘Shared Future’: Post-Conflict Discourses on Peace-Building' In: Political Discourse and Conflict Resolution. Debating Peace in Northern Ireland. London : Routledge. |
Edited Book
Peer Reviewed Journal
Other Publication
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Hayward, K., Komarova, M. and Rosher, B. (2022) Political Attitudes in Northern Ireland after Brexit and under the Protocol. | |
2021 | Komarova, M., Hayward, K. and Rosher, B. (2021) Predictable uncertainty: The first six weeks under the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. [Link] | |
2021 | Komarova, M., Hayward, K. and Rosher, B. (2021) 100 years on: Something old, something new…. [Link] | |
2021 | Komarova, M., Hayward, K. and Rosher, B. (2021) Hamming it up: sausage wars, porky pies and party roastings: Weeks 19-25 of implementing the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. [Link] | |
2021 | Komarova, M. and Hayward, K. (2021) The Irish Border. | |
2021 | Komarova, M. and Hayward, K. (2021) Four non-papers and a command paper. [Link] | |
2021 | Komarova, M., Hayward, K. and Rosher, B. (2021) A touch of Frost to a heated atmosphere: Weeks 6-12 of implementing the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. [Link] | |
2019 | Komarova, M., Akehurst, H. and McClatchey, M. (2019) The Impact of Brexit on Devolution in Northern Ireland. [Link] | |
2018 | Komarova, M. (2018) Brexit and the UK-Ireland Border: A Roadmap. [Link] | |
2018 | Komarova, M. (2018) Citizens’ Rights and the UK-Ireland Border. [Link] | |
2018 | Komarova, M. (2018) Brexit and the UK-Ireland Border: Changing Trade Relations and Regulations. [Link] | |
2017 | Komarova, M. (2017) Cross-border Student Mobility in Third Level Education: An Update. [Link] | |
2012 | Komarova, M. and McKnight, M. (2012) The Digital Eye in Conflict Management: Doing Visual ethnography in contested urban space. [Link] | |
2009 | O'Dowd, L. and Komarova, M. (2009) Regeneration in a Contested City: A Belfast Case Study. [Link] | |
2008 | Komarova, M. (2008) Shared Space in Belfast and the Limits of a ‘Shared Future’. [Link] |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Hayward, K. and Komarova, M. (2021) The Border after Brexit: Experiences of Local Communities in the Central Border Region of Ireland / Northern Ireland. Irish Central Border Area Network, . [Link] | |
2020 | Hayward, K., Phinnemore, D., Komarova, M., (2020) Anticipating and Meeting New Multilevel Governance Challenges in Northern Ireland after Brexit. The UK in a Changing Europe Initiative, . [Link] | |
2019 | Hayward, K. and Komarova, M. (2019) The Border into Brexit: Perspectives from Local Communities in the Central Border Region of Ireland/Northern Ireland. Irish Central Border Area Network, . [Link] | |
2016 | Hayward, K., Komarova, M. and Buttazzoni, M. (2016) Brexit and the Border. Managing the UK-Ireland Impact. The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, & The Centre for International Borders Research, Queen's University Belfast, . [Link] |