Semester 2 update: SAF is open for applications from first-time applicants only from Wednesday 26th March at 9am - Thursday 27th March at 6pm.
Students who have already received funding from the SAF in 2024/25 can complete the Student Budgeting Advisor (SBA) Booking Form to discuss their options: complete the SBA form and select a calendar appointment, alternatively complete the SBA form and attend the SBA drop-in service on Wednesday from 10am-12pm in the Student Services Centre, North Campus.
See other alternative supports:
- Emergency supports available from Student Services: Student Emergency Fund, Emergency Food vouchers, Short Term Loan .
- External funding supports: Help outside Maynooth University can be found at SUSI, MABS, Abhaile and Other bursaries and scholarships | Funding, Governance and Performance | Higher Education Authority (
- MAP students: If you are a student who is registered with the Maynooth Access Programme (MAP) and have already received funding from SAF in 2024/25 but still have significant financial need, you can book an appointment with your MAP Advisor or attend the MAP Advisory drop-in service daily from 12-2pm in MAP Lodge North Campus, to discuss other possible supports.
What is the Student Assistance Fund (SAF) and who can apply?
GENERAL SAF - OPEN 26th- 27th MARCH 2025. Please review the updated criteria below before you apply! APPLY TO SAF
HEAR/ACCESS SAF - NOW CLOSED. Application link issued by email from [email protected] on 15/10/24 to eligible students only.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the SAF
SAF Confidentiality & Data Protection
What is the Student Assistance Fund and who can apply?
- support students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are under-represented in higher education and who have temporary or ongoing needs for financial support.
- provide emergency financial assistance for other students experiencing exceptional financial difficulties.
Students can be awarded funds from the SAF to cover various college-related costs such as:
- books and class materials,
- rent, heating, lighting, and other utility bills (including mobile phone data plans that you may require to participate and continue in university),
- food,
- essential travel,
- childcare,
- medical costs,
- family difficulties e.g., bereavement.
This list of costs is not exhaustive. However, tuition fees, registration fees, student loan repayments or any costs borne by your college are not covered by the Student Assistance Fund. Students with fee queries should contact the Fees & Grants Office.
There are two SAF funding streams at Maynooth University:
The General SAF opens for a limited window in Semester 2 from 26th-27th March 2025. Please review the full Eligibility Criteria below before you apply.
The HEAR/Access SAF - Certain students supported by the Maynooth University Access Programme (MAP) are eligible for financial support from the HEAR/ACCESS SAF and were contacted by MAP in mid-October to apply before the end of October.
Eligibility criteria for General SAF
To apply to the General SAF, you must fulfil both A & B below:
A. You must fulfil the Basic Eligibility Requirements, and
B. You must be a first-time applicant in 2024/25 with income under €73,727. Subject to available funding, priority may be given to first-time applicants with income under €50,840.
A. Basic Eligibility for SAF
You must be
- A full-time OR part-time undergraduate or postgraduate student at Maynooth University or St. Patrick's Pontifical University Maynooth.
- Registered for a course of not less than one year’s duration that leads to a higher education award at Level 6 to 10 of the national framework of qualifications.
- A student who is Irish, EU, EEA, Swiss or UK and who is eligible for free or reduced fees in line with the criteria for the Free Fees Initiative,
- Resident in Ireland or the EU for 3 of the last 5 years.
Provided you belong to all the above specified categories, this includes:
- Repeating students.
- Postgraduate students. Note that Ph.D students in year 5 or above of sutdy may be considered on a case-by-case basis later in the semester, subject to the availability of funding.
- Students on a Springboard+ course, or on a blended/distance learning course of not less than one year’s duration, that leads to a higher education award at Level 6 to 10 of the national framework of qualifications. This year the Springboard+ courses at Maynooth University are the H. Dip. In Science (Software Development) and the H. Dip in Data Analytics.
- Students who entered Maynooth University through the HEAR entry route.
- Students with a previous higher education qualification at the same NFQ level, or who, in the past, attended higher education without ultimately obtaining a qualification may be considered on a case-by-case basis later in the semester, subject to the availability of funding.
- STUDENTS WITH SECTION 60 TEMPORARY PROTECTION STATUS- Students who qualified for protection under Section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015 (including Ukrainian students who are currently registered as Higher Education Students, on approved courses or authorised transition arrangements in approved publicly funded institutions in Ireland) are eligible for a separate SECTION 60 SAF FUND. Ukrainian students have been contacted in February & March 2025; if you are a student from another country and have Section 60 protection status and think you may be eligible, please contact [email protected].
You cannot apply to the SAF if you are:
- A student from overseas attending Maynooth University on the Erasmus programme . Please contact your home university for financial support
- An international student. Emergency funding may be available from the Maynooth University International Office and/or the Student Support Officer.
- A student who is resident in Ireland on Stamp 2/2A/4D. Students on these residency stamps cannot avail of public funding support. Students are advised to contact the International Office, if relevant, and/or the Student Support Officer.
- A student of Divinity at St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth. Please contact SPPU at [email protected]
- A student studying for the Certificate in Return to Learning Course Level 5 at Maynooth University or any other course under Level 6. You are advised to contact the Student Budgeting Advisor to book an appointment /attend a drop-in clinic to discuss possible alternative support.
- A student whose family income in 2023 is above the income limits set out for SAF. Please note that where a change of circumstances has occurred in the houshold income resulting in a reduction of income since 2023 which brings you under the SAF income threshold, you may apply to the SAF and indicate the change of circumstances on the application form.
- A student who is repeating a year/module externally (most repeat students are repeating internally and are eligible to apply).
