Adults returning to education have so much to offer in terms of the life experience and knowledge that they bring to university but they can sometimes be at a loss as to where to begin. The following are some of the questions that people making enquiries about our Continuing Education certificate and degree courses often ask.
- Do I need a Leaving Cert.? NO
- Am I too old? NO
- Am I too long out of education? NO
- Are there Exams? NO
- Will I get Study Support? Yes.
- How old do I have to be to take part in one of your Part-Time courses as a mature student? For PART-TIME courses only you must be 21 years of age on 1 January in the year that you are beginning the course.
- Do I have to Fill out the CAO? Only for the BA in Local Studies or the BA in Community Studies but you don’t need to worry about points or exams, you just need to fill out the short personal statement and that’s all.
- What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)? RPL is a process whereby learning that people have acquired over their lifetime can be taken into consideration for the award of the BA Local Studies/Community Studies. This can be from previous courses from FETAC Level 6 upwards or from life experience.
- Will I get a grant? Part-time study does not qualify people for a SUSI grant however the Dept. of Education and Skills have recognised that there are costs associated with Adults returning to education and taking part-time courses. Therefore, they have made some financial supports available to help off-set the costs of travel, childcare, materials, bills etc. Once a student is fully registered they can make an application to the Student Budgeting Service in MU and their application will be dealt with on a case by case basis. MH803 students can also apply for the 1916 Bursary and the Uversity Bursary.
- For more information about any of these or other questions you may have ring Kay Loughlin on 01 708 6062 or Derek Barter on 01 708 3948 and we will be happy to help you.
The aim of this course is to provide participants with a broad overview of key theoretical frameworks in relation to substance misuse and dependence, and to enable them to develop basic helping and intervention skills. Relevant to Garda, Teachers, Health Care Professionals, Emergency Service staff, Social Workers and Community Workers as well as the general public. This course focuses on introducing participants to current debates on addiction. On completion, participants will have become familiar with contemporary addiction theory as well as prevention and treatment strategies. They will have explored associated issues such as public policy, factual information on substance misuse, gender issues and community drug prevention issues to name but a few. The course will provide participants with adequate knowledge and skills to respond effectively and positively to addiction-related issues as they arise at work or in the community.
The Certificate in Addiction Studies is available in the following locations:
Bluebell/Inchicore Start Date: TBC October 2024 Wednesdays 6.00-9.00
Maynooth University Start Date: TBC October 2024 Tuesdays 7.00-10.00
Apply Here from 1st May 2025
Students must be 21 on 1st January to apply.
Student Assistance Fund please apply here
Certificate Adult Guidance Theory and Practice (Level 8)
The course will begin to address the needs of those working in a guidance capacity with adult learners, unemployed and disadvantaged adults and those exploring career option
It will introduce people to models of labour market educational guidance and will begin to explore the theoretical principles which underpin good guidance.
Certificate in Adult Guidance Theory and Practice
Please note our application process will open 1st May 2024 for intake in October 2024. For course information contact Maggie Noone at [email protected] or email [email protected] to discuss your application.
Application Process will re-open in May 2024.
This course will give participants a practical grounding in the writing of fiction and creative non-fiction for publication. The course allows students to work with professional writers who will act in a mentoring capacity. The practical emphasis will help students to progress towards producing work of publishable standard and marketing it. The development of critiquing and editing skills are essential for creative writing. Student interaction and engagement with each other’s work guided by experienced writers and lecturers is aimed to provide a supportive environment for the development of these skills.
Course Aims:
- To develop creative writing skills.
- To cultivate a disciplined approach to writing.
- To develop students’ skills in critically assessing their own and others’ work.
- To provide an understanding of the economics and structure of the publishing industry
Start Date: Oct 2025 Thursdays 6.30-9.30
One of the most valuable aspects of participation in this course for the aspiring writer is to have their work critiqued and work-shopped regularly by professional novelists, playwrights and publishing industry experts such as John MacKenna. To find out more call Kay Loughlin e-mail: [email protected]
Apply from 1st May 2025
Students must be 21 on 1st January
Student assistance fund apply here
Disability Studies is a unique course for people working or wanting to be employed in the disability sector. It attracts both disabled and non-disabled students eager to understand oppression, exclusion and the politics of disability. The course is delivered in a participative, non-threatening way through a series of intertwining modules. The modules enable students to understand current theories and debates of disability, along with tutorials on Independent Living, universal access, social inclusion and general equality issues. If you’re looking to challenge and be challenged regarding the assumptions surrounding disability in an enjoyable yet provocative way then disability studies will give you this learning opportunity. On completion students will have explored such topics as models of disability (medical vs social), legislation, access, gender, sexuality, equality issues name but a few.
