Adult Learning Workshop at EU European Week of Regions and Cities

Monday, October 14, 2019 - 09:45

Nine partners from seven European countries have worked together over 2 years (2017-2019) to identify the range of tools, platforms and networks used by adult educators to enhance policy making and delivery.

The overall objective of the CREATE project is to enhance the performance and efficiency of Adult Education (AE) by intervening at the nexus between overarching EU Policy and implementation on the ground. The ERASMUS+ funded project consortium was made up of partners from: Germany (CREATE Project Leader), the Czech Republic, Latvia, Croatia, Ireland, Belgium, Italy and Spain.
The CREATE Project scoping exercise sought to “… define, identify and take stock of the ‘policy tools’ available within the regions and territories represented by the CREATE Partnership” to inform the development of a “Tool Box” for adult education policy makers. The Toolbox will be “made available to all regional/local policy makers across EU for Adult Education” (CREATE Project application March 2017).
The Project report identified an extensive range of tools as presented in
The European Commission recognises the need to plan and coordinate policies at local level to place education and training as one of the top Europe 2020 priorities. Various sources of funding are made available through Erasmus+, European Social, and European Regional Development Funds. However, uptake of these funds can be less than optimal due to policy deficits and confusion about funding purposes. As a result, disparities in adult education provision grow between areas and countries.

Following a review by project partners the scoping exercise report was distilled to 60 serviceable tools compiled into a searchable listing available at The 60 individual entries are classified as Policy making tools, Platforms/forums, Networks, Best practice, and Case studies. The project outcomes are presented at the European Week of Regions and Cities event.