Department of Adult and Community Education co-hosts International Phd Spring School

Research on Adult Education and Transformation: Mapping Possibilities and Embracing Complexity.
Thursday, May 26, 2022 - 12:00

Research on Adult Education and Transformation: Mapping Possibilities and Embracing Complexity.

The Department of Adult and Community Education, in collaboration with Klagenfurt University, Austria, the Fern University in Hagen, Germany and the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults held a week long doctoral school in Austria.
The week-long event was entitled ‘Research on Adult Education and Transformation: Mapping Possibilities and Embracing Complexity. The participants came  from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Serbia, Iran, Nigeria, Finland and Russia. The research presented at the doctoral school explored  a wide range of topics such as migration, sustainability and  solidarity with a shared focus on the role education can play in personal and social transformation. It was a very rich, intense yet convivial set of discussions and we are delighted to have had a role supporting  the new generation of adult education researchers across Europe.