Refugees and asylum seekers complete Changemakers course in MU

Refugees and asylum seekers who completed Changemakers course in MU in 2024
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - 15:45

Tuesday, 30 January 2024 – A total of 27 students from 10 International Protection Accommodation Services centres across the Midlands, East and North Dublin have completed the Changemakers Mentoring Programme in Maynooth University.

The programme, offered by College Connect and Maynooth University Access Programme (MAP), aims to empower students from communities underrepresented in higher education.

Ukrainian MU student Olena Kaniuka spoke about the impact the course had on her, restoring her self-worth and identity: “For some, it was eye-opening and each of us learned something valuable they will never forget. For me, it was the power that each of us showed during the sessions, proving that change and strength come from within.”

Speaking before the event which took place in Renehan Hall on MU’s South Campus, MU Head of Access Operations Martha Brandes said: “Through impactful initiatives like Changemakers, Maynooth University reinforces its commitment to making our campus a more inclusive and diverse space.
The collaboration with individuals in the protection system emphasises our commitment to our University of Sanctuary status and reflects our broader efforts in supporting students underrepresented in higher education and advancing the goals outlined in the National Access Plan.”

Changemakers is a mentoring initiative under the College Connect regional mentoring programme, which aims to create direct engagement opportunities for prospective students with current university students and access staff in the Midlands, East and North Dublin (MEND) region.

Congratulating the students, College Connect Project Manager Deirdre FitzPatrick said: “Programmes like Changemakers are designed to activate the agency and knowledge that already exists within you and to find the confidence within yourself to go on and achieve what you are capable of. We know that by working with you we can ‘Change who goes to college!’”

Reflecting on the experience, Zoryana Pshyk, programme co-facilitator, said: “The transformative power of the Changemakers programme has had a major impact on students who partake. Within this cohort we have seen students gain the confidence to apply to and enter higher education this coming September.”

Her colleague, MU Traveller and Roma Education Outreach Officer Megan Berry added: “We intend to continue to provide this opportunity to communities underrepresented in higher education and we will run the programme with Traveller and Roma communities this spring.”

To learn more about the Changemakers mentoring programme or to express interest in participating in the Traveller and Roma iteration, please contact Maynooth University Access Programme at [email protected] or College Connect at [email protected].

College Connect is a regional access project that aims to widen participation by enhancing educational aspirations and opportunities for the most socio-economically disadvantaged people in the MEND region. The project is led by Maynooth University in partnership with Dublin City University (DCU), Technological University of the Shannon (Athlone Campus), and Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT).