The Department of Adult and Community Education, are delighted to collaborate on the Smile Project
Friday, June 25, 2021 - 12:45


eucen announces the official launch of the SMILE project website

We are delighted to welcome eucen’s announcement, on behalf of the SMILE project consortium, of the launch of the SMILE project website. SMILE is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme under KA3 – Social inclusion and common values, aiming to promote inclusive education by developing, testing and implementing innovative tools that improve the way higher education institutions deal with diversity and social inclusion. The project focuses on three main areas of inequality and disadvantage in higher education: migrant background, women leadership, and low socio-economic status.

Maynooth University is one of six European universities from Germany, Ireland, Italy, Finland, Malta and Romania, as well as four civil society organisations from Belgium and Spain who will collaborate within the SMILE project, coordinated by eucen. The project website addresses and provides resources for higher education staff and both students and potential students who are disadvantaged in various ways. These will include an audit model that allows universities to self-reflect on how they are addressing diversity, CPD courses that enable university staff to tackle the above-mentioned inequalities, policy recommendations for institutional leaders and policy makers and a large variety of resources about the project’s topics. Project news will regularly be published on eucen’s “Inclusion Europe” social media channels, such as the Facebook page, the LinkedIn group and the twitter account.

Press Release: 

Contact: For any questions or comments regarding Smile, please contact Smile’s Irish project partners: Camilla at [email protected] or Bernie at [email protected]