Start Date: October 2025
The NUI Certificate in Disability Studies is a standalone qualification however credits from this course can be used for Recognition of Prior Learning to go towards the Degree in Community Studies. Our Disability Studies courses have been found to benefit and inform the work practices of people working in the areas of Disability, Social Care, Education and Health. The Cert. in Disability studies when combined with the NUI cert in Training and Continuing Education plus the
NUI Cert. in Equality Studies Online
leads to the award of the qualification of the Diploma in Arts: Training and Development for Socially Inclusive Workplaces. This suite of CPD courses provide a comprehensive educational/training package in core skills such as managing issues of equality and diversity in the workplace for Team Leaders, Managers and Learning and Development Specialists. For further information please contact Kay Loughlin e-mail [email protected]
Students must be 21 on 1st January
Student assistance fund apply here
The course will provide students with the knowledge and understanding needed to deal effectively with issues of equality and diversity in the workplace in a rapidly changing Ireland. The course will equip practitioners with the competence to become professional trainers in this challenging area in order to contribute to the development of socially inclusive workplaces. The course is relevant to all who espouse the values of social inclusion and equality. It has particular resonance to private sector companies and businesses and staff of community and voluntary organisations, who seek to create workplaces where diversity is prized as an asset for generating new ideas and new ways of working.
The Certificate consists of four modules. Module 1: Reflecting on Equality and Diversity: Reflective Practice; Concepts, and ideologies; Sources of prejudice and discrimination; Conducting research.
Module 2: The Shape of Irish Society: Using a sociological lens, we consider the stratification systems that are based on social class, race/ethnicity, and gender, and explore the impact that these structural inequalities have on a variety of subordinate groups and how they can be challenged by service workers and policy makers in Ireland.
Module 3: Equality and Diversity in the Workplace: Using the equality framework, and from a sociological perspective, we examine how structural inequalities based on class, race/ethnic and gender as well as the politics of difference based on disability, religion and age may be tackled in the workplace and how subordinate groups as part of a broader equality movement are advocating for the elimination of inequality.
Module 4: Delivering Equality: Development of equality and diversity policies; Managing equality and diversity issues; Recruitment and selection, Training and development; Facilitation and mentoring.
Held Thursdays 7-9 pm plus 5 Saturday Workshops Start Date Sept/Oct 2025 TBC.
The NUI Certificate in Equality Studies (On Line) is a standalone qualification however when combined with the NUI Certificate in (Train the Trainer Level 7) plus another of our the NUI Certificate courses such as it leads to the qualification of the Level 8 Diploma in Arts for Socially Inclusive Workplaces. This suite of CPD courses provide a comprehensive educational/training package in core skills such as managing issues of equality and cultural diversity in the workplace for Team Leaders, Managers and Learning and Development Specialists.
To find out more contact Kay Loughlin e-mail [email protected]
Make your application from 1st May 2025
Students must be 21 on 1st January
Student Assistance Fund apply here
This Certificate level course is offered by the Department of Modern History, Maynooth University. The course examines the ‘local dimension of Ireland’s past’. The course aims to provide participants interested in local history with an opportunity to obtain formal training in the subject. This course sets out to provide students with a methodological approach to the research and writing of local history. The Cert. in Local History is a standalone qualification. It carries 20 credits on the European Credit Transfer System. These credits can be used for Recognition of Prior Learning on the BA Local Studies (MH 803). Many students who complete the Cert. in Local History go on to study for the evening degree in Local Studies. This is the only interdisciplinary degree of its kind in Ireland combining the expertise of Ireland’s leading history department for the study of local history, with one of the most well regarded geography departments in the country. Students can study folk traditions, Gaelic Literature and Culture with modules from the Centre for Irish Cultural Heritage and Ancient Classics and deepen this knowledge with classes in Anthropology or Sociology.
Start Date: September 2025 Tuesdays 6.15-8.00
Student Assistance Fund apply here
Too find out more contact Kay Loughlin at [email protected]
Apply Here from 1st May 2024
Students must be 21 on 1st January
This Maynooth University NUI Certificate level course is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to develop an understanding of psychology and to explore its relevance to the individual, family, community and society. Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
- Understand the main psychological theories and schools and their contribution to the development of the discipline
- Understand the biological basis of behaviour
- Apply critical psychological theory to the processes of learning, memory, feeling and personality development.
- Understand and apply psychobiological, psychodynamic, behavioral/cognitive and phenomenological approaches to lifespan development.
- Illustrate self directed learning by completing a research proposal with relevance to psychology and presenting this proposal to the class.
- Conduct a literature review for the research proposal and submitting a bibliography with the proposal.
- Use academic and stylistic conventions appropriately and consistently
- Submit a learning journal which reflects the impact of the course on the student’s understanding of psychology and how this has influenced their knowledge of themselves, ideas, perceptions and attitudes.
The Certificate in Psychology is avaiable in the following locations:
Cork College of Commerce Start Date: October 2025 TBC Tuesdays 6.00-9.30pm
Maynooth University Start Date: October 2025 TBC Tuesdays 7.00-10.00pm
Apply HERE from 1st May 2024
Students must be 21 on 1st January
The NUI Certificate in Psychology is a standalone qualification however when combined with the NUI Certificate in and it leads to the award of the qualification of the Diploma in Arts in Training and Development for Socially Inclusive Workplaces. This suite of CPD courses provide a comprehensive educational/training package in core skills such as managing issues of equality and cultural diversity in the workplace for Team Leaders, Managers and Learning and Development Specialists. A number of our students have used this certificate course as a preparatory course to more major degree awards in Maynooth University and other institutions of Higher Education. PLEASE NOTE The Certificate in Psychology is only available inFor further information contact Kay Loughlin at [email protected]. For Roscommon please call: 090 6625898
Student Assistance Fund apply here
The NUI Certificate in Training and Continuing Education has been developed by a team of adult educators, HR and training professionals, and organisational psychologists. It focuses on delivering a high quality, relevant and widely recognised training qualification using a unique blend of face to face workshops and online learning. Who is this qualification for? Trainers who wish to update their current skill levels. Individuals who aspire to a career in training. Managers and team leaders who have responsibility for training. Organisational learning and development professionals employed in Private, Voluntary, Community and Statutory Sectors. It is essential for trainers wishing to deliver courses up to QQI (FETAC) level 6 (no top ups are required). Overview
The Certificate consists of four mandatory modules which are continuously reviewed and updated to reflect current best practice.
- Assessing Training and Development Needs.
- Designing a Training Programme.
- Training Delivery.
- Training Evaluation and Contemporary Trends.
The Maynooth University NUI Certificate in Training and Continuing Education ( Level 7 20 ECTS) will take place in Maynooth over 5 Saturday workshops beginning January 2024.
Places are limited so apply now. Group Rates are available. On Site Training is available.
For further information contact [email protected]
Apply HERE from 1st May 2024
Students must be 21 on 1st January
The NUI Certificate in Training and Continuing Education is a standalone qualification however when combined with the NUI Certificate in and one of our other certificate courses such as it forms part of the Diploma in Arts: Training and Development for Socially Inclusive Workplaces. This suit of CPD courses provide a comprehensive educational/training package in core skills such as managing issues of equality and cultural diversity for the workplace for Team Leaders, Managers and Learning and Development Specialists. For more information see:
As with all of our level 7 and 8 certificate and diploma courses credits gained can be used for Recognition of Prior Learning Maynooth University and other participating institutions internationally. A number of student who have successfully completed this certificate course have go on to the BA Community Studies (CAO MH803). See our brochure
Student Assistance Fund apply here
The Maynooth University Return to Learning certificate encompass Study Skills, Information and Communications Technology, Sociology and Local History. Students will sample subjects from the faculties of Arts and Social Sciences with lecturers who have years of experience in a wide range of academic settings. The Return to Learning course is aimed at people who have been out of formal education for a number of years and who want to experience a university education without having to commit to a full degree. Students who do progress onto undergraduate degrees, often excel in their chosen subjects due to the solid foundation of academic research and writing skills that the course had given them. However, the Dept. of Adult and Community Education's Return to Learning course is more than just about acquiring the mechanical skills that people need to succeed in Higher Education. For many adults the initial step of crossing the threshold of a college can be very daunting. This can be enough to stop a person from even thinking about going to university. These initial qualms about being different to the majority of the students, being expected to know how to do things like use the library or be competent on computers are dealt with over time and this element of personal development and confidence building is of central concern to us as adult educators. What the RtL does more than anything else is allows the student time to come to terms with university life and begin to understand who they are as a learner. This is another reason why RtL students who progress onto either the full-time or part-time degrees do so well, they have learned how to learn. Students who successfully complete the Return to Learning programme are eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning onto the Part-Time degree for Adults BA Local Studies/BA Community Studies MH803 and can be fast-tracked into the Continuing Students modules without having to complete the Introduction to Programmes modules. NB Please be aware that the age to access part time undertgradate certificates is 21 on 1st January and Full-time undergraduate study remains at 23 years of age on 1st January in year of application.
