The Maynooth University Access Programme (MAP) has developed a series of initiatives to enable students to make a successful transition to third level study. Early engagement initiatives, in which potential students are gradually introduced to the University and afforded the opportunity to learn vital academic skills, are designed to empower students to surmount transitional difficulties and therefore participate fully as students of Maynooth University.
Summer Programmes for incoming mature students: A number of summer courses on Academic Writing and Mathematics are provided by the Maynooth University Access Programme as part of the selection process onto degree programmes. Each year around 120-150 new mature students participate in the Academic Writing courses and 25-30 participate in the Summer Mathematics course each year. These numbers show that almost half of the new mature entrants each year take these opportunities to engage with the University and prepare for their academic journeys. The results of these courses are used in the final decision process in relation to an offer of a place.
Launchpad Orientation Programme: Launchpad is a residential orientation programme for incoming HEAR and DARE, mature and QQI entry students to get to know one another and the University before starting Maynooth University. School leaving students stay on campus in student accommodation for the duration of the programme, supervised by existing Maynooth University students who act as role models and mentors called MAP Ambassadors. The programme includes many different activities including: study skill sessions, information on courses, sport clubs and societies, information on grants and registration and lots of fun-filled activities. Launchpad gives new students a great insight into what life will be like at University and gives them a chance to meet new friends, and have any questions answered before they start their new course.
Technology Transition Programme: To prepare students to overcome some of the challenges associated with making the transition to the third level learning environment, the Maynooth University Access Programme is running an intensive Technology Transition Programme to show students how to use technology more strategically.