The Department of Adult and Community Education welcomes the launch of the research report on the education inclusion for learners with intellectual disabilities.
This research supports the ongoing inclusion of adults with intellectual disabilities in adult literacy services by providing a contemporary picture of inclusive practices and capturing the learning involved to inform relevant developments across the Further Education and Training sector. In his press release for the report, Minister Harris notes that "Inclusion is one of my department's six strategic goals in our recently published Statement of Strategy. Inclusive further and higher education is everybody's business, and it will remain a key policy focus for the department in the coming years. I really want to thank learners for sharing their experience with us and ensuring your voice is heard and your calls for change are accepted."
Colleen Dube, Chief Executive Officer of NALA, notes that "The research report and case studies provide a timely and renewed focus on the inclusion of learners with intellectual disabilities in the ETB Adult Literacy service.”
The research was conducted by Bernie Grummell, Meliosa Bracken and Conor Magrath at the Centre for Research in Adult Learning and Education, Maynooth University on behalf of the National Adult Literacy Association (NALA) who were commissioned by SOLAS and ETBI to conduct research.
Link: implementation-of-guidelines-on-the-inclusion-learners-background-research-report.pdf (