Classes held on Mon & Weds 10.00am-12.30pm
Start Date: Sept. 2025
To find out more call Kay Loughlin e-mail: [email protected]
Students must be 21 on 1st January
Apply from 1st January 2025
See student Áine Grace speak about her time on Return to Learning and learning in later life
AND WE'RE OFF!!! Coolock ComMUniversity 2025
Looking forward to starting back in Coolock Library today with Paul from the Northside Partnership and Noreen and all of her librarian colleagues to welcome a new group of participants for this year's ComMUniversity. Following on from a great programme last year we are introducing some different subjects that I am sure will engage people in pursuit of their quest for knowledge:
We will be holding the TASTER for the Clondalkin Library ComMUniversity with our partners in the South Dublin County Partnership at 10.00am on Wednesday 26 February and more news about that to follow shortly.
We had our annual ComMUniversity Celebration of Learning day on 27 June to present the awards to the participants from the programmes that ran in Coolock, Clondalkin and Walkinstown this year. It is always a really fun way to finish out the acacdemic year and to say thanks to all of the people involved between the community based LEADER Partnerships, the Libraries and all of the academics who share their subject expertise. The universal feeling from everyone involved is that this is such an enjoyable way to learn together and I include the lecturers in that statement. It is, in essence, democratic and emancipatory Adult and Community Education action and there is something special about that. Below from L to R Carmen, Jennifer (Psychology), Paul (Northside Partnership), Declan and Declan (Local History) Asia (Dublin South City Partnership), Grainne and Megan (South Dublin County Partnership) Front row: Eamonn (Criminology), Tony (Economics), Derek (Director), Cathal (Politics). We are looking forward to next year already.
NEWS: WE WON!!! The big news is that we won Aontas Star Award for the Third Level Access and Engagement Category. This is great recognition for all involved in making this happen the Partners, the Lecturers and the Participants.
Left to right: PJ Gallagher, Dr Derek Barter, Michelle McGoldrick current Maynooth University Social Science and Social Policy student and former ComMUniversity participant; Noreen Herlihy Dublin City Council, Coolock Librarian, Sallyann Alexander, Co-ordinator Dublin South County Partnership, Liane Brady former ComMUniversity participant working now for the Clondalkin Action Network, Bernadette Chubb former ComMUniversity participant and current student on the Return to Learning course in Maynooth, Paul Hayes, Northside Partnership and Chair of Aontas John D.Arcy.
Established in 2011, the ComMUniversity is a first point of contact pre-access programme where people can attend higher education courses in the familiar surroundings of their local libraries. It was established to fulfil the University’s mission to Widen Participation and engage with Communities as required by the Hunt Report (2011). To date Maynooth University has set up Communiversities in, Kildare, Louth and Monaghan, and in areas of Dublin designated as ‘socially disadvantaged’ such as Coolock, Darndale, Crumlin, Dolphin’s Barn and Ballyfermot. The use of the public libraries as venues mean that university education can be brought out and delivered to people in their own communities. With the Local Development Companies and LEADER Partnership Companies as recruiters and funders this tripartite partnership leads the way in value for money shared public services.
Each course begins with a taster session at which the tutors outline their planned programme also explaining to the student that they can ask for specific topics or other subjects to be explored. The tutors use short hand-outs on different subjects to stimulate discussion but they are directed by the interests of the group and are encouraged to follow their lead by being flexible with the modules they teach (no shackles of Learning Outcomes here). It always starts with Local History module, everyone knows something about their own area and people find their autobiographical voice.
