The SAOLTA project SDG Advocate Training Programme is open for application. The SAOLTA (Empowerment for a better world through Adult and Community Education) is a consortium project made up of the Adult and Community Education Dept of Maynooth University, AONTAS, Concern Worldwide, Irish Rural Link with Development Perspectives as lead partner and funded by Irish Aid.
The ‘An insight in to the SDG Advocate Training 2021’ video offers an overview of the 2021 training, what was involved and what action projects that Advocates have developed as a result. The SDG Advocate Training offers active citizens an opportunity to become one of Ireland’s SDG Advocates through this innovative project. This training course will allow the advocates to deepen their understanding of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, represent the project and lead transformative change in Ireland. Find out more at https://www.developmentperspectives.ie.