Congratulations to 5 of our Doctoral students on their Graduation Day.

Celebrating groundbreaking scholarship
Wednesday, September 8, 2021 - 14:00

Celebrating groundbreaking scholarship

The Department of Adult and Community education wishes to warmly congratulate our five doctoral students who graduated on 8th September.
It is an enormously significant day for them, their families and department. Through their determination and scholarship made a tremendous contribution to adult, further and higher education research.  Their work is groundbreaking, and we are proud to have facilitated such excellent critical research that aims to develop new knowledge, enhance professional practice, empower communities and democratise society and education.
Warmest congratulations to:
Richard Gallery for his study  “A Qualitative Study into the Impact of Outcomes Based Education on Engineering Educators and Engineering Education in the Technical Higher Education Sector in Ireland”
Niamh O'Reilly for her inquiry “'Voice is the Process' A Study Exploring the Access Potential of the An Cosán Model of Higher Education”
Eileen Mc Partland for her thesis  “A Journey of Enquiry: a historical, legal and economic analysis of further education in Ireland from 1800 to 2020”
Mike Russell for his study “Privileging Tacit Knowledge within a Software Engineering Curriculum: A Living Educational Theory of Practice”
Sarah Meaney Sartori  for her inquiry “‘Education will set you free?’ – A creative exploration of the experience of educational exclusion, from the perspective of prisoners and youth”
We hope they have a wonderful day and commend them on  their achievement.