The 2021 Early Career Faculty of Science and Engineering Research Achievement Award and overall recipient of the 2021 Maynooth University Early Career Research Achievement Award has been announced as Dr Katriona O'Sullivan of the Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute Member and Dept of Psychology.
The significance and quality of achievements reflect an exceptional performance, both in terms of the discipline’s norms and her career stage.
Dr Katriona O’Sullivan’s research addresses important societal challenges regarding disadvantage and education. She approaches her research questions in innovative ways, crossing disciplines and mixing methods and her publications reflect both quantitative and qualitative expertise. She has published 23 journal articles and 3 books chapters in high quality outlets and has recently had a lead-authored paper ‘A Just Digital framework to ensure equitable achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals’ accepted in Nature Communications.
Katriona has developed a distinctive and innovative research path which bring together social inclusion, social justice and STEM. She has been a key contributor to building the reputation of the ALL Institute. Her collaborative projects with Microsoft have gained SFI funding and recognition form the Royal Irish Academy; and she has developed new collaboration with other industry partners, as well as with government departments and with local civil society organisations.
Katriona has attracted funding of €1.3 million to Maynooth, leading many innovative projects such as the STEM Passport for Inclusion project, the recently awarded Rethink Ireland– Digital Wealth project, and the Microsoft Ireland funded DreamSpace STEM hub.
Everyone at the ALL Institute is absolutely delighted at the recognition of Dr O'Sullivan's exceptional work to her various projects and accomplishments by the University.