B. First-time applicant + household income under €73,727 in 2023.
First-time applicant includes students who have applied to SAF in a previous academic year but who are now applying for the first time in the 2024/25 academic year. Students will be assessed on the household's reckonable income. Household income generally means parents'/guardians' income. Students will only be assessed on their own income if the are 'living indpendently'. Renting during term time is not considered 'living independently. For the full definition of 'living independently', see the SAF FAQ Independent Living. Note: exceptional circumstances in relation to the income limit will be considered on a case-by-case basis and can be brought to the attention of the SAF team on the application form.
Usual stages of a General SAF application:
1. Online application form stage - Students can apply online - see link above. Applicants will receive an email within 24-72 hours of submitting a General SAF application, with next step instructions.
2. Supporting documents upload stage - Supporting documents will be required in all cases. Applicants will be provided with a Household Income Documents Checklist, and a secure upload link. Some applicants may be required to provide bank statements for their own accounts. Supporting documents should be provided ASAP when requested. Documents will not be accepted by email.
4. Assessment & Outcome stage - Assessment and outcome can take a few weeks, depending upon the volume of applications and how quickly applicants provide their supporting documents. Applications not completed by the applicant within the given deadline will be closed. If approved for funding, the award amount will be in the €500 - €600 range. Awards are generally flat rate and once-off.
Important to know about how applications are assessed:
- Applications from first-time applicants with household income under €50,840 will be assessed on a Means Tested basis i.e., they will be required to provide income documents only.
- Applications from first-time applicants with household income between €50,840- €73,727 / Ph.D students in year 5 or above/ students with a previous qualification at the same or higher level as they are currently undertaking, will be assessed on an Exceptional basis i.e., they will be asked to meet with the Student Budgeting Advisor (SBA) before their application will progress to the documents upload stage.
- There is no guarantee of award. Awards are subject to available funding, eligibility, and correct completion of the application including submission of supporting documents within the deadlines. When the SAF is fully disbursed, no more awards can be made regardless of eligibility or application status.
- Applications will generally be processed on a first-completed, first-served basis.
- Applicants who do not upload supporting documents within the given deadline will have their applications closed.
- Approved applicants will generally receive a flat rate award. Flat rate award rates are set by the Student Financial Services Steering Committee (SFSCC), and cannot be appealed.
Eligibility Criteria for HEAR/ACCESS SAF
Only certain students supported by the Maynooth Access Programme (MAP) are eligible for financial support from the HEAR/ACCESS SAF. Students who are eligible for this fund will be contacted directly by MAP from [email protected] in late October, with instructions on how to get their HEAR/ACCESS funding. Note that all HEAR entry students may also apply to the General SAF, including students eligible for the HEAR/ACCESS SAF. Find more detail on the HEAR/ACCESS SAF application process in the FAQs.
Students who are eligible for financial assistance from the HEAR/ACCESS SAF are:
- HEAR entry students in 1st year of an undergraduate course who have attended Welcome Week orientation will be awarded €1,000, paid as €500 in Semester 1 and €500 in Semester 2.
- Turn to Teaching Certificate programme students who have attended Welcome Week orientation for access students AND who have a household income under €46,790 will be awarded €1,000, paid as €500 in Semester 1 and €500 in Semester 2.
- Turn to Teaching progressed students – students who entered the Turn to Teaching programme and who are progressing to 1st year of an undergraduate course or a Professional Masters in Education course in 2024/25 who have attended Welcome Week orientation for access students AND who have a household income under €46,790 will be awarded €1,000, paid as €500 in Semester 1 and €500 in Semester 2.
- Repeating 1st year HEAR or TTT students in the above categories are not eligible for payment from the HEAR/Access SAF unless they have exceptional or extenuating circumstances for repeating or have exceptional costs while repeating. A MAP Advisor will contact repeating 1st year HEAR/TTT students in late October to discuss this and to determine eligibility and, if approved, will be funded for €500 only which will be paid in Semester 1.
- Note: HEAR/TTT students who are no longer eligible for financial support from the HEAR/Access SAF may apply to the General SAF. HEAR/TTT students who ARE eligible may also apply to the General SAF.
Review the SAF FAQ's to find more information about your eligibility, making an application, the outcome and appeals.
SAF Data Confidentiality & Data Protection
Data Confidentiality
The Student Assistance Fund at Maynooth University operates within an ethos of respect, courtesy and confidentiality. Where a consultation with the Student Budgeting Advisor is required, consultations are held in an environment of respect, confidence and only where it is necessary to gather essential information. All data provided or accessed will be treated in a sensitive and confidential manner and will be stored, secured and remain strictly private and confidential in line with GDPR and Maynooth University Data Protection requirements.
Students will be provided with a link to a Household Income Documents Checklist and a secure link to upload supporting documents. Where students provide supporting documentation belonging to a third party (parent/guardian/partner/spouse) they will be asked to confirm on the application form and on the Documents Upload that they have obtained permission/consent from the third party. Supporting documents will be used only for the purposes of processing the application and will be stored in line with retention periods as required by the funding body, the Higher Education Authority (7 years), and as set out under the Maynooth University Data Protection policy.
Data Protection
All data provided or accessed will be stored, secured and retained in line with GDPR and Maynooth University Data Protection requirements and in line with retention periods required by the funding body, the Higher Education Authority (7 years).
More information on how your data is used is contained in the Student Assistance Fund Application Form Terms and Conditions. This information appears at the end of the SAF application form and applicants are asked to agree before submitting their application:
Please note that you may withdraw your consent to your application data being processed by the Student Assistance Fund by emailing [email protected]. If you withdraw your consent, your application will be cancelled.
The Maynooth University Data Protection Office may be contacted with any data protection concerns: [email protected] 01-7086184.
For more information on the SAF, you can view the SAF Guidelines Flyer and the Higher Education Authority's SAF page on
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The Student Assistance Fund (SAF) is managed by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) on behalf of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS).