Eileen Murphy

Shaving my head for charity, St. Luke's Hospital
Promoting the Anthropology Department at open days
Making lifelong friends and memories
Finding and being supported to succeed in a career I love
Entrance scholarship
First year philosophy student rep
Anthropology Society
I studied in a pretty unique department, as it's the only one in Ireland. There was tremendous support from lecturers to enable cross disciplinary work and collaboration, and to allow me to develop and pursue my own research interests.
Writing skills
Critical thinking
Analytical thinking
Presentation skills
Discussion skills
Argumentation skills
It's an amazing degree, and I would never want to have studied anything else. But, like most things, it requires a lot of hard work and discipline.
Undergraduate Studies
Postgraduate Studies
Research Assistant with the Centre for Irish and European Studies (CIES) 2014-2015
Research Assistant with the Centre for Innovative Human System (CIHS), School of Psychology, TCD, The University of Dublin, 2015-Present.
Attending the 2014 European Days for Border Guards
Participating in three European Funded Research Projects - abc4eu.com, driver-project.eu, and resilens.eu
Working with some of the foremost individuals in my field
First academic publication, co-authored with Mark Maguire, Head of Anthropology Department - forthcoming, Ethnofoor, Security, Volume 27, Issue 2.
I currently work as a research assistant with the Centre for Innovative Human Systems, in the School of Psychology at TCD, the University of Dublin. My main work is on a European funded Horizon 2020 project on crisis management, RESILENS. The project is researching, specifically, the resilience of Critical Infrastructure (CI) organisations, in the transport, water and energy sectors, in relation to natural and manmade threats. My area of the research deals with human factors in sociotechnical systems. This involves developing an indepth understanding of how CI organisations currently prepare and respond to threats, looking at the different roles, responsibilities, relationships, tools, skills and resources involved. These practices are then framed in terms of the research outputs the project is developing and how those outputs can help increase the resilience capacities of CI organisations. Our role in the project is to ensure that the everyday, operational practices of users are accounted for, which can often be overlooked when considering the project outputs in decontextualised, abstract descriptions of use.
My job provides me with the opportunity to work with a broad range of stakeholders who come from entirely different backgrounds to me. One of the most rewarding, and, at the same time challenging, aspects of this is dealing with how we all bring different assumptions and interpretations to the ways we view our research problems and what kinds of solutions we should develop to resolve them. Learning to understand those differences and finding ways to negotiate through them, with varying levels of success, means that everyday brings an opportunity to see things I would often take for granted in a whole new way, while also getting to share with others how I see things, and, maybe changing their view of the world in some small ways too.