ALL Institute Researchers have supported the International Disability Alliance in the development of the IDA Global Survey to Monitor the Participation of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) in Development Policies and Programmes. The Survey was launched on 3rd December - the International Day of Disabled Persons.
The IDA Global Survey is available in English plain language, and Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish; and in International Sign Language. The global survey is set to become a regular pulse of participation; providing information to create a Global DPO Participation Index.
The IDA Global Survey is being supported by ALL members Dr Joanne McVeigh and Prof Mac MacLachlan (Psychology) and Dr Delia Ferri ( Law); as well as Dr Hasheem Mannan form UCD: they will subsequently conduct analysis of participants' responses and produce a report on these for the IDA.
Background about the IDA Global Survey
This IDA Global Survey is the first global monitoring tool for DPO participation in development programmes and policies.
It is an accountability tool to monitor that “nothing is done about us without us”.
This survey seeks the opinions of DPOs on how their government, the UN and donors are including persons with disabilities at all stages of programming and in all areas: what is the extent of DPO engagement? Is this participation meaningful? What are good practices or barriers to our participation? Are we consulted only on disability specific issues or on all issues concerning persons with disabilities?
The voices from DPOs at all levels matter (from local to national, to regional and global): the more responses we get, the stronger our evidence, and the stronger our advocacy.
This survey will provide information to build the first ever DPO Participation Index, as a tool for your advocacy. For example, you will be able to compare the participation in your country against other countries and use this to weigh your advocacy asks.
The IDA Global Survey is available online on the following link: http://www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org/global-survey
The deadline to fill the Survey is the 16th December 2018.
The IDA Global Survey is available in Arabic, Chinese, French, English, Russian, Spanish, and in International Sign.