This project is a good example of what can be achieved through partnership between different sections of the public service in implementing policy for the benefit of wider society. In some cases students have been stimulated to begin thinking about returning to education in a more formal setting, such as our course. For some, participation in the programme is enough in itself to forge new relationships with people in their own communities and combat a sense of isolation and loneliness especially in the Post Pandemic era. The mix of ages and genders has been very important in achieving this. As MU is seeking recognition as an Age Friendly University the ComMUniversity is at the forefront of Maynooth University’s mission for social inclusion, diversity and equality. This is MU in action in the community and extending the campus nation wide. To get a sense of the what you can expect the following from one of our 2023 Walkinstown participants Bernie is a great place to start
Bernie Chubb ComMUniversity
Bernie progressed to the Return to Learning course in Maynooth University campus. You will find our more about this course here:
Return to Learning 2024-2025
2024 Clondalkin Communiversity contact Grainne ([email protected] ) has taken over from Sallyann. We wish Sallyann all the best in her future endeavours.
The best thing about the Communiversity is that is about People. It’s about people enjoying learning about the world in a way that has meaning for them and that they can ask questions about things that affect us every day.
Coolock Library ComMUniversity 2024 has just finished Criminology with Eamon and Declan has begun the Local History module. Sociology and Psychology to come up in the next few weeks.
Asia in the South Dublin City Partnership will be happy to take any enquiries about the upcoming ComMUniversity in Walkinstown library due to start later in the Spring. So give her a call or drop her a line and see what is planned.
Listen to Dr Derek Barter Director of the ComMUniversity speak about the programme and its links to Access, Lifelong Learning, Adult Education, and Learning for Fun on NEAR FM HERE
The Department of Adult and Community Education is happy to talk to any Local Partnership Companies or Local Development Companies or other interested parties who have links into the community about the possibility of setting up a Communiversity in their area.
Paul in the Northside Partnership ([email protected] ) 01 848 5630.
Asia in the South City Partnership ([email protected] ) (01) 4731 296
For the South Dublin County Partnership contact Grainne ( [email protected] ) 087 6019028
One of the aims of the project is to de-mystify the idea of higher education in the minds of people who might feel alienated from universities and academics and to date the feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive. When asked what they liked most about the course people spoke about the variety of subjects that were covered. They also commented on the fact that, they were not patronised but were being '... taught to think and not being told what to do.' This aspect of critical thinking and self directed learning is of enormous importance for adult learners. The social aspect and the intergenerational make up of the groups play a very significant part towards community development.
We are currently looking at teaming up with the UNESCO Dublin Learning City so watch this space and are also open to discussing potential partnership arrangements through the Communiversity Network for further information e-mail [email protected]
The Certificate in Feminist Studies and Social Activism is a hands-on, participatory programme that recognises diversity in learning styles. It is an openly political and politicsing programme that uses feminist methods to focus on economic, social and cultural dimensions. it also asks critical questions about feminism which isn’t always a force for good.
This course is designed for people who are involved in social spaces. You might be an activist in an abortion rights movement, a housing union, or a trade union. You might either be in paid employment in an organisation that claims social justice principles and practices.
This programme will help you unpack and theorise your experiences and contemplate ways to move forward with your work in the belief that collective actions can bring about collective solutions.
The programme will be delivered via a series of full-days which are face-to-face and online sessions using MS Teams.
As directed, students will also be expected to engage in reading and project work between sessions.
To find out more call Kay Loughlin e-mail: [email protected]
Apply HERE from 1st May 2025
Students must be 21 on 1st January
Applicants must be 21 years or older on 1 Jan. on year of commencement of the course. Applicants should write a short piece (approximately 250 words) detailing their experience to date - if any - in the field of theatre, and in education. You may also take this opportunity to state why you would like to undertake this course. You should also confirm that you will be able to direct a play using an actor or actors sourced by during the year.
The course is coordinated by Peter Hussey (Artistic Director of Crooked House). Additional Tutors are drawn from the professional theatre sector in Ireland and abroad. In the past they have included Sebastian Harcombe (former Head of Acting at RADA, Drama Centre and Drama Studio London), Bairbre Ni Chaoimh (freelance director and actor), Annie Ryan (Artistic Director of the Corn Exchange), Jo Mangan (Artistic Director of Performance Corporation), and Louise Lowe (Artistic Director of Anu Production).
To find out more call Kay Loughlin e-mail: [email protected]
Apply HERE from 1st